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A stream implemented with elisp

SICP 流计算的一个实现

yystream-nullp 判断 stream 是否为空

yystream-car 取得 car 部分

yystream-cdr 取得 cdr 部分

yystream-cons 构建 stream 序对

yystream-ref 索引 stream 中的某一项

yystream-map 用法与 mapcar 相似

yystream-filter 筛选器,与 scheme 中的 filter 相似

yystream-foldl 累积器,与 scheme 中的 fold-left 相似

yystream-make-const 构建常数无穷流

yystream-scale 使流的每一个元素数乘一个数

yystream-add/sub/mul/div 流的加减乘除

yystream-partial-sums 流的部分和

yystream-finite-difference 流的差分

yystream-finite-integrate/derivative 流的积分和微分(以泰勒级数的形式)

yystream-mul-series 流的卷积和

yystream-inv-series 流的逆级数

yystream-div-series 流的级数除法

yystream-std-zero-seq 标准 0 流

yystream-std-delta-seq δ离散函数

yystream-std-one-seq 标准 1 流

yystream-std-unit-seq 离散阶跃函数流

yystream-std-natural-seq 标准自然数流

;;; yystream.el --- sicp's stream implemented in elisp -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;; Author: include-yy
;; Maintainer: include-yy
;; Version: 0.1
;; Package-Requires: (thunk cl-lib)
;; Homepage: see 's gists
;; Keywords: thunk
;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs
;; This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
;; any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; For a full copy of the GNU General Public License
;; see <>.
;;; Commentary:
;; it's totally a toy without any except check
;; just enjoy it
;; 2021-3-27, 17:42 utf+8
;;; Code:
(require 'thunk)
(require 'cl-lib)
(defconst yystream-null nil
"the nil value of yystream")
(defun yystream-nullp (s)
"if s is nil, return t"
(null s))
(defun yystream-car (s)
"get the car part of s
if s is nil, then return nil"
(if (yystream-nullp s) yystream-null
(car s)))
(defun yystream-cdr (s)
"get the cdr part of s
if s is nil, then return nil"
(if (yystream-nullp s) yystream-null
(thunk-force (cdr s))))
(defmacro yystream-cons (a b)
"construct stream's cons cell"
`(cons ,a (thunk-delay ,b)))
(defun yystream-ref (s n)
"get the nth value of stream s
n must be non-zero, and not exceed the length of s minus 1"
(cl-loop for i from 0 to (- n 1)
do (setq s (yystream-cdr s)))
(yystream-car s))
(defun yystream-map (func &rest ss)
"map func to ss's each element
ss's length must be consistent with func's arg number"
(if (yystream-nullp (car ss)) yystream-null
(yystream-cons (apply func (mapcar 'yystream-car ss))
(apply 'yystream-map func (mapcar 'yystream-cdr ss)))))
(defun yystream-filter (func s)
"use func filter elements in s
and collect the one satisfy func"
(if (yystream-nullp s) yystream-null
(if (funcall func (yystream-car s))
(yystream-cons (yystream-car s) (yystream-filter func (yystream-cdr s)))
(while (and (not (yystream-nullp s))
(not (funcall func (yystream-car s))))
(setq s (yystream-cdr s)))
(if (yystream-nullp s) yystream-null
(yystream-cons (yystream-car s) (yystream-filter func (yystream-cdr s)))))))
(defun yystream-foldl (func v0 s &optional len)
"just like fold-left, but use yystream other than list
func must be of the form (lambda (accu se))
where `se' is each element in stream and `accu' is the accumulate value
if len is present, this function just fold the first len element of stream"
(if len
(cl-loop for i from 0 to (- len 1)
do (setq v0 (funcall func v0 (yystream-car s)))
do (setq s (yystream-cdr s))
finally return v0)
(while s
(setq v0 (funcall func v0 (yystream-car s)))
(setq s (yystream-cdr s)))
(defun yystream-make-const (c)
"create infinite stream with c as each element"
(yystream-cons c (yystream-make-const c)))
(defun yystream-scale (n stm)
"scale stream `stm' with n "
(yystream-map (lambda (x) (* x n)) stm))
(defun yystream-add (s1 s2)
"add two yystream, get a0 + b0, a1 + b1, a2 + b2 ......"
(yystream-map '+ s1 s2))
(defun yystream-sub (s1 s2)
"sub two yystream, get a0 - b0, a1 - b1, a2 - b2 ......"
(yystream-map '- s1 s2))
(defun yystream-mul (s1 s2)
"multiply two yystream, get a0 * b0, a1 * b1, a2 * b2 ......"
(yystream-map '* s1 s2))
(defun yystream-div (s1 s2)
"div two yystream, get a0/b0, a1/b1, a2/b2 ......
be caution that each element in s2 must be nonzero"
(yystream-map '/ s1 s2 (yystream-make-const 1.0)))
(defun yystream-partial-sums (s)
"get partial sums of s, get a0, a0 + a1, a0 + a1 + a2 ......"
(yystream-cons (yystream-car s)
(yystream-add (yystream-partial-sums s)
(yystream-cdr s))))
(defun yystream-finite-difference (s)
"get finite difference(also called `cha-fen' in chinese) of s
just like a0, a1 - a0, a2 - a1, a3 - a2 ......"
(yystream-cons (yystream-car s)
(yystream-sub (yystream-cdr s) s)))
(defun yystream-integrate (s)
"get the taylor series of int(s), so it's correspond to a0, 1/2a1, 1/3a2, ......
and with integrate constant"
(yystream-div s yystream-std-natural-seq))
(defun yystream-derivative (s)
"get the taylor series of d(s), so it's correspont to a1, 2a2, 3a3, 4a4 ......"
(yystream-mul (yystream-cdr s) yystream-std-natural-seq))
(defun yystream-mul-series (s1 s2)
"this function gives the taylor series of conv(s1, s2)"
(yystream-cons (* (yystream-car s1) (yystream-car s2))
(yystream-add (yystream-mul-series s1 (yystream-cdr s2))
(yystream-scale (yystream-car s2)
(yystream-cdr s1)))))
(defun yystream-inv-series (s)
"get the inverse taylor series of s"
(yystream-add (yystream-cons (/ 1.0 (yystream-car s)) yystream-std-zero-seq)
(yystream-scale (/ -1.0 (stream-car s))
(yystream-mul-series (yystream-cons 0 (yystream-cdr s))))))
(defun yystream-div-series (s1 s2)
"get the taylor series of conv(s1, 1/s2)"
(yystream-mul-series s1 (yystream-inv-series s2)))
(defconst yystream-std-zero-seq (yystream-cons 0 yystream-std-zero-seq)
"0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ...")
(defconst yystream-std-delta-seq (yystream-cons 1 yystream-std-zero-seq)
"1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ...")
(defconst yystream-std-one-seq (yystream-cons 1 yystream-std-one-seq)
"1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ...")
(defvaralias 'yystream-std-unit-seq 'yystream-std-one-seq
"1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ...
The same as yystream-std-one-seq")
(defconst yystream-std-natural-seq (yystream-cons 1
(yystream-add yystream-std-unit-seq
"1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ...")
(provide 'yystream)
;;; yystream.el ends here
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