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Last active December 2, 2019 22:53
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Taras Tarlov & John Watterson DTR Paires Project

DTR: Define the Relationship

One teammate should copy and paste the raw markdown into a gist of your own.

Guiding Questions to Define The Relationship:

  • What is your collaboration style? How do you feel about pair programming vs. divide-and-conquer approaches?
    • Our decided method of collaboration is PAIRED PROGRAMMING - one computer two minds.
  • How do you communicate best? How do you appreciate receiving communication from others?
    • I (J Watterson) communicate best when communication is early & often. Taras says, 'ditto'.
  • How would you describe your work style?
    • We both enjoy receiving a project and getting to work on it immediately. We are both detailed oriented, but comprehension of the big picture is needed as guidance.
  • What are each of our strengths? How can our strengths complement each other?
    • John Watterson / my design background will help with the necessary technical approach.
    • Taras Tarlov - has a lot of 'figure-it-the-fuck-outness' / he posses the abilities to figure things out on his own!
  • What’s gone well or poorly in your previous projects?
    • Things that have gone no-so-well:
      • Time to dedicate to the previous project.
      • Divergence of goals / difference in levels of work quality and detail.
      • JavaScript
    • Things that have gone well:
      • Building something semi-functional without use if flex or grid.
      • Actually getting things completed on time.
      • Not experiencing stress from a project that will jeopardize other things going on in your life.
  • How will we set direction and make decisions as a team?
    • TALK about it!
    • Try to set goals for each day. TINY VICTORIES!
  • What do you need (resources, environment, communication) to do your best work?
    • Communicate early & often
    • Wroking at Turing can be a blessing and a curse
      • Turing can be overly distracting with others interrupting for help.
      • Conversely working at Turing can be a blessing becasue there are always people to seek help from!
      • Striking a good balance between working at Turing and working elsewhere.
  • What scheduling constraints do you have? What are your scheduling preferences?
    • Neither party has scheduling constraints at the given time. Though things may come up!
    • Get the lion's share of work done during the week after the school day. If not then, we will reserve Friday night for family, and begin work at 10AM Sunday.
  • What is your style for giving feedback? Does anything ever hold you back from giving feedback?
    • My style is deifnitely giving direct constructive criticism / trying not to beat around the bush.
    • Taras: Giving feedback that is NOT personal just productive.
  • What do you identify as being your biggest strength(s) technically? Where do you feel you could use improvement in your technical skills? How can our team help support you in improving these skills?
    • (John) My biggest weakness / area of growth IS JavaScript. Technically I am strong at design and layout principles & typography.
    • (Taras) My biggest weakness is JAvaScript. Overall computer knowlege is my strength.
  • How do you want the group to solve problems when members run into issues with features of the project?
    • This would be the perfect opportunity to find help outside the group. Asking upper mods or mentors.
  • How do you know if a project is successful? How can we achieve that as a group?
    • Referencing the ruberic! Referncing the Turing Style Guides! Achieving milestones established by group members!
  • How will we recognize each other's successes and celebrate them?
    • FIST BUMP! WORDS OF AFFIRMATION! Any additional questions that you would like to add:

Template for DTR Memo

Project: 1911 Mod 1 Pair Project

Group Member Names: John Watterson & Taras Tarlov

Goals and Expectations for the Project (What does each group member hope to get out of this project? What do we want to achieve as a team? How will we know that we're successful? YES, you can still fully answer this question without knowing exactly what you're going to build.):

  • Completing the project fully.
  • Gaining more proficiency in CSS layout, JavaScript functions, scaling of the page for suitable viewing on mobile devices-OR-smaller screen
  • Understanding how GitHub works to interface multiple users and code bases.

Team strengths & collaboration styles (consider discussing your Pairin qualities here):

  • Our decided method of collaboration is PAIRED PROGRAMMING - one computer two minds.
  • John Watterson, my design background will help with the necessary technical approach.
  • Taras Tarlov has a lot of 'figure-it-the-fuck-outness' / he posses the abilities to figure things out on his own!

How we can use our strengths to overcome obstacles:

  • Two heads are better than one! We are both capable people at larning what we need to know to solve probelms and execute tasks.

What do you need to look out for, in terms of strengths/working styles coming into conflict?

  • Taras & I have some history of working together already… This will benifit us, becasue we are somewhat familiar with one another's working styles.
  • On the contrary becuase we are friends, we may find it easy to get distracted and digress from the task at hand.

Schedule Expectations (When are we available to work together and individually? What constraints do we have?):

  • Neither party has scheduling constraints at the given time. Though things may come up!
  • Get the lion's share of work done during the week after the school day. If not then, we will reserve Friday night for family, and begin work at 10AM Sunday.

What is the one hour/day that each teammate has on their calendar for personal study/practice time?

  • Mornings seem suitable for personal pursuit, as well as time at home after paired working.

Communication Expectations (How and often will we communicate? How do we keep lines of communication open? How will we make decisions as a team?):

  • Communicate early & often
  • Wroking at Turing can be a blessing and a curse
  • Turing can be overly distracting with others interrupting for help.
  • Conversely working at Turing can be a blessing becasue there are always people to seek help from!
  • Striking a good balance between working at Turing and working elsewhere.
  • Text message / slack will be our methods of communication.

Abilities & Growth Expectations (Technical strengths and areas for desired improvement):

  • (John) My biggest weakness / area of growth IS JavaScript. Technically I am strong at design and layout principles & typography.
  • (Taras) My biggest weakness is JAvaScript. Overall computer knowlege is my strength. Expectations for giving and receiving feedback:

Additional Notes:

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