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Last active January 4, 2024 16:15
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using assembly System.DirectoryServices.Protocols
using namespace System.DirectoryServices.Protocols; using namespace System.Collections.Generic
function Get-LdapObject {
Get objects from an LDAP directory.
Get objects from an LDAP directory.
Get-LdapObject -LdapFilter "(sAMAccountName=$env:USERNAME)" -SearchBase (Get-LdapRootDSE).defaultNamingContext
param (
# An LDAP filter.
[String]$LdapFilter = '(objectClass=*)',
# A list of attributes to return.
# The search base.
# The scope of the search. If SearchBase is not set the SeachScope will be set to Base, returning RootDSE.
[SearchScope]$SearchScope = 'Subtree',
# The remote directory server. If server is not defined serverless binding is used to discover a DC within the current domain.
# Use SSL for this connection.
# Ignore any certificate validation errors raised when using SSL.
# Use a Global Catalog.
# Bind to the directory using the supplied credentials.
# A set of LDAP controls to define when creating the search request.
[DirectoryControl[]]$Controls = @(
try {
if ($useGC -and $useSSL) {
$port = 3268
} elseif ($UseSSL) {
$port = 636
} elseif ($UseGC) {
$port = 3269
} else {
$port = 389
$directoryIdentifier = [LdapDirectoryIdentifier]::new($Server, $port)
if ($Credential) {
$ldapConnection = [LdapConnection]::new($directoryIdentifier, $Credential.GetNetworkCredential())
$ldapConnection.AuthType = 'Basic'
} else {
$ldapConnection = [LdapConnection]::new($directoryIdentifier)
$ldapConnection.AuthType = 'Kerberos'
if ($UseSSL) {
$ldapConnection.SessionOptions.ProtocolVersion = 3
$ldapConnection.SessionOptions.SecureSocketLayer = $true
if ($IgnoreCertiticateError) {
$ldapConnection.SessionOptions.VerifyServerCertificate = { $true }
$searchRequest = [SearchRequest]::new()
$searchRequest.DistinguishedName = $SearchBase
$searchRequest.Filter = $LdapFilter
if (-not $SearchBase) {
$searchRequest.Scope = 'Base'
} else {
$searchRequest.Scope = $SearchScope
if ($Attributes) {
if ($Controls) {
$complete = $false
do {
$searchResponse = $LdapConnection.SendRequest($searchRequest)
if ($searchResponse.Controls) {
$pageResponse = [PageResultResponseControl]$searchResponse.Controls[0]
if ($pageResponse.Cookie.Length -gt 0) {
$searchRequest.Controls[0].Cookie = $pageResponse.Cookie
} else {
$complete = $true
} else {
$complete = $true
} until ($complete)
} catch {
} finally {
if ($ldapConnection) {
function Get-LdapRootDSE {
Get information from Root DSE.
Get information from Root DSE.
param (
# The remote directory server. If server is not defined serverless binding is used to discover a DC within the current domain.
# Use SSL for this connection.
# Ignore any certificate validation errors raised when using SSL.
# Use a Global Catalog.
# Bind to the directory using the supplied credentials.
# Absorbs any arguments passed to this command but not intended for this command.
[Parameter(DontShow, ValueFromRemainingArguments)]
try {
$null = $psboundparameters.Remove('remainingArgs')
$searchResult = Get-LdapObject @psboundparameters
$rootDSE = New-Object PSObject
foreach ($attribute in $searchResult.Attributes.Keys) {
$value = $searchResult.Attributes[$attribute].GetValues([String])
if ($value.Count -eq 1) {
$value = $value[0]
$rootDSE | Add-Member $attribute $value
} catch {
function Get-LdapExtendedRight {
Get an extended right based on the right GUID.
Get an extended right based on the right GUID.
Get-LdapExtendedRight -RightsGuid '1f298a89-de98-47b8-b5cd-572ad53d267e'
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
# The remote directory server. If server is not defined serverless binding is used to discover a DC within the current domain.
# Use SSL for this connection.
# Ignore any certificate validation errors raised when using SSL.
# Use a Global Catalog.
# Bind to the directory using the supplied credentials.
# Absorbs any arguments passed to this command but not intended for this command.
[Parameter(DontShow, ValueFromRemainingArguments)]
begin {
$null = $psboundparameters.Remove('remainingArgs')
if (-not $Script:adExtendedRightCache) {
$Script:adExtendedRightCache = [Dictionary[Guid,String]]::new()
if (-not $SearchBase) {
$null = $psboundparameters.Add('SearchBase', 'CN=Extended-Rights,{0}' -f (Get-LdapRootDSE @psboundparameters).configurationNamingContext)
process {
if ($Script:adExtendedRightCache.ContainsKey($RightsGuid)) {
} else {
$null = $psboundparameters.Remove('RightsGuid')
$ldapFilter = '(rightsGuid={0})' -f $RightsGuid.ToString()
# Discard duplicates. Handles duplicate rightsGuid on Validated-DNS-Host-Name and DNS-Host-Name-Attributes
$searchResult = Get-LdapObject -LdapFilter $ldapFilter -Attributes displayName @psboundparameters |
Select-Object -First 1
if ($searchResult) {
$displayName = $searchResult.Attributes['displayname'].GetValues([String])[0]
$Script:adExtendedRightCache.Add($RightsGuid, $displayName)
function Get-LdapDisplayName {
Get the LDAP display name for an attribute in the schema.
Get the LDAP display name for an attribute in the schema based on the attribute GUID.
Get-LdapDisplayName -SchemaIDGuid bf967a0a-0de6-11d0-a285-00aa003049e2
param (
# The GUID of the schema entry to retrieve.
[Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
# The search base. If not set, this command will attempt to discover the schema naming context.
# The remote directory server. If server is not defined serverless binding is used to discover a DC within the current domain.
# Use SSL for this connection.
# Ignore any certificate validation errors raised when using SSL.
# Use a Global Catalog.
# Bind to the directory using the supplied credentials.
# Absorbs any arguments passed to this command but not intended for this command.
[Parameter(DontShow, ValueFromRemainingArguments)]
begin {
$null = $psboundparameters.Remove('remainingArgs')
if (-not $Script:adSchemaDisplayName) {
$Script:adSchemaDisplayName = [Dictionary[Guid,String]]::new()
if (-not $SearchBase) {
$null = $psboundparameters.Add('SearchBase', (Get-LdapRootDSE @psboundparameters).schemaNamingContext)
process {
if ($Script:adSchemaDisplayName.ContainsKey($SchemaIDGuid)) {
} else {
$null = $psboundparameters.Remove('SchemaIDGuid')
$hex = foreach ($byte in $SchemaIDGuid.ToByteArray()) {
'{0:X2}' -f $byte
$ldapFilter = '(SchemaIDGUID=\{0})' -f ($hex -join '\')
$searchResult = Get-LdapObject -LdapFilter $ldapFilter -Attributes ldapDisplayName @psboundparameters
if ($searchResult) {
$ldapDisplayName = $searchResult.Attributes['ldapdisplayname'].GetValues([String])[0]
$Script:adSchemaDisplayName.Add($SchemaIDGuid, $ldapDisplayName)
function Get-LdapAcl {
Get access control lists from Active Directory.
Get-LdapAcl uses System.DirectoryServices.Protocols to execute searches against an LDAP directory.
Get-LdapAcl -LdapFilter "(sAMAccountName=$env:USERNAME)"
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'UsingLdapFilter')]
param (
# An LDAP filter to use with the search. The filter (objectClass=*) is used by default.
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'UsingLdapFilter')]
[String]$LdapFilter = '(objectClass=organizationalUnit)',
# The search root must be specified as a distinguishedName.
# The search scope is either Base, OneLevel or Subtree. Subtree is the default value.
[SearchScope]$SearchScope = 'Subtree',
# An optional server to use for this query. If server is not populated Get-ADObject uses serverless binding, passing off server selection to the site-aware DC locator process.
# Server is mandatory when executing a query against a remote domain.
# Credentials to use for the LDAP search.
try {
$rootDSE = Get-LdapRootDSE @psboundparameters
$extendedRightsDN = 'CN=Extended-Rights,{0}' -f $rootDSE.configurationNamingContext
$schemaDN = $rootDSE.schemaNamingContext
$null = $psboundparameters.Remove('SearchBase')
$params = @{
Controls = @(
Attributes = 'distinguishedName', 'name', 'ntSecurityDescriptor'
SearchBase = $SearchBase
if (-not $SearchBase) {
$params.SearchBase = $rootDSE.defaultNamingContext
Get-LdapObject @psboundparameters @params | ForEach-Object {
$searchResult = $_
$bytes = $searchResult.Attributes['ntsecuritydescriptor'].GetValues([Byte[]])[0]
$securityDescriptor = [System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectorySecurity]::new()
foreach ($ace in $securityDescriptor.Access) {
$ace | Add-Member ObjectName $searchResult.Attributes['name'][0]
$ace | Add-Member DistinguishedName $searchResult.Attributes['distinguishedname'][0]
$objectTypeNames = $ace.ObjectType | ForEach-Object {
if ($_ -ne [Guid]'00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000') {
if ($extendedRight = Get-LdapExtendedRight -RightsGuid $_ -SearchBase $extendedRightsDN @psboundparameters) {
} else {
Get-LdapDisplayName -SchemaIDGUID $_ -SearchBase $schemaDN @psboundparameters
$ace | Add-Member ObjectTypeNames $objectTypeNames
$inheritedObjectTypeNames = $ace.InheritedObjectType |
Where-Object { $_ -ne [Guid]'00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' } |
Get-LdapDisplayName @psboundparameters -SearchBase $schemaDN
$ace | Add-Member InheritedObjectTypeNames $inheritedObjectTypeNames
$ace | Add-Member -TypeName 'Indented.DS.Security.DACL' -PassThru
} catch {
Update-TypeData -TypeName 'Indented.DS.Security.DACL' -DefaultDisplayPropertySet ObjectName, ActiveDirectoryRights, ObjectTypeNames, InheritedObjectTypeNames, AccessControlType, IdentityReference, IsInherited, InheritanceFlags, PropagationFlags -Force
Get-LdapAcl -LdapFilter "(sAMAccountName=$env:USERNAME)"
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