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Created October 3, 2013 04:03
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Template for the composite high-order Legendre discretization toolkit for HW4 of the 2013 integral equations class at UIUC
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
import numpy.linalg as la
import scipy.special as sp
class CompositeLegendreDiscretization:
"""A discrete function space on a 1D domain consisting of multiple
subintervals, each of which is discretized as a polynomial space of
maximum degree *order*. (see constructor arguments)
There are :attr:`nintervals` * :attr:`npoints` degrees of freedom
representing a function on the domain. On each subinterval, the
function is represented by its function values at Gauss-Legendre
nodes (see :func:`scipy.speical.legendre`) mapped into that
.. note::
While the external interface of this discretization
is exclusively in terms of vectors, it may be practical
to internally reshape (see :func:`numpy.reshape`) these
vectors into 2D arrays of shape *(nintervals, npoints)*.
The object has the following attributes:
.. attribute:: intervals
The *intervals* constructor argument.
.. attribute:: nintervals
Number of subintervals in the discretization.
.. attribute:: npoints
Number of points on each interval. Equals *order+1*.
.. attributes:: nodes
A vector of ``(nintervals*npoints)`` node locations, consisting of
Gauss-Legendre nodes that are linearly (or, to be technically correct,
affinely) mapped into each subinterval.
def __init__(self, intervals, order):
:arg intervals: determines the boundaries of the subintervals to
be used. If this is ``[a,b,c]``, then there are two subintervals
:math:`(a,b)` and :math:`(b,c)`.
(and the overall domain is :math:`(a,c)`)
:arg order: highest polynomial degree being used
# add code here
def integral(self, f):
r"""Use Gauss-Legendre quadrature on each subinterval to approximate
and return the value of
.. math::
\int_a^b f(x) dx
where :math:`a` and :math:`b` are the left-hand and right-hand edges of
the computational domain.
:arg f: the function to be integrated, given as function values
at :attr:`nodes`
# add code here
def left_indefinite_integral(self, f):
r"""Use a spectral integration matrix on each subinterval to
approximate and return the value of
.. math::
g(x) = \int_a^x f(x) dx
at :attr:`nodes`, where :math:`a` is the left-hand edge of the
computational domain.
The computational cost of this routine is linear in
the number of degrees of freedom.
:arg f: the function to be integrated, given as function values
at :attr:`nodes`
# add code here
def right_indefinite_integral(self, f):
r"""Use a spectral integration matrix on each subinterval to
approximate and return the value of
.. math::
g(x) = \int_x^b f(x) dx
at :attr:`nodes`, where :math:`b` is the left-hand edge of the
computational domain.
The computational cost of this routine is linear in
the number of degrees of freedom.
:arg f: the function to be integrated, given as function values
at :attr:`nodes`
# add code here
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