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Created June 26, 2015 10:43
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Programowanie 2 - Egzamin
#include <iostream> //( 1)
#include <list> //( 2)
using namespace std; //( 3)
// ############################################## //( 4)
class Zadanie; //( 5)
typedef list<Zadanie*> Lista; //( 6)
class Egzekutor{ //( 7)
public: //( 8)
virtual void nastepne() = 0; //( 9)
virtual void operator+=(Zadanie& z) = 0; //(10)
virtual ~Egzekutor() {} //(11)
}; //(12)
// ############################################## //(13)
class Zadanie{ //(14)
protected: //(15)
static int nr, czeka; //(16)
bool wykonane; //(17)
Egzekutor* e; //(18)
public: //(19)
const int id, priorytet; //(20)
Zadanie(int p=0) //(21)
: wykonane(false),e(0),id(++nr),priorytet(p) //(22)
{ //(23)
++czeka; //(24)
} //(25)
virtual ~Zadanie() { if(!wykonane) --czeka; } //(26)
virtual void wykonaj() { //(27)
if(wykonane) throw *this; //(28)
cout << "\nZadanie " << this->id << ": "; //(29)
--czeka; wykonane=true; //(30)
} //(31)
void ustawEgzekutor(Egzekutor* _e){ //(32)
e = _e; //(33)
} //(34)
}; //(35)
int Zadanie::nr=0; //(36)
int Zadanie::czeka=0; //(37)
// ############################################## //(38)
template<class Z> //(39)
class Tekst : public Z{ //(40)
string s; //(41)
public: //(42)
Tekst(int p=0) : Z(p) {} //(43)
void wykonaj() { //(44)
Z::wykonaj(); //(45)
cout << s; //(46)
} //(47)
void ustawTekst(string _s) { s=_s; } //(48)
}; //(49)
// ############################################## //(50)
template<class Z> //(51)
class Log : public Z{ //(52)
public: //(53)
Log(int p=0) : Z(p) {} //(54)
void wykonaj() { //(55)
Z::wykonaj(); //(56)
cout << "pozostalo " << Z::czeka; //(57)
} //(58)
};// ############################################ //(59)
template<class Z> //(60)
class OkresoweZadanie : public Z{ //(61)
public: //(62)
OkresoweZadanie(int p=0) : Z(p) {} //(63)
void wykonaj() { //(64)
Z::wykonaj(); //(65)
if(this->e!=0 and this->wykonane){ //(66)
this->wykonane=false; //(67)
Z::czeka++; //(68)
(*this->e) += *this; //(69)
} //(70)
} //(71)
}; //(72)
// ############################################## //(73)
class FIFOEgzekutor : public Egzekutor, //(74)
protected Lista //(75)
{ //(76)
public: //(77)
void nastepne() { //(78)
if(size()==0) throw *this; //(79)
front()->wykonaj(); //(80)
pop_front(); //(81)
} //(82)
void operator+=(Zadanie& z) { //(83)
push_back(&z); //(84)
z.ustawEgzekutor(this); //(85)
} //(86)
}; //(87)
// ############################################## //(88)
class PriorytetowyEgzekutor : public FIFOEgzekutor //(89)
{ //(90)
public: //(91)
void operator+=(Zadanie& z) { //(92)
iterator i=begin(); //(93)
while(i!=end() and //(94)
(*i)->priorytet>=z.priorytet) ++i; //(95)
insert(i,&z); //(96)
z.ustawEgzekutor(this); //(97)
} //(98)
}; //(99)
// ############################################## //(100)
void test(Egzekutor& e){ //(101)
OkresoweZadanie<Log<Zadanie> > log(1); //(102)
Tekst<Zadanie> tekst(2); //(103)
Zadanie z(3); //(104)
tekst.ustawTekst("wazna wiadomosc"); //(105)
e += tekst; //(106)
e += log; //(107)
e += z; //(108)
for(int i=0;i<5;++i) e.nastepne(); //(109)
} //(110)
// ############################################## //(111)
int main(){ //(112)
try{ //(113)
FIFOEgzekutor f; //(114)
PriorytetowyEgzekutor p; //(115)
test(f); //(116)
Tekst<Tekst<Zadanie> > t(0); //(117)
t.ustawTekst("Koniec programu"); //(118)
t.Tekst<Zadanie>::wykonaj(); //(119)
}catch(Zadanie& z){ //(120)
cout << "Blad obslugi zadania " <<; //(121)
} //(122)
catch(Egzekutor& z) { //(123)
cout << "Blad obslugi egzekutora"; //(124)
} //(125)
return 0; //(126)
} //(127)
(define merge ; ###### merge ################### ;( 1)
(lambda (p q) ;( 2)
(if (pair? p) ;( 3)
(merge (cdr p) (cons (car p) q)) ;( 4)
q ;( 5)
) ;( 6)
) ;( 7)
) ;( 8)
(define join-loop ; ###### loop ############### ;( 9)
(lambda (p r) ;(10)
(if (pair? p) ;(11)
(join-loop (cdr p) (merge (car p) r) ) ;(12)
r ;(13)
) ;(14)
) ;(15)
) ;(16)
(define join ; ######## join ################### ;(17)
(lambda (p) (join-loop p (list)) ) ;(18)
) ;(19)
(define insert ; #### insert ############## ;(20)
(lambda (e p q r) ;(21)
(if (not (pair? q)) ;(22)
(cons (cons e p) (reverse r)) ;(23)
(insert e ;(24)
(cons (car q) p) ;(25)
(cdr q) ;(26)
(cons ;(27)
(merge ;(28)
(cons e (cons (car q) p)) ;(29)
(cdr q) ;(30)
) ;(31)
r ;(32)
) ;(33)
) ;(34)
) ;(35)
) ;(36)
) ;(37)
(define insert-elem ; ###### insert-elem ####### ;(38)
(lambda (e) ;(39)
(lambda (q) (insert e (list) q (list)) ) ;(40)
) ;(41)
) ;(42)
(define permutations ; ##### permutations ###### ;(43)
(lambda (p) ;(44)
(if (pair? p) ;(45)
(join ;(46)
(map ;(47)
(insert-elem (car p)) ;(48)
(permutations (cdr p)) ;(49)
) ;(50)
) ;(51)
(list p) ;(52)
) ;(53)
) ;(54)
) ;(55)
; ############## main ########################## ;(56)
(define p (list 1 2 3)) ;(57)
(define q (list 4 5)) ;(58)
(define r (list (list p p) (list q q))) ;(59)
(display "r: ")(display r)(newline) ;(60)
(display "join(r): ")(display (join r))(newline) ;(61)
(display "insert(9,q): ") ;(62)
(display ((insert-elem 9) q))(newline) ;(63)
(display "permutations: ") ;(64)
(display (permutations (list "a" "b" "c"))) ;(65)
interface Email{ //( 1)
public String getFrom(); //( 2)
public String getMessage(); //( 3)
} //( 4)
// ############################################## //( 5)
class TextEmail implements Email{ //( 6)
private String from, message; //( 7)
public TextEmail(String from, String message){ //( 8)
this.from = from; //( 9)
this.message = message; //(10)
} //(11)
public String getFrom() { return from; } //(12)
public String getMessage(){ return message; } //(13)
} //(14)
// ############################################## //(15)
class Filter{ //(16)
public boolean check(Email r) {return true;} //(17)
public void process(Email e){} //(18)
} //(19)
// ############################################## //(20)
class PatternFilter extends Filter{ //(21)
private String pattern; //(22)
public PatternFilter(String pattern){ //(23)
this.pattern = pattern; //(24)
} //(25)
public boolean check(Email e){ //(26)
return (e.getFrom() + e.getMessage()). //(27)
matches(pattern); //(28)
} //(29)
} //(30)
// ############################################## //(31)
class FolderFilter extends PatternFilter{ //(32)
private String folder; //(33)
public FolderFilter(String f,String p){ //(34)
super(p); //(35)
this.folder = f; //(36)
} //(37)
public void process(Email e){ //(38)
System.out.println("Moved to "+folder); //(39)
} //(40)
} //(41)
// ############################################## //(42)
class PriorityFilter extends PatternFilter{ //(43)
public PriorityFilter(String p){ //(44)
super(p); //(45)
} //(46)
public void process(Email e){ //(47)
System.out.println("Marked as important"); //(48)
} //(49)
} //(50)
// ############################################## //(51)
class GroupFilter extends Filter{ //(52)
class Node{ //(53)
Filter filter; //(54)
Node next; //(55)
Node(Filter filter, Node next){ //(56)
this.filter = filter; //(57) = next; //(58)
} //(59)
} //(60)
Node node; //(61)
public boolean check(Email e){ //(62)
Node n = this.node; //(63)
while(n!=null){ //(64)
if(n.filter.check(e)) return true; //(65)
n =; //(66)
} //(67)
return false; //(68)
} //(69)
public void process(Email e){ //(70)
Node n = this.node; //(71)
boolean r = false; //(72)
while(n!=null){ //(73)
if(n.filter.check(e)){ //(74)
n.filter.process(e); //(75)
r = true; //(76)
} //(77)
n =; //(78)
} //(79)
if(!r) throw new RuntimeException( //(80)
"Cannot process message"); //(81)
} //(82)
public void setNext(Filter filter){ //(83)
this.node = new Node(filter,this.node); //(84)
} //(85)
} //(86)
// ############################################## //(87)
class EmailProcessor{ //(88)
GroupFilter filter = new GroupFilter(); //(89)
public void addFilter(Filter filter){ //(90)
this.filter.setNext(filter); //(91)
} //(92)
public void process(Email mail){ //(93)
System.out.println("%%%->\nNew message from " //(94)
+ mail.getFrom() + "\nMessage: " //(95)
+ mail.getMessage()); //(96)
filter.process(mail); //(97)
} //(98)
} //(99)
// ############################################## //(100)
class Test{ //(101)
public static EmailProcessor init(){ //(102)
EmailProcessor p = new EmailProcessor(); //(103)
Filter[] filters = { //(104)
new Filter(), //(105)
new FolderFilter("work","(.*)company(.*)"), //(106)
new PriorityFilter("(.*)money(.*)") }; //(107)
for(Filter f : filters) p.addFilter(f); //(108)
return p; //(109)
} //(110)
public static void main(String[] args){ //(111)
try{ //(112)
EmailProcessor p = init(); //(113)
Email m = new TextEmail( //(114)
"","You won a lot of money!"); //(115)
Email b = new TextEmail( //(116)
"","You got promoted!"); //(117)
Email h = new TextEmail( //(118)
"","I like you!"); //(119)
Email[] inbox = {m,b,h}; //(120)
for(Email mail : inbox) p.process(mail); //(121)
p.process(new Email(){ //(122)
public String getFrom(){ return "#@#"; } //(123)
public String getMessage(){return "?!?";}}); //(124)
}catch(Exception e){ //(125)
System.out.println(e.getMessage()); //(126)
} //(127)
} //(128)
} //(129)
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