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Created September 10, 2019 04:42
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  • Save infernoboy/23c86f660ebe1dfc91af777ee2b8a61a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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00:000 00:000 OC: OpenCore is now loading (Vault: 0/0, Sign 0/0)...
00:008 00:008 OC: Boot timestamp - 2019.09.10 04:25:09
00:015 00:007 OCCPU: Found Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700K CPU @ 4.20GHz
00:023 00:007 OCCPU: Signature 906E9 Stepping 9 Model 9E Family 6 Type 0 ExtModel 9 ExtFamily 0
00:032 00:009 OCCPU: Detected Apple Processor Type: 07 -> 0705
00:040 00:007 OCCPU: Ratio Min 8 Max 42 Current 48 Turbo 48 48 48 48
00:048 00:007 OCCPU: Known Model Core Crystal Clock Frequency 24000000Hz
00:056 00:007 OCCPU: TSC Adjust 0
00:063 00:007 OCCPU: CPUFrequencyFromART 4200000000Hz 4200MHz = 24000000 * 350 / 2
00:071 00:007 OCCPU: Timer address is 1808 from PMC ACPI
00:079 00:007 OCCPU: CPUFrequencyFromTSC 4199990400Hz 4199MHz
00:087 00:007 OCCPU: CPUFrequency 4200000000Hz 4200MHz
00:094 00:007 OCCPU: FSBFrequency 100000000Hz 100MHz
00:102 00:007 OCCPU: Pkg 1 Cores 4 Threads 8
00:110 00:007 OC: OcLoadUefiSupport...
00:118 00:007 OCC: Install console control 0 - Success
00:126 00:008 OC: Missing GOP on ConsoleOutHandle, will install - Unsupported
00:171 00:045 OCC: Configuring console ignore 0 san clear 1 clear switch 0 replace tab 0s
00:181 00:010 OCC: Configuring behaviour 0
00:189 00:007 OC: Got 7 drivers
00:197 00:007 OC: Driver ApfsDriverLoader.efi at 0 is being loaded...
00:309 00:112 OC: Driver ApfsDriverLoader.efi at 0 is successfully loaded!
00:317 00:008 OC: Driver AppleGenericInput.efi at 1 is being loaded...
00:428 00:110 OC: Driver AppleGenericInput.efi at 1 is successfully loaded!
00:436 00:007 OC: Driver FwRuntimeServices.efi at 2 is being loaded...
00:546 00:110 OC: Driver FwRuntimeServices.efi at 2 is successfully loaded!
00:554 00:007 OC: Driver UsbKbDxe.efi at 3 is being loaded...
00:665 00:111 OC: Driver UsbKbDxe.efi at 3 is successfully loaded!
00:673 00:008 OC: Driver VBoxExt4.efi at 4 is being loaded...
00:683 00:009 OC: Driver VBoxExt4.efi at 4 is successfully loaded!
00:691 00:007 OC: Driver VBoxHfs.efi at 5 is being loaded...
00:803 00:111 OC: Driver VBoxHfs.efi at 5 is successfully loaded!
00:811 00:008 OC: Driver VirtualSmc.efi at 6 is being loaded...
00:922 00:110 OC: Driver VirtualSmc.efi at 6 is successfully loaded!
00:930 00:007 OC: Connecting drivers...
01:801 00:870 OC: OcLoadAcpiSupport...
01:808 00:007 OCA: Found 21 ACPI tables
01:816 00:007 OCA: Detected table 50434146 (00002049204D2041) at 9EAAC6F8 of 276 bytes at index 0
01:826 00:009 OCA: Detected table 43495041 (00002049204D2041) at 9EAAC810 of 188 bytes at index 1
01:835 00:009 OCA: Detected table 54445046 (00002049204D2041) at 9EAAC8D0 of 68 bytes at index 2
01:844 00:009 OCA: Detected table 4746434D (00002049204D2041) at 9EAAC918 of 60 bytes at index 3
01:854 00:009 OCA: Detected table 54444946 (00000049204D2041) at 9EAAC958 of 156 bytes at index 4
01:863 00:009 OCA: Detected table 54445353 (0020746473536153) at 9EAAC9F8 of 12628 bytes at index 5
01:872 00:009 OCA: Detected table 54445353 (0074647353676550) at 9EAAFB50 of 9540 bytes at index 6
01:881 00:009 OCA: Detected table 54455048 (00000000004C424B) at 9EAB2098 of 56 bytes at index 7
01:891 00:009 OCA: Detected table 54445353 (7076525F72656854) at 9EAB20D0 of 3643 bytes at index 8
01:900 00:009 OCA: Detected table 54445353 (30317076725F6878) at 9EAB2F10 of 10967 bytes at index 9
01:910 00:009 OCA: Detected table 49464555 (20202020324B4445) at 9EAB59E8 of 66 bytes at index 10
01:919 00:009 OCA: Detected table 54445353 (0074647353757043) at 9EAB5A30 of 3806 bytes at index 11
01:928 00:009 OCA: Detected table 5449504C (00000000004C424B) at 9EAB6910 of 148 bytes at index 12
01:938 00:009 OCA: Detected table 544D5357 (00000000004C424B) at 9EAB69A8 of 40 bytes at index 13
01:947 00:009 OCA: Detected table 54445353 (62756872736E6573) at 9EAB69D0 of 671 bytes at index 14
01:956 00:009 OCA: Detected table 54445353 (6376654464697450) at 9EAB6C70 of 12290 bytes at index 15
01:966 00:009 OCA: Detected table 50474244 (0000000000000000) at 9EAB9C78 of 52 bytes at index 16
01:975 00:009 OCA: Detected table 32474244 (0000000000000000) at 9EAB9CB0 of 84 bytes at index 17
01:984 00:009 OCA: Detected table 54434656 (00002049204D2041) at 9EAB9D08 of 59524 bytes at index 18
01:994 00:009 OCA: Detected table 54524742 (00002049204D2041) at 9EAC8590 of 56 bytes at index 19
02:003 00:009 OCA: Detected table 52414D44 (00000000204C424B) at 9EAC85C8 of 112 bytes at index 20
02:012 00:009 OCA: Applying 4 byte ACPI patch skip 0, count 1
02:020 00:007 OCA: Patching DSDT of 165098 bytes with 0000000000000000 ID replaced 0 of 1
02:028 00:007 OCA: Patching 50434146 (00002049204D2041, 276) with 00002049204D2041 ID at 0 replaced 0 of 1
02:038 00:009 OCA: Patching 43495041 (00002049204D2041, 188) with 00002049204D2041 ID at 1 replaced 0 of 1
02:047 00:009 OCA: Patching 54445046 (00002049204D2041, 68) with 00002049204D2041 ID at 2 replaced 0 of 1
02:056 00:009 OCA: Patching 4746434D (00002049204D2041, 60) with 00002049204D2041 ID at 3 replaced 0 of 1
02:066 00:009 OCA: Patching 54444946 (00000049204D2041, 156) with 00000049204D2041 ID at 4 replaced 0 of 1
02:075 00:009 OCA: Patching 54445353 (0020746473536153, 12628) with 0020746473536153 ID at 5 replaced 0 of 1
02:085 00:009 OCA: Patching 54445353 (0074647353676550, 9540) with 0074647353676550 ID at 6 replaced 0 of 1
02:094 00:009 OCA: Patching 54455048 (00000000004C424B, 56) with 00000000004C424B ID at 7 replaced 0 of 1
02:103 00:009 OCA: Patching 54445353 (7076525F72656854, 3643) with 7076525F72656854 ID at 8 replaced 0 of 1
02:113 00:009 OCA: Patching 54445353 (30317076725F6878, 10967) with 30317076725F6878 ID at 9 replaced 0 of 1
02:122 00:009 OCA: Patching 49464555 (20202020324B4445, 66) with 20202020324B4445 ID at 10 replaced 0 of 1
02:132 00:009 OCA: Patching 54445353 (0074647353757043, 3806) with 0074647353757043 ID at 11 replaced 0 of 1
02:141 00:009 OCA: Patching 5449504C (00000000004C424B, 148) with 00000000004C424B ID at 12 replaced 0 of 1
02:150 00:009 OCA: Patching 544D5357 (00000000004C424B, 40) with 00000000004C424B ID at 13 replaced 0 of 1
02:160 00:009 OCA: Patching 54445353 (62756872736E6573, 671) with 62756872736E6573 ID at 14 replaced 0 of 1
02:169 00:009 OCA: Patching 54445353 (6376654464697450, 12290) with 6376654464697450 ID at 15 replaced 0 of 1
02:179 00:009 OCA: Patching 50474244 (0000000000000000, 52) with 0000000000000000 ID at 16 replaced 0 of 1
02:188 00:009 OCA: Patching 32474244 (0000000000000000, 84) with 0000000000000000 ID at 17 replaced 0 of 1
02:199 00:010 OCA: Patching 54434656 (00002049204D2041, 59524) with 00002049204D2041 ID at 18 replaced 0 of 1
02:208 00:009 OCA: Patching 54524742 (00002049204D2041, 56) with 00002049204D2041 ID at 19 replaced 0 of 1
02:217 00:009 OCA: Patching 52414D44 (00000000204C424B, 112) with 00000000204C424B ID at 20 replaced 0 of 1
02:227 00:009 OCA: Applying 4 byte ACPI patch skip 0, count 1
02:235 00:007 OCA: Patching DSDT of 165098 bytes with 0000000000000000 ID replaced 0 of 1
02:242 00:007 OCA: Patching 50434146 (00002049204D2041, 276) with 00002049204D2041 ID at 0 replaced 0 of 1
02:252 00:009 OCA: Patching 43495041 (00002049204D2041, 188) with 00002049204D2041 ID at 1 replaced 0 of 1
02:261 00:009 OCA: Patching 54445046 (00002049204D2041, 68) with 00002049204D2041 ID at 2 replaced 0 of 1
02:270 00:009 OCA: Patching 4746434D (00002049204D2041, 60) with 00002049204D2041 ID at 3 replaced 0 of 1
02:280 00:009 OCA: Patching 54444946 (00000049204D2041, 156) with 00000049204D2041 ID at 4 replaced 0 of 1
02:289 00:009 OCA: Patching 54445353 (0020746473536153, 12628) with 0020746473536153 ID at 5 replaced 0 of 1
02:298 00:009 OCA: Patching 54445353 (0074647353676550, 9540) with 0074647353676550 ID at 6 replaced 0 of 1
02:308 00:009 OCA: Patching 54455048 (00000000004C424B, 56) with 00000000004C424B ID at 7 replaced 0 of 1
02:317 00:009 OCA: Patching 54445353 (7076525F72656854, 3643) with 7076525F72656854 ID at 8 replaced 0 of 1
02:327 00:009 OCA: Patching 54445353 (30317076725F6878, 10967) with 30317076725F6878 ID at 9 replaced 0 of 1
02:336 00:009 OCA: Patching 49464555 (20202020324B4445, 66) with 20202020324B4445 ID at 10 replaced 0 of 1
02:346 00:009 OCA: Patching 54445353 (0074647353757043, 3806) with 0074647353757043 ID at 11 replaced 0 of 1
02:355 00:009 OCA: Patching 5449504C (00000000004C424B, 148) with 00000000004C424B ID at 12 replaced 0 of 1
02:364 00:009 OCA: Patching 544D5357 (00000000004C424B, 40) with 00000000004C424B ID at 13 replaced 0 of 1
02:374 00:009 OCA: Patching 54445353 (62756872736E6573, 671) with 62756872736E6573 ID at 14 replaced 0 of 1
02:383 00:009 OCA: Patching 54445353 (6376654464697450, 12290) with 6376654464697450 ID at 15 replaced 0 of 1
02:392 00:009 OCA: Patching 50474244 (0000000000000000, 52) with 0000000000000000 ID at 16 replaced 0 of 1
02:402 00:009 OCA: Patching 32474244 (0000000000000000, 84) with 0000000000000000 ID at 17 replaced 0 of 1
02:411 00:009 OCA: Patching 54434656 (00002049204D2041, 59524) with 00002049204D2041 ID at 18 replaced 0 of 1
02:421 00:009 OCA: Patching 54524742 (00002049204D2041, 56) with 00002049204D2041 ID at 19 replaced 0 of 1
02:430 00:009 OCA: Patching 52414D44 (00000000204C424B, 112) with 00000000204C424B ID at 20 replaced 0 of 1
02:439 00:009 OCA: Applying 4 byte ACPI patch skip 0, count 1
02:447 00:007 OCA: Patching DSDT of 165098 bytes with 0000000000000000 ID replaced 1 of 1
02:455 00:007 OCA: Refreshed DSDT checksum to 5C
02:462 00:007 OCA: Patching 50434146 (00002049204D2041, 276) with 00002049204D2041 ID at 0 replaced 0 of 1
02:472 00:009 OCA: Patching 43495041 (00002049204D2041, 188) with 00002049204D2041 ID at 1 replaced 0 of 1
02:481 00:009 OCA: Patching 54445046 (00002049204D2041, 68) with 00002049204D2041 ID at 2 replaced 0 of 1
02:491 00:009 OCA: Patching 4746434D (00002049204D2041, 60) with 00002049204D2041 ID at 3 replaced 0 of 1
02:500 00:009 OCA: Patching 54444946 (00000049204D2041, 156) with 00000049204D2041 ID at 4 replaced 0 of 1
02:509 00:009 OCA: Patching 54445353 (0020746473536153, 12628) with 0020746473536153 ID at 5 replaced 0 of 1
02:518 00:009 OCA: Patching 54445353 (0074647353676550, 9540) with 0074647353676550 ID at 6 replaced 0 of 1
02:528 00:009 OCA: Patching 54455048 (00000000004C424B, 56) with 00000000004C424B ID at 7 replaced 0 of 1
02:537 00:009 OCA: Patching 54445353 (7076525F72656854, 3643) with 7076525F72656854 ID at 8 replaced 0 of 1
02:547 00:009 OCA: Patching 54445353 (30317076725F6878, 10967) with 30317076725F6878 ID at 9 replaced 0 of 1
02:556 00:009 OCA: Patching 49464555 (20202020324B4445, 66) with 20202020324B4445 ID at 10 replaced 0 of 1
02:565 00:009 OCA: Patching 54445353 (0074647353757043, 3806) with 0074647353757043 ID at 11 replaced 0 of 1
02:575 00:009 OCA: Patching 5449504C (00000000004C424B, 148) with 00000000004C424B ID at 12 replaced 0 of 1
02:584 00:009 OCA: Patching 544D5357 (00000000004C424B, 40) with 00000000004C424B ID at 13 replaced 0 of 1
02:593 00:009 OCA: Patching 54445353 (62756872736E6573, 671) with 62756872736E6573 ID at 14 replaced 0 of 1
02:603 00:009 OCA: Patching 54445353 (6376654464697450, 12290) with 6376654464697450 ID at 15 replaced 0 of 1
02:612 00:009 OCA: Patching 50474244 (0000000000000000, 52) with 0000000000000000 ID at 16 replaced 0 of 1
02:621 00:009 OCA: Patching 32474244 (0000000000000000, 84) with 0000000000000000 ID at 17 replaced 0 of 1
02:631 00:009 OCA: Patching 54434656 (00002049204D2041, 59524) with 00002049204D2041 ID at 18 replaced 0 of 1
02:640 00:009 OCA: Patching 54524742 (00002049204D2041, 56) with 00002049204D2041 ID at 19 replaced 0 of 1
02:650 00:009 OCA: Patching 52414D44 (00000000204C424B, 112) with 00000000204C424B ID at 20 replaced 0 of 1
02:659 00:009 OCA: Applying 4 byte ACPI patch skip 0, count 1
02:667 00:007 OCA: Patching DSDT of 165098 bytes with 0000000000000000 ID replaced 0 of 1
02:674 00:007 OCA: Patching 50434146 (00002049204D2041, 276) with 00002049204D2041 ID at 0 replaced 0 of 1
02:684 00:009 OCA: Patching 43495041 (00002049204D2041, 188) with 00002049204D2041 ID at 1 replaced 0 of 1
02:693 00:009 OCA: Patching 54445046 (00002049204D2041, 68) with 00002049204D2041 ID at 2 replaced 0 of 1
02:702 00:009 OCA: Patching 4746434D (00002049204D2041, 60) with 00002049204D2041 ID at 3 replaced 0 of 1
02:712 00:009 OCA: Patching 54444946 (00000049204D2041, 156) with 00000049204D2041 ID at 4 replaced 0 of 1
02:721 00:009 OCA: Patching 54445353 (0020746473536153, 12628) with 0020746473536153 ID at 5 replaced 0 of 1
02:731 00:009 OCA: Patching 54445353 (0074647353676550, 9540) with 0074647353676550 ID at 6 replaced 0 of 1
02:740 00:009 OCA: Patching 54455048 (00000000004C424B, 56) with 00000000004C424B ID at 7 replaced 0 of 1
02:749 00:009 OCA: Patching 54445353 (7076525F72656854, 3643) with 7076525F72656854 ID at 8 replaced 0 of 1
02:759 00:009 OCA: Patching 54445353 (30317076725F6878, 10967) with 30317076725F6878 ID at 9 replaced 0 of 1
02:768 00:009 OCA: Patching 49464555 (20202020324B4445, 66) with 20202020324B4445 ID at 10 replaced 0 of 1
02:777 00:009 OCA: Patching 54445353 (0074647353757043, 3806) with 0074647353757043 ID at 11 replaced 0 of 1
02:787 00:009 OCA: Patching 5449504C (00000000004C424B, 148) with 00000000004C424B ID at 12 replaced 0 of 1
02:796 00:009 OCA: Patching 544D5357 (00000000004C424B, 40) with 00000000004C424B ID at 13 replaced 0 of 1
02:806 00:009 OCA: Patching 54445353 (62756872736E6573, 671) with 62756872736E6573 ID at 14 replaced 0 of 1
02:815 00:009 OCA: Patching 54445353 (6376654464697450, 12290) with 6376654464697450 ID at 15 replaced 0 of 1
02:825 00:009 OCA: Patching 50474244 (0000000000000000, 52) with 0000000000000000 ID at 16 replaced 0 of 1
02:834 00:009 OCA: Patching 32474244 (0000000000000000, 84) with 0000000000000000 ID at 17 replaced 0 of 1
02:843 00:009 OCA: Patching 54434656 (00002049204D2041, 59524) with 00002049204D2041 ID at 18 replaced 0 of 1
02:853 00:009 OCA: Patching 54524742 (00002049204D2041, 56) with 00002049204D2041 ID at 19 replaced 0 of 1
02:862 00:009 OCA: Patching 52414D44 (00000000204C424B, 112) with 00000000204C424B ID at 20 replaced 0 of 1
02:873 00:010 OCA: Inserted table 54445353 (0000000000004345) of 63 bytes into ACPI at index 21
02:884 00:011 OCA: Inserted table 54445353 (4C4C412D43414955) of 848 bytes into ACPI at index 22
02:896 00:011 OCA: Inserted table 54445353 (0000006D50757043) of 187 bytes into ACPI at index 23
02:906 00:009 OCA: FACS signature is 0 (0)
02:913 00:007 OCA: Exposing XSDT table 50434146 (00002049204D2041) at 9EAAC6F8 of 276 bytes at index 0
02:923 00:009 OCA: Exposing XSDT table 43495041 (00002049204D2041) at 9EAAC810 of 188 bytes at index 1
02:932 00:009 OCA: Exposing XSDT table 54445046 (00002049204D2041) at 9EAAC8D0 of 68 bytes at index 2
02:941 00:009 OCA: Exposing XSDT table 4746434D (00002049204D2041) at 9EAAC918 of 60 bytes at index 3
02:951 00:009 OCA: Exposing XSDT table 54444946 (00000049204D2041) at 9EAAC958 of 156 bytes at index 4
02:960 00:009 OCA: Exposing XSDT table 54445353 (0020746473536153) at 9EAAC9F8 of 12628 bytes at index 5
02:969 00:009 OCA: Exposing XSDT table 54445353 (0074647353676550) at 9EAAFB50 of 9540 bytes at index 6
02:979 00:009 OCA: Exposing XSDT table 54455048 (00000000004C424B) at 9EAB2098 of 56 bytes at index 7
02:988 00:009 OCA: Exposing XSDT table 54445353 (7076525F72656854) at 9EAB20D0 of 3643 bytes at index 8
02:997 00:009 OCA: Exposing XSDT table 54445353 (30317076725F6878) at 9EAB2F10 of 10967 bytes at index 9
03:007 00:009 OCA: Exposing XSDT table 49464555 (20202020324B4445) at 9EAB59E8 of 66 bytes at index 10
03:016 00:009 OCA: Exposing XSDT table 54445353 (0074647353757043) at 9EAB5A30 of 3806 bytes at index 11
03:025 00:009 OCA: Exposing XSDT table 5449504C (00000000004C424B) at 9EAB6910 of 148 bytes at index 12
03:035 00:009 OCA: Exposing XSDT table 544D5357 (00000000004C424B) at 9EAB69A8 of 40 bytes at index 13
03:044 00:009 OCA: Exposing XSDT table 54445353 (62756872736E6573) at 9EAB69D0 of 671 bytes at index 14
03:054 00:009 OCA: Exposing XSDT table 54445353 (6376654464697450) at 9EAB6C70 of 12290 bytes at index 15
03:063 00:009 OCA: Exposing XSDT table 50474244 (0000000000000000) at 9EAB9C78 of 52 bytes at index 16
03:072 00:009 OCA: Exposing XSDT table 32474244 (0000000000000000) at 9EAB9CB0 of 84 bytes at index 17
03:081 00:009 OCA: Exposing XSDT table 54434656 (00002049204D2041) at 9EAB9D08 of 59524 bytes at index 18
03:091 00:009 OCA: Exposing XSDT table 54524742 (00002049204D2041) at 9EAC8590 of 56 bytes at index 19
03:100 00:009 OCA: Exposing XSDT table 52414D44 (00000000204C424B) at 9EAC85C8 of 112 bytes at index 20
03:110 00:009 OCA: Exposing XSDT table 54445353 (0000000000004345) at 9EE37000 of 63 bytes at index 21
03:118 00:008 OCA: Exposing XSDT table 54445353 (4C4C412D43414955) at 9EE36000 of 848 bytes at index 22
03:128 00:009 OCA: Exposing XSDT table 54445353 (0000006D50757043) at 9EE35000 of 187 bytes at index 23
03:137 00:009 OCA: Exposing RSDT table 50434146 (00002049204D2041) at 9EAAC6F8 of 276 bytes at index 0
03:146 00:009 OCA: Exposing RSDT table 43495041 (00002049204D2041) at 9EAAC810 of 188 bytes at index 1
03:156 00:009 OCA: Exposing RSDT table 54445046 (00002049204D2041) at 9EAAC8D0 of 68 bytes at index 2
03:165 00:009 OCA: Exposing RSDT table 4746434D (00002049204D2041) at 9EAAC918 of 60 bytes at index 3
03:174 00:009 OCA: Exposing RSDT table 54444946 (00000049204D2041) at 9EAAC958 of 156 bytes at index 4
03:184 00:009 OCA: Exposing RSDT table 54445353 (0020746473536153) at 9EAAC9F8 of 12628 bytes at index 5
03:193 00:009 OCA: Exposing RSDT table 54445353 (0074647353676550) at 9EAAFB50 of 9540 bytes at index 6
03:203 00:009 OCA: Exposing RSDT table 54455048 (00000000004C424B) at 9EAB2098 of 56 bytes at index 7
03:212 00:009 OCA: Exposing RSDT table 54445353 (7076525F72656854) at 9EAB20D0 of 3643 bytes at index 8
03:221 00:009 OCA: Exposing RSDT table 54445353 (30317076725F6878) at 9EAB2F10 of 10967 bytes at index 9
03:233 00:011 OCA: Exposing RSDT table 49464555 (20202020324B4445) at 9EAB59E8 of 66 bytes at index 10
03:247 00:013 OCA: Exposing RSDT table 54445353 (0074647353757043) at 9EAB5A30 of 3806 bytes at index 11
03:256 00:009 OCA: Exposing RSDT table 5449504C (00000000004C424B) at 9EAB6910 of 148 bytes at index 12
03:265 00:009 OCA: Exposing RSDT table 544D5357 (00000000004C424B) at 9EAB69A8 of 40 bytes at index 13
03:275 00:009 OCA: Exposing RSDT table 54445353 (62756872736E6573) at 9EAB69D0 of 671 bytes at index 14
03:284 00:009 OCA: Exposing RSDT table 54445353 (6376654464697450) at 9EAB6C70 of 12290 bytes at index 15
03:294 00:009 OCA: Exposing RSDT table 50474244 (0000000000000000) at 9EAB9C78 of 52 bytes at index 16
03:303 00:009 OCA: Exposing RSDT table 32474244 (0000000000000000) at 9EAB9CB0 of 84 bytes at index 17
03:312 00:009 OCA: Exposing RSDT table 54434656 (00002049204D2041) at 9EAB9D08 of 59524 bytes at index 18
03:322 00:009 OCA: Exposing RSDT table 54524742 (00002049204D2041) at 9EAC8590 of 56 bytes at index 19
03:331 00:009 OCA: Exposing RSDT table 52414D44 (00000000204C424B) at 9EAC85C8 of 112 bytes at index 20
03:341 00:009 OCA: Exposing RSDT table 54445353 (0000000000004345) at 9EE37000 of 63 bytes at index 21
03:350 00:009 OCA: Exposing RSDT table 54445353 (4C4C412D43414955) at 9EE36000 of 848 bytes at index 22
03:359 00:009 OCA: Exposing RSDT table 54445353 (0000006D50757043) at 9EE35000 of 187 bytes at index 23
03:369 00:009 OC: OcLoadPlatformSupport...
03:377 00:007 Setting DataHub 64517CC8-6561-4051-B03C-5964B60F4C7A:name (9) - Success
03:384 00:007 Setting DataHub 64517CC8-6561-4051-B03C-5964B60F4C7A:Model (22) - Success
03:392 00:008 Setting DataHub 64517CC8-6561-4051-B03C-5964B60F4C7A:SystemSerialNumber (26) - Success
03:402 00:009 Setting DataHub 64517CC8-6561-4051-B03C-5964B60F4C7A:system-id (16) - Success
03:410 00:008 Setting DataHub 64517CC8-6561-4051-B03C-5964B60F4C7A:board-id (21) - Success
03:418 00:007 Setting DataHub 64517CC8-6561-4051-B03C-5964B60F4C7A:board-rev (1) - Success
03:426 00:007 Setting DataHub 64517CC8-6561-4051-B03C-5964B60F4C7A:StartupPowerEvents (8) - Success
03:436 00:009 Setting DataHub 64517CC8-6561-4051-B03C-5964B60F4C7A:InitialTSC (8) - Success
03:444 00:008 Setting DataHub 64517CC8-6561-4051-B03C-5964B60F4C7A:FSBFrequency (8) - Success
03:452 00:008 Setting DataHub 64517CC8-6561-4051-B03C-5964B60F4C7A:DevicePathsSupported (4) - Success
03:462 00:009 Setting DataHub 64517CC8-6561-4051-B03C-5964B60F4C7A:RPlt (8) - Success
03:469 00:007 OCSMB: Found DMI Anchor 9F5CE000 v3.0 Table Address 9F5CB000 Length 1095
03:477 00:007 OCSMB: Found DMI Anchor 9F5CD000 v3.0 Table Address 9F5CB000 Length 1095
03:485 00:007 OCSMB: Number of CPU cache entries is 3
03:493 00:007 OCSMB: Applying 2145 (1) prev 9F5CE000 (4245/31), 9F5CD000 (4245/24)
03:501 00:007 OCSMB: Patched 9E35E000 v3.2 Table Address 9E35F000 Length 0861 1E D8
03:509 00:008 OC: Setting HW_BID Mac-7BA5B2D9E42DDD94 - Success
03:517 00:007 OC: Setting HW_MLB C02715501GUF116FB - Success
03:525 00:008 OC: Setting MLB C02715501GUF116FB - Success
03:533 00:008 OC: Setting FirmwareFeatures FD8FF53F - Success
03:541 00:008 OC: Setting ExtendedFirmwareFeatures 00000000FD8FF53F - Success
03:549 00:008 OC: Setting FirmwareFeaturesMask FF9FFF3F - Success
03:557 00:007 OC: Setting ExtendedFirmwareFeaturesMask 00000000FF9FFF3F - Success
03:565 00:007 OC: OcLoadDevPropsSupport...
03:573 00:007 OC: Setting devprop PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1f,0x3):layout-id - Success
03:581 00:007 OC: Setting devprop PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x2,0x0):AAPL,ig-platform-id - Success
03:588 00:007 OC: OcLoadNvramSupport...
03:596 00:007 OC: Setting NVRAM 4D1EDE05-38C7-4A6A-9CC6-4BCCA8B38C14:UIScale - ignored, exists
03:606 00:009 OC: Setting NVRAM 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82:boot-args - Success
03:615 00:008 OC: Setting NVRAM 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82:csr-active-config - Success
03:624 00:009 OC: Current version is DBG-050-2019-09-07
03:632 00:007 OC: OcMiscLateInit...
03:640 00:007 OC: Requested resolution is 0x0@0 (max: 0) from
03:647 00:007 OC: Requested console mode is 0x0 (max: 0) from
03:655 00:007 OC: Translated HibernateMode None to 0
03:663 00:007 OC: Hibernation detection status is Not Found
03:671 00:007 OC: OcLoadKernelSupport...
03:678 00:007 OC: OpenCore is loaded, showing boot menu...
03:686 00:007 OCB: Performing OcScanForBootEntries...
03:694 00:007 OCB: Found 11 potentially bootable filesystems
03:704 00:010 OCBP: APFS Volume Info is missing
03:712 00:008 OCBP: Blessed file is missing
03:721 00:008 OCBP: Blessed folder is missing
03:729 00:008 OCBP: Predefined <nil> \System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi is missing - Not Found
03:740 00:011 OCBP: Predefined <nil> \EFI\APPLE\X64\BOOT.EFI is missing - Not Found
03:749 00:009 OCBP: Predefined <nil> \EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI was found
03:760 00:010 OCB: Filesystem 0 (9B379B18) named EFI (Success) has 1 entries
03:770 00:009 OCBP: APFS Volume Info is missing
03:778 00:008 OCBP: Blessed file is missing
03:787 00:008 OCBP: Blessed folder is missing
03:795 00:008 OCBP: Predefined <nil> \System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi is missing - Not Found
03:805 00:010 OCBP: Predefined <nil> \EFI\APPLE\X64\BOOT.EFI is missing - Not Found
03:813 00:008 OCBP: Predefined <nil> \EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI is missing - Not Found
03:822 00:008 OCBP: Predefined <nil> \boot.efi is missing - Not Found
03:834 00:012 OCB: Filesystem 1 (9B376DD8) named EFI (Not Found) has 0 entries
03:886 00:051 OCBP: APFS Volume Info is missing
03:894 00:008 OCBP: Blessed file is missing
03:903 00:008 OCBP: Blessed folder is missing
03:911 00:008 OCBP: Predefined <nil> \System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi is missing - Not Found
03:921 00:010 OCBP: Predefined <nil> \EFI\APPLE\X64\BOOT.EFI is missing - Not Found
03:931 00:009 OCBP: Predefined <nil> \EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI was found
03:942 00:010 OCB: Filesystem 2 (9AE64F18) named EFI (Success) has 1 entries
03:952 00:010 OCBP: APFS Volume Info is missing
03:960 00:008 OCBP: Blessed file is missing
03:968 00:008 OCBP: Blessed folder is missing
03:977 00:008 OCBP: Predefined <nil> \System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi is missing - Not Found
03:987 00:010 OCBP: Predefined <nil> \EFI\APPLE\X64\BOOT.EFI is missing - Not Found
03:996 00:009 OCBP: Predefined <nil> \EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI was found
04:007 00:010 OCB: Filesystem 3 (9A518B58) named NO NAME (Success) has 1 entries
04:015 00:007 OCPI: Located cached partition entries
04:022 00:007 OCBP: APFS Volume Info - 99D6D698 (131072, 53163175-65E3-45C2-9B05-2E79C0BFC5C6, 16)
04:032 00:009 OCBP: APFS Container Info - 99D74098 (1, 17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76)
04:041 00:009 OCBP: BlessedFileHEX (1/5 264) - 02 01 0C 00 D0 41 03 0A 00 00 00 00 01 01 06 00 00 17 03 12 0A 00 00 00 FF FF 00 00 04 01 2A 00 02 00 00 00 28 40 06 00 00 00 00 00 E0 1F 32 3A 00 00 00 00 63 C5 A9 97 39 DB 42 4B 95 49 B8 6C
04:052 00:011 OCBP: BlessedFileHEX (2/5 264) - 11 85 CD 2A 02 02 04 03 24 00 F7 FC 74 BE 7C 0B F3 49 91 47 01 F4 04 2E 68 42 75 31 16 53 E3 65 C2 45 9B 05 2E 79 C0 BF C5 C6 04 04 9A 00 5C 00 31 00 37 00 41 00 34 00 39 00 30 00 36 00 44 00
04:063 00:011 OCBP: BlessedFileHEX (3/5 264) - 2D 00 36 00 45 00 33 00 33 00 2D 00 34 00 34 00 42 00 37 00 2D 00 42 00 45 00 30 00 32 00 2D 00 35 00 36 00 36 00 31 00 36 00 46 00 43 00 44 00 39 00 32 00 45 00 30 00 5C 00 53 00 79 00 73 00
04:075 00:011 OCBP: BlessedFileHEX (4/5 264) - 74 00 65 00 6D 00 5C 00 4C 00 69 00 62 00 72 00 61 00 72 00 79 00 5C 00 43 00 6F 00 72 00 65 00 53 00 65 00 72 00 76 00 69 00 63 00 65 00 73 00 5C 00 62 00 6F 00 6F 00 74 00 2E 00 65 00 66 00
04:086 00:011 OCBP: BlessedFileHEX (5/5 264) - 69 00 00 00 7F FF 04 00
04:093 00:007 OCBP: BlessedFileDP - PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x17,0x0)/Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)/HD(2,GPT,97A9C563-DB39-4B42-9549-B86C1185CD2A,0x64028,0x3A321FE0)/VenMedia(BE74FCF7-0B7C-49F3-9147-01F4042E6842,75311653E365C2459B052E79C0BFC5C6)/\17A4906D-6E33-44B7-BE02-56616FCD92E0\System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi
04:107 00:013 OCBP: Blessed file is valid
04:114 00:007 OCBP: 11 filesystems for APFS - Success
04:123 00:008 OCBP: APFS Volume Info is missing
04:132 00:008 OCBP: No APFS info 0 of 11 - Not Found
04:140 00:008 OCBP: APFS Volume Info is missing
04:149 00:008 OCBP: No APFS info 1 of 11 - Not Found
04:157 00:008 OCBP: APFS Volume Info is missing
04:166 00:008 OCBP: No APFS info 2 of 11 - Not Found
04:174 00:008 OCBP: APFS Volume Info is missing
04:183 00:008 OCBP: No APFS info 3 of 11 - Not Found
04:191 00:007 OCBP: APFS Volume Info - 99D4D518 (131072, 53163175-65E3-45C2-9B05-2E79C0BFC5C6, 16)
04:200 00:009 OCBP: APFS Container Info - 99ECEF58 (1, 17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76)
04:208 00:007 OCBP: APFS match container 17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76 vs 17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76 for 4 of 11 - 1
04:217 00:009 OCBP: Missing partition 53163175-65E3-45C2-9B05-2E79C0BFC5C6 on preboot - Not Found
04:226 00:009 OCBP: No APFS booter 4 of 11 for 53163175-65E3-45C2-9B05-2E79C0BFC5C6 - Not Found
04:236 00:009 OCBP: APFS Volume Info - 99D6D818 (131072, B1B0F377-2891-4D8D-BCCF-C4512F5E6759, 64)
04:245 00:009 OCBP: APFS Container Info - 9B387C18 (1, 17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76)
04:253 00:007 OCBP: APFS match container 17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76 vs 17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76 for 5 of 11 - 1
04:262 00:009 OCBP: Missing partition B1B0F377-2891-4D8D-BCCF-C4512F5E6759 on preboot - Not Found
04:272 00:009 OCBP: No APFS booter 5 of 11 for B1B0F377-2891-4D8D-BCCF-C4512F5E6759 - Not Found
04:281 00:009 OCBP: APFS Volume Info - 99D6E718 (131072, 9444F2E4-3B31-4FC0-BAD3-1FBB0AE5A9E9, 4)
04:290 00:009 OCBP: APFS Container Info - 99D87718 (1, 17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76)
04:298 00:007 OCBP: APFS match container 17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76 vs 17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76 for 6 of 11 - 1
04:308 00:009 OCBP: Missing partition 9444F2E4-3B31-4FC0-BAD3-1FBB0AE5A9E9 on preboot - Not Found
04:317 00:009 OCBP: No APFS booter 6 of 11 for 9444F2E4-3B31-4FC0-BAD3-1FBB0AE5A9E9 - Not Found
04:327 00:009 OCBP: APFS Volume Info - 99D3DA98 (131072, F9B9E65E-ACEF-4F67-9CA3-D3434FD05039, 8)
04:336 00:009 OCBP: APFS Container Info - 99ECCAD8 (1, 17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76)
04:344 00:007 OCBP: APFS match container 17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76 vs 17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76 for 7 of 11 - 1
04:353 00:009 OCBP: Missing partition F9B9E65E-ACEF-4F67-9CA3-D3434FD05039 on preboot - Not Found
04:362 00:009 OCBP: No APFS booter 7 of 11 for F9B9E65E-ACEF-4F67-9CA3-D3434FD05039 - Not Found
04:372 00:009 OCBP: APFS Volume Info - 99D6D758 (131072, 17A4906D-6E33-44B7-BE02-56616FCD92E0, 1)
04:382 00:009 OCBP: APFS Container Info - 99D97618 (1, 17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76)
04:390 00:008 OCBP: APFS match container 17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76 vs 17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76 for 8 of 11 - 1
04:399 00:009 OCBP: Found partition 17A4906D-6E33-44B7-BE02-56616FCD92E0 on preboot
04:407 00:007 OCBP: Want predefined list for APFS 16 at 17A4906D-6E33-44B7-BE02-56616FCD92E0
04:415 00:007 OCBP: Predefined 17A4906D-6E33-44B7-BE02-56616FCD92E0 \System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi was found
04:425 00:009 OCBP: Found APFS booter 8 of 11 for 17A4906D-6E33-44B7-BE02-56616FCD92E0 (99D6D978)
04:434 00:009 OCBP: APFS Volume Info is missing
04:442 00:007 OCBP: No APFS info 9 of 11 - Not Found
04:449 00:007 OCBP: APFS Volume Info is missing
04:457 00:007 OCBP: No APFS info 10 of 11 - Not Found
04:465 00:007 OCBP: APFS bless for 17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76:<null string> is Success
04:474 00:009 OCB: Filesystem 4 (99DBBE58) named Preboot (Success) has 1 entries
04:482 00:007 OCPI: Located cached partition entries
04:490 00:007 OCBP: APFS Volume Info - 99D6DDD8 (131072, B1B0F377-2891-4D8D-BCCF-C4512F5E6759, 64)
04:499 00:009 OCBP: APFS Container Info - 99D74098 (1, 17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76)
04:507 00:007 OCB: Filesystem 5 (99DAE5D8) named Macintosh HD - Data (Not Found) has 0 entries
04:516 00:009 OCPI: Located cached partition entries
04:524 00:007 OCBP: APFS Volume Info - 99D6D758 (131072, 9444F2E4-3B31-4FC0-BAD3-1FBB0AE5A9E9, 4)
04:533 00:009 OCBP: APFS Container Info - 99D88118 (1, 17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76)
04:541 00:007 OCB: Filesystem 6 (99DB4D98) named Recovery (Not Found) has 0 entries
04:549 00:007 OCPI: Located cached partition entries
04:557 00:007 OCBP: APFS Volume Info - 99D3D9D8 (131072, F9B9E65E-ACEF-4F67-9CA3-D3434FD05039, 8)
04:566 00:009 OCBP: APFS Container Info - 99ECBE98 (1, 17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76)
04:574 00:007 OCB: Filesystem 7 (99D95E58) named VM (Not Found) has 0 entries
04:582 00:007 OCPI: Located cached partition entries
04:589 00:007 OCBP: APFS Volume Info - 99D3DB18 (131072, 17A4906D-6E33-44B7-BE02-56616FCD92E0, 1)
04:599 00:009 OCBP: APFS Container Info - 99D96D98 (1, 17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76)
04:606 00:007 OCB: Filesystem 8 (99D95CD8) named Macintosh HD (Not Found) has 0 entries
04:614 00:007 OCPI: Located cached partition entries
04:622 00:007 OCB: Invalid file system policy (200/F1503) for 9AE618D8
04:630 00:007 OCB: Skipping handle 9AE618D8 due to scan policy F1503
04:637 00:007 OCPI: Located cached partition entries
04:645 00:007 OCB: Invalid file system policy (200/F1503) for 9AE64698
04:653 00:007 OCB: Skipping handle 9AE64698 due to scan policy F1503
04:660 00:007 OCB: Adding entry 0, external - 0, skip recovery - 0
04:668 00:007 DevicePath - PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x17,0x0)/Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)/HD(1,GPT,BD4C6428-ED34-414B-A625-3A8A6656A45C,0x28,0x64000)/\EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI
04:677 00:009 OCBP: APFS recovery volume handle missing - \EFI\BOOT\
04:685 00:007 OCB: Adding entry 0 recovery (<null>) - Not Found
04:695 00:010 OCB: Adding entry 1, external - 0, skip recovery - 0
04:703 00:007 DevicePath - PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x17,0x0)/Sata(0x4,0xFFFF,0x0)/HD(1,GPT,45926573-CA46-4996-8C0D-432162B24BAA,0x28,0x64000)/\EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI
04:712 00:009 OCBP: APFS recovery volume handle missing - \EFI\BOOT\
04:720 00:007 OCB: Adding entry 0 recovery (<null>) - Not Found
04:730 00:010 OCB: Adding entry 2, external - 0, skip recovery - 0
04:738 00:007 DevicePath - PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x17,0x0)/Sata(0x5,0xFFFF,0x0)/HD(2,GPT,43B7518E-7482-402D-AB1D-FCC468D87E1F,0x109000,0x32000)/\EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI
04:747 00:009 OCBP: APFS recovery volume handle missing - \EFI\BOOT\
04:755 00:007 OCB: Adding entry 0 recovery (<null>) - Not Found
04:765 00:010 OCB: Adding entry 3, external - 0, skip recovery - 0
04:773 00:007 DevicePath - PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x17,0x0)/Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)/HD(2,GPT,97A9C563-DB39-4B42-9549-B86C1185CD2A,0x64028,0x3A321FE0)/VenMedia(BE74FCF7-0B7C-49F3-9147-01F4042E6842,75311653E365C2459B052E79C0BFC5C6)/\17A4906D-6E33-44B7-BE02-56616FCD92E0\System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi
04:786 00:013 OCBP: APFS Container Info - 99ECBF98 (1, 17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76)
04:794 00:007 OCBP: 11 filesystems for APFS - Success
04:803 00:008 OCBP: APFS Volume Info is missing
04:811 00:008 OCBP: No APFS info 0 of 11 - Not Found
04:820 00:008 OCBP: APFS Volume Info is missing
04:828 00:007 OCBP: No APFS info 1 of 11 - Not Found
04:837 00:008 OCBP: APFS Volume Info is missing
04:845 00:008 OCBP: No APFS info 2 of 11 - Not Found
04:854 00:008 OCBP: APFS Volume Info is missing
04:863 00:008 OCBP: No APFS info 3 of 11 - Not Found
04:871 00:007 OCBP: APFS Volume Info - 99D3D698 (131072, 53163175-65E3-45C2-9B05-2E79C0BFC5C6, 16)
04:880 00:009 OCBP: APFS Container Info - 99D97D58 (1, 17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76)
04:888 00:007 OCBP: APFS match container 17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76 vs 17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76 for 4 of 11 - 1
04:897 00:009 OCBP: Missing partition 53163175-65E3-45C2-9B05-2E79C0BFC5C6 on preboot - Not Found
04:907 00:009 OCBP: No APFS booter 4 of 11 for 53163175-65E3-45C2-9B05-2E79C0BFC5C6 - Not Found
04:916 00:009 OCBP: APFS Volume Info - 99D3D698 (131072, B1B0F377-2891-4D8D-BCCF-C4512F5E6759, 64)
04:925 00:009 OCBP: APFS Container Info - 99D88FD8 (1, 17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76)
04:933 00:007 OCBP: APFS match container 17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76 vs 17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76 for 5 of 11 - 1
04:943 00:009 OCBP: Missing partition B1B0F377-2891-4D8D-BCCF-C4512F5E6759 on preboot - Not Found
04:952 00:009 OCBP: No APFS booter 5 of 11 for B1B0F377-2891-4D8D-BCCF-C4512F5E6759 - Not Found
04:964 00:011 OCBP: APFS Volume Info - 99D3D698 (131072, 9444F2E4-3B31-4FC0-BAD3-1FBB0AE5A9E9, 4)
04:977 00:013 OCBP: APFS Container Info - 99ECCAD8 (1, 17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76)
04:985 00:007 OCBP: APFS match container 17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76 vs 17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76 for 6 of 11 - 1
04:994 00:009 OCBP: Missing partition 9444F2E4-3B31-4FC0-BAD3-1FBB0AE5A9E9 on preboot - Not Found
05:004 00:009 OCBP: No APFS booter 6 of 11 for 9444F2E4-3B31-4FC0-BAD3-1FBB0AE5A9E9 - Not Found
05:013 00:009 OCBP: APFS Volume Info - 99D3D698 (131072, F9B9E65E-ACEF-4F67-9CA3-D3434FD05039, 8)
05:023 00:009 OCBP: APFS Container Info - 99D88BD8 (1, 17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76)
05:031 00:007 OCBP: APFS match container 17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76 vs 17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76 for 7 of 11 - 1
05:040 00:009 OCBP: Missing partition F9B9E65E-ACEF-4F67-9CA3-D3434FD05039 on preboot - Not Found
05:049 00:009 OCBP: No APFS booter 7 of 11 for F9B9E65E-ACEF-4F67-9CA3-D3434FD05039 - Not Found
05:059 00:009 OCBP: APFS Volume Info - 99D3D698 (131072, 17A4906D-6E33-44B7-BE02-56616FCD92E0, 1)
05:068 00:009 OCBP: APFS Container Info - 99D88ED8 (1, 17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76)
05:076 00:007 OCBP: APFS match container 17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76 vs 17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76 for 8 of 11 - 1
05:085 00:009 OCBP: Found partition 17A4906D-6E33-44B7-BE02-56616FCD92E0 on preboot
05:093 00:007 OCBP: Want predefined list for APFS 16 at 17A4906D-6E33-44B7-BE02-56616FCD92E0
05:100 00:007 OCBP: Predefined 17A4906D-6E33-44B7-BE02-56616FCD92E0 \System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi was found
05:110 00:009 OCBP: Found APFS booter 8 of 11 for 17A4906D-6E33-44B7-BE02-56616FCD92E0 (0)
05:118 00:007 OCBP: APFS Volume Info is missing
05:126 00:007 OCBP: No APFS info 9 of 11 - Not Found
05:133 00:007 OCBP: APFS Volume Info is missing
05:141 00:007 OCBP: No APFS info 10 of 11 - Not Found
05:149 00:007 OCBP: APFS bless for 17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76:17A4906D-6E33-44B7-BE02-56616FCD92E0\System\Library\CoreServices\ is Success
05:159 00:009 OCBP: APFS Volume Info - 99D74298 (131072, 17A4906D-6E33-44B7-BE02-56616FCD92E0, 1)
05:168 00:009 OCBP: APFS Container Info - 99DAEED8 (1, 17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76)
05:177 00:009 OCBP: APFS Volume Info is missing
05:186 00:008 OCBP: APFS recovery info 0/11 due to 99D3CD02-0000-0000-5877-539300000000/17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76/0 - Not Found
05:197 00:010 OCBP: APFS Volume Info is missing
05:205 00:008 OCBP: APFS recovery info 1/11 due to 99D3CD02-0000-0000-5877-539300000000/17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76/0 - Not Found
05:216 00:010 OCBP: APFS Volume Info is missing
05:224 00:008 OCBP: APFS recovery info 2/11 due to 99D3CD02-0000-0000-5877-539300000000/17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76/0 - Not Found
05:235 00:010 OCBP: APFS Volume Info is missing
05:244 00:008 OCBP: APFS recovery info 3/11 due to 99D3CD02-0000-0000-5877-539300000000/17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76/0 - Not Found
05:253 00:009 OCBP: APFS Volume Info - 99D3D758 (131072, 53163175-65E3-45C2-9B05-2E79C0BFC5C6, 16)
05:263 00:009 OCBP: APFS Container Info - 99ECBED8 (1, 17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76)
05:271 00:008 OCBP: APFS recovery info 4/11 due to 17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76/17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76/10 - Success
05:280 00:009 OCBP: APFS Volume Info - 99D3D758 (131072, B1B0F377-2891-4D8D-BCCF-C4512F5E6759, 64)
05:290 00:009 OCBP: APFS Container Info - 99D97818 (1, 17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76)
05:298 00:007 OCBP: APFS recovery info 5/11 due to 17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76/17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76/40 - Success
05:307 00:009 OCBP: APFS Volume Info - 99D3D758 (131072, 9444F2E4-3B31-4FC0-BAD3-1FBB0AE5A9E9, 4)
05:317 00:009 OCBP: APFS Container Info - 99ECBED8 (1, 17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76)
05:325 00:007 OCBP: APFS recovery info 6/11 due to 17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76/17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76/4 - Success
05:336 00:010 OCB: Adding entry 0 recovery (\17A4906D-6E33-44B7-BE02-56616FCD92E0\) - Success
05:344 00:007 Scanning got 5 entries
05:351 00:007 Trying to get label from \EFI\BOOT\.contentDetails
05:360 00:009 Trying to get label from \EFI\BOOT\.disk_label.contentDetails
05:370 00:009 Trying to detect Microsoft BCD
05:382 00:011 Entry 0 is EFI at \EFI\BOOT\ (T:0|F:0)
05:390 00:007 Entry 0 is EFI at dp PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x17,0x0)/Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)/HD(1,GPT,BD4C6428-ED34-414B-A625-3A8A6656A45C,0x28,0x64000)/\EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI
05:400 00:009 Trying to get label from \EFI\BOOT\.contentDetails
05:409 00:009 Trying to get label from \EFI\BOOT\.disk_label.contentDetails
05:419 00:009 Trying to detect Microsoft BCD
05:431 00:012 Entry 1 is EFI at \EFI\BOOT\ (T:0|F:0)
05:439 00:007 Entry 1 is EFI at dp PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x17,0x0)/Sata(0x4,0xFFFF,0x0)/HD(1,GPT,45926573-CA46-4996-8C0D-432162B24BAA,0x28,0x64000)/\EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI
05:448 00:009 Trying to get label from \EFI\BOOT\.contentDetails
05:458 00:009 Trying to get label from \EFI\BOOT\.disk_label.contentDetails
05:468 00:009 Trying to detect Microsoft BCD
05:477 00:009 Entry 2 is BOOTCAMP Windows at \EFI\BOOT\ (T:3|F:0)
05:485 00:007 Entry 2 is BOOTCAMP Windows at dp PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x17,0x0)/Sata(0x5,0xFFFF,0x0)/HD(2,GPT,43B7518E-7482-402D-AB1D-FCC468D87E1F,0x109000,0x32000)/\EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI
05:496 00:011 OCBP: APFS Container Info - 99D873D8 (1, 17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76)
05:504 00:007 OCBP: 11 filesystems for APFS - Success
05:513 00:008 OCBP: APFS Volume Info is missing
05:521 00:008 OCBP: No APFS info 0 of 11 - Not Found
05:530 00:008 OCBP: APFS Volume Info is missing
05:538 00:008 OCBP: No APFS info 1 of 11 - Not Found
05:547 00:008 OCBP: APFS Volume Info is missing
05:556 00:008 OCBP: No APFS info 2 of 11 - Not Found
05:564 00:008 OCBP: APFS Volume Info is missing
05:573 00:008 OCBP: No APFS info 3 of 11 - Not Found
05:581 00:007 OCBP: APFS Volume Info - 99D3CBD8 (131072, 53163175-65E3-45C2-9B05-2E79C0BFC5C6, 16)
05:590 00:009 OCBP: APFS Container Info - 99D6E798 (1, 17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76)
05:598 00:007 OCBP: APFS match container 17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76 vs 17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76 for 4 of 11 - 1
05:608 00:009 OCBP: Missing partition 53163175-65E3-45C2-9B05-2E79C0BFC5C6 on preboot - Not Found
05:617 00:009 OCBP: No APFS booter 4 of 11 for 53163175-65E3-45C2-9B05-2E79C0BFC5C6 - Not Found
05:627 00:009 OCBP: APFS Volume Info - 99D3CBD8 (131072, B1B0F377-2891-4D8D-BCCF-C4512F5E6759, 64)
05:636 00:009 OCBP: APFS Container Info - 99D62BD8 (1, 17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76)
05:644 00:007 OCBP: APFS match container 17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76 vs 17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76 for 5 of 11 - 1
05:653 00:009 OCBP: Missing partition B1B0F377-2891-4D8D-BCCF-C4512F5E6759 on preboot - Not Found
05:663 00:009 OCBP: No APFS booter 5 of 11 for B1B0F377-2891-4D8D-BCCF-C4512F5E6759 - Not Found
05:672 00:009 OCBP: APFS Volume Info - 99D3CBD8 (131072, 9444F2E4-3B31-4FC0-BAD3-1FBB0AE5A9E9, 4)
05:682 00:009 OCBP: APFS Container Info - 99D86FD8 (1, 17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76)
05:690 00:007 OCBP: APFS match container 17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76 vs 17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76 for 6 of 11 - 1
05:699 00:009 OCBP: Missing partition 9444F2E4-3B31-4FC0-BAD3-1FBB0AE5A9E9 on preboot - Not Found
05:709 00:009 OCBP: No APFS booter 6 of 11 for 9444F2E4-3B31-4FC0-BAD3-1FBB0AE5A9E9 - Not Found
05:718 00:009 OCBP: APFS Volume Info - 99D3CBD8 (131072, F9B9E65E-ACEF-4F67-9CA3-D3434FD05039, 8)
05:728 00:009 OCBP: APFS Container Info - 99ECAF98 (1, 17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76)
05:736 00:007 OCBP: APFS match container 17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76 vs 17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76 for 7 of 11 - 1
05:745 00:009 OCBP: Missing partition F9B9E65E-ACEF-4F67-9CA3-D3434FD05039 on preboot - Not Found
05:755 00:009 OCBP: No APFS booter 7 of 11 for F9B9E65E-ACEF-4F67-9CA3-D3434FD05039 - Not Found
05:764 00:009 OCBP: APFS Volume Info - 99D3CBD8 (131072, 17A4906D-6E33-44B7-BE02-56616FCD92E0, 1)
05:774 00:009 OCBP: APFS Container Info - 99D74098 (1, 17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76)
05:782 00:007 OCBP: APFS match container 17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76 vs 17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76 for 8 of 11 - 1
05:791 00:009 OCBP: Found partition 17A4906D-6E33-44B7-BE02-56616FCD92E0 on preboot
05:799 00:007 OCBP: Want predefined list for APFS 16 at 17A4906D-6E33-44B7-BE02-56616FCD92E0
05:807 00:007 OCBP: Predefined 17A4906D-6E33-44B7-BE02-56616FCD92E0 \System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi was found
05:817 00:009 OCBP: Found APFS booter 8 of 11 for 17A4906D-6E33-44B7-BE02-56616FCD92E0 (0)
05:825 00:007 OCBP: APFS Volume Info is missing
05:832 00:007 OCBP: No APFS info 9 of 11 - Not Found
05:840 00:007 OCBP: APFS Volume Info is missing
05:848 00:007 OCBP: No APFS info 10 of 11 - Not Found
05:855 00:007 OCBP: APFS bless for 17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76:17A4906D-6E33-44B7-BE02-56616FCD92E0\System\Library\CoreServices\ is Success
05:865 00:009 Trying to get label from \17A4906D-6E33-44B7-BE02-56616FCD92E0\System\Library\CoreServices\.contentDetails
05:875 00:010 Trying to get label from \17A4906D-6E33-44B7-BE02-56616FCD92E0\System\Library\CoreServices\.disk_label.contentDetails
05:886 00:010 Entry 3 is Macintosh HD at \17A4906D-6E33-44B7-BE02-56616FCD92E0\System\Library\CoreServices\ (T:1|F:0)
05:896 00:009 Entry 3 is Macintosh HD at dp PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x17,0x0)/Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)/HD(2,GPT,97A9C563-DB39-4B42-9549-B86C1185CD2A,0x64028,0x3A321FE0)/VenMedia(BE74FCF7-0B7C-49F3-9147-01F4042E6842,75311653E365C2459B052E79C0BFC5C6)/\17A4906D-6E33-44B7-BE02-56616FCD92E0\System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi
05:909 00:013 OCBP: APFS Container Info - 99ECACD8 (1, 17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76)
05:917 00:007 OCBP: 11 filesystems for APFS - Success
05:926 00:009 OCBP: APFS Volume Info is missing
05:934 00:008 OCBP: No APFS info 0 of 11 - Not Found
05:943 00:008 OCBP: APFS Volume Info is missing
05:951 00:008 OCBP: No APFS info 1 of 11 - Not Found
05:960 00:008 OCBP: APFS Volume Info is missing
05:968 00:008 OCBP: No APFS info 2 of 11 - Not Found
05:977 00:009 OCBP: APFS Volume Info is missing
05:986 00:008 OCBP: No APFS info 3 of 11 - Not Found
05:993 00:007 OCBP: APFS Volume Info - 99D3CBD8 (131072, 53163175-65E3-45C2-9B05-2E79C0BFC5C6, 16)
06:003 00:009 OCBP: APFS Container Info - 99DBBED8 (1, 17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76)
06:011 00:007 OCBP: APFS match container 17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76 vs 17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76 for 4 of 11 - 1
06:020 00:009 OCBP: Missing partition 53163175-65E3-45C2-9B05-2E79C0BFC5C6 on preboot - Not Found
06:030 00:009 OCBP: No APFS booter 4 of 11 for 53163175-65E3-45C2-9B05-2E79C0BFC5C6 - Not Found
06:039 00:009 OCBP: APFS Volume Info - 99D3CBD8 (131072, B1B0F377-2891-4D8D-BCCF-C4512F5E6759, 64)
06:049 00:009 OCBP: APFS Container Info - 99D3CE58 (1, 17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76)
06:057 00:007 OCBP: APFS match container 17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76 vs 17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76 for 5 of 11 - 1
06:066 00:009 OCBP: Missing partition B1B0F377-2891-4D8D-BCCF-C4512F5E6759 on preboot - Not Found
06:076 00:009 OCBP: No APFS booter 5 of 11 for B1B0F377-2891-4D8D-BCCF-C4512F5E6759 - Not Found
06:085 00:009 OCBP: APFS Volume Info - 99D3CBD8 (131072, 9444F2E4-3B31-4FC0-BAD3-1FBB0AE5A9E9, 4)
06:097 00:012 OCBP: APFS Container Info - 99D88658 (1, 17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76)
06:108 00:010 OCBP: APFS match container 17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76 vs 17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76 for 6 of 11 - 1
06:120 00:012 OCBP: Missing partition 9444F2E4-3B31-4FC0-BAD3-1FBB0AE5A9E9 on preboot - Not Found
06:132 00:012 OCBP: No APFS booter 6 of 11 for 9444F2E4-3B31-4FC0-BAD3-1FBB0AE5A9E9 - Not Found
06:145 00:012 OCBP: APFS Volume Info - 99D3CBD8 (131072, F9B9E65E-ACEF-4F67-9CA3-D3434FD05039, 8)
06:154 00:009 OCBP: APFS Container Info - 99D978D8 (1, 17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76)
06:162 00:007 OCBP: APFS match container 17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76 vs 17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76 for 7 of 11 - 1
06:172 00:009 OCBP: Missing partition F9B9E65E-ACEF-4F67-9CA3-D3434FD05039 on preboot - Not Found
06:181 00:009 OCBP: No APFS booter 7 of 11 for F9B9E65E-ACEF-4F67-9CA3-D3434FD05039 - Not Found
06:190 00:009 OCBP: APFS Volume Info - 99D3CBD8 (131072, 17A4906D-6E33-44B7-BE02-56616FCD92E0, 1)
06:200 00:009 OCBP: APFS Container Info - 99ECEF58 (1, 17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76)
06:208 00:007 OCBP: APFS match container 17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76 vs 17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76 for 8 of 11 - 1
06:217 00:009 OCBP: Found partition 17A4906D-6E33-44B7-BE02-56616FCD92E0 on preboot
06:225 00:007 OCBP: Want predefined list for APFS 16 at 17A4906D-6E33-44B7-BE02-56616FCD92E0
06:233 00:007 OCBP: Predefined 17A4906D-6E33-44B7-BE02-56616FCD92E0 \System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi is missing - Not Found
06:242 00:009 OCBP: Predefined 17A4906D-6E33-44B7-BE02-56616FCD92E0 \EFI\APPLE\X64\BOOT.EFI is missing - Not Found
06:252 00:009 OCBP: Predefined 17A4906D-6E33-44B7-BE02-56616FCD92E0 \EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI is missing - Not Found
06:262 00:009 OCBP: Predefined 17A4906D-6E33-44B7-BE02-56616FCD92E0 \boot.efi was found
06:269 00:007 OCBP: Found APFS booter 8 of 11 for 17A4906D-6E33-44B7-BE02-56616FCD92E0 (0)
06:277 00:007 OCBP: APFS Volume Info is missing
06:285 00:007 OCBP: No APFS info 9 of 11 - Not Found
06:292 00:007 OCBP: APFS Volume Info is missing
06:300 00:007 OCBP: No APFS info 10 of 11 - Not Found
06:308 00:007 OCBP: APFS bless for 17C6A7D1-84A1-4E0F-B507-217666246B76:17A4906D-6E33-44B7-BE02-56616FCD92E0\ is Success
06:318 00:009 Trying to get label from \17A4906D-6E33-44B7-BE02-56616FCD92E0\.contentDetails
06:326 00:007 Trying to get label from \17A4906D-6E33-44B7-BE02-56616FCD92E0\.disk_label.contentDetails
06:335 00:009 Trying to detect Microsoft BCD
06:343 00:007 Trying to get recovery from \17A4906D-6E33-44B7-BE02-56616FCD92E0\SystemVersion.plist
06:354 00:010 Entry 4 is Recovery 10.15 at \17A4906D-6E33-44B7-BE02-56616FCD92E0\ (T:2|F:1)
06:362 00:007 Entry 4 is Recovery 10.15 at dp PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x17,0x0)/Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)/HD(2,GPT,97A9C563-DB39-4B42-9549-B86C1185CD2A,0x64028,0x3A321FE0)/VenMedia(BE74FCF7-0B7C-49F3-9147-01F4042E6842,E4F24494313BC04FBAD31FBB0AE5A9E9)/\17A4906D-6E33-44B7-BE02-56616FCD92E0\
06:375 00:013 OCB: Performing OcShowSimpleBootMenu... 0
06:383 00:007 OCB: BootNext has not been found
06:391 00:008 OCB: efi-boot-device-data - Not Found
06:399 00:007 OCB: efi-backup-boot-device-data - Not Found
06:407 00:008 OCB: efi-apple-recovery-data - Not Found
06:415 00:007 OCB: Dumping BootOrder
06:423 00:008 OCB: 0 -> Boot0084 = HD(1,GPT,BD4C6428-ED34-414B-A625-3A8A6656A45C,0x28,0x64000)/\EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI
06:433 00:009 OCB: 1 -> Boot0002 = HD(2,GPT,43B7518E-7482-402D-AB1D-FCC468D87E1F,0x109000,0x32000)/\EFI\MICROSOFT\BOOT\BOOTMGFW.EFI
06:443 00:009 OCB: 2 -> Boot0001 = HD(1,GPT,45926573-CA46-4996-8C0D-432162B24BAA,0x28,0x64000)/\EFI\UBUNTU\GRUBX64.EFI
06:453 00:010 OCB: 3 -> Boot0085 = HD(1,GPT,45926573-CA46-4996-8C0D-432162B24BAA,0x28,0x64000)/\EFI\UBUNTU\SHIMX64.EFI
06:463 00:010 OCB: 4 -> Boot0080 = VenHw(99E275E7-75A0-4B37-A2E6-C5385E6C00CB)
06:471 00:008 OCB: 5 -> Boot0080 = VenHw(99E275E7-75A0-4B37-A2E6-C5385E6C00CB)
06:479 00:008 OCB: 6 -> Boot0080 = VenHw(99E275E7-75A0-4B37-A2E6-C5385E6C00CB)
06:487 00:007 OCB: Predefined list
06:495 00:008 OCB: 0 -> Boot0080 = VenHw(99E275E7-75A0-4B37-A2E6-C5385E6C00CB)
06:503 00:007 OCB: 1 -> Boot0081 - failed to read
06:511 00:008 OCB: 2 -> Boot0082 - failed to read
06:519 00:007 OCB: Predefined list
06:527 00:008 OCB: Default DP pre-fix - HD(1,GPT,BD4C6428-ED34-414B-A625-3A8A6656A45C,0x28,0x64000)/\EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI
06:537 00:009 OCB: Default DP post-fix - HD(1,GPT,BD4C6428-ED34-414B-A625-3A8A6656A45C,0x28,0x64000)/\EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI
06:546 00:009 OCB: Default DP post-fix remainder - HD(1,GPT,BD4C6428-ED34-414B-A625-3A8A6656A45C,0x28,0x64000)/\EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI
06:556 00:009 OCB: Expanded DP - PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x17,0x0)/Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)/HD(1,GPT,BD4C6428-ED34-414B-A625-3A8A6656A45C,0x28,0x64000)/\EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI
06:565 00:009 OCB: Expanded DP remainder - \EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI
06:573 00:007 OCB: Matched default boot option: EFI
06:581 00:007 OCB: Initial default is 0
07:662 01:081 OCB: Should boot from Recovery 10.15 (T:2|F:1)
07:698 00:035 OCRAM: Extent allocation of 497663502 bytes (A) gave 100000000 (avoid high 0)
08:612 00:914 OCB: Found chunklist BaseSystem.chunklist for DMG BaseSystem.dmg[10]
11:192 02:579 Built DMG DP: VenHw(957932CC-7E8E-433B-8F41-D391EA3C10F8,00000000)/MemoryMapped(0xA,0x100000000,0x100001000)/DMG_000000001DA9BE0E.dmg/VenMsg(004B07E8-0B9C-427E-B0D4-A466E6E57A62,0EBEA91D00000000)
11:249 00:057 OCBP: APFS Volume Info is missing
11:289 00:039 OCBP: BlessedFileHEX (1/4 256) - 01 04 18 00 CC 32 79 95 8E 7E 3B 43 8F 41 D3 91 EA 3C 10 F8 00 00 00 00 01 03 18 00 0A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 01 00 00 00 04 04 36 00 44 00 4D 00 47 00 5F 00 30 00 30 00
11:295 00:006 OCBP: BlessedFileHEX (2/4 256) - 30 00 30 00 30 00 30 00 30 00 30 00 31 00 44 00 41 00 39 00 42 00 45 00 30 00 45 00 2E 00 64 00 6D 00 67 00 00 00 03 0A 1C 00 E8 07 4B 00 9C 0B 7E 42 B0 D4 A4 66 E6 E5 7A 62 0E BE A9 1D 00 00
11:302 00:006 OCBP: BlessedFileHEX (3/4 256) - 00 00 04 01 2A 00 01 00 00 00 28 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 20 DC 3B 00 00 00 00 00 49 6B 64 2F 8D EB F0 48 90 57 C7 6A 4A 54 3B 86 02 02 04 04 50 00 5C 00 53 00 79 00 73 00 74 00 65 00 6D 00 5C 00
11:310 00:008 OCBP: BlessedFileHEX (4/4 256) - 4C 00 69 00 62 00 72 00 61 00 72 00 79 00 5C 00 43 00 6F 00 72 00 65 00 53 00 65 00 72 00 76 00 69 00 63 00 65 00 73 00 5C 00 62 00 6F 00 6F 00 74 00 2E 00 65 00 66 00 69 00 00 00 7F FF 04 00
11:321 00:011 OCBP: BlessedFileDP - VenHw(957932CC-7E8E-433B-8F41-D391EA3C10F8,00000000)/MemoryMapped(0xA,0x100000000,0x100001000)/DMG_000000001DA9BE0E.dmg/VenMsg(004B07E8-0B9C-427E-B0D4-A466E6E57A62,0EBEA91D00000000)/HD(1,GPT,2F646B49-EB8D-48F0-9057-C76A4A543B86,0x28,0x3BDC20)/\System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi
11:334 00:013 OCBP: Blessed file is valid
11:342 00:007 OCB: Perform boot Recovery 10.15 to dp VenHw(957932CC-7E8E-433B-8F41-D391EA3C10F8,00000000)/MemoryMapped(0xA,0x100000000,0x100001000)/DMG_000000001DA9BE0E.dmg/VenMsg(004B07E8-0B9C-427E-B0D4-A466E6E57A62,0EBEA91D00000000)/HD(1,GPT,2F646B49-EB8D-48F0-9057-C76A4A543B86,0x28,0x3BDC20)/\System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi (0/0)
12:399 01:057 OCB: Matching <> args on type 2 0
12:420 00:020 OCC: Configuring behaviour 0
13:696 01:275 Trying XNU hook on System\Library\PrelinkedKernels\prelinkedkernel
13:739 00:042 Kext reservation size 8097792
102:253 88:514 Result of XNU hook on System\Library\PrelinkedKernels\prelinkedkernel is Success
102:272 00:018 OC: Read kernel version 19.0.0
102:296 00:024 OCAK: IOAHCIBlockStorage replace count - 1
102:304 00:007 OCAK: Patch success
102:325 00:021 OC: Prelink injection Lilu.kext - Success
102:340 00:014 OC: Prelink injection VirtualSMC.kext - Success
102:353 00:012 OC: Prelink injection SMCProcessor.kext - Success
102:365 00:012 OC: Prelink injection SMCSuperIO.kext - Success
102:381 00:016 OC: Prelink injection WhateverGreen.kext - Success
102:396 00:015 OC: Prelink injection AppleALC.kext - Success
102:415 00:019 OC: Prelink injection IntelMausiEthernet.kext - Success
102:423 00:007 OC: Prelink injection dAGPM.kext - Success
102:438 00:014 OC: Prelink injection USBInjectAll.kext - Success
102:464 00:026 Prelinked status - Success
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