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Created December 18, 2008 21:29
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Update WebKit nightly
To use this:
1. check out the gist somewhere
2. edit the plist to contain the path to the .rb file
3. run this:
chmod +x update-webkit.rb
launchctl load com.indirect.update-webkit.plist
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Automatically update to the latest WebKit nightly build
# written 2008-10-09 by Andre Arko <>
LOG_FILE = "~/Library/Logs/WebKitUpdate.log"
TEMP_DIR = "/tmp/webkit/"
require 'fileutils'
# Get the current nightly's info
`curl -Ls ""`.match(/"(.*?\/mac\/WebKit-SVN-r(.*?).dmg)"/)
nightly_link = $1
nightly_version = $2
installed_version = `cat /Applications/`.chomp if File.exist?("/Applications/")
# Kill running WebKit
wk_pid = `ps ux | awk '/WebKit/ && !/awk/ {print $2}'`.chomp
`kill -9 #{wk_pid}` unless wk_pid.empty?
# Create the temp dir and download the nightly dmg into it
`curl -LOs #{nightly_link}`
# Mount the dmg, copy the nightly webkit, unmount the dmg
dmg_path = File.join(TEMP_DIR, "WebKit-SVN-r#{nightly_version}.dmg")
raise ArgumentError, "cannot find dmg" unless File.exist?(dmg_path)
`hdiutil attach -quiet #{dmg_path}`
`rm -rf /Applications/`
`cp -R /Volumes/WebKit/ /Applications/`
`hdiutil detach -quiet /Volumes/WebKit`
# Remove the temp dir
`rm -rf #{TEMP_DIR}`
# Log the update, "w+") do |f|
f.write "WebKit build #{nightly_version} replaced build #{installed_version} on #{`date`}"
rescue => e, "w+") do |f|
f.write e.inspect
end unless installed_version.any? && (nightly_version == installed_version)
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