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Created October 21, 2014 23:17
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case object TakeAction
sealed trait ChannelAction{
def path:String //path is the primary key
case class SaveChannel(channelEntity:ChannelEntity, onComplete:(Boolean => Unit)) extends ChannelAction {
def path = channelEntity.path
case class LoadChannel(path:String, promised:Promise[ChannelEntity]) extends ChannelAction
case class DeleteChannel(path:String, onComplete:(() => Unit)) extends ChannelAction
trait ActionsBuffer {
private[cube] var actions = Seq.empty[ChannelAction]
def isEmpty = actions.isEmpty
def pending = actions.size
def accepts[T <: ChannelAction](action:T)(implicit clazzTag:ClassTag[T]):Unit = {
//the actions is reordered on purpose, to maximize the batches of `save`, `delete` or `load`
//the order of actions won't affect the update/query result as long as their primary keys (path) don't conflict with others
val backwards = actions.reverse.takeWhile{elem =>
elem match {
case a if a.getClass == clazzTag.runtimeClass =>
false //should be injected immediately after this
case a =>
a.path != action.path //keep going forward to the same group possibly, unless path conflict blocks
val behinds = actions.take(actions.size - backwards.size).lastOption match {
case Some(a) if a.getClass == clazzTag.runtimeClass =>
case _ =>
Seq.empty[ChannelAction] //blocked by other type of actions, just append to the end
//the new action is put in between
actions = (actions.take(actions.size - behinds.size) :+ action) ++ behinds
def combine[T <: ChannelAction](implicit clazzTag:ClassTag[T]):Seq[T] = {
val combined = actions.takeWhile(_.getClass == clazzTag.runtimeClass)
actions = actions.drop(combined.size)[T])
class ChannelsManager extends Actor with ActionsBuffer with Logging {
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
import scala.concurrent.duration._
private[this] implicit val persistenceClient = CategoriesManagement(context.system).persistenceClient
override def preStart = {
import context.dispatcher
context.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(10.millis, self, TakeAction)
def noop(b:Boolean):Unit = {
//no operation
def receive = {
case save:SaveChannel =>
case load:LoadChannel =>
case delete:DeleteChannel =>
case TakeAction =>
//must exhaust the actions
var iterations = 0
val count = pending
while(!isEmpty) {
val now = System.nanoTime
combine[SaveChannel] match {
case saves =>
saves.size match {
case s if s == 0 =>
//nothing to do
case s if s == 1 =>"[channelsmanager] saving channels:{} in a batch",
val (entity, onComplete) = (saves.head.channelEntity, saves.head.onComplete)
PersistenceService(persistenceClient).existsAsync(entity.path(), {exists => if(exists) onComplete(false) else {
PersistenceService(persistenceClient).setDataAsync(entity.path(), entity, new Runnable {
override def run() = {
logger.debug("[channelsmanager] saving single channel:{} using:{}ns", entity, (System.nanoTime - now).toString)
case s =>"[channelsmanager] saving channels:{} in a batch",
PersistenceService(persistenceClient).setDataAsync({case SaveChannel(entity, onComplete) =>
(entity.path(), entity, new Runnable {
override def run() = {
logger.debug("[channelsmanager] saving multiple channels:{} in batch using:{}ns",, (System.nanoTime - now).toString)
combine[DeleteChannel] match {
case deletes if deletes.nonEmpty =>"[channelsmanager] deleting channels:{} in a batch",
PersistenceService(persistenceClient).dropDataAsync[ChannelEntity]( {
case DeleteChannel(path, onComplete) => (path, onComplete)
case _ =>
combine[LoadChannel] match {
case loads if loads.nonEmpty =>"[channelsmanager] loading channels:{} in a batch",
PersistenceService(persistenceClient).getDataAsync[ChannelEntity]( { r => (r.path, { channelOption: Option[ChannelEntity] => channelOption match {
case Some(channelEntity) =>
case None =>
noop(r.promised.tryFailure(new NoSuchElementException))
case _ =>
iterations += 1
//don't log too much junk
if(count > 0) {"[channelsmanager] took: {} actions and finished with:{} iterations to exhaust", count.toString, iterations.toString)
import context.dispatcher
context.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(10.millis, self, TakeAction)
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