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Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
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Download, configure and install Ruby and Bundler on a Debian-family or Redhat-family fresh system
#!/bin/bash -eu
# Download, configure and install Ruby and Bundler on a Debian-family or Redhat-family fresh system
# This runs as root on the server
[ $UID -eq 0 ]
set +u
[ -z "$TMUX" ] && {
echo "You might want to \`apt-get install tmux' and run $0 from there. Press CTRL-C to cancel and do this."
set -u
# Install Ruby and Bundler if we are on a vanilla system
command -v ruby >/dev/null || {
# wget: to fetch Ruby and pretty useful anyway
# gcc make: to compile Ruby
# zlib1g-dev libssl-dev libreadline-dev: libraries for Ruby
if [ -f /etc/debian_version ]; then
apt-get update
apt-get install wget gcc make zlib1g-dev libssl-dev libreadline-dev libffi-dev
elif [ -f /etc/redhat-release ]; then
yum install wget gcc make zlib-devel openssl-devel readline-devel
cd /tmp
echo "${SHA256} ruby-${RUBY}.tar.gz" | sha256sum -c -
tar xf ruby-${RUBY}.tar.gz
cd ruby-${RUBY}/
export CFLAGS=-fPIC #
./configure --disable-install-doc
cpus=$(cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep -c processor)
echo $cpus | grep -E '^[0-9]+$'
make -j $cpus
make install
rm -rf /tmp/ruby-${RUBY}
ruby -v
command -v bundle >/dev/null || {
gem install bundler --verbose --no-document
bundle -v
echo "All good to go!"
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