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Last active November 5, 2019 22:13
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  • Save infamouskeyduster/c7bfd41f74f54f73e0cc98a91be8f014 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save infamouskeyduster/c7bfd41f74f54f73e0cc98a91be8f014 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

What is the value of a checklist?

  • A checklist helps maintain organization.
  • It is a simple task manager that shows which tasks have been completed and which tasks have not.
  • A checklist can help prioritze events.
  • A cheklist can keep lesser priority items from being swept under the rug.
  • A checklkst can help set out clear and achievable goals for a day, week, etc..

What do you plan to improve upon while at Turing?

I plan to improve on:

  • My organizational skills.
  • Traditional typing skills
  • Not procrastingating and using my time and energy to its fullest potential.
  • My pursuit of knowledge, and improving my ability to learn.
  • Self-sufficiency (when appropriate).
  • My ability to collaborate with others, and provide constructive criticism.
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