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inexxt /
Created October 27, 2016 11:59 — forked from robclewley/
Module to import from ipython notebooks
Module directly collated from
import io, os, sys, types
from IPython.nbformat import current
from IPython.core.interactiveshell import InteractiveShell
def find_notebook(fullname, path=None):
"""find a notebook, given its fully qualified name and an optional path
inexxt /
Last active December 26, 2016 04:30
Notes from Karpathy 231n 2016 course

Thoughts from CS231n 2016:

Lecture 4:

NNs are just computational graphs.

Each node is responsible for computation of forward-pass and backward-pass

Graph object is just a thin abstraction over passing data.

Nielibertariańskie FAQ

(czyli dlaczego nienawidzę Twojej wolności)

v2.0, teraz z jeszcze większą dawką etatyzmu!


Kim jesteś? Co to w ogóle ma być?

Więcej informacji o mnie - na raikoth (teraz SSC*). Przed Tobą druga wersja Nielibertariańskiego FAQ (czyli dlaczego nienawidzę Twojej wolności). Oryginalną, którszą i bardziej zwięzłą wersję, możesz znaleźć tu.

Q: When we calculate the F-Measure considering both Precision and Recall, we take the harmonic mean of the two measures instead of a simple arithmetic mean.

What is the intuitive reason behind taking the harmonic mean and not a simple average?

Answer 1

The harmonic mean is the equivalent of the arithmetic mean for reciprocals of quantities that should be averaged by the arithmetic mean. More precisely, with the harmonic mean, you transform all your numbers to the "averageable" form (by taking the reciprocal), you take their arithmetic mean and then transform the result back to the original representation (by taking the reciprocal again).

"openapi": "3.0.2",
"info": {
"title": "Camunda BPM REST API",
"description": "OpenApi Spec for Camunda BPM REST API.",
"version": "7.13.0",
"license": {
"name": "Apache License 2.0",
"url": ""
"openapi": "3.0.2",
"info": {
"title": "Camunda BPM REST API",
"description": "OpenApi Spec for Camunda BPM REST API.",
"version": "7.13.0",
"license": {
"name": "Apache License 2.0",
"url": ""

Ok, so facebook is constantly changing something in their apis, the way the page works etc. For now (8 Feb 17) it is not possible to download all photos from conversation.

I've tried:

  • downloading copy of my data - doesn't contain any such photos
  • going to album of shared photos in the converation and then downloading the page - files don't contain images (even thumbnails...)
  • scrolling through the page on which the images appear to load them all, then saving the page, extracting links to the images and scraping them - images don't load in separate window, there is some authentication problem
  • using Chrome extentions - Image downloader, Fatkun downloader - to download the images - extentions don't list the images at all
  • using various versions of FBMessageScraper from github - all of them don't work since facebook changed it's facebook/messages to facebook/messanger
  • trying to get the photos from the iphone messenger - it doesn't have this option
  • manually clicking through the images one at