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Last active November 11, 2021 19:40
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with import ./lisp.nix { a = null; }; eval
(defun fib (n)
(defun fib2 (a b n)
(iff (lt n 2) b
(def (next (plus a b))
(fib2 b next (minus n 1))))
(fib2 0 1 n))
(fib 60))
with import <nixpkgs/lib>;
{ a }@s: let
inherit (builtins.unsafeGetAttrPos "a" s) file line;
skipLines = str: let
skipLines' = i: num:
if num == 0 then substring i (-1) str else
if substring i 1 str == "\n" then skipLines' (i + 1) (num - 1)
else skipLines' (i + 1) num;
in skipLines' 0;
content = skipLines (builtins.readFile file) line;
varfirst = "a-zA-Z_";
varfollow = "${varfirst}0-9";
skipNonVars = str: let
match = head (builtins.match "([^${varfirst}]*).*" str);
in substring (stringLength match) (-1) str;
getVar = str: let
match = builtins.match "([${varfirst}][${varfollow}]*).*" str;
in if isNull match then null else {
var = head match;
rest = substring (stringLength (head match)) (-1) str;
getVars = str: let
next = getVar (skipNonVars str); in
if next == null then [] else
[ next.var ] ++ getVars;
contents = tail (splitString "\n" (builtins.readFile file));
vars = filter (str: stringLength str > 0) (concatMap (splitString " ") contents);
varsnew = filter (str: stringLength str > 0) (splitString "" content);
v = getVars content;
genAttrs v (name: {
sym = name;
args = [];
__functor = self: arg: self // {
args = self.args ++ [arg];
}) // {
eval = let
eval' = scope: expr: if expr ? __functor then
if expr.sym == "def" then let
var = { ${(elemAt expr.args 0).sym} = args: eval' (scope // var) (elemAt (elemAt expr.args 0).args 0); };
in eval' (scope // var) (elemAt expr.args 1)
else if expr.sym == "defun" then let
fun = {
${(elemAt expr.args 0).sym} = args: let
localvars = {
${(elemAt expr.args 1).sym} = _: head args;
} // listToAttrs (zipListsWith (s: v: { name = s.sym; value = args: v; }) (elemAt expr.args 1).args (tail args));
in eval' (scope // fun // localvars) (elemAt expr.args 2);
in eval' (scope // fun) (elemAt expr.args 3)
else if expr.sym == "iff" then let
cond = elemAt expr.args 0;
condval = eval' scope cond;
ifthen = elemAt expr.args 1;
ifelse = elemAt expr.args 2;
in eval' scope (if condval then ifthen else ifelse)
let args = map (eval' scope) expr.args; in
scope.${expr.sym} args
else expr;
in eval' {
plus = args: elemAt args 0 + elemAt args 1;
minus = args: elemAt args 0 - elemAt args 1;
times = args: elemAt args 0 * elemAt args 1;
eq = args: elemAt args 0 == elemAt args 1;
lt = args: elemAt args 0 < elemAt args 1;
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