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Last active June 16, 2019 11:48
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; for every line produced as in run-buffer in
; do this:
(defun proc-line (l)
(with-input-from-string (in l)
(let ((vals (loop for x = (read in nil nil) while x
collect (coerce x 'double-float))))
(values (vec:3vec* (subseq vals 0 3))
(apply #'pigment:rgb (append (mapcar (lambda (v) (/ v 255d0))
(subseq vals 4)) (list 0.3d0)))))))
; about twice as fast as my initial approach
; current run-buffer looks like this:
(defun run-buffer (fn fx &key (buffer-width 80))
(let ((buffer (make-array buffer-width
:element-type 'character
:initial-element #\space))
(lines 0))
(with-open-file (is fn :direction :input)
(loop for (val pos newl) =
(multiple-value-list (read-line-into-sequence buffer is
:eof-error-p nil))
while val
do ; subseq here is probably a bad idea because it reallocates a string?
(when newl (funcall fx (subseq val 0 pos)))
(incf lines)))))
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lispm commented Jun 16, 2019

or even

(defun proc-line (l)
  (multiple-value-bind (l0 l1)
      (with-input-from-string (in l)
        (let ((*read-default-float-format* 'double-float))
          (loop for x = (read in nil nil)
                for i from 0
                while x
                if (< i 3)
                collect x into l0
                else collect (/ x 255d0) into l1
                finally (return (values l0 l1)))))
    (values (vec:3vec* l0)
            (apply #'pigment:rgb (nconc l1 (list 0.3d0))))))

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