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Last active January 13, 2024 10:31
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simple hashtable implemented in elisp

yyhash -- yy's hashtable implemented in emcas-lisp

  • yyhash-make &optional size ,创建一个哈希表,可以通过 size 指定初始大小

  • yyhash-p obj ,判断对象是否为哈希表

  • yyhash-count obj ,获取哈希表中键值对个数

  • yyhash-size obj ,获取哈希表大小

  • yyhash-get key table &optional default ,查找 key,返回对应值。未找到返回 default

  • yyhash-put key value table ,将键值对放入表中,若已在表中则更新值

  • yyhash-rem key table ,若表中存在 key,则删除 key 对应键值对,否则什么也不做

  • yyhash-clr table ,清空哈希表

  • yyhash-copy table ,创建并返回哈希表副本,与原表共享键值对

  • yyhash-map fn table ,使用 fn 作用于哈希表各键值对

;;; -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
(require 'ert)
(require 'yyhash)
(ert-deftest yyhash-hash-t ()
"test for hash functions"
(should-error (yyhash--symbol 1))
(should-error (yyhash--string '(1 2 3)))
(should-error (yyhash--float 1))
(should-error (yyhash--hashfn (make-bool-vector 10 1) 0))
(should-error (yyhash--hashfn (expt 2 1000) 0))
(should (zerop (yyhash--hashfn 1.0e+INF 0)))
(should (zerop (yyhash--hashfn 0.0e+NaN 0)))
(should (zerop (yyhash--hashfn [] 0))))
(ert-deftest yyhash-make-t ()
"test for hashtable creation"
for i from 1 to 1000
do (let ((a (yyhash-make i)))
(should (cl-every
(lambda (x) (= (length x) i))
(list (yyhash--s-hash a)
(yyhash--s-next a))))
(should (= (length (yyhash--s-key-and-value a)) (* i 2)))
(should (= (length (yyhash--s-index a))
(floor (/ i yyhash--rehash-threshold)))))
(should (= (yyhash--s-count a) 0))
(should (= (yyhash--s-next-free a) 0))
(should (cl-every 'null (yyhash--s-hash a)))
(should (cl-every (lambda (x) (= x -1)) (yyhash--s-index a)))
(should (cl-every 'null (yyhash--s-key-and-value a)))
(should (cl-loop for j below (1- i)
for k across (yyhash--s-next a)
when (not (= (1+ j) k)) return nil
finally return t))))
(should (yyhash-make 0))
(should (yyhash-make yyhash--biggest))
(should (yyhash-make (1+ yyhash--biggest))))
(ert-deftest yyhash-getter/setter-t ()
"test for getter and setter functions"
(should (fboundp 'yyhash--hash-getv))
(should (fboundp 'yyhash--hash-setv))
(should (fboundp 'yyhash--next-getv))
(should (fboundp 'yyhash--next-setv))
(should (fboundp 'yyhash--index-getv))
(should (fboundp 'yyhash--index-setv))
(should (fboundp 'yyhash--key-and-value-getv))
(should (fboundp 'yyhash--key-and-value-setv))
(let ((a (yyhash-make))
(b (yyhash-make)))
for i below (yyhash-size a)
do (progn
(aset (yyhash--s-hash a) i i)
(aset (yyhash--s-next a) i (+ i 1))
(aset (yyhash--s-key-and-value a) (* i 2) (+ i 2))
(aset (yyhash--s-key-and-value a) (1+ (* i 2)) (+ i 3)))
do (progn
(should (= (yyhash--hash-getv a i) i))
(should (= (yyhash--next-getv a i) (+ i 1)))
(should (= (yyhash--key-and-value-getv a (* i 2)) (+ i 2)))
(should (= (yyhash--key-and-value-getv a (1+ (* i 2))) (+ i 3)))
(should (= (yyhash--key a i) (+ i 2)))
(should (= (yyhash--value a i) (+ i 3)))))
for i below (yyhash--isize a)
do (aset (yyhash--s-index a) i i)
do (should (= (yyhash--index-getv a i) i)))
for i below (yyhash-size b)
do (progn
(yyhash--hash-setv b i i)
(yyhash--next-setv b i (+ i 1))
(yyhash--key-and-value-setv b (* i 2) (+ i 2))
(yyhash--key-and-value-setv b (1+ (* i 2)) (+ i 3))))
for i below (yyhash--isize b)
do (yyhash--index-setv b i i))
(should (equal a b))))
(ert-deftest yyhash-copy-t ()
(should (equal (yyhash-make) (yyhash-copy (yyhash-make)))))
(ert-deftest yyhash-put-t ()
"test for yyhash-put
about function: yyhash-put, yyhash--putnew
yyhash--lookup, yyhash--maybe-resize"
(let ((a (yyhash-make 10)))
;;109 'a and "a" have smae hash value 109
(yyhash-put 109 1 a)
(yyhash-put 'a 2 a)
(yyhash-put "a" 3 a)
;;test for hash, next and k-v slot
(should (= (yyhash--hash-getv a 0) 109))
(should (= (yyhash--hash-getv a 1) 109))
(should (= (yyhash--hash-getv a 2) 109))
(should (= (yyhash--value a 0) 1))
(should (= (yyhash--value a 1) 2))
(should (= (yyhash--value a 2) 3))
(should (= (yyhash--next-getv a 0) -1))
(should (= (yyhash--next-getv a 1) 0))
(should (= (yyhash--next-getv a 2) 1))
;;count next-free and isize
(should (= (yyhash-count a) 3))
(should (= (yyhash--s-next-free a) 3))
(should (= (yyhash--isize a) 13))
(should (= 2 (yyhash--index-getv a (% 109 (yyhash--isize a)))))
;; add to 10 entries
(cl-loop for i below 7
do (yyhash-put (+ i 1) i a))
(should (= (yyhash-count a) 10))
(should (= (yyhash-size a) 10))
;; add 11th entries
(yyhash-put 10 10 a)
(should (= (yyhash-size a) 15))
(should (= (yyhash--isize a) 19))
;;test add same same key
(yyhash-put 109 4 a)
(yyhash-put 'a 5 a)
(yyhash-put "a" 6 a)
(should (= 4 (yyhash--value a 0)))
(should (= 5 (yyhash--value a 1)))
(should (= 6 (yyhash--value a 2)))))
(ert-deftest yyhash-lookup-get-t ()
"test yyhash--lookup"
(let ((a (yyhash-make 10)))
(yyhash-put 1 1 a)
(yyhash-put 2 2 a)
(yyhash-put 3 3 a)
(yyhash-put 4 4 a)
(yyhash-put 5 5 a)
(yyhash-put 109 6 a)
(yyhash-put 'a 7 a)
(yyhash-put "a" 8 a)
(yyhash-put 1.0 9 a)
(yyhash-put '(1 2 3) 10 a)
(should (= (yyhash--lookup 1 a) 0))
(should (= (yyhash--lookup 2 a) 1))
(should (= (yyhash--lookup 3 a) 2))
(should (= (yyhash--lookup 4 a) 3))
(should (= (yyhash--lookup 5 a) 4))
(should (= (yyhash--lookup 109 a) 5))
(should (= (yyhash--lookup 'a a) 6))
(should (= (yyhash--lookup "a" a) 7))
(should (= (yyhash--lookup 1.0 a) 8))
(should (= (yyhash--lookup '(1 2 3) a) 9))
(should (= (yyhash--lookup 1.2 a) -1))
(should (= (yyhash--lookup 6 a) -1))
(should (= (yyhash-get 1 a) 1))
(should (= (yyhash-get 2 a) 2))
(should (= (yyhash-get 3 a) 3))
(should (= (yyhash-get 4 a) 4))
(should (= (yyhash-get 5 a) 5))
(should (= (yyhash-get 109 a) 6))
(should (= (yyhash-get 'a a) 7))
(should (= (yyhash-get "a" a) 8))
(should (= (yyhash-get 1.0 a) 9))
(should (= (yyhash-get '(1 2 3) a) 10))
(should (null (yyhash-get 1.2 a)))
(should (eq 'wocao (yyhash-get 1.2 a 'wocao)))
(should (null (yyhash-get 6 a)))))
(ert-deftest yyhash-clr-t ()
"test clear hashtable"
(let ((a (yyhash-make 5)))
(yyhash-put 1 1 a)
(yyhash-put 2 1 a)
(yyhash-put 3 1 a)
(yyhash-put 4 1 a)
(should (equal (yyhash-make 5) (yyhash-clr a)))))
(ert-deftest yyhash-rem-t ()
"test remove entry hashtable"
(let ((a (yyhash-make 10)))
(yyhash-put 109 1 a)
(yyhash-put 'a 2 a)
(yyhash-put "a" 3 a)
(yyhash-put 1.1 4 a)
(yyhash-put 1.2 5 a)
(should (= 5 (yyhash-count a)))
;; rem non-exist item
(yyhash-rem 6 a)
(should (= 5 (yyhash-count a)))
(should (= 5 (yyhash--s-next-free a)))
;; rem head item
(yyhash-rem 1.1 a)
(should (= 3 (yyhash--s-next-free a)))
(should (= 4 (yyhash-count a)))
;; rem tail item
(yyhash-rem 109 a)
(should (= 0 (yyhash--s-next-free a)))
(should (= 3 (yyhash-count a)))
(yyhash-put 109 1 a)
(should (= 3 (yyhash--s-next-free a)))
(should (= 4 (yyhash-count a)))
;; rem mid item
(yyhash-rem 'a a)
(should (= 1 (yyhash--s-next-free a)))
(should (= 3 (yyhash-count a)))))
(ert-deftest yyhash-map-t ()
"test map hashtable"
(let ((keys (number-sequence 1 1000))
(vals (number-sequence 2 1001))
(reg1 0)
(reg2 0)
(a (yyhash-make 5)))
(cl-loop for i in keys
for j in vals
do (yyhash-put i j a))
(lambda (x y)
(cl-incf reg1 x)
(cl-incf reg2 y))
(should (= reg1 (* 1001 500)))
(should (= reg2 (* 1003 500)))
(should (= 1000 (- reg2 reg1)))))
;;; yyhash.el --- yy's hashtable -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;; Author: include-yy
;; Maintainer: include-yy
;; Version: 0.1
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "27.1"))
;; Homepage:
;; Keywords: hashtable
;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs
;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
;;; Commentary:
;; just for fun, a toy hash table, use the source code of EMACS
;;; Code:
(require 'cl-lib)
(defconst yyhash--rehash-size 1.5 "rehash size")
(defconst yyhash--rehash-threshold 0.8125 "threshold")
(defconst yyhash--defsize 65 "default size")
(defsubst yyhash--fixnum (n)
"hash for fixnum"
(defsubst yyhash--symbol (s)
"hash for symbol, use string's hash function"
(yyhash--string (symbol-name s)))
(defsubst yyhash--combine (x y)
"emacs use 61 bit for fixnum"
(+ (lsh x 4) (lsh x -57) y))
(defsubst yyhash--reduce (n)
"reduce to not great than fixnum max value"
(logand (logxor n (lsh n -3)) most-positive-fixnum))
(defun yyhash--string (s)
"hash for string"
(let ((hash 0))
for i across s
do (cl-loop for x = i then (lsh x -8)
do (setq hash (yyhash--combine hash (logand x #xff)))
when (<= x #xff) return 0))
(yyhash--reduce hash)))
(defun yyhash-float2list (m)
"double to ieee-754 representation
return a list, cadr is 0 to 55th bit, car is 56th to 63th bit"
(let* ((sgn (cl-signum m))
(abm (abs m))
(exp-n (truncate (log abm 2)))
(exp-bias (+ exp-n 1023))
(num (/ abm (expt 2 exp-n)))
(num52 (logand (floor (* num (lsh 1 52)))
(1- (lsh 1 52))))
(num56 (+ num52 (lsh (logand 15 exp-bias) 52)))
(num8 (if (= sgn -1) (+ 128 (lsh exp-bias -4)) (lsh exp-bias -4))))
(cl-values num8 num56)))
(defun yyhash--float (m)
"hash for float"
(if (or (isnan m)
(= (abs m) 1.0e+INF))
(cl-multiple-value-bind (a b) (yyhash-float2list m)
(let ((hash a))
for x = b then (lsh x -8)
do (setq hash (yyhash--combine hash (logand x #xff)))
when (<= x #xff) return (yyhash--reduce hash))))))
(defconst yyhash--max-depth 3 "max depth for nest struct")
(defconst yyhash--max-len 7 "max length for list and vector")
(defun yyhash--list (ls depth)
"hash for list"
(let ((hash 0))
(when (< depth yyhash--max-depth)
(cl-do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
((not (and (consp ls) (< i yyhash--max-len))))
(let ((hash2 (yyhash--hashfn (car ls) (1+ depth))))
(setq hash (yyhash--combine hash hash2))
(pop ls))))
(when (not (null ls))
(let ((hash2 (yyhash--hashfn ls (1+ depth))))
(setq hash (yyhash--combine hash hash2))))
(yyhash--reduce hash)))
(defun yyhash--vec (v depth)
"hash for vector"
(let* ((hash (length v))
(n (min yyhash--max-len hash)))
for i below n
do (setq hash (yyhash--combine
(yyhash--hashfn (aref v i) (1+ depth)))))
(yyhash--reduce hash)))
(defun yyhash--hashfn (obj depth)
"hash function"
(if (> depth yyhash--max-depth) 0
(let ((tp (type-of obj)))
(cl-case tp
((integer) (if (fixnump obj)
(yyhash--fixnum obj)
(error "not a fixnum obj: %d" obj)))
((symbol) (yyhash--symbol obj))
((string) (yyhash--string obj))
((float) (yyhash--float obj))
((cons) (yyhash--list obj depth))
((vector) (yyhash--vec obj depth))
(otherwise (error "unknown type obj: %s" obj))))))
(cl-defstruct (yyhash
(:conc-name yyhash--s-)
(:constructor yyhash--s-create)
(:copier nil)
(:predicate yyhash-p))
"yy's hash table struct"
(hash nil :type vector
:documentation "vector of hash codes.
if entry I is free, hash[i] should be nil")
(next nil :type vector
:documentation "vector used to chain entries")
(index nil :type vector
:documentation "Bucket vector.")
(count 0 :type integer
:documentation "Number of key/value entries in the table")
(next-free 0 :type integer
:documentation "index of first free entry in free list,
or -1 if none")
(key-and-value nil :type vector
:documentation "vector of keys and values.
key of item I is at index (* I 2), value is at (1+ (* I 2))"))
(defun yyhash--symbol-concat (&rest names)
"generate symbol from string"
(intern (apply 'concat (mapcar 'symbol-name names))))
(defmacro yyhash--s-gen-get/setter (prefix slots)
"generate vector getter and setter"
(let ((names-get (mapcar (lambda (x)
(yyhash--symbol-concat prefix x '-getv))
(names-set (mapcar (lambda (x)
(yyhash--symbol-concat prefix x '-setv))
(res nil))
(cl-loop for i in names-get
for j in names-set
for k in slots
do (push `(defsubst ,i (yh n)
(aref (cl-struct-slot-value 'yyhash ',k yh) n))
do (push `(defsubst ,j (yh n newval)
(aset (cl-struct-slot-value 'yyhash ',k yh) n newval))
(cons 'progn res)))
(yyhash--s-gen-get/setter yyhash--
(defun yyhash--key (yh n)
"get entry[n]'s key"
(yyhash--key-and-value-getv yh (* n 2)))
(defun yyhash--value (yh n)
"get entry[n]'s value"
(yyhash--key-and-value-getv yh (1+ (* n 2))))
(defconst yyhash--biggest 100000)
(defun yyhash--next-almost-prime (n)
"create a pesudo prime number bigger then n"
(cl-do ((n (logior n 1) (+ n 2)))
((and (not (zerop (% n 3)))
(not (zerop (% n 5)))
(not (zerop (% n 7))))
(defun yyhash-make (&optional size)
"make a hash table. size must be nonnegative integer if provided"
(cl-assert (or (null size) (and (integerp size) (>= size 0))))
(let* ((size (if size (if (= size 0) 1 size) yyhash--defsize))
(h-size (min size yyhash--biggest))
(k-v (make-vector (* h-size 2) nil))
(next (make-vector h-size -1))
(i-size (yyhash--next-almost-prime
(floor (/ h-size yyhash--rehash-threshold))))
(index (make-vector i-size -1))
(hash (make-vector h-size nil)))
(cl-do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
((= i (1- h-size)))
(aset next i (+ i 1)))
:hash hash :next next :index index :key-and-value k-v
:count 0 :next-free 0)))
(defun yyhash-copy (yh)
"make a copy of hash table"
(let ((k-v (copy-sequence (yyhash--s-key-and-value yh)))
(hash (copy-sequence (yyhash--s-hash yh)))
(next (copy-sequence (yyhash--s-next yh)))
(index (copy-sequence (yyhash--s-index yh))))
:hash hash :next next :index index :key-and-value k-v
:count (yyhash--s-count yh)
:next-free (yyhash--s-next-free yh))))
(defun yyhash-count (yh)
"get number of entry in hash table"
(yyhash--s-count yh))
(defun yyhash-size (yh)
"get size of hash table"
(length (yyhash--s-hash yh)))
(defun yyhash--isize (yh)
"get size of bucket vector of hashtable"
(length (yyhash--s-index yh)))
(defun yyhash--lookup (key yh &optional cons-pt)
"look key in yh hastable, set car of cons-pt to hash code if provided"
(let* ((hash-code (yyhash--hashfn key 0))
(start-of-bucket (% hash-code (yyhash--isize yh)))
(cl-do ((i (yyhash--index-getv yh start-of-bucket)
(yyhash--next-getv yh i)))
((or (< i 0)
(equal key (yyhash--key yh i))
(= hash-code (yyhash--hash-getv yh i))))
(when cons-pt (setcar cons-pt hash-code))
(defun yyhash-get (key yh &optional default)
"get entry's value, or default(nil) if not found"
(let ((i (yyhash--lookup key yh nil)))
(if (>= i 0) (yyhash--value yh i) default)))
(defun yyhash-clr (yh)
"clear headtable"
(when (> (yyhash-count yh) 0)
(let ((size (yyhash-size yh))
(isize (yyhash--isize yh)))
(cl-loop for i below size
do (yyhash--hash-setv yh i nil)
do (yyhash--next-setv yh i (+ i 1))
do (yyhash--key-and-value-setv yh (* 2 i) nil)
do (yyhash--key-and-value-setv yh (1+ (* 2 i)) nil)
finally do (yyhash--next-setv yh (1- size) -1))
(cl-loop for i below isize
do (yyhash--index-setv yh i -1))
(setf (yyhash--s-next-free yh) 0)
(setf (yyhash--s-count yh) 0)
(defun yyhash-rem (key yh)
"rem key's entry from yh, or do nothing if not found"
(let* ((hash-code (yyhash--hashfn key 0))
(start-id (% hash-code (yyhash--isize yh)))
(prev -1)
(fd (cl-do ((i (yyhash--index-getv yh start-id)
(yyhash--next-getv yh i)))
((or (< i 0)
(and (equal key (yyhash--key yh i))
(= hash-code (yyhash--hash-getv yh i))))
(setq prev i))))
(when (>= fd 0)
(if (< prev 0)
(yyhash--index-setv yh start-id (yyhash--next-getv yh fd))
(yyhash--next-setv yh prev (yyhash--next-getv yh fd)))
(yyhash--key-and-value-setv yh (* fd 2) nil)
(yyhash--key-and-value-setv yh (1+ (* fd 2)) nil)
(yyhash--hash-setv yh fd nil)
(yyhash--next-setv yh fd (yyhash--s-next-free yh))
(setf (yyhash--s-next-free yh) fd)
(cl-decf (yyhash--s-count yh))
(cl-assert (>= (yyhash-count yh) 0)))
(defun yyhash-map (fn yh)
"use function fn to map hashtable"
(let* ((k-v (yyhash--s-key-and-value yh))
(len (yyhash-size yh)))
(cl-do ((i 0 (+ i 2))
(j 1 (+ j 2))
(k 0 (+ k 1)))
((= k len))
(and (not (null (aref k-v i)))
(funcall fn (aref k-v i) (aref k-v j))))))
(defun yyhash--putnew (key val yh hash)
"add new item to hashtable"
(yyhash--maybe-resize yh)
(cl-incf (yyhash--s-count yh))
(let ((i (yyhash--s-next-free yh))
(start-id (% hash (yyhash--isize yh))))
(cl-assert (null (yyhash--hash-getv yh i)))
(cl-assert (null (yyhash--key yh i)))
(setf (yyhash--s-next-free yh) (yyhash--next-getv yh i))
(yyhash--key-and-value-setv yh (* i 2) key)
(yyhash--key-and-value-setv yh (1+ (* i 2)) val)
(yyhash--hash-setv yh i hash)
(yyhash--next-setv yh i (yyhash--index-getv yh start-id))
(yyhash--index-setv yh start-id i)
(defun yyhash-put (key val yh)
"put k-v entry to hashtable, if key exist's, use val repalce oldval"
(cl-assert (not (null key)))
(let* ((hash-c (list nil))
(i (yyhash--lookup key yh hash-c))
(hash (car hash-c)))
(if (>= i 0) (yyhash--key-and-value-setv yh (1+ (* i 2)) val)
(yyhash--putnew key val yh hash))
(defun yyhash--vec-copy (new old len)
"copy old vec's values to new vec"
(cl-loop for i below len
do (aset new i (aref old i)))
(defun yyhash--maybe-resize (yh)
"extend hashtables' size"
(when (< (yyhash--s-next-free yh) 0)
(let* ((old-size (yyhash-size yh))
(new-size (floor (* old-size yyhash--rehash-size))))
(when (> new-size yyhash--biggest)
(setq new-size yyhash-biggest))
(when (= old-size yyhash--biggest)
(error "yyhash is up to biggest"))
(let* ((next-n (yyhash--vec-copy
(make-vector new-size -1)
(yyhash--s-next yh) old-size))
(k-v-n (yyhash--vec-copy
(make-vector (* 2 new-size) nil)
(yyhash--s-key-and-value yh) (* old-size 2)))
(hash-n (yyhash--vec-copy
(make-vector new-size nil)
(yyhash--s-hash yh) old-size))
(index-size (yyhash--next-almost-prime
(floor (/ new-size yyhash--rehash-threshold))))
(index-n (make-vector index-size -1)))
(cl-do ((i old-size (1+ i)))
((= i (1- new-size)) (aset next-n i -1))
(aset next-n i (+ i 1)))
(setf (yyhash--s-index yh) index-n)
(setf (yyhash--s-key-and-value yh) k-v-n)
(setf (yyhash--s-hash yh) hash-n)
(setf (yyhash--s-next yh) next-n)
(setf (yyhash--s-next-free yh) old-size)
(cl-do ((i 0 (1+ i)))
((= i old-size))
(let* ((hash-code (yyhash--hash-getv yh i))
(start-id (% hash-code index-size)))
(yyhash--next-setv yh i (yyhash--index-getv yh start-id))
(yyhash--index-setv yh start-id i)))))))
(provide 'yyhash)
;;; yyhash.el ends here
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