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Created May 25, 2016 13:36
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(Simple) Lua Allocation Tracker
/* ijlat.h - v0.1a - (Simple) Lua Allocation Tracker -- public domain -- @incrediblejr, May 2016
A simple Lua allocation tracker.
The memory tracker is implemented as a [stb-style header-file library][1] which means that
in *ONE* source file, put:
// check out @FUNC_CUSTOMIZATION for providing own functions(if dependency on stdlib
// is undesirable for example)
// check @CONFIG and define one of :
// like :
#include "ijlat.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <lua/lua.h>
#include <lua/lauxlib.h>
#include <lua/lualib.h>
#include "ijlat.h"
#include <assert.h>
static int qsort_ijlat_alloc_trace_comp(const void *a, const void *b)
const ijlat_alloc_trace *ta = a;
const ijlat_alloc_trace *tb = b;
if (ta->tallocated == tb->tallocated) {
if (ta->nallocations == tb->nallocations)
return 0;
if (ta->nallocations > tb->nallocations)
return 1;
return -1;
else if (ta->tallocated > tb->tallocated)
return 1;
return -1;
static ijlat gtraces_module;
static int gtraces_module_sorted = 0;
static int lua_ijlat_init(lua_State* L)
ijlat_init(&gtraces_module, L);
gtraces_module_sorted = 0;
return 0;
static int lua_ijlat_report(lua_State* L)
int back_is_empty = ijlat_is_backindex_and_empty(&gtraces_module, gtraces_module.pending_index);
if ((back_is_empty && gtraces_module.tused == 1) || !gtraces_module.tused) {
printf("_no_ allocations\n");
else {
unsigned i, n = gtraces_module.tused - (back_is_empty ? 1 : 0);
char *sb = gtraces_module.s;
ijlat_alloc_trace *traces = gtraces_module.t;
if (!gtraces_module_sorted) {
qsort(traces, n, sizeof *traces, qsort_ijlat_alloc_trace_comp);
gtraces_module_sorted = 1;
for (i = 0; i != n; ++i) {
ijlat_alloc_trace *current = traces + i;
printf("allocation #%u. num allocations %u. bytes allocated %u. callstack :\n%s",
i, current->nallocations, current->tallocated, sb + current->soffset);
return 0;
static int lua_ijlat_shutdown(lua_State* L)
return 0;
This software is dual-licensed to the public domain and under the following
license: you are granted a perpetual, irrevocable license to copy, modify,
publish, and distribute this file as you see fit.
#define IJLAT_DEF static
#define IJLAT_DEF extern
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
typedef struct ijlat_alloc_trace {
unsigned hash;
unsigned nallocations;
unsigned tallocated;
unsigned soffset;
} ijlat_alloc_trace;
typedef struct lua_State lua_State;
typedef struct ijlat {
lua_State *L;
unsigned talloc;
unsigned tused;
ijlat_alloc_trace *t;
unsigned salloc;
unsigned sused;
char *s;
unsigned pending_index;
} ijlat;
IJLAT_DEF void ijlat_init(ijlat *self, lua_State *L);
IJLAT_DEF void ijlat_shutdown(ijlat *self);
/* reset all buffers (_not_ free:ing them) */
#define ijlat_reset(self) ((self)->tused = 0, (self)->sused = 0, (self)->pending_index = (unsigned)-1)
#define ijlat_is_backindex(self, index) ((self)->tused && (index) == (self)->tused - 1)
#define ijlat_is_backindex_and_empty(self, index) (ijlat_is_backindex((self), (index)) ? !(self)->t[(index)].nallocations : 0)
#ifdef __cplusplus
/* I _know_ I could make this a bit cuter by storing original hook+alloc+L and anchor
self in registry to avoid globals. */
/* @CONFIG */
allocation size is recorded in wrapped allocation function and stored in next
hook callback. this way we only have to 'serialize' the callstack when a allocation
has occurred but gives very wrong results.
callstack is _always_ 'serialized' in the hook callback and the latest callstack
is stored/committed when a allocation occurs. gives the correct result but is very
callstack is 'serialized' and stored in the wrapped allocation function, ignoring
Mike Pall's advice. use at own risk :),5
#error wrong configuration
#ifndef IJLAT_hash
/* MurmurHash2, by Austin Appleby */
static unsigned int ijlat__murmur_hash(const void *key, int len, unsigned int seed)
/* 'm' and 'r' are mixing constants generated offline.
They're not really 'magic', they just happen to work well. */
const unsigned int m = 0x5bd1e995;
const int r = 24;
/* Initialize the hash to a 'random' value */
unsigned int h = seed ^ len;
/* Mix 4 bytes at a time into the hash */
const unsigned char * data = (const unsigned char *)key;
while (len >= 4) {
unsigned int k = *(unsigned int *)data;
k *= m;
k ^= k >> r;
k *= m;
h *= m;
h ^= k;
data += 4;
len -= 4;
/* Handle the last few bytes of the input array */
switch (len)
case 3: h ^= data[2] << 16;
case 2: h ^= data[1] << 8;
case 1: h ^= data[0];
h *= m;
/* Do a few final mixes of the hash to ensure the last few
bytes are well-incorporated. */
h ^= h >> 13;
h *= m;
h ^= h >> 15;
return h;
#define IJLAT_hash ijlat__murmur_hash
#ifndef IJLAT_assert
#include <assert.h>
#define IJLAT_assert assert
#ifndef IJLAT_memcpy
#include <string.h>
#define IJLAT_memcpy memcpy
#ifndef IJLAT_memset
#include <string.h>
#define IJLAT_memset memset
#ifndef IJLAT_strlen
#include <string.h>
#define IJLAT_strlen strlen
#ifndef IJLAT_int2str
static unsigned ijlat__ndigits(int value)
unsigned r = (value < 0) ? 2 : 1;
unsigned v = (value < 0) ? -value : value;
for (;;) {
if (v < 10) return r;
if (v < 100) return r + 1;
if (v < 1000) return r + 2;
if (v < 10000) return r + 3;
v /= 10000u;
r += 4;
static int ijlat__int2str(char *s, int value)
unsigned r = ijlat__ndigits(value);
unsigned v = (value < 0) ? -value : value;
unsigned pos = r - 1;
s[r] = 0;
while (v >= 10) {
char c = (v % 10);
s[pos--] = '0' + c;
v /= 10;
s[pos--] = (char)v + '0';
if (value < 0) {
IJLAT_assert(pos == 0);
s[0] = '-';
return r;
#define IJLAT_int2str ijlat__int2str
#define IJLAT_INVALID_INDEX (unsigned)-1
static ijlat *ijlat__gtraces;
static lua_Hook ijlat__ohook;
static int ijlat__omask = 0;
static lua_State *ijlat__globall;
static lua_Alloc ijlat__oalloc;
static void *ijlat__oallocud;
static size_t ijlat__last_alloc_size;
static void *ijlat__alloc_internal(void *ptr, size_t osize, size_t nsize)
return ijlat__oalloc(ijlat__oallocud, ptr, osize, nsize);
static int ijlat__stack_info(lua_State *L, lua_Debug *s, unsigned n, const char *what)
int level = 0;
while (n-- && lua_getstack(L, level, &s[level])) {
int r = lua_getinfo(L, what, &s[level]);
return level;
static unsigned ijlat__stack_hash(lua_Debug *s, unsigned n)
unsigned i, final_hash = 0;
for (i = 0; i != n; ++i) {
lua_Debug *current = s + i;
/* this assumes that the source points to interned strings */
final_hash = IJLAT_hash(current->source, sizeof current->source, final_hash);
final_hash = IJLAT_hash(&current->currentline, sizeof current->currentline, final_hash);
return final_hash;
#define ijroundup32(x) (--(x), (x)|=(x)>>1, (x)|=(x)>>2, (x)|=(x)>>4, (x)|=(x)>>8, (x)|=(x)>>16, ++(x))
static void ijlat__trace_ensure_can_fit(ijlat *self, unsigned n)
unsigned newallocn;
if (self->talloc >= self->tused + n)
newallocn = self->tused + n;
/* how to handle memory failure ? */
self->t = (ijlat_alloc_trace*)ijlat__alloc_internal(self->t, sizeof *self->t*self->talloc, sizeof *self->t*newallocn);
self->talloc = newallocn;
static void ijlat__string_ensure_can_fit(ijlat *self, unsigned n)
unsigned newallocn;
if (self->salloc >= self->sused + n)
newallocn = self->sused + n;
/* how to handle memory failure ? (no, I did not just copy/paste above function :) ) */
self->s = (char*)ijlat__alloc_internal(self->s, sizeof *self->s*self->salloc, sizeof *self->s*newallocn);
self->salloc = newallocn;
static ijlat_alloc_trace *ijlat__trace_extend(ijlat *self)
ijlat__trace_ensure_can_fit(self, 1);
return &self->t[self->tused++];
static ijlat_alloc_trace *ijlat__trace_find(ijlat_alloc_trace *traces, unsigned ntraces, unsigned hash)
unsigned i;
for (i = 0; i != ntraces; ++i) {
ijlat_alloc_trace *c = traces + i;
if (c->hash == hash)
return c;
return 0;
/* debug _remove_ */
static ijlat_alloc_trace *ijlat__trace_find_empty(ijlat_alloc_trace *traces, unsigned ntraces)
unsigned i;
for (i = 0; i != ntraces; ++i) {
ijlat_alloc_trace *c = traces + i;
if (!c->nallocations)
return c;
return 0;
#define IJLAT_NL "\n"
#define IJLAT_SEP " : "
#define IJLAT_SEP_NS " ["
#define IJLAT_SEP_NE "]"
#define IJLAT_LL(s) (sizeof((s)) / sizeof(char)-1)
/* returns length of string representation (assumes fit if buffer is supplied)
if allocation size/length is needed:
- call with NULL buffer
- allocate len+1 bytes
- call again with allocated buffer
static unsigned ijlat__stack_to_string(lua_Debug *ars, unsigned n, char *b)
char temp[33];
unsigned i, cursor = 0;
for (i = 0; i != n; ++i) {
lua_Debug *current = ars + i;
int sres;
unsigned len;
char *linestring;
len = (unsigned)IJLAT_strlen(current->source);
if (b) IJLAT_memcpy(b + cursor, current->source, len);
cursor += len;
if (b) IJLAT_memcpy(b + cursor, IJLAT_SEP, IJLAT_LL(IJLAT_SEP));
cursor += IJLAT_LL(IJLAT_SEP);
linestring = b ? (b + cursor) : temp;
sres = IJLAT_int2str(linestring, current->currentline);
IJLAT_assert(sres > 0);
cursor += (unsigned)sres;
if (current->name) {
if (b) IJLAT_memcpy(b + cursor, IJLAT_SEP_NS, IJLAT_LL(IJLAT_SEP_NS));
len = (unsigned)IJLAT_strlen(current->name);
if (b) IJLAT_memcpy(b + cursor, current->name, len);
cursor += len;
if (b) IJLAT_memcpy(b + cursor, IJLAT_SEP_NE, IJLAT_LL(IJLAT_SEP_NE));
if (b) IJLAT_memcpy(b + cursor, IJLAT_NL, IJLAT_LL(IJLAT_NL));
cursor += IJLAT_LL(IJLAT_NL);
return cursor;
static void ijlat__record_allocation(ijlat *self, lua_State *L, size_t allocation_size)
if (!L || !allocation_size)
else {
lua_Debug debug_infos[8];
unsigned num_filled = ijlat__stack_info(L, debug_infos, sizeof debug_infos / sizeof *debug_infos, "Sl");
unsigned chash = ijlat__stack_hash(debug_infos, num_filled);
ijlat_alloc_trace *current_trace = ijlat__trace_find(self->t, self->tused, chash);
if (!current_trace) {
unsigned len_needed, num_filled_trace = ijlat__stack_info(L, debug_infos, sizeof debug_infos / sizeof *debug_infos, "n");
IJLAT_assert(num_filled_trace == num_filled);
current_trace = ijlat__trace_extend(self);
current_trace->hash = chash;
current_trace->nallocations = 0;
current_trace->tallocated = 0;
current_trace->soffset = self->sused;
len_needed = ijlat__stack_to_string(debug_infos, num_filled_trace, 0);
ijlat__string_ensure_can_fit(self, len_needed + 1);
ijlat__stack_to_string(debug_infos, num_filled_trace, self->s + self->sused);
self->sused += len_needed + 1;
self->s[self->sused - 1] = 0; /* null-terminate */
current_trace->nallocations += 1;
current_trace->tallocated += (unsigned)allocation_size;
static void *ijlat__alloc_wrap(void *ud, void *ptr, size_t osize, size_t nsize)
ijlat__last_alloc_size = (nsize > osize) ? (nsize - osize) : 0;
ijlat__record_allocation(ijlat__gtraces, ijlat__globall, ijlat__last_alloc_size);
if (ijlat__last_alloc_size && ijlat__gtraces->pending_index != IJLAT_INVALID_INDEX) {
ijlat_alloc_trace *current_trace = ijlat__gtraces->t + ijlat__gtraces->pending_index;
current_trace->nallocations += 1;
current_trace->tallocated += ijlat__last_alloc_size;
return ijlat__oalloc(ud, ptr, osize, nsize);
static void ijlat__hook(lua_State *L, lua_Debug *ar)
if (ar->event == LUA_HOOKLINE) {
/* record the latest callstack that will be committed in the allocation
callback */
lua_Debug debug_infos[8];
unsigned num_filled = ijlat__stack_info(L, debug_infos, sizeof debug_infos / sizeof *debug_infos, "Sl");
unsigned chash = ijlat__stack_hash(debug_infos, num_filled);
ijlat_alloc_trace *current_trace = ijlat__trace_find(ijlat__gtraces->t, ijlat__gtraces->tused, chash);
if (!current_trace) {
unsigned len_needed, num_filled_trace = ijlat__stack_info(L, debug_infos, sizeof debug_infos / sizeof *debug_infos, "n");
IJLAT_assert(num_filled_trace == num_filled);
if (ijlat_is_backindex_and_empty(ijlat__gtraces, ijlat__gtraces->pending_index)) {
/* replace back */
current_trace = &ijlat__gtraces->t[ijlat__gtraces->pending_index];
ijlat__gtraces->sused = current_trace->soffset; /* rewind */
else {
IJLAT_assert(!ijlat__trace_find_empty(ijlat__gtraces->t, ijlat__gtraces->tused));
ijlat__gtraces->pending_index = ijlat__gtraces->tused;
current_trace = ijlat__trace_extend(ijlat__gtraces);
current_trace->hash = chash;
current_trace->nallocations = 0;
current_trace->tallocated = 0;
current_trace->soffset = ijlat__gtraces->sused;
len_needed = ijlat__stack_to_string(debug_infos, num_filled_trace, 0);
ijlat__string_ensure_can_fit(ijlat__gtraces, len_needed + 1);
ijlat__stack_to_string(debug_infos, num_filled_trace, ijlat__gtraces->s + ijlat__gtraces->sused);
ijlat__gtraces->sused += len_needed + 1;
ijlat__gtraces->s[ijlat__gtraces->sused - 1] = 0; /* null-terminate */
else {
unsigned newpending = current_trace - ijlat__gtraces->t;
unsigned oldpending = ijlat__gtraces->pending_index;
ijlat__gtraces->pending_index = newpending;
if (newpending != oldpending &&
ijlat_is_backindex_and_empty(ijlat__gtraces, oldpending)) {
ijlat__gtraces->sused = ijlat__gtraces->t[oldpending].soffset; /* rewind */
--ijlat__gtraces->tused; /* pop back */
ijlat__record_allocation(ijlat__gtraces, L, ijlat__last_alloc_size);
ijlat__last_alloc_size = 0;
if (ijlat__ohook)
ijlat__ohook(L, ar);
IJLAT_DEF void ijlat_init(ijlat *self, lua_State *L)
ijlat__globall = L;
ijlat__oalloc = lua_getallocf(L, &ijlat__oallocud);
lua_setallocf(L, ijlat__alloc_wrap, ijlat__oallocud);
ijlat__omask = lua_gethookmask(L);
ijlat__ohook = lua_gethook(L);
lua_sethook(L, ijlat__hook, ijlat__omask | LUA_MASKLINE, lua_gethookcount(L));
IJLAT_memset(self, 0, sizeof *self);
self->L = L;
self->pending_index = IJLAT_INVALID_INDEX;
ijlat__trace_ensure_can_fit(self, 64);
ijlat__string_ensure_can_fit(self, 1024);
ijlat__gtraces = self;
IJLAT_DEF void ijlat_shutdown(ijlat *self)
void *ud;
lua_State *L = self->L;
lua_getallocf(L, &ud);
lua_setallocf(L, ijlat__oalloc, ud);
lua_sethook(L, ijlat__ohook, ijlat__omask, lua_gethookcount(L));
ijlat__oalloc(ud, self->t, sizeof *self->t*self->talloc, 0);
ijlat__oalloc(ud, self->s, sizeof *self->s*self->salloc, 0);
IJLAT_memset(self, 0, sizeof *self);
self->pending_index = IJLAT_INVALID_INDEX;
ijlat__oalloc = 0;
ijlat__ohook = 0;
ijlat__gtraces = 0;
ijlat__globall = 0;
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