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Last active April 2, 2023 06:31
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// Define the reducer function to update the state of the application based on user intents
fun reduce(state: AppState, intent: UserIntent): AppState {
return when (intent) {
is UserIntent.AddStudent -> addStudent(state, intent.student)
is UserIntent.EditStudent -> editStudent(state, intent.student)
is UserIntent.DeleteStudent -> deleteStudent(state, intent.student)
// Define the data model for a student
data class Student(val name: String, val age: Int, val grade: String)
// Define the state of the application
data class AppState(val students: List<Student>)
// Define the actions that the user can perform
sealed class UserIntent {
data class AddStudent(val student: Student) : UserIntent()
data class EditStudent(val student: Student) : UserIntent()
data class DeleteStudent(val student: Student) : UserIntent()
// Define the UI component to display the list of
// students and handle user inputs
class StudentListView {
lateinit var presenter: StudentListPresenter
fun render(state: AppState) {
// Render the list of students on the screen
fun handleUserInput(intent: UserIntent) {
// Pass the user intent to the presenter to update
// the state of the application
// Define the presenter to handle user inputs and
// update the state of the application
class StudentListPresenter(private val reducer: (AppState, UserIntent)
-> AppState) {
lateinit var view: StudentListView
var state = AppState(emptyList())
fun handleUserIntent(intent: UserIntent) {
state = reducer(state, intent)
// Usage example
fun main() {
val presenter = StudentListPresenter(::reduce)
val view = StudentListView()
presenter.view = view
view.presenter = presenter
val newStudent = Student("Ye Mon", 18, "F-")
val updatedStudent = Student("Nyan", 19, "A+")
val deletedStudent = Student("Thet", 20, "A")
// Define separate functions to handle each type of user intent
fun addStudent(state: AppState, student: Student): AppState {
return state.copy(students = state.students + student)
fun editStudent(state: AppState, student: Student): AppState {
val updatedStudents = { if ( == student else it }
return state.copy(students = updatedStudents)
fun deleteStudent(state: AppState, student: Student): AppState {
val filteredStudents = state.students.filterNot { == }
return state.copy(students = filteredStudents)
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