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Created September 25, 2013 21:06
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Floating point structure playground
from __future__ import division
def pretty_print_fp(x):
print "---------------------------------------------"
print "Floating point structure for %r" % x
print "---------------------------------------------"
import struct
s = struct.pack("d", x)
print "Hex pattern:", " ".join("%02x" % ord(i) for i in s[::-1])
def get_bit(i):
byte_nr, bit_nr = divmod(i, 8)
return int(bool(
ord(s[byte_nr]) & (1 << bit_nr)
def get_bits(lsb, count):
return sum(get_bit(i+lsb)*2**i for i in xrange(count))
print "Sign bit (1:negative):", get_bit(63)
exponent = get_bits(52, 11)
print "Exponent: %d (unshifted: %d)" % (exponent - 1023, exponent)
mantissa = get_bits(0, 52)
print "Mantissa:", hex(mantissa)
mantissa_with_one = mantissa + 2**52
print "Mantissa with implied one:", hex(mantissa_with_one)
mantissa_with_one = mantissa + 2**52
print "Shifted Mantissa with implied one:", mantissa_with_one / (2**52)
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