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Last active September 2, 2023 10:57
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ray tracing in one weekend implemented in ReScript
let v3create = (a, b, c) => {
[a, b, c]
let v3x = (a) => Js.Array2.unsafe_get(a, 0)
let v3y = (a) => Js.Array2.unsafe_get(a, 1)
let v3z = (a) => Js.Array2.unsafe_get(a, 2)
let v3vneg = (a) => [-.v3x(a), -.v3y(a), -.v3z(a)]
let v3vadd = (a, b) => [v3x(a) +. v3x(b), v3y(a) +. v3y(b), v3z(a) +. v3z(b)]
let v3vsub = (a, b) => [v3x(a) -. v3x(b), v3y(a) -. v3y(b), v3z(a) -. v3z(b)]
let v3vmul = (a, b) => [v3x(a) *. v3x(b), v3y(a) *. v3y(b), v3z(a) *. v3z(b)]
let v3vdiv = (a, b) => [v3x(a) /. v3x(b), v3y(a) /. v3y(b), v3z(a) /. v3z(b)]
let v3mul = (a, t) => [v3x(a) *. t, v3y(a) *. t, v3z(a) *. t]
let v3div = (a, t) => [v3x(a) /. t, v3y(a) /. t, v3z(a) /. t]
let v3setx = (a, v) => Js.Array2.unsafe_set(a, 0, v)
let v3sety = (a, v) => Js.Array2.unsafe_set(a, 1, v)
let v3setz = (a, v) => Js.Array2.unsafe_set(a, 2, v)
let v3set = (a, b) => { Js.Array2.unsafe_set(a, 0, Js.Array2.unsafe_get(b, 0));
Js.Array2.unsafe_set(a, 1, Js.Array2.unsafe_get(b, 1));
Js.Array2.unsafe_set(a, 2, Js.Array2.unsafe_get(b, 2));}
let v3vnegInPlace = (a) => { v3setx(a, -.v3x(a));
v3sety(a, -.v3y(a));
v3setz(a, -.v3z(a)) }
let v3vaddInPlace = (a, b) => { v3setx(a, v3x(a) +. v3x(b));
v3sety(a, v3y(a) +. v3y(b));
v3setz(a, v3z(a) +. v3z(b))}
let v3vsubInPlace = (a, b) => { v3setx(a, v3x(a) -. v3x(b));
v3sety(a, v3y(a) -. v3y(b));
v3setz(a, v3z(a) -. v3z(b))}
let v3vmulInPlace = (a, b) => { v3setx(a, v3x(a) *. v3x(b));
v3sety(a, v3y(a) *. v3y(b));
v3setz(a, v3z(a) *. v3z(b))}
let v3vdivInPlace = (a, b) => { v3setx(a, v3x(a) /. v3x(b));
v3sety(a, v3y(a) /. v3y(b));
v3setz(a, v3z(a) /. v3z(b))}
let v3mulInPlace = (a, b) => { v3setx(a, v3x(a) *. b);
v3sety(a, v3y(a) *. b);
v3setz(a, v3z(a) *. b);}
let v3divInPlace = (a, b) => { v3setx(a, v3x(a) /. b);
v3sety(a, v3y(a) /. b);
v3setz(a, v3z(a) /. b);}
let v3len = (a) => {
Js.Math.sqrt(v3x(a) *. v3x(a) +. v3y(a) *. v3y(a) +. v3z(a) *. v3z(a))
let v3lenS = (a) => v3x(a) *. v3x(a) +. v3y(a) *. v3y(a) +. v3z(a) *. v3z(a)
let v3unit = (a) => {
let le = v3len(a)
[v3x(a) /. le, v3y(a) /. le, v3z(a) /. le]
let v3unitInPlace = (a) => {
let le = v3len(a)
v3setx(a, v3x(a) /. le)
v3sety(a, v3y(a) /. le)
v3setz(a, v3z(a) /. le)
let v3dot = (a, b) => {
v3x(a) *. v3x(b) +. v3y(a) *. v3y(b) +. v3z(a) *. v3z(b)
let v3cross = (a, b) => {
let r = v3y(a) *. v3z(b) -. v3z(a) *. v3y(b)
let g = v3z(a) *. v3x(b) -. v3x(a) *. v3z(b)
let b = v3x(a) *. v3y(b) -. v3y(a) *. v3x(b)
[r, g, b]
let v3nearZero = (a) => {
let epsilon = 1e-8
let abs = Js.Math.abs_float
abs(v3x(a)) < epsilon && abs(v3y(a)) < epsilon && abs(v3z(a)) < epsilon
type v3 = array<float>
type fd
external openSync: (string, string) => fd = "openSync"
external closeSync: (fd) => () = "closeSync"
external writeSync: (fd, string) => () = "writeSync"
let newline = '\n'->String.make(1, _)
let writeV3 = (file: fd, v: v3) => {
let r = Belt.Float.toInt(v3x(v) *. 255.999)->Belt.Int.toString
let g = Belt.Float.toInt(v3y(v) *. 255.999)->Belt.Int.toString
let b = Belt.Float.toInt(v3z(v) *. 255.999)->Belt.Int.toString
writeSync(file, r ++ " " ++ g ++ " " ++ b ++ newline)
let gen = (~width: int, ~height: int, file: string) => {
let f = openSync(file, "w")
let rest = ref(width * height)
writeSync(f, "P3" ++ newline)
writeSync(f, width->Belt.Int.toString ++ " "
++ height->Belt.Int.toString ++ newline)
writeSync(f, "256" ++ newline)
(. v: v3) => {
if rest.contents == -1 {
Js.log("already finish")
} else {
writeV3(f, v)
rest := rest.contents - 1
if (rest.contents == 0) {
rest := -1
let writemat = (mat: array<array<v3>>, file: string) => {
let out = gen(~width = mat[0]->Js.Array2.length,
~height = mat->Js.Array2.length,
mat->Belt.Array.forEachU((. a) => {
a->Belt.Array.forEachU((. v) => {
out(. v)
type ray = {
origin: v3,
direction: v3
let rayorigin = (a: ray) => a.origin
let raydirection = (a: ray) => a.direction
let rayat = (a: ray, t: float) => v3vadd(rayorigin(a), raydirection(a)->v3mul(t))
let pi = 3.1415926535897932385
@val external inf: float = "Infinity"
let d2r = (deg) => deg *. pi /. 180.0
let rand = Js.Math.random
let abs = Js.Math.abs_float
let min = Js.Math.min_float
type rec hit_record = {
p: v3,
normal: v3,
t: float,
front: bool,
mater: material
and material = (. ray, hit_record) => option<(v3, ray)>
let hit_set_normal = (ra, nor) => v3dot(ra->raydirection, nor) < 0.0 ? (true, nor) : (false, nor->v3vneg)
type hittable = (. ray, float, float) => option<hit_record>
let hitByList = (. ray, tmin, tmax, hit_arr: array<hittable>) => {
hit_arr->Belt.Array.reduceU((tmax, None), (. c, a) => {
let (curr_max, _) = c
let res = a(. ray, tmin, curr_max)
switch res {
| None => c
| Some(hi) => {
(hi.t, res)
})->((_, ret))=>ret
let sphere2hittable = (center: v3, rad: float, mat: material) => {
let hit: hittable = (. r, tmin, tmax) => {
let oc = r->rayorigin->v3vsub(center)
let a = r->raydirection->v3lenS
let hb = v3dot(oc, r->raydirection)
let c = oc->v3lenS -. rad *. rad
let de = hb *. hb -. a *. c
de < 0.0 ? None : {
let sqrtde = de->Js.Math.sqrt
let root = (-.hb -. sqrtde) /. a
if (root < tmin || tmax < root) {
let root = (-.hb +. sqrtde) /. a
if (root < tmin || tmax < root) {
} else {
let p = r->rayat(root)
let nor = p->v3vsub(center)->v3div(rad)
let (front, normal) = hit_set_normal(r, nor)
Some({t: root,
p: p,
normal: normal,
front: front,
mater: mat})
} else {
let p = r->rayat(root)
let nor = p->v3vsub(center)->v3div(rad)
let (front, normal) = hit_set_normal(r, nor)
Some({t: root,
p: p,
normal: normal,
front: front,
mater: mat})
let random_in_unit_disk = () => {
let res = ref(v3create(0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
let flag = ref(true)
while flag.contents {
let p = v3create(rand() *. 2.0 -. 1.0, rand() *. 2.0 -. 1.0, 0.0)
if (p->v3lenS < 1.0) {
res := p
flag := false
type cam = {
origin: v3,
lower_left_corner: v3,
horizontal: v3,
vertical: v3,
u: v3,
v: v3,
w: v3,
lens_radius: float
let camcreate = (~lookfrom,
~viewport_height as vh,
~focus_dist) =>
let theta = d2r(vfov)
let h = Js.Math.tan(theta /. 2.0)
let viewport_height = vh *. h
let viewport_width = aspect_ratio *. viewport_height
let w = lookfrom->v3vsub(lookat)->v3unit
let u = v3cross(vup, w)->v3unit
let v = v3cross(w, u)
let origin = lookfrom
let horizontal = v3mul(u, viewport_width *. focus_dist)
let vertical = v3mul(v, viewport_height *. focus_dist)
let lower_left_corner = origin
->v3vsub(v3div(horizontal, 2.0))
->v3vsub(v3div(vertical, 2.0))
->v3vsub(v3mul(w, focus_dist))
origin: origin,
lower_left_corner: lower_left_corner,
horizontal: horizontal,
vertical: vertical,
w: w,
u: u,
v: v,
lens_radius: aperture /. 2.0
let camgetray = (. came: cam, s: float, t: float) => {
let rd = (random_in_unit_disk())->v3mul(came.lens_radius)
let offset = v3vadd(came.u->v3mul(v3x(rd)), came.v->v3mul(v3y(rd)))
{origin: came.origin->v3vadd(offset),
direction: came.lower_left_corner
->v3vadd(v3mul(came.horizontal, s))
->v3vadd(v3mul(came.vertical, t))
let clamp = (x: float, min: float, max: float) => {
x < min ? min : x > max ? max : x
let random_in_unit_sphere = () => {
let flag = ref(true)
let r = ref(v3create(0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
while (flag.contents) {
let r1 = v3create(rand() *. 2.0 -. 1.0,
rand() *. 2.0 -. 1.0,
rand() *. 2.0 -. 1.0)
if (v3lenS(r1) <= 1.0) {
flag := false
r := r1
let random_in_hemisphere = (normal) => {
let ve = random_in_unit_sphere()
v3dot(ve, normal) > 0.0 ? ve : v3vneg(ve)
let lambertian = (color) => {
let ret: material = (. _, hitre) => {
let scatter_direction = hitre.normal->v3vadd(v3unit(random_in_unit_sphere()))
let dir = v3nearZero(scatter_direction) ? hitre.normal : scatter_direction
let ra = {origin: hitre.p, direction: dir}
Some((color, ra))
let reflect = (v: v3, n: v3) => {
v->v3vsub(n->v3mul(v3dot(v, n) *. 2.0))
let metal = (color, fuzz) => {
let f = fuzz < 0.0 ? 0.0 : fuzz < 1.0 ? fuzz : 1.0
let ret: material = (. ray, hitre) => {
let reflected = reflect(ray->raydirection->v3unit, hitre.normal)
let scattered = {origin: hitre.p,
direction: reflected
->v3vadd(v3mul(random_in_unit_sphere(), f))}
if (v3dot(scattered->raydirection, hitre.normal) > 0.0) {
Some((color, scattered))
} else {
let refract = (uv, normal, etai_div_etat) => {
let cos_theta = min(-.v3dot(uv, normal), 1.0)
let r_out_perp = uv->v3vadd(v3mul(normal, cos_theta))->v3mul(etai_div_etat)
let r_out_parallel = -.Js.Math.sqrt(abs(1.0 -. r_out_perp->v3lenS))->v3mul(normal, _)
v3vadd(r_out_parallel, r_out_perp)
let reflectance = (cosine, ref_idx) => {
let r0 = (1.0 -. ref_idx) /. (1.0 +. ref_idx)
let r1 = r0 *. r0
let temp = (1.0 -. cosine)
let t1 = temp *. temp
let t2 = t1 *. t1
let tf = t2 *. temp
r1 +. (1.0 -. r1) *. tf
let dielectric = (irate) => {
let ret: material = (. ray, hitre) => {
let color = v3create(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
let ratio = hitre.front ? 1.0 /. irate : irate
let unit_dir = ray->raydirection->v3unit
let cos_theta = min(-1.0 *. v3dot(unit_dir, hitre.normal), 1.0)
let sin_theta = Js.Math.sqrt(1.0 -. cos_theta *. cos_theta)
let cannot_refract = ratio *. sin_theta > 1.0
let direction = cannot_refract || reflectance(cos_theta, ratio) > rand() ?
reflect(unit_dir, hitre.normal) :
refract(unit_dir, hitre.normal, ratio)
let scattered = {origin: hitre.p,
direction: direction}
Some(color, scattered)
let random_scene = () => {
let ground_material = lambertian(v3create(0.5, 0.5, 0.5))
let world = []
let add = (element)=>ignore(world->Js.Array2.push(element))
add(sphere2hittable(v3create(0.0, -1000.0, 0.0), 1000.0, ground_material))
for a in -11 to 10 {
for b in -11 to 10 {
let fa = a->Belt.Int.toFloat
let fb = b->Belt.Int.toFloat
let choose_mat = rand()
let center = v3create(fa +. 0.9 *. rand(),
fb +. 0.9 *. rand())
if v3vsub(center, v3create(4.0, 0.2, 0.0))->v3len > 0.9 {
if choose_mat < 0.8 {
let a1 = v3create(rand(), rand(), rand())
let a2 = v3create(rand(), rand(), rand())
let albedo = v3vmul(a1, a2)
let m = lambertian(albedo)
add(sphere2hittable(center, 0.2, m))
} else if choose_mat < 0.95 {
let albedo = v3create(rand() /. 2.0 +. 0.5,
rand() /. 2.0 +. 0.5,
rand() /. 2.0 +. 0.5)
let fuzz = rand() /. 2.0
let m = metal(albedo, fuzz)
add(sphere2hittable(center, 0.2, m))
} else {
let m =dielectric(1.5)
add(sphere2hittable(center, 0.2, m))
let m1 = dielectric(1.5)
add(sphere2hittable(v3create(0.0, 1.0, 0.0), 1.0, m1))
let m2 = lambertian(v3create(0.4, 0.2, 0.1))
add(sphere2hittable(v3create(-4.0, 1.0, 0.0), 1.0, m2))
let m3 = metal(v3create(0.7, 0.6, 0.5), 0.0)
add(sphere2hittable(v3create(4.0, 1.0, 0.0), 1.0, m3))
let rec ray_color = (r: ray, world: array<hittable>, depth: int, cv) => {
if (depth <= 0) {
v3create(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
} else {
let somehit = hitByList(. r, 0.001, inf, world)
switch somehit {
| Some(a) => {
let b = a.mater(. r, a)
switch b {
| Some((color, scattered)) => {
ray_color(scattered, world, depth - 1, v3vmul(color, cv))
| None => {
v3create(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
| None => {
let un = r->raydirection->v3unit
let ti = (v3y(un) +. 1.0) *. 0.5
let r1 = v3create(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)->v3mul(1.0 -. ti)
let r2 = v3create(0.5, 0.7, 1.0)->v3mul(ti)
let r = v3vadd(r1, r2)
v3vmul(r, cv)
let main = () => {
let aspect_ratio = 3.0 /. 2.0
let image_width = 400
let image_height = (Belt.Int.toFloat(image_width) /. aspect_ratio)
let samples_per_pixel = 50
let fper = samples_per_pixel->Belt.Int.toFloat
let max_depth = 50
let aperture = 0.1
let dist_to_focus = 10.0
let world = random_scene()
let came = camcreate(~lookfrom=v3create(13.0, 2.0, 3.0),
~lookat=v3create(0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
~vup=v3create(0.0, 1.0, 0.0),
Belt.Array.makeBy(image_height, (j) => {
Belt.Array.makeBy(image_width, (i) => {
let j = image_height - 1 - j
let color = v3create(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
for _ in 0 to samples_per_pixel - 1 {
let u = (Belt.Int.toFloat(i) +. rand()) /. Belt.Int.toFloat(image_width - 1)
let v = (Belt.Int.toFloat(j) +. rand()) /. Belt.Int.toFloat(image_height - 1)
let r = came->camgetray(. _, u, v)
v3vaddInPlace(color, ray_color(r, world, max_depth, v3create(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)))
v3create((v3x(color) /. fper)->clamp(0.0, 0.999)->Js.Math.sqrt,
(v3y(color) /. fper)->clamp(0.0, 0.999)->Js.Math.sqrt,
(v3z(color) /. fper)->clamp(0.0, 0.999)->Js.Math.sqrt)
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