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################### | |
# compiled source # | |
################### | |
*.com | |
*.class | |
*.dll | |
*.exe | |
*.pdb | |
*.dll.config | |
*.cache | |
*.suo | |
# Include dlls if they’re in the NuGet packages directory | |
!/packages/*/lib/*.dll | |
!/packages/*/lib/*/*.dll | |
# Include dlls if they're in the CommonReferences directory | |
!*CommonReferences/*.dll | |
#################### | |
# VS Upgrade stuff # | |
#################### | |
UpgradeLog.XML | |
_UpgradeReport_Files/ | |
############### | |
# Directories # | |
############### | |
bin/ | |
obj/ | |
TestResults/ | |
################### | |
# Web publish log # | |
################### | |
*.Publish.xml | |
############# | |
# Resharper # | |
############# | |
/_ReSharper.* | |
*.ReSharper.* | |
############ | |
# Packages # | |
############ | |
# it’s better to unpack these files and commit the raw source | |
# git has its own built in compression methods | |
*.7z | |
*.dmg | |
*.gz | |
*.iso | |
*.jar | |
*.rar | |
*.tar | |
*.zip | |
###################### | |
# Logs and databases # | |
###################### | |
*.log | |
*.sqlite | |
# OS generated files # | |
###################### | |
.DS_Store? | |
ehthumbs.db | |
Icon? | |
Thumbs.db | |
[Bb]in | |
[Oo]bj | |
[Tt]est[Rr]esults | |
*.suo | |
*.user | |
*.[Cc]ache | |
*[Rr]esharper* | |
packages | |
NuGet.exe | |
_[Ss]cripts | |
*.exe | |
*.dll | |
*.nupkg | |
*.ncrunchsolution | |
*.dot[Cc]over |
Thanks so much - 2023 and it's a mystery why the dotnet new
cli tool doesn't autogenerate a .gitignore
to use 🤷
Hey guys, I've been recieven notifications from this post and I want to share with you a tip: instead of using this .gitignore, begin using dotnet new gitignore
, cli will create a file like this and you guys don't need to come back in this gist in order to upload a new dotnet project to a git based versioning system.
Hey guys, I've been recieven notifications from this post and I want to share with you a tip: instead of using this .gitignore, begin using
dotnet new gitignore
, cli will create a file like this and you guys don't need to come back in this gist in order to upload a new dotnet project to a git based versioning system.
THIS IS BRILLIANT! Thanks for the tip @vicdant1 ❤️ 🚀
Thank youuu
Muito Obrigado!
Pleno 2024 y sigue funcionando
Excelente Servicio
Att: Panchito