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Created February 15, 2023 17:05
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#Requires -Modules PSKoans
Describe "Register-Advice" {
BeforeAll {
$module = @{
ModuleName = 'PSKoans'
Context "Profile Folder/File Missing" {
BeforeAll {
Mock New-Item @module -Verifiable
Mock Test-Path { $false } @module -Verifiable
Mock Set-Content @module -Verifiable
It 'should create the $profile if it does not exist' {
Should -InvokeVerifiable
Context "Profile Already Exists" {
BeforeAll {
Mock 'Test-Path' { $true } @module -Verifiable
Mock 'Select-String' { $false } @module -Verifiable
Mock 'Add-Content' @module -Verifiable
It "adds content to the profile if it already exists (Get|Set)-Advice" {
Should -InvokeVerifiable
Context "Parameter Validation" {
BeforeAll {
Mock Test-Path { $false } -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq $ProfileFolder } @module
Mock New-Item @module
Mock Test-Path { $false } -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq $ProfilePath } @module
Mock Set-Content @module
It "throws if an invalid value is supplied for -TargetProfile" {
{ Register-Advice -TargetProfile "Invalidvalue" } | Should -Throw
It "works correctly with the <ProfilePath> profile" -TestCases @(
@{ ProfilePath = 'AllUsersAllHosts' }
@{ ProfilePath = 'AllUsersCurrentHost' }
@{ ProfilePath = 'CurrentUserAllHosts' }
@{ ProfilePath = 'CurrentUserCurrentHost' }
) {
try {
Register-Advice $ProfilePath | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
catch [UnauthorizedAccessException] {
# Current user doesn't have access to the profile path. This can be normal for the 'AllUsers' paths.
if ($ProfilePath -notmatch '^AllUsers') {
throw $_
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