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Created June 20, 2015 23:16
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Bar chart in PHP using the GD library
* Chart data
$data = [
'Jan' => 103,
'Feb' => 24,
'Mar' => 44,
'Apr' => 14,
'May' => 89,
'Jun' => 147,
'Jul' => 181,
'Aug' => 172,
'Sep' => 52,
'Oct' => 106,
'Nov' => 121,
'Dec' => 76,
* Chart settings and create image
// Image dimensions
$imageWidth = 700;
$imageHeight = 400;
// Grid dimensions and placement within image
$gridTop = 40;
$gridLeft = 50;
$gridBottom = 340;
$gridRight = 650;
$gridHeight = $gridBottom - $gridTop;
$gridWidth = $gridRight - $gridLeft;
// Bar and line width
$lineWidth = 1;
$barWidth = 20;
// Font settings
$font = 'OpenSans-Regular.ttf';
$fontSize = 10;
// Margin between label and axis
$labelMargin = 8;
// Max value on y-axis
$yMaxValue = 200;
// Distance between grid lines on y-axis
$yLabelSpan = 40;
// Init image
$chart = imagecreate($imageWidth, $imageHeight);
// Setup colors
$backgroundColor = imagecolorallocate($chart, 255, 255, 255);
$axisColor = imagecolorallocate($chart, 85, 85, 85);
$labelColor = $axisColor;
$gridColor = imagecolorallocate($chart, 212, 212, 212);
$barColor = imagecolorallocate($chart, 47, 133, 217);
imagefill($chart, 0, 0, $backgroundColor);
imagesetthickness($chart, $lineWidth);
* Print grid lines bottom up
for($i = 0; $i <= $yMaxValue; $i += $yLabelSpan) {
$y = $gridBottom - $i * $gridHeight / $yMaxValue;
// draw the line
imageline($chart, $gridLeft, $y, $gridRight, $y, $gridColor);
// draw right aligned label
$labelBox = imagettfbbox($fontSize, 0, $font, strval($i));
$labelWidth = $labelBox[4] - $labelBox[0];
$labelX = $gridLeft - $labelWidth - $labelMargin;
$labelY = $y + $fontSize / 2;
imagettftext($chart, $fontSize, 0, $labelX, $labelY, $labelColor, $font, strval($i));
* Draw x- and y-axis
imageline($chart, $gridLeft, $gridTop, $gridLeft, $gridBottom, $axisColor);
imageline($chart, $gridLeft, $gridBottom, $gridRight, $gridBottom, $axisColor);
* Draw the bars with labels
$barSpacing = $gridWidth / count($data);
$itemX = $gridLeft + $barSpacing / 2;
foreach($data as $key => $value) {
// Draw the bar
$x1 = $itemX - $barWidth / 2;
$y1 = $gridBottom - $value / $yMaxValue * $gridHeight;
$x2 = $itemX + $barWidth / 2;
$y2 = $gridBottom - 1;
imagefilledrectangle($chart, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $barColor);
// Draw the label
$labelBox = imagettfbbox($fontSize, 0, $font, $key);
$labelWidth = $labelBox[4] - $labelBox[0];
$labelX = $itemX - $labelWidth / 2;
$labelY = $gridBottom + $labelMargin + $fontSize;
imagettftext($chart, $fontSize, 0, $labelX, $labelY, $labelColor, $font, $key);
$itemX += $barSpacing;
* Output image to browser
header('Content-Type: image/png');
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