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Created February 16, 2020 13:44
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Demonstration of having drawing wrap around the sceen in Kivy.
from import App
from import Ellipse, InstructionGroup, Color, Translate, Canvas, PushMatrix, PopMatrix
from kivy.uix.widget import Widget
from kivy.clock import Clock
import math
import itertools
import random
class TestApp(App):
def build(self):
return WrappedDrawingWidget()
class MovingObject():
def __init__(self, colour):
self.angle = 0
self.colour = Color(*colour)
self.ellipse = Ellipse(0, 0, 100, 100)
self.angle = random.random() * 2 * math.pi
self.velocity = 100
def update(self, dt, size):
x, y = self.ellipse.pos
self.ellipse.pos = x + self.velocity * math.cos(self.angle) * dt, y + self.velocity * math.sin(self.angle) * dt
size_x, size_y = size
el_x, el_y = self.ellipse.pos
if el_x > size_x:
self.ellipse.pos = [el_x - size_x, el_y]
elif el_x < -100:
self.ellipse.pos = [el_x + size_x, el_y]
if el_y > size_y:
self.ellipse.pos = [el_x, el_y - size_y]
elif el_y < -100:
self.ellipse.pos = [el_x, el_y + size_y]
self.angle += random.random() * 0.5 * dt
def reset(self):
self.ellipse.pos = [0, 0]
class WrappedDrawingWidget(Widget):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
with self.canvas:
self.wrapped_drawing_layer = Canvas()
Clock.schedule_interval(self.update, 0)
def setup_canvas(self):
self.objects = []
with self.wrapped_drawing_layer:
for _ in range(3):
self.objects.append(MovingObject([random.random() for _ in range(3)]))
self.translations = []
for x in (-1, 0, 1):
for y in (-1, 0, 1):
t = Translate()
self.on_size(self, self.size)
def on_size(self, instance, size):
for obj in self.objects:
for i, (dx, dy) in enumerate(itertools.product((-1, 0, 1), (-1, 0, 1))):
self.translations[i].xy = (dx * self.width, dy * self.height)
print("translation xy is", self.translations[i].xy)
def update(self, dt):
for obj in self.objects:
obj.update(dt, self.size)
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