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Created January 22, 2018 18:01
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01-05 14:57:47.518 D/TelephonyManager( 413): /proc/cmdline=sched_enable_hmp=1 console=null androidboot.hardware=qcom user_debug=30 msm_rtb.filter=0x237 ehci-hcd.park=3 androidboot.bootdevice=7824900.sdhci lpm_levels.sleep_disabled=1 vmalloc=350M buildvariant=eng androidboot.emmc=true androidboot.serialno=ZY3222S9BD androidboot.baseband=msm androidboot.mode=normal androidboot.device=cedric androidboot.hwrev=0x8500 androidboot.powerup_reason=0x00004000 androidboot.bootreason=reboot msm_poweroff.download_mode=0 androidboot.fsg-id= androidboot.wifimacaddr=80:58:F8:D2:32:CF,80:58:F8:D2:32:D0 androidboot.btmacaddr=80:58:F8:D2:32:CE mdss_mdp.panel=1:dsi:0:qcom,mdss_dsi_mot_tianma_497_1080p_video_v0 androidboot.bootloader=0xB809 androidboot.carrier=retgb androidboot.poweroff_alarm=0 androidboot.build_vars=NA androidboot.hardware.sku=XT1675 androidboot.secure_hardware=1 androidboot.bl_state=2 androidboot.cid=0x32 androidboot.uid=5EF2BC0300000000000000000000 androidboot.write_protect=0 androidboot.verifiedbootstate=orange androidboot.veritymode=enforcing androidboot.dualsim=false
01-22 04:20:54.002 D/RILD ( 534): **RIL Daemon Started**
01-22 04:20:54.002 D/RILD ( 534): **RILd param count=3**
01-22 04:20:54.158 D/RILD ( 554): **RIL Daemon Started**
01-22 04:20:54.158 D/RILD ( 554): **RILd param count=1**
01-22 04:20:54.293 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2466: ds_exec_internal(): Executing command "iptables -w -W 10000 -t mangle -A PREROUTING -m mark --mark 0x20 -j ACCEPT"
01-22 04:20:54.295 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2555: ds_exec_internal(): [cpid:661] Spawned child PID(661) command:"iptables -w -W 10000 -t mangle -A PREROUTING -m mark --mark 0x20 -j ACCEPT"
01-22 04:20:54.315 D/RILD ( 534): RIL_Init argc = 5 clientId = 2
01-22 04:20:54.319 E/RILQ ( 534): log to /data/vendor/radio/ril_log for QCRIL logging is not enabled
01-22 04:20:54.319 E/RILQ ( 534): Fail to initialize Diag for QCRIL logging
01-22 04:20:54.320 W/RILQ ( 534): (0/534): RIL[0][rild] qcril_log_init: qcril_log_init() 2
01-22 04:20:54.320 W/RILQ ( 534): (0/534): RIL[0][rild] qcril_log_init: adb_log_on = 1
01-22 04:20:54.321 W/RILQ ( 534): (0/534): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_get_property_value_helper: ret value 1
01-22 04:20:54.321 W/RILQ ( 534): (0/534): RIL[0][rild] qcril_log_init: qcril_log_init() 3
01-22 04:20:54.321 W/RILQ ( 534): (0/534): RIL[0][rild] qcril_log_init: ril_msg_payload_on = 0
01-22 04:20:54.328 E/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][rild] RIL_Init: Usupported configuration, can't determine sim slot
01-22 04:20:54.328 W/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][rild] RIL_Init: RIL 1, running RIL_Init()
01-22 04:20:54.328 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 534): In startMotExtHook, instance:2
01-22 04:20:54.328 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 534): Descriptors are parentfds{9,10},childfds{11,12},rilRequestfds{13,14}, unsolfds{15,16}
01-22 04:20:54.330 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 534): In parent process
01-22 04:20:54.330 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 534): Child Pid 665
01-22 04:20:54.335 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 534): start MdmCutbackHndler instance=2
01-22 04:20:54.335 W/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][rild] qmi_ril_get_property_value_helper: ret value 1
01-22 04:20:54.335 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 534): Inside communication thread
01-22 04:20:54.335 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 534): CommThread Waiting for ril request
01-22 04:20:54.341 V/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 534): Reaper thread starting
01-22 04:20:54.341 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 534): Waiting to reap expectChildPid=665
01-22 04:20:54.341 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 665): In child process
01-22 04:20:54.342 W/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][rild] qcril_setup_timed_callback: Sec - 1 usec - 0
01-22 04:20:54.342 W/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][rild] qcril_setup_timed_callback: Set timer with ID 1
01-22 04:20:54.346 W/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][rild] qmi_ril_get_property_value_helper: ret value 1
01-22 04:20:54.346 W/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][rild] qcril_db_is_hw_mbn_reevaluation_needed: is hw db loaded = 0
01-22 04:20:54.346 W/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][rild] qmi_ril_get_property_value_helper: ret value 1
01-22 04:20:54.346 W/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][rild] qcril_db_is_sw_mbn_reevaluation_needed: is sw db loaded = 0
01-22 04:20:54.349 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2739: ds_exec_internal(): [cpid:661] Process exited normally with rc=0
01-22 04:20:54.350 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2466: ds_exec_internal(): Executing command "iptables -w -W 10000 -t mangle -D PREROUTING -m mark --mark 0x20 -j ACCEPT"
01-22 04:20:54.351 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2555: ds_exec_internal(): [cpid:676] Spawned child PID(676) command:"iptables -w -W 10000 -t mangle -D PREROUTING -m mark --mark 0x20 -j ACCEPT"
01-22 04:20:54.352 W/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][rild] qcril_db_init: dropping 1
01-22 04:20:54.393 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2739: ds_exec_internal(): [cpid:676] Process exited normally with rc=0
01-22 04:20:54.430 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_main.c 1429: property [] value[true]
01-22 04:20:54.430 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_main.c 1765: Read property; Got "5"; (Default: "5")
01-22 04:20:54.430 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_main.c 1768: Read property; Got "5"; (Default: "7")
01-22 04:20:54.430 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_main.c 1771: Read property; Got "8"; (Default: "8")
01-22 04:20:54.430 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_main.c 1774: Read property; Got "9"; (Default: "9")
01-22 04:20:54.430 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_main.c 1777: Read property; Got "4096"; (Default: "1504")
01-22 04:20:54.430 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_main.c 1780: Read property; Got "10"; (Default: "1")
01-22 04:20:54.430 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_main.c 1783: Read property; Got "0"; (Default: "0")
01-22 04:20:54.430 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_main.c 1786: Netmgr Data format:
01-22 04:20:54.430 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_main.c 1787: ..qos: 1
01-22 04:20:54.430 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_main.c 1788: ..link_prot: 2
01-22 04:20:54.430 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_main.c 1789: ..num_mux_channels: 8
01-22 04:20:54.430 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_main.c 1790: ..num_iwlan_mux_channels: 9
01-22 04:20:54.430 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_main.c 1791: ..ul_data_aggregation_protocol: 5
01-22 04:20:54.431 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_main.c 1792: ..dl_data_aggregation_protocol: 5
01-22 04:20:54.431 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_main.c 1793: ..dl_gro_enabled: 0
01-22 04:20:54.431 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_main.c 1794: ..dl_agg_size: 4096
01-22 04:20:54.431 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_main.c 1795: ..dl_agg_cnt: 10
01-22 04:20:54.431 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_main.c 1796: ..dl_agg_pad: 0
01-22 04:20:54.431 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_main.c 1797: ..ul_gso_enabled: 0
01-22 04:20:54.431 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_main.c 1628: property [] value[true]
01-22 04:20:54.431 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_main.c 1633: L2S[pname:netmgrd pid:530 tid:530 type:ME fname:netmgr_main_process_rmnet_data_enabled iface_id:-1 msg:"RMNET_DATA_ENABLED"]
01-22 04:20:54.431 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2177: ds_get_target(): Could not get target from ds_get_target_offtarget(),falling back to ds_get_target_from_data_android_properties()
01-22 04:20:54.431 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2185: ds_get_target(): Could not get target from ds_get_target_from_data_android_properties(),falling back to ds_get_target_from_mdmdetect()
01-22 04:20:54.431 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 1886: ds_get_target_from_mdmdetect(): ESOC info: num_modems [1]
01-22 04:20:54.431 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 1890: ds_get_target_from_mdmdetect(): Modem[0]: mdm_type: [INTERNAL]
01-22 04:20:54.431 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 1892: ds_get_target_from_mdmdetect(): Modem[0]: mdm_name: [modem]
01-22 04:20:54.432 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 1894: ds_get_target_from_mdmdetect(): Modem[0]: mdm_link: [SMD]
01-22 04:20:54.432 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 1896: ds_get_target_from_mdmdetect(): Modem[0]: esoc_node: [N/A]
01-22 04:20:54.432 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2194: ds_get_target(): Could not get target from ds_get_target_from_mdmdetect(),falling back to ds_get_target_from_soc_id()
01-22 04:20:54.432 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2093: ds_get_target_from_soc_id: soc_id [294] Target: [30] : [feero]
01-22 04:20:54.432 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2211: ds_get_target(): Target: [30] : [feero]
01-22 04:20:54.432 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_main.c 1374: ds_target is set to: 30 [feero]
01-22 04:20:54.432 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_config.c 492: netmgr_config: Configuring using file /system/vendor/etc/data/netmgr_config.xml, target feero
01-22 04:20:54.439 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 665): Starting motext_client
01-22 04:20:54.439 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 665): readfd=9, writefd=12, writeunsolfd=16 mot_ext_instance_id=2
01-22 04:20:54.441 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 665): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_notifier_init
01-22 04:20:54.441 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 665): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_services = 0
01-22 04:20:54.441 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 665): sprint_client_init: wait for server to come up.
01-22 04:20:54.449 D/RILD ( 554): RIL_Init argc = 5 clientId = 0
01-22 04:20:54.450 E/RILQ ( 554): log to /data/vendor/radio/ril_log for QCRIL logging is not enabled
01-22 04:20:54.450 E/RILQ ( 554): Fail to initialize Diag for QCRIL logging
01-22 04:20:54.450 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_log_init: qcril_log_init() 2
01-22 04:20:54.450 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_log_init: adb_log_on = 1
01-22 04:20:54.450 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_get_property_value_helper: ret value 1
01-22 04:20:54.450 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_log_init: qcril_log_init() 3
01-22 04:20:54.450 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_log_init: ril_msg_payload_on = 0
01-22 04:20:54.465 E/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_config.c 728: Error reading property [netmgr_config.feero.vnd_rps_mask] Err[-4]; Setting to 0
01-22 04:20:54.465 E/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_config.c 738: Error reading property [netmgr_config.feero.clat_rps_mask] Err[-4]; Setting to 0
01-22 04:20:54.465 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_config.c 773: Error reading property [netmgr_config.feero.ibfc] Err[-4]; Setting to 0
01-22 04:20:54.465 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_config.c 783: Error reading property [netmgr_config.feero.qos_disabled] Err[-4]; Setting to 0
01-22 04:20:54.465 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_config.c 794: Error reading property [netmgr_config.feero.tc_ul_baserate] Err[-4]; setting to 0
01-22 04:20:54.465 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_config.c 808: Error reading property [netmgr_config.feero.dynamic_tc_ul_baserate] Err[-4]; Setting to 0
01-22 04:20:54.465 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_config.c 818: Error reading property [netmgr_config.feero.tc_ul_burst] Err[-4]; setting to 0
01-22 04:20:54.465 E/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_config.c 831: Error reading property [netmgr_config.feero.netdev_max_backlog] Err[-4]; Setting to 0
01-22 04:20:54.465 E/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_config.c 841: Error reading property [netmgr_config.feero.disable_tcp_hystart_detect] Err[-4]; Setting to 0
01-22 04:20:54.465 E/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_config.c 851: Error reading property [netmgr_config.feero.disable_hystart] Err[-4]; Setting to 0
01-22 04:20:54.465 E/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_config.c 861: Error reading property [netmgr_config.feero.initial_ssthresh] Err[-4]; Setting to -1
01-22 04:20:54.466 E/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_config.c 871: Error reading property [netmgr_config.feero.frag_low_mem] Err[-4]; Setting to 0
01-22 04:20:54.466 E/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_config.c 881: Error reading property [netmgr_config.feero.frag_high_mem] Err[-4]; Setting to 0
01-22 04:20:54.466 E/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_config.c 891: Error reading property [netmgr_config.feero.tcp_ack_prio] Err[-4]; Setting to 0
01-22 04:20:54.466 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_config.c 154: Changing MSM rev prefixes
01-22 04:20:54.466 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_config.c 436: Couldn't read property [netmgr_config.cmd_logging_config.cmd_debug] Err[-4], defaulting to 0
01-22 04:20:54.466 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_config.c 445: Couldn't read property [netmgr_config.cmd_logging_config.log_options] Err[-4], defaulting to 0
01-22 04:20:54.466 E/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_config.c 455: Error reading property [netmgr_config.cmd_logging_config.outfile] Err[-4]
01-22 04:20:54.466 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_config.c 1024: ==== Netmanager Configuration ====
01-22 04:20:54.466 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_config.c 1025: ..qmi_dpm_enabled : [1]
01-22 04:20:54.466 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_config.c 1026: ..dpm_retry_timeout : [10000]
01-22 04:20:54.466 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_config.c 1027: ..wda_data_format_enabled: [1]
01-22 04:20:54.466 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_config.c 1028: ..ep_type : [5]
01-22 04:20:54.466 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_config.c 1029: ..single_qmux_ch_enabled : [1]
01-22 04:20:54.466 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_config.c 1030: ..single_qmux_ch_name : [rmnet0]
01-22 04:20:54.466 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_config.c 1031: ..single_qmux_ch_id : [DATA5_CNTL]
01-22 04:20:54.466 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_config.c 1032: ..rmnet_data_enabled : [1]
01-22 04:20:54.466 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_config.c 1033: ..phys_net_dev : [rmnet0]
01-22 04:20:54.466 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_config.c 1034: ..msm_modem_enabled : [1]
01-22 04:20:54.466 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_config.c 1035: ..mdm_modem_enabled : [0]
01-22 04:20:54.466 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_config.c 1036: ..modem_ssr_state : [0]
01-22 04:20:54.466 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_config.c 1037: ..df.dl_agg_size : [2048]
01-22 04:20:54.466 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_config.c 1038: ..df.dl_agg_cnt : [1]
01-22 04:20:54.466 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_config.c 1039: ..df.dl_agg_mode : [5]
01-22 04:20:54.466 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_config.c 1040: ..df.ul_agg_mode : [5]
01-22 04:20:54.466 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_config.c 1041: ..df.dl_gro_enabled : [0]
01-22 04:20:54.466 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_config.c 1042: ..exec_opts.log_options : [0x00000000]
01-22 04:20:54.466 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_config.c 1043: ..exec_opts.outfile : []
01-22 04:20:54.466 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_config.c 1044: ..df.ul_gso_enabled : [0]
01-22 04:20:54.466 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_config.c 1053: Link[0] port[rmnet_data0] qmi[rmnet_data0] modem_wait[1] enabled[1]
01-22 04:20:54.466 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_config.c 1053: Link[1] port[rmnet_data1] qmi[rmnet_data1] modem_wait[0] enabled[1]
01-22 04:20:54.466 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_config.c 1053: Link[2] port[rmnet_data2] qmi[rmnet_data2] modem_wait[0] enabled[1]
01-22 04:20:54.466 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_config.c 1053: Link[3] port[rmnet_data3] qmi[rmnet_data3] modem_wait[0] enabled[1]
01-22 04:20:54.466 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_config.c 1053: Link[4] port[rmnet_data4] qmi[rmnet_data4] modem_wait[0] enabled[1]
01-22 04:20:54.466 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_config.c 1053: Link[5] port[rmnet_data5] qmi[rmnet_data5] modem_wait[0] enabled[1]
01-22 04:20:54.466 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_config.c 1053: Link[6] port[rmnet_data6] qmi[rmnet_data6] modem_wait[0] enabled[1]
01-22 04:20:54.467 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_config.c 1053: Link[7] port[rmnet_data7] qmi[rmnet_data7] modem_wait[0] enabled[1]
01-22 04:20:54.467 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_config.c 1053: Link[8] port[MDM0_CNTL] qmi[rmnet_sdio0] modem_wait[1] enabled[0]
01-22 04:20:54.467 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_config.c 1053: Link[9] port[MDM1_CNTL] qmi[rmnet_sdio1] modem_wait[0] enabled[0]
01-22 04:20:54.467 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_config.c 1053: Link[10] port[MDM2_CNTL] qmi[rmnet_sdio2] modem_wait[0] enabled[0]
01-22 04:20:54.467 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_config.c 1053: Link[11] port[MDM3_CNTL] qmi[rmnet_sdio3] modem_wait[0] enabled[0]
01-22 04:20:54.467 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_config.c 1053: Link[12] port[MDM4_CNTL] qmi[rmnet_sdio4] modem_wait[0] enabled[0]
01-22 04:20:54.467 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_config.c 1053: Link[13] port[MDM5_CNTL] qmi[rmnet_sdio5] modem_wait[0] enabled[0]
01-22 04:20:54.467 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_config.c 1053: Link[14] port[MDM6_CNTL] qmi[rmnet_sdio6] modem_wait[0] enabled[0]
01-22 04:20:54.467 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_config.c 1053: Link[15] port[MDM7_CNTL] qmi[rmnet_sdio7] modem_wait[0] enabled[0]
01-22 04:20:54.467 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_config.c 1053: Link[16] port[r_rmnet_data0] qmi[r_rmnet_data0] modem_wait[0] enabled[1]
01-22 04:20:54.467 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_config.c 1053: Link[17] port[r_rmnet_data1] qmi[r_rmnet_data1] modem_wait[0] enabled[1]
01-22 04:20:54.467 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_config.c 1053: Link[18] port[r_rmnet_data2] qmi[r_rmnet_data2] modem_wait[0] enabled[1]
01-22 04:20:54.467 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_config.c 1053: Link[19] port[r_rmnet_data3] qmi[r_rmnet_data3] modem_wait[0] enabled[1]
01-22 04:20:54.467 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_config.c 1053: Link[20] port[r_rmnet_data4] qmi[r_rmnet_data4] modem_wait[0] enabled[1]
01-22 04:20:54.467 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_config.c 1053: Link[21] port[r_rmnet_data5] qmi[r_rmnet_data5] modem_wait[0] enabled[1]
01-22 04:20:54.467 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_config.c 1053: Link[22] port[r_rmnet_data6] qmi[r_rmnet_data6] modem_wait[0] enabled[1]
01-22 04:20:54.467 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_config.c 1053: Link[23] port[r_rmnet_data7] qmi[r_rmnet_data7] modem_wait[0] enabled[1]
01-22 04:20:54.467 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_config.c 1053: Link[24] port[r_rmnet_data8] qmi[r_rmnet_data8] modem_wait[0] enabled[1]
01-22 04:20:54.467 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_config.c 1053: Link[25] port[RMDM0_CNTL] qmi[rev_rmnet_usb0] modem_wait[0] enabled[0]
01-22 04:20:54.467 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_config.c 1053: Link[26] port[RMDM1_CNTL] qmi[rev_rmnet_usb1] modem_wait[0] enabled[0]
01-22 04:20:54.467 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_config.c 1053: Link[27] port[RMDM2_CNTL] qmi[rev_rmnet_usb2] modem_wait[0] enabled[0]
01-22 04:20:54.467 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_config.c 1053: Link[28] port[RMDM3_CNTL] qmi[rev_rmnet_usb3] modem_wait[0] enabled[0]
01-22 04:20:54.467 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_config.c 1053: Link[29] port[RMDM4_CNTL] qmi[rev_rmnet_usb4] modem_wait[0] enabled[0]
01-22 04:20:54.467 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_config.c 1053: Link[30] port[RMDM5_CNTL] qmi[rev_rmnet_usb5] modem_wait[0] enabled[0]
01-22 04:20:54.467 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_config.c 1053: Link[31] port[RMDM6_CNTL] qmi[rev_rmnet_usb6] modem_wait[0] enabled[0]
01-22 04:20:54.467 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_config.c 1053: Link[32] port[RMDM7_CNTL] qmi[rev_rmnet_usb7] modem_wait[0] enabled[0]
01-22 04:20:54.467 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_config.c 1053: Link[33] port[RMDM8_CNTL] qmi[rev_rmnet_usb8] modem_wait[0] enabled[0]
01-22 04:20:54.467 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_config.c 1055: ========
01-22 04:20:54.467 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_main.c 1269: property [] value[true]
01-22 04:20:54.467 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_main.c 1314: property [] value[true]
01-22 04:20:54.467 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_main.c 1429: property [] value[true]
01-22 04:20:54.467 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_main.c 2099: platform init completed
01-22 04:20:54.467 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_main.c 1572: property [] value[true]
01-22 04:20:54.473 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] RIL_Init: RIL 0, running RIL_Init()
01-22 04:20:54.473 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 554): In startMotExtHook, instance:0
01-22 04:20:54.473 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 554): Descriptors are parentfds{9,10},childfds{11,12},rilRequestfds{13,14}, unsolfds{15,16}
01-22 04:20:54.475 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_main.c 2106: qmi init completed
01-22 04:20:54.475 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_kif.c 12345: netmgr_kif_init: set netmgr_kif_cfg.nint to 34
01-22 04:20:54.475 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 554): In parent process
01-22 04:20:54.475 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 554): Child Pid 702
01-22 04:20:54.475 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_main.c 2114: kif init completed
01-22 04:20:54.475 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_main.c 586: property [] value[false]
01-22 04:20:54.475 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 702): In child process
01-22 04:20:54.476 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2466: ds_exec_internal(): Executing command "tc qdisc del dev root"
01-22 04:20:54.476 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 554): start MdmCutbackHndler instance=0
01-22 04:20:54.476 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_get_property_value_helper: ret value 1
01-22 04:20:54.477 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 554): Inside communication thread
01-22 04:20:54.477 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 554): CommThread Waiting for ril request
01-22 04:20:54.477 V/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 554): Reaper thread starting
01-22 04:20:54.477 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 554): Waiting to reap expectChildPid=702
01-22 04:20:54.477 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_setup_timed_callback: Sec - 1 usec - 0
01-22 04:20:54.477 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_setup_timed_callback: Set timer with ID 1
01-22 04:20:54.478 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_get_property_value_helper: ret value 1
01-22 04:20:54.478 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_db_is_hw_mbn_reevaluation_needed: is hw db loaded = 0
01-22 04:20:54.478 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_get_property_value_helper: ret value 1
01-22 04:20:54.478 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_db_is_sw_mbn_reevaluation_needed: is sw db loaded = 0
01-22 04:20:54.480 I/QC-DS-LIB( 554): ds_util.c 2177: ds_get_target(): Could not get target from ds_get_target_offtarget(),falling back to ds_get_target_from_data_android_properties()
01-22 04:20:54.480 I/QC-DS-LIB( 554): ds_util.c 2185: ds_get_target(): Could not get target from ds_get_target_from_data_android_properties(),falling back to ds_get_target_from_mdmdetect()
01-22 04:20:54.480 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2555: ds_exec_internal(): [cpid:710] Spawned child PID(710) command:"tc qdisc del dev root"
01-22 04:20:54.480 I/QC-DS-LIB( 554): ds_util.c 1886: ds_get_target_from_mdmdetect(): ESOC info: num_modems [1]
01-22 04:20:54.480 I/QC-DS-LIB( 554): ds_util.c 1890: ds_get_target_from_mdmdetect(): Modem[0]: mdm_type: [INTERNAL]
01-22 04:20:54.480 I/QC-DS-LIB( 554): ds_util.c 1892: ds_get_target_from_mdmdetect(): Modem[0]: mdm_name: [modem]
01-22 04:20:54.480 I/QC-DS-LIB( 554): ds_util.c 1894: ds_get_target_from_mdmdetect(): Modem[0]: mdm_link: [SMD]
01-22 04:20:54.480 I/QC-DS-LIB( 554): ds_util.c 1896: ds_get_target_from_mdmdetect(): Modem[0]: esoc_node: [N/A]
01-22 04:20:54.480 I/QC-DS-LIB( 554): ds_util.c 2194: ds_get_target(): Could not get target from ds_get_target_from_mdmdetect(),falling back to ds_get_target_from_soc_id()
01-22 04:20:54.481 I/QC-DS-LIB( 554): ds_util.c 2093: ds_get_target_from_soc_id: soc_id [294] Target: [30] : [feero]
01-22 04:20:54.481 I/QC-DS-LIB( 554): ds_util.c 2211: ds_get_target(): Target: [30] : [feero]
01-22 04:20:54.482 W/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][rild] qcril_db_init: dropping 2
01-22 04:20:54.531 W/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][rild] qcril_db_init: dropping 3
01-22 04:20:54.541 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 702): Starting motext_client
01-22 04:20:54.541 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 702): readfd=9, writefd=12, writeunsolfd=16 mot_ext_instance_id=0
01-22 04:20:54.542 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 702): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_notifier_init
01-22 04:20:54.542 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 702): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_services = 0
01-22 04:20:54.542 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 702): sprint_client_init: wait for server to come up.
01-22 04:20:54.569 W/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][rild] qcril_db_init: dropping 4
01-22 04:20:54.606 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2739: ds_exec_internal(): [cpid:710] Process exited normally with rc=1
01-22 04:20:54.606 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_tc.c 3315: [ link ].filter_list 0x747b62f740
01-22 04:20:54.607 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2466: ds_exec_internal(): Executing command "tc qdisc del dev root"
01-22 04:20:54.608 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2555: ds_exec_internal(): [cpid:729] Spawned child PID(729) command:"tc qdisc del dev root"
01-22 04:20:54.612 W/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][rild] qcril_db_init: dropping 5
01-22 04:20:54.625 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2739: ds_exec_internal(): [cpid:729] Process exited normally with rc=1
01-22 04:20:54.626 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_tc.c 3315: [ link ].filter_list 0x747b62f7c0
01-22 04:20:54.626 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2466: ds_exec_internal(): Executing command "tc qdisc del dev root"
01-22 04:20:54.627 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2555: ds_exec_internal(): [cpid:730] Spawned child PID(730) command:"tc qdisc del dev root"
01-22 04:20:54.645 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2739: ds_exec_internal(): [cpid:730] Process exited normally with rc=1
01-22 04:20:54.646 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_tc.c 3315: [ link ].filter_list 0x747b62f6a0
01-22 04:20:54.646 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2466: ds_exec_internal(): Executing command "tc qdisc del dev root"
01-22 04:20:54.647 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2555: ds_exec_internal(): [cpid:731] Spawned child PID(731) command:"tc qdisc del dev root"
01-22 04:20:54.648 W/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][rild] qcril_db_init: dropping 6
01-22 04:20:54.667 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2739: ds_exec_internal(): [cpid:731] Process exited normally with rc=1
01-22 04:20:54.667 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_tc.c 3315: [ link ].filter_list 0x747b62f840
01-22 04:20:54.667 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2466: ds_exec_internal(): Executing command "tc qdisc del dev root"
01-22 04:20:54.669 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2555: ds_exec_internal(): [cpid:732] Spawned child PID(732) command:"tc qdisc del dev root"
01-22 04:20:54.687 W/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][rild] qcril_db_init: dropping 7
01-22 04:20:54.691 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2739: ds_exec_internal(): [cpid:732] Process exited normally with rc=1
01-22 04:20:54.692 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_tc.c 3315: [ link ].filter_list 0x747b62f760
01-22 04:20:54.692 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2466: ds_exec_internal(): Executing command "tc qdisc del dev root"
01-22 04:20:54.693 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2555: ds_exec_internal(): [cpid:734] Spawned child PID(734) command:"tc qdisc del dev root"
01-22 04:20:54.712 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2739: ds_exec_internal(): [cpid:734] Process exited normally with rc=1
01-22 04:20:54.712 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_tc.c 3315: [ link ].filter_list 0x747b62f8e0
01-22 04:20:54.712 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2466: ds_exec_internal(): Executing command "tc qdisc del dev root"
01-22 04:20:54.714 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2555: ds_exec_internal(): [cpid:737] Spawned child PID(737) command:"tc qdisc del dev root"
01-22 04:20:54.733 W/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][rild] qcril_db_init: dropping 0
01-22 04:20:54.740 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2739: ds_exec_internal(): [cpid:737] Process exited normally with rc=1
01-22 04:20:54.740 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_tc.c 3315: [ link ].filter_list 0x747b62f6c0
01-22 04:20:54.740 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2466: ds_exec_internal(): Executing command "tc qdisc del dev root"
01-22 04:20:54.742 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2555: ds_exec_internal(): [cpid:741] Spawned child PID(741) command:"tc qdisc del dev root"
01-22 04:20:54.756 W/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][rild] qcril_db_init: dropping 1
01-22 04:20:54.762 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2739: ds_exec_internal(): [cpid:741] Process exited normally with rc=1
01-22 04:20:54.762 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_tc.c 3315: [ link ].filter_list 0x747b62f960
01-22 04:20:54.762 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2466: ds_exec_internal(): Executing command "tc qdisc del dev root"
01-22 04:20:54.764 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2555: ds_exec_internal(): [cpid:743] Spawned child PID(743) command:"tc qdisc del dev root"
01-22 04:20:54.780 W/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][rild] qcril_db_recovery: Backup QCRIL database
01-22 04:20:54.783 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2739: ds_exec_internal(): [cpid:743] Process exited normally with rc=1
01-22 04:20:54.783 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_tc.c 3315: [ link ].filter_list 0x747b62f780
01-22 04:20:54.783 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2466: ds_exec_internal(): Executing command "tc qdisc del dev root"
01-22 04:20:54.785 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2555: ds_exec_internal(): [cpid:744] Spawned child PID(744) command:"tc qdisc del dev root"
01-22 04:20:54.804 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2739: ds_exec_internal(): [cpid:744] Process exited normally with rc=1
01-22 04:20:54.804 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_tc.c 3315: [ link ].filter_list 0x747b62f9e0
01-22 04:20:54.804 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2466: ds_exec_internal(): Executing command "tc qdisc del dev root"
01-22 04:20:54.806 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2555: ds_exec_internal(): [cpid:745] Spawned child PID(745) command:"tc qdisc del dev root"
01-22 04:20:54.818 W/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][rild] qmi_ril_qmi_client_pre_initialization_init: entry
01-22 04:20:54.818 W/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][rild] qmi_ril_qmi_client_pre_initialization_get: QCRIL_PRE_CLIENT_INIT_WAKE_LOCK_HELD_PROP=0
01-22 04:20:54.818 W/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][rild] qmi_ril_qmi_client_pre_initialization_init: exit
01-22 04:20:54.818 I/RILQ ( 534): (1/534):RIL[1][rild] qmi_ril_qmi_client_pre_initialization_acquire: entry
01-22 04:20:54.820 I/RILQ ( 534): (1/534):RIL[1][rild] qmi_ril_qmi_client_pre_initialization_acquire: exit
01-22 04:20:54.822 W/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][rild] register_for_change_event: add watch for /data/vendor/radio/dummy_file
01-22 04:20:54.825 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2739: ds_exec_internal(): [cpid:745] Process exited normally with rc=1
01-22 04:20:54.825 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_tc.c 3315: [ link ].filter_list 0x747b62f6e0
01-22 04:20:54.825 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2466: ds_exec_internal(): Executing command "tc qdisc del dev root"
01-22 04:20:54.826 W/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][rild] qcril_ims_flow_control_pre_init: QCRIL_QMI_VOICE_DTMF_INTERVAL=150
01-22 04:20:54.826 W/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][rild] qcril_ims_flow_control_pre_init: QCRIL_QMI_VOICE_DTMF_PAUSE_INTERVAL=150
01-22 04:20:54.826 W/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][ims_flow_control] qcril_qmi_ims_flow_control_main: Waiting...
01-22 04:20:54.826 W/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][rild] qcril_ims_flow_control_pre_init: Init dtmf request group for flow control
01-22 04:20:54.827 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2555: ds_exec_internal(): [cpid:748] Spawned child PID(748) command:"tc qdisc del dev root"
01-22 04:20:54.833 I/RILQ ( 534): (1/534):RIL[1][rild] settingsd_client_start: Starting settingsd client thread
01-22 04:20:54.833 I/RILQ ( 534): (1/534):RIL[1][rild] settingsd_client_start: After starting the settingsd client thread
01-22 04:20:54.833 I/RILQ ( 534): (1/534):RIL[1] main_loop_thread: main_loop_thread started
01-22 04:20:54.833 V/RILQ ( 534): [ 103] [rild(534,751)] main_loop_thread: > main_loop_thread: Starting main Loop thread for settings client
01-22 04:20:54.834 V/libsettings( 534): [ProtoSource.cpp: 48] [rild(534,751)] ProtoSource: > ProtoSource: tag: /dev/socket/settingsd
01-22 04:20:54.834 D/libsettings( 534): [MainLoop.cpp: 43] [rild(534,751)] MainLoop: Main Loop created
01-22 04:20:54.834 D/libsettings( 534): [MainLoop.cpp: 37] [rild(534,751)] getThreadLoop: current main loop set: true
01-22 04:20:54.834 D/help_/dev/socket/settingsd( 534): Command help_/dev/socket/settingsd
01-22 04:20:54.834 V/libsettings( 534): [Command.cpp: 267] [rild(534,751)] registerCommand: > registerCommand: help_/dev/socket/settingsd
01-22 04:20:54.834 V/libsettings( 534): [Command.cpp: 207] [rild(534,751)] getRegistry: > getRegistry: default
01-22 04:20:54.834 V/libsettings( 534): [Command.cpp: 212] [rild(534,751)] getRegistry: < getRegistry:
01-22 04:20:54.834 V/libsettings( 534): [Command.cpp: 232] [rild(534,751)] doRegisterCommand: > doRegisterCommand: (default) help_/dev/socket/settingsd
01-22 04:20:54.834 V/libsettings( 534): [Command.cpp: 234] [rild(534,751)] doRegisterCommand: < doRegisterCommand:
01-22 04:20:54.834 V/libsettings( 534): [Command.cpp: 269] [rild(534,751)] registerCommand: < registerCommand:
01-22 04:20:54.834 V/libsettings( 534): [Command.cpp: 207] [rild(534,751)] getRegistry: > getRegistry: default
01-22 04:20:54.834 V/libsettings( 534): [Command.cpp: 212] [rild(534,751)] getRegistry: < getRegistry:
01-22 04:20:54.834 V/libsettings( 534): [Command.cpp: 123] [rild(534,751)] enqueue: > enqueue:
01-22 04:20:54.834 D/libsettings( 534): [Command.cpp: 127] [rild(534,751)] enqueue: enqueueing command
01-22 04:20:54.834 D/CommandEvent( 534):
01-22 04:20:54.834 V/libsettings( 534): [MainLoop.cpp: 105] [rild(534,751)] localQueueEvent: > localQueueEvent:
01-22 04:20:54.834 V/libsettings( 534): [MainLoop.cpp: 109] [rild(534,751)] localQueueEvent: < localQueueEvent:
01-22 04:20:54.834 V/libsettings( 534): [Command.cpp: 132] [rild(534,751)] enqueue: < enqueue: ret: 1
01-22 04:20:54.834 V/libsettings( 534): [ProtoSource.cpp: 50] [rild(534,751)] ProtoSource: < ProtoSource:
01-22 04:20:54.834 W/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][rild] qcril_file_read_data: Hit end of file in reading
01-22 04:20:54.834 D//dev/socket/settingsd( 534): ClientSocket ( /dev/socket/settingsd, /dev/socket/settingsd, 1, 1, 0)
01-22 04:20:54.834 W/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][rild] qcril_file_read_data: read 15 instead of 100
01-22 04:20:54.834 D//dev/socket/settingsd( 534): connect: ret: -1. fd: 30. errno: 2
01-22 04:20:54.834 W/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][rild] qcril_qmi_pdc_set_sim_info: file : /data/vendor/radio/iccid_1
01-22 04:20:54.834 E//dev/socket/settingsd( 534): connect: connect: No such file or directory(2)
01-22 04:20:54.834 W/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][rild] qcril_qmi_pdc_set_sim_info: curr_string : null,null,null
01-22 04:20:54.834 E/RILQ ( 534): [ 114] [rild(534,751)] main_loop_thread: Unable to start settings client
01-22 04:20:54.834 W/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][rild] qcril_qmi_pdc_set_sim_info: final_string : null,null,null
01-22 04:20:54.834 V/RILQ ( 534): [ 116] [rild(534,751)] main_loop_thread: < main_loop_thread:
01-22 04:20:54.834 D//dev/socket/settingsd( 534): Closing fd 30
01-22 04:20:54.834 W/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][rild] qcril_qmi_pdc_set_sim_info: No change in sim info
01-22 04:20:54.834 V/libsettings( 534): [ProtoSource.cpp: 55] [rild(534,751)] ~ProtoSource: > ~ProtoSource: tag: /dev/socket/settingsd
01-22 04:20:54.834 D/libsettings( 534): [ProtoSource.cpp: 534] [rild(534,751)] cleanup: De-registering command help_/dev/socket/settingsd
01-22 04:20:54.834 V/libsettings( 534): [Command.cpp: 246] [rild(534,751)] deRegisterCommand: > deRegisterCommand: help_/dev/socket/settingsd
01-22 04:20:54.834 V/libsettings( 534): [Command.cpp: 207] [rild(534,751)] getRegistry: > getRegistry: default
01-22 04:20:54.834 V/libsettings( 534): [Command.cpp: 212] [rild(534,751)] getRegistry: < getRegistry:
01-22 04:20:54.834 V/libsettings( 534): [Command.cpp: 239] [rild(534,751)] doDeRegisterCommand: > doDeRegisterCommand: default(help_/dev/socket/settingsd)
01-22 04:20:54.834 V/libsettings( 534): [Command.cpp: 241] [rild(534,751)] doDeRegisterCommand: < doDeRegisterCommand:
01-22 04:20:54.834 V/libsettings( 534): [Command.cpp: 248] [rild(534,751)] deRegisterCommand: < deRegisterCommand:
01-22 04:20:54.835 V/libsettings( 534): [ProtoSource.cpp: 57] [rild(534,751)] ~ProtoSource: < ~ProtoSource:
01-22 04:20:54.836 W/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][rild] qcril_setup_timed_callback: Immediate call back
01-22 04:20:54.836 W/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][event] qcril_event_main: Waiting...
01-22 04:20:54.836 W/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][rild] qcril_setup_timed_callback: Set timer with ID 2
01-22 04:20:54.836 D/RILD ( 534): RIL_Init rilInit completed
01-22 04:20:54.836 I/RILC ( 534): SIM_COUNT: 1
01-22 04:20:54.836 E/RILC ( 534): RIL_register: RIL version 15
01-22 04:20:54.836 I/RILC ( 534): s_registerCalled flag set, 1
01-22 04:20:54.836 W/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][main] qcril_send_unsol_response_epilog: UI <--- RIL_UNSOL_RESPONSE_RADIO_STATE_CHANGED (1000) --- RIL [RID 0, Len 0, (null)]
01-22 04:20:54.836 D/RILC ( 534): registerService: starting android::hardware::radio::V1_1::IRadio slot2
01-22 04:20:54.839 I/RILC ( 534): RILHIDL called registerService
01-22 04:20:54.839 E/RILC ( 534): radioStateChangedInd: radioService[0]->mRadioIndication == NULL
01-22 04:20:54.839 D/RILD ( 534): RIL_Init RIL_register completed
01-22 04:20:54.839 D/RILD ( 534): RIL_register_socket started
01-22 04:20:54.841 W/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][rild] RIL_SAP_Init: RILD 1, running RIL_SAP_Init()
01-22 04:20:54.841 D/RIL_UIM_SOCKET( 534): Adding socket with id: 0
01-22 04:20:54.841 I/RILC ( 534): RIL_register_socket: calling registerService
01-22 04:20:54.841 D/RIL_SAP ( 534): registerService: starting ISap slot2 for slotId 0
01-22 04:20:54.841 W/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][main] qcril_qmi_voice_ims_send_unsol_radio_state_change: radio_state: Radio Off(0)
01-22 04:20:54.842 W/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][main] qcril_qmi_voice_ims_send_unsol_radio_state_change: Modem_state is : 0
01-22 04:20:54.844 E/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][main] qcril_qmi_lte_direct_disc_pack_msg_tag: encoding the MsgHeader
01-22 04:20:54.844 D/RIL_SAP ( 534): registerService: started ISap slot2 status 0
01-22 04:20:54.844 D/RILD ( 534): RIL_register_socket completed
01-22 04:20:54.845 E/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][main] qcril_qmi_oem_socket_lte_direct_disc_send_unsol: qcril_qmi_oemhook_agent_send_unsol: oemhook service not registered
01-22 04:20:54.845 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2739: ds_exec_internal(): [cpid:748] Process exited normally with rc=1
01-22 04:20:54.846 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_tc.c 3315: [ link ].filter_list 0x747b62fa60
01-22 04:20:54.846 W/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][main] qmi_ril_get_property_value_helper: ret value 1
01-22 04:20:54.846 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2466: ds_exec_internal(): Executing command "tc qdisc del dev root"
01-22 04:20:54.847 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2555: ds_exec_internal(): [cpid:752] Spawned child PID(752) command:"tc qdisc del dev root"
01-22 04:20:54.848 W/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][main] qcril_qmi_client_init: Client connecting to QMI FW
01-22 04:20:54.848 I/QC-DS-LIB( 534): ds_util.c 2177: ds_get_target(): Could not get target from ds_get_target_offtarget(),falling back to ds_get_target_from_data_android_properties()
01-22 04:20:54.848 I/QC-DS-LIB( 534): ds_util.c 2185: ds_get_target(): Could not get target from ds_get_target_from_data_android_properties(),falling back to ds_get_target_from_mdmdetect()
01-22 04:20:54.849 I/QC-DS-LIB( 534): ds_util.c 1886: ds_get_target_from_mdmdetect(): ESOC info: num_modems [1]
01-22 04:20:54.849 I/QC-DS-LIB( 534): ds_util.c 1890: ds_get_target_from_mdmdetect(): Modem[0]: mdm_type: [INTERNAL]
01-22 04:20:54.849 I/QC-DS-LIB( 534): ds_util.c 1892: ds_get_target_from_mdmdetect(): Modem[0]: mdm_name: [modem]
01-22 04:20:54.849 I/QC-DS-LIB( 534): ds_util.c 1894: ds_get_target_from_mdmdetect(): Modem[0]: mdm_link: [SMD]
01-22 04:20:54.849 I/QC-DS-LIB( 534): ds_util.c 1896: ds_get_target_from_mdmdetect(): Modem[0]: esoc_node: [N/A]
01-22 04:20:54.849 I/QC-DS-LIB( 534): ds_util.c 2194: ds_get_target(): Could not get target from ds_get_target_from_mdmdetect(),falling back to ds_get_target_from_soc_id()
01-22 04:20:54.849 I/QC-DS-LIB( 534): ds_util.c 2093: ds_get_target_from_soc_id: soc_id [294] Target: [30] : [feero]
01-22 04:20:54.849 I/QC-DS-LIB( 534): ds_util.c 2211: ds_get_target(): Target: [30] : [feero]
01-22 04:20:54.865 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2739: ds_exec_internal(): [cpid:752] Process exited normally with rc=1
01-22 04:20:54.866 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_tc.c 3315: [ link ].filter_list 0x747b62f800
01-22 04:20:54.866 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2466: ds_exec_internal(): Executing command "tc qdisc del dev root"
01-22 04:20:54.867 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2555: ds_exec_internal(): [cpid:755] Spawned child PID(755) command:"tc qdisc del dev root"
01-22 04:20:54.885 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2739: ds_exec_internal(): [cpid:755] Process exited normally with rc=1
01-22 04:20:54.885 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_tc.c 3315: [ link ].filter_list 0x747b62fae0
01-22 04:20:54.885 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2466: ds_exec_internal(): Executing command "tc qdisc del dev root"
01-22 04:20:54.887 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2555: ds_exec_internal(): [cpid:756] Spawned child PID(756) command:"tc qdisc del dev root"
01-22 04:20:54.904 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2739: ds_exec_internal(): [cpid:756] Process exited normally with rc=1
01-22 04:20:54.904 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_tc.c 3315: [ link ].filter_list 0x747b62f7e0
01-22 04:20:54.904 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2466: ds_exec_internal(): Executing command "tc qdisc del dev root"
01-22 04:20:54.906 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2555: ds_exec_internal(): [cpid:757] Spawned child PID(757) command:"tc qdisc del dev root"
01-22 04:20:54.925 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2739: ds_exec_internal(): [cpid:757] Process exited normally with rc=1
01-22 04:20:54.925 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_tc.c 3315: [ link ].filter_list 0x747b62fb60
01-22 04:20:54.925 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2466: ds_exec_internal(): Executing command "tc qdisc del dev root"
01-22 04:20:54.927 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2555: ds_exec_internal(): [cpid:759] Spawned child PID(759) command:"tc qdisc del dev root"
01-22 04:20:54.945 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2739: ds_exec_internal(): [cpid:759] Process exited normally with rc=1
01-22 04:20:54.945 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_tc.c 3315: [ link ].filter_list 0x747b62fbe0
01-22 04:20:54.945 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2466: ds_exec_internal(): Executing command "iptables -w -W 10000 -t mangle -D POSTROUTING -j qcom_qos_reset_POSTROUTING"
01-22 04:20:54.946 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2555: ds_exec_internal(): [cpid:760] Spawned child PID(760) command:"iptables -w -W 10000 -t mangle -D POSTROUTING -j qcom_qos_reset_POSTROUTING"
01-22 04:20:54.963 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2739: ds_exec_internal(): [cpid:760] Process exited normally with rc=2
01-22 04:20:54.964 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2466: ds_exec_internal(): Executing command "iptables -w -W 10000 -t mangle -X qcom_qos_reset_POSTROUTING"
01-22 04:20:54.965 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2555: ds_exec_internal(): [cpid:761] Spawned child PID(761) command:"iptables -w -W 10000 -t mangle -X qcom_qos_reset_POSTROUTING"
01-22 04:20:54.981 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2739: ds_exec_internal(): [cpid:761] Process exited normally with rc=1
01-22 04:20:54.981 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_db_init: dropping 1
01-22 04:20:54.981 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2466: ds_exec_internal(): Executing command "ip6tables -w -W 10000 -t mangle -D POSTROUTING -j qcom_qos_reset_POSTROUTING"
01-22 04:20:54.983 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2555: ds_exec_internal(): [cpid:762] Spawned child PID(762) command:"ip6tables -w -W 10000 -t mangle -D POSTROUTING -j qcom_qos_reset_POSTROUTING"
01-22 04:20:55.000 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2739: ds_exec_internal(): [cpid:762] Process exited normally with rc=2
01-22 04:20:55.000 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2466: ds_exec_internal(): Executing command "ip6tables -w -W 10000 -t mangle -X qcom_qos_reset_POSTROUTING"
01-22 04:20:55.002 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2555: ds_exec_internal(): [cpid:763] Spawned child PID(763) command:"ip6tables -w -W 10000 -t mangle -X qcom_qos_reset_POSTROUTING"
01-22 04:20:55.008 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_db_init: dropping 2
01-22 04:20:55.021 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2739: ds_exec_internal(): [cpid:763] Process exited normally with rc=1
01-22 04:20:55.021 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2466: ds_exec_internal(): Executing command "iptables -w -W 10000 -t mangle -D POSTROUTING -j qcom_qos_filter_POSTROUTING"
01-22 04:20:55.023 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2555: ds_exec_internal(): [cpid:764] Spawned child PID(764) command:"iptables -w -W 10000 -t mangle -D POSTROUTING -j qcom_qos_filter_POSTROUTING"
01-22 04:20:55.026 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_db_init: dropping 3
01-22 04:20:55.041 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2739: ds_exec_internal(): [cpid:764] Process exited normally with rc=2
01-22 04:20:55.042 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2466: ds_exec_internal(): Executing command "iptables -w -W 10000 -t mangle -F qcom_qos_filter_POSTROUTING"
01-22 04:20:55.044 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2555: ds_exec_internal(): [cpid:765] Spawned child PID(765) command:"iptables -w -W 10000 -t mangle -F qcom_qos_filter_POSTROUTING"
01-22 04:20:55.046 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_db_init: dropping 4
01-22 04:20:55.061 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2739: ds_exec_internal(): [cpid:765] Process exited normally with rc=1
01-22 04:20:55.061 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2466: ds_exec_internal(): Executing command "iptables -w -W 10000 -t mangle -X qcom_qos_filter_POSTROUTING"
01-22 04:20:55.064 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2555: ds_exec_internal(): [cpid:766] Spawned child PID(766) command:"iptables -w -W 10000 -t mangle -X qcom_qos_filter_POSTROUTING"
01-22 04:20:55.065 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_db_init: dropping 5
01-22 04:20:55.080 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2739: ds_exec_internal(): [cpid:766] Process exited normally with rc=1
01-22 04:20:55.081 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2466: ds_exec_internal(): Executing command "ip6tables -w -W 10000 -t mangle -D POSTROUTING -j qcom_qos_filter_POSTROUTING"
01-22 04:20:55.083 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2555: ds_exec_internal(): [cpid:767] Spawned child PID(767) command:"ip6tables -w -W 10000 -t mangle -D POSTROUTING -j qcom_qos_filter_POSTROUTING"
01-22 04:20:55.083 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_db_init: dropping 6
01-22 04:20:55.099 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_db_init: dropping 7
01-22 04:20:55.099 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2739: ds_exec_internal(): [cpid:767] Process exited normally with rc=2
01-22 04:20:55.099 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2466: ds_exec_internal(): Executing command "ip6tables -w -W 10000 -t mangle -F qcom_qos_filter_POSTROUTING"
01-22 04:20:55.101 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2555: ds_exec_internal(): [cpid:768] Spawned child PID(768) command:"ip6tables -w -W 10000 -t mangle -F qcom_qos_filter_POSTROUTING"
01-22 04:20:55.117 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2739: ds_exec_internal(): [cpid:768] Process exited normally with rc=1
01-22 04:20:55.117 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2466: ds_exec_internal(): Executing command "ip6tables -w -W 10000 -t mangle -X qcom_qos_filter_POSTROUTING"
01-22 04:20:55.119 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2555: ds_exec_internal(): [cpid:769] Spawned child PID(769) command:"ip6tables -w -W 10000 -t mangle -X qcom_qos_filter_POSTROUTING"
01-22 04:20:55.127 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_db_init: dropping 0
01-22 04:20:55.136 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2739: ds_exec_internal(): [cpid:769] Process exited normally with rc=1
01-22 04:20:55.136 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2466: ds_exec_internal(): Executing command "iptables -w -W 10000 -t mangle -N qcom_qos_reset_POSTROUTING"
01-22 04:20:55.138 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2555: ds_exec_internal(): [cpid:770] Spawned child PID(770) command:"iptables -w -W 10000 -t mangle -N qcom_qos_reset_POSTROUTING"
01-22 04:20:55.149 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_db_init: dropping 1
01-22 04:20:55.156 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2739: ds_exec_internal(): [cpid:770] Process exited normally with rc=0
01-22 04:20:55.156 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2466: ds_exec_internal(): Executing command "iptables -w -W 10000 -t mangle -A POSTROUTING -j qcom_qos_reset_POSTROUTING"
01-22 04:20:55.157 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2555: ds_exec_internal(): [cpid:771] Spawned child PID(771) command:"iptables -w -W 10000 -t mangle -A POSTROUTING -j qcom_qos_reset_POSTROUTING"
01-22 04:20:55.169 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_db_recovery: Backup QCRIL database
01-22 04:20:55.177 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2739: ds_exec_internal(): [cpid:771] Process exited normally with rc=0
01-22 04:20:55.177 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2466: ds_exec_internal(): Executing command "ip6tables -w -W 10000 -t mangle -N qcom_qos_reset_POSTROUTING"
01-22 04:20:55.179 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2555: ds_exec_internal(): [cpid:772] Spawned child PID(772) command:"ip6tables -w -W 10000 -t mangle -N qcom_qos_reset_POSTROUTING"
01-22 04:20:55.186 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_qmi_client_pre_initialization_init: entry
01-22 04:20:55.187 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_qmi_client_pre_initialization_get: QCRIL_PRE_CLIENT_INIT_WAKE_LOCK_HELD_PROP=1
01-22 04:20:55.187 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_qmi_client_pre_initialization_init: exit
01-22 04:20:55.187 I/RILQ ( 554): (0/554):RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_qmi_client_pre_initialization_acquire: entry
01-22 04:20:55.187 I/RILQ ( 554): (0/554):RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_qmi_client_pre_initialization_acquire: exit
01-22 04:20:55.187 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] register_for_change_event: add watch for /data/vendor/radio/dummy_file
01-22 04:20:55.187 W/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][file_observer] dummy_file_change_event_hndlr: change in file entry
01-22 04:20:55.188 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_ims_flow_control_pre_init: QCRIL_QMI_VOICE_DTMF_INTERVAL=150
01-22 04:20:55.188 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_ims_flow_control_pre_init: QCRIL_QMI_VOICE_DTMF_PAUSE_INTERVAL=150
01-22 04:20:55.188 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_ims_flow_control_pre_init: Init dtmf request group for flow control
01-22 04:20:55.188 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][ims_flow_control] qcril_qmi_ims_flow_control_main: Waiting...
01-22 04:20:55.190 I/RILQ ( 554): (0/554):RIL[0][rild] settingsd_client_start: Starting settingsd client thread
01-22 04:20:55.190 I/RILQ ( 554): (0/554):RIL[0][rild] settingsd_client_start: After starting the settingsd client thread
01-22 04:20:55.190 I/RILQ ( 554): (0/554):RIL[0] main_loop_thread: main_loop_thread started
01-22 04:20:55.190 V/RILQ ( 554): [ 103] [rild(554,776)] main_loop_thread: > main_loop_thread: Starting main Loop thread for settings client
01-22 04:20:55.190 V/libsettings( 554): [ProtoSource.cpp: 48] [rild(554,776)] ProtoSource: > ProtoSource: tag: /dev/socket/settingsd
01-22 04:20:55.190 D/libsettings( 554): [MainLoop.cpp: 43] [rild(554,776)] MainLoop: Main Loop created
01-22 04:20:55.190 D/libsettings( 554): [MainLoop.cpp: 37] [rild(554,776)] getThreadLoop: current main loop set: true
01-22 04:20:55.190 D/help_/dev/socket/settingsd( 554): Command help_/dev/socket/settingsd
01-22 04:20:55.190 V/libsettings( 554): [Command.cpp: 267] [rild(554,776)] registerCommand: > registerCommand: help_/dev/socket/settingsd
01-22 04:20:55.190 V/libsettings( 554): [Command.cpp: 207] [rild(554,776)] getRegistry: > getRegistry: default
01-22 04:20:55.190 V/libsettings( 554): [Command.cpp: 212] [rild(554,776)] getRegistry: < getRegistry:
01-22 04:20:55.190 V/libsettings( 554): [Command.cpp: 232] [rild(554,776)] doRegisterCommand: > doRegisterCommand: (default) help_/dev/socket/settingsd
01-22 04:20:55.190 V/libsettings( 554): [Command.cpp: 234] [rild(554,776)] doRegisterCommand: < doRegisterCommand:
01-22 04:20:55.190 V/libsettings( 554): [Command.cpp: 269] [rild(554,776)] registerCommand: < registerCommand:
01-22 04:20:55.190 V/libsettings( 554): [Command.cpp: 207] [rild(554,776)] getRegistry: > getRegistry: default
01-22 04:20:55.190 V/libsettings( 554): [Command.cpp: 212] [rild(554,776)] getRegistry: < getRegistry:
01-22 04:20:55.190 V/libsettings( 554): [Command.cpp: 123] [rild(554,776)] enqueue: > enqueue:
01-22 04:20:55.190 D/libsettings( 554): [Command.cpp: 127] [rild(554,776)] enqueue: enqueueing command
01-22 04:20:55.190 D/CommandEvent( 554):
01-22 04:20:55.191 V/libsettings( 554): [MainLoop.cpp: 105] [rild(554,776)] localQueueEvent: > localQueueEvent:
01-22 04:20:55.191 V/libsettings( 554): [MainLoop.cpp: 109] [rild(554,776)] localQueueEvent: < localQueueEvent:
01-22 04:20:55.191 V/libsettings( 554): [Command.cpp: 132] [rild(554,776)] enqueue: < enqueue: ret: 1
01-22 04:20:55.191 V/libsettings( 554): [ProtoSource.cpp: 50] [rild(554,776)] ProtoSource: < ProtoSource:
01-22 04:20:55.191 D//dev/socket/settingsd( 554): ClientSocket ( /dev/socket/settingsd, /dev/socket/settingsd, 1, 1, 0)
01-22 04:20:55.191 D//dev/socket/settingsd( 554): connect: ret: -1. fd: 38. errno: 2
01-22 04:20:55.191 E//dev/socket/settingsd( 554): connect: connect: No such file or directory(2)
01-22 04:20:55.191 E/RILQ ( 554): [ 114] [rild(554,776)] main_loop_thread: Unable to start settings client
01-22 04:20:55.191 V/RILQ ( 554): [ 116] [rild(554,776)] main_loop_thread: < main_loop_thread:
01-22 04:20:55.191 D//dev/socket/settingsd( 554): Closing fd 38
01-22 04:20:55.191 V/libsettings( 554): [ProtoSource.cpp: 55] [rild(554,776)] ~ProtoSource: > ~ProtoSource: tag: /dev/socket/settingsd
01-22 04:20:55.191 D/libsettings( 554): [ProtoSource.cpp: 534] [rild(554,776)] cleanup: De-registering command help_/dev/socket/settingsd
01-22 04:20:55.191 V/libsettings( 554): [Command.cpp: 246] [rild(554,776)] deRegisterCommand: > deRegisterCommand: help_/dev/socket/settingsd
01-22 04:20:55.191 V/libsettings( 554): [Command.cpp: 207] [rild(554,776)] getRegistry: > getRegistry: default
01-22 04:20:55.191 V/libsettings( 554): [Command.cpp: 212] [rild(554,776)] getRegistry: < getRegistry:
01-22 04:20:55.191 V/libsettings( 554): [Command.cpp: 239] [rild(554,776)] doDeRegisterCommand: > doDeRegisterCommand: default(help_/dev/socket/settingsd)
01-22 04:20:55.191 V/libsettings( 554): [Command.cpp: 241] [rild(554,776)] doDeRegisterCommand: < doDeRegisterCommand:
01-22 04:20:55.191 V/libsettings( 554): [Command.cpp: 248] [rild(554,776)] deRegisterCommand: < deRegisterCommand:
01-22 04:20:55.191 V/libsettings( 554): [ProtoSource.cpp: 57] [rild(554,776)] ~ProtoSource: < ~ProtoSource:
01-22 04:20:55.192 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_file_read_data: Hit end of file in reading
01-22 04:20:55.192 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_file_read_data: read 15 instead of 100
01-22 04:20:55.192 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_qmi_pdc_set_sim_info: file : /data/vendor/radio/iccid_0
01-22 04:20:55.192 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_qmi_pdc_set_sim_info: curr_string : null,null,null
01-22 04:20:55.192 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_qmi_pdc_set_sim_info: final_string : null,null,null
01-22 04:20:55.192 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_qmi_pdc_set_sim_info: No change in sim info
01-22 04:20:55.192 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_qmi_pdc_pre_init: Register sim info file change events
01-22 04:20:55.192 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] register_for_change_event: add watch for /data/vendor/radio/iccid_0
01-22 04:20:55.192 W/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][file_observer] dummy_file_change_event_hndlr: change in file entry
01-22 04:20:55.193 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][file_observer] dummy_file_change_event_hndlr: change in file entry
01-22 04:20:55.193 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][event] qcril_event_main: Waiting...
01-22 04:20:55.193 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_setup_timed_callback: Immediate call back
01-22 04:20:55.193 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][main] qcril_send_unsol_response_epilog: UI <--- RIL_UNSOL_RESPONSE_RADIO_STATE_CHANGED (1000) --- RIL [RID 0, Len 0, (null)]
01-22 04:20:55.193 W/RILC ( 554): RIL_onUnsolicitedResponse called before RIL_register
01-22 04:20:55.193 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][main] qcril_qmi_voice_ims_send_unsol_radio_state_change: radio_state: Radio Off(0)
01-22 04:20:55.193 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][main] qcril_qmi_voice_ims_send_unsol_radio_state_change: Modem_state is : 0
01-22 04:20:55.193 E/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][main] qcril_qmi_lte_direct_disc_pack_msg_tag: encoding the MsgHeader
01-22 04:20:55.194 E/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][main] qcril_qmi_oem_socket_lte_direct_disc_send_unsol: qcril_qmi_oemhook_agent_send_unsol: oemhook service not registered
01-22 04:20:55.194 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][main] qmi_ril_get_property_value_helper: ret value 1
01-22 04:20:55.194 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_setup_timed_callback: Set timer with ID 2
01-22 04:20:55.194 D/RILD ( 554): RIL_Init rilInit completed
01-22 04:20:55.194 I/RILC ( 554): SIM_COUNT: 1
01-22 04:20:55.194 E/RILC ( 554): RIL_register: RIL version 15
01-22 04:20:55.194 I/RILC ( 554): s_registerCalled flag set, 1
01-22 04:20:55.194 D/RILC ( 554): registerService: starting android::hardware::radio::V1_1::IRadio slot1
01-22 04:20:55.194 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][main] qcril_qmi_client_init: Client connecting to QMI FW
01-22 04:20:55.196 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2739: ds_exec_internal(): [cpid:772] Process exited normally with rc=0
01-22 04:20:55.196 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2466: ds_exec_internal(): Executing command "ip6tables -w -W 10000 -t mangle -A POSTROUTING -j qcom_qos_reset_POSTROUTING"
01-22 04:20:55.198 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2555: ds_exec_internal(): [cpid:777] Spawned child PID(777) command:"ip6tables -w -W 10000 -t mangle -A POSTROUTING -j qcom_qos_reset_POSTROUTING"
01-22 04:20:55.200 I/RILC ( 554): RILHIDL called registerService
01-22 04:20:55.200 D/RILD ( 554): RIL_Init RIL_register completed
01-22 04:20:55.200 D/RILD ( 554): RIL_register_socket started
01-22 04:20:55.200 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] RIL_SAP_Init: RILD 0, running RIL_SAP_Init()
01-22 04:20:55.200 D/RIL_UIM_SOCKET( 554): Adding socket with id: 0
01-22 04:20:55.200 I/RILC ( 554): RIL_register_socket: calling registerService
01-22 04:20:55.201 D/RIL_SAP ( 554): registerService: starting ISap slot1 for slotId 0
01-22 04:20:55.202 D/RIL_SAP ( 554): registerService: started ISap slot1 status 0
01-22 04:20:55.202 D/RILD ( 554): RIL_register_socket completed
01-22 04:20:55.215 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2739: ds_exec_internal(): [cpid:777] Process exited normally with rc=0
01-22 04:20:55.215 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2466: ds_exec_internal(): Executing command "iptables -w -W 10000 -t mangle -N qcom_qos_filter_POSTROUTING"
01-22 04:20:55.217 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2555: ds_exec_internal(): [cpid:778] Spawned child PID(778) command:"iptables -w -W 10000 -t mangle -N qcom_qos_filter_POSTROUTING"
01-22 04:20:55.233 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2739: ds_exec_internal(): [cpid:778] Process exited normally with rc=0
01-22 04:20:55.234 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2466: ds_exec_internal(): Executing command "iptables -w -W 10000 -t mangle -A POSTROUTING -j qcom_qos_filter_POSTROUTING"
01-22 04:20:55.235 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2555: ds_exec_internal(): [cpid:779] Spawned child PID(779) command:"iptables -w -W 10000 -t mangle -A POSTROUTING -j qcom_qos_filter_POSTROUTING"
01-22 04:20:55.252 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2739: ds_exec_internal(): [cpid:779] Process exited normally with rc=0
01-22 04:20:55.252 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2466: ds_exec_internal(): Executing command "ip6tables -w -W 10000 -t mangle -N qcom_qos_filter_POSTROUTING"
01-22 04:20:55.254 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2555: ds_exec_internal(): [cpid:780] Spawned child PID(780) command:"ip6tables -w -W 10000 -t mangle -N qcom_qos_filter_POSTROUTING"
01-22 04:20:55.270 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2739: ds_exec_internal(): [cpid:780] Process exited normally with rc=0
01-22 04:20:55.270 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2466: ds_exec_internal(): Executing command "ip6tables -w -W 10000 -t mangle -A POSTROUTING -j qcom_qos_filter_POSTROUTING"
01-22 04:20:55.272 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2555: ds_exec_internal(): [cpid:781] Spawned child PID(781) command:"ip6tables -w -W 10000 -t mangle -A POSTROUTING -j qcom_qos_filter_POSTROUTING"
01-22 04:20:55.288 I/QC-DS-LIB( 530): ds_util.c 2739: ds_exec_internal(): [cpid:781] Process exited normally with rc=0
01-22 04:20:55.288 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_main.c 767: property [] value[false]
01-22 04:20:55.288 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_rmnet.c 867: netmgr_rmnet_configure_ep_params: Not a IPA target. Ignore ep configuration
01-22 04:20:55.288 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_main.c 1519: property [] value[false]
01-22 04:20:55.288 I/QC-NETMGR-LIB( 530): netmgr_qmi_dpm.c 1028: netmgr_qmi_dpm_initialize_blocking(): Unregistering QMUX transport
01-22 04:20:55.441 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 665): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_services = 0
01-22 04:20:55.441 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 665): sprint_client_init: wait for server to come up.
01-22 04:20:55.543 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 702): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_services = 0
01-22 04:20:55.543 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 702): sprint_client_init: wait for server to come up.
01-22 04:20:56.441 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 665): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_services = 0
01-22 04:20:56.441 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 665): sprint_client_init: wait for server to come up.
01-22 04:20:56.543 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 702): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_services = 0
01-22 04:20:56.543 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 702): sprint_client_init: wait for server to come up.
01-22 04:20:57.441 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 665): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_services = 0
01-22 04:20:57.441 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 665): sprint_client_init: wait for server to come up.
01-22 04:20:57.543 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 702): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_services = 0
01-22 04:20:57.543 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 702): sprint_client_init: wait for server to come up.
01-22 04:20:58.442 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 665): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_services = 0
01-22 04:20:58.442 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 665): sprint_client_init: wait for server to come up.
01-22 04:20:58.543 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 702): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_services = 0
01-22 04:20:58.543 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 702): sprint_client_init: wait for server to come up.
01-22 04:20:59.442 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 665): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_entries = 0 num_services = 0
01-22 04:20:59.442 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 665): qmi_motext_sprint_client_init_with_type: Try (1): Client init fail. rc = -2
01-22 04:20:59.442 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 665): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_notifier_init
01-22 04:20:59.442 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 665): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_services = 0
01-22 04:20:59.442 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 665): sprint_client_init: wait for server to come up.
01-22 04:20:59.544 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 702): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_entries = 0 num_services = 0
01-22 04:20:59.544 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 702): qmi_motext_sprint_client_init_with_type: Try (1): Client init fail. rc = -2
01-22 04:20:59.544 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 702): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_notifier_init
01-22 04:20:59.544 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 702): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_services = 0
01-22 04:20:59.544 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 702): sprint_client_init: wait for server to come up.
01-22 04:21:00.442 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 665): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_services = 0
01-22 04:21:00.442 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 665): sprint_client_init: wait for server to come up.
01-22 04:21:00.544 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 702): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_services = 0
01-22 04:21:00.544 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 702): sprint_client_init: wait for server to come up.
01-22 04:21:01.443 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 665): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_services = 0
01-22 04:21:01.443 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 665): sprint_client_init: wait for server to come up.
01-22 04:21:01.544 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 702): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_services = 0
01-22 04:21:01.544 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 702): sprint_client_init: wait for server to come up.
01-22 04:21:02.443 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 665): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_services = 0
01-22 04:21:02.443 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 665): sprint_client_init: wait for server to come up.
01-22 04:21:02.544 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 702): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_services = 0
01-22 04:21:02.545 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 702): sprint_client_init: wait for server to come up.
01-22 04:21:03.443 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 665): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_services = 0
01-22 04:21:03.443 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 665): sprint_client_init: wait for server to come up.
01-22 04:21:03.545 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 702): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_services = 0
01-22 04:21:03.545 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 702): sprint_client_init: wait for server to come up.
01-22 04:21:03.894 I/RILQ ( 534): (1/534):RIL[1][main] qcril_qmi_init_core_client_handles: Client init failed, details: QMI Voice
01-22 04:21:03.894 W/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][main] qcril_delay_timed_cb: Delay Timer expired with ID 1
01-22 04:21:04.237 I/RILQ ( 554): (0/554):RIL[0][main] qcril_qmi_init_core_client_handles: Client init failed, details: QMI Voice
01-22 04:21:04.237 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][main] qcril_delay_timed_cb: Delay Timer expired with ID 1
01-22 04:21:04.443 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 665): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_entries = 0 num_services = 0
01-22 04:21:04.443 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 665): qmi_motext_sprint_client_init_with_type: Try (2): Client init fail. rc = -2
01-22 04:21:04.443 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 665): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_notifier_init
01-22 04:21:04.443 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 665): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_services = 0
01-22 04:21:04.443 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 665): sprint_client_init: wait for server to come up.
01-22 04:21:04.545 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 702): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_entries = 0 num_services = 0
01-22 04:21:04.545 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 702): qmi_motext_sprint_client_init_with_type: Try (2): Client init fail. rc = -2
01-22 04:21:04.545 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 702): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_notifier_init
01-22 04:21:04.545 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 702): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_services = 0
01-22 04:21:04.545 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 702): sprint_client_init: wait for server to come up.
01-22 04:21:05.443 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 665): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_services = 0
01-22 04:21:05.444 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 665): sprint_client_init: wait for server to come up.
01-22 04:21:05.545 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 702): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_services = 0
01-22 04:21:05.545 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 702): sprint_client_init: wait for server to come up.
01-22 04:21:06.444 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 665): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_services = 0
01-22 04:21:06.444 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 665): sprint_client_init: wait for server to come up.
01-22 04:21:06.545 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 702): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_services = 0
01-22 04:21:06.545 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 702): sprint_client_init: wait for server to come up.
01-22 04:21:07.444 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 665): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_services = 0
01-22 04:21:07.444 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 665): sprint_client_init: wait for server to come up.
01-22 04:21:07.546 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 702): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_services = 0
01-22 04:21:07.546 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 702): sprint_client_init: wait for server to come up.
01-22 04:21:08.444 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 665): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_services = 0
01-22 04:21:08.444 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 665): sprint_client_init: wait for server to come up.
01-22 04:21:08.546 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 702): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_services = 0
01-22 04:21:08.546 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 702): sprint_client_init: wait for server to come up.
01-22 04:21:08.894 W/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][core_init] qcril_setup_timed_callback: Immediate call back
01-22 04:21:08.895 W/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][core_init] qcril_setup_timed_callback: Set timer with ID 3
01-22 04:21:08.895 W/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][main] qmi_ril_get_property_value_helper: ret value 1
01-22 04:21:08.895 E/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][main] qmi_ril_peripheral_mng_vote: modem connect failed -1
01-22 04:21:08.895 E/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][main] qcril_qmi_vote_for_modem_up_using_pm: Could not vote for modem modem
01-22 04:21:08.895 W/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][main] qcril_qmi_client_init: Client connecting to QMI FW
01-22 04:21:09.238 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][core_init] qcril_setup_timed_callback: Immediate call back
01-22 04:21:09.238 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][core_init] qcril_setup_timed_callback: Set timer with ID 3
01-22 04:21:09.238 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][main] qmi_ril_get_property_value_helper: ret value 1
01-22 04:21:09.238 E/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][main] qmi_ril_peripheral_mng_vote: modem connect failed -1
01-22 04:21:09.238 E/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][main] qcril_qmi_vote_for_modem_up_using_pm: Could not vote for modem modem
01-22 04:21:09.238 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][main] qcril_qmi_client_init: Client connecting to QMI FW
01-22 04:21:09.444 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 665): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_entries = 0 num_services = 0
01-22 04:21:09.445 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 665): qmi_motext_sprint_client_init_with_type: Try (3): Client init fail. rc = -2
01-22 04:21:09.445 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 665): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_notifier_init
01-22 04:21:09.445 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 665): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_services = 0
01-22 04:21:09.445 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 665): sprint_client_init: wait for server to come up.
01-22 04:21:09.546 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 702): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_entries = 0 num_services = 0
01-22 04:21:09.546 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 702): qmi_motext_sprint_client_init_with_type: Try (3): Client init fail. rc = -2
01-22 04:21:09.546 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 702): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_notifier_init
01-22 04:21:09.546 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 702): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_services = 0
01-22 04:21:09.546 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 702): sprint_client_init: wait for server to come up.
01-22 04:21:10.446 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 665): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_services = 0
01-22 04:21:10.446 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 665): sprint_client_init: wait for server to come up.
01-22 04:21:10.546 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 702): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_services = 0
01-22 04:21:10.546 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 702): sprint_client_init: wait for server to come up.
01-22 04:21:11.446 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 665): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_services = 0
01-22 04:21:11.446 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 665): sprint_client_init: wait for server to come up.
01-22 04:21:11.547 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 702): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_services = 0
01-22 04:21:11.547 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 702): sprint_client_init: wait for server to come up.
01-22 04:21:12.446 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 665): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_services = 0
01-22 04:21:12.446 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 665): sprint_client_init: wait for server to come up.
01-22 04:21:12.547 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 702): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_services = 0
01-22 04:21:12.547 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 702): sprint_client_init: wait for server to come up.
01-22 04:21:13.446 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 665): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_services = 0
01-22 04:21:13.446 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 665): sprint_client_init: wait for server to come up.
01-22 04:21:13.547 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 702): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_services = 0
01-22 04:21:13.547 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 702): sprint_client_init: wait for server to come up.
01-22 04:21:14.447 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 665): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_entries = 0 num_services = 0
01-22 04:21:14.447 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 665): qmi_motext_sprint_client_init_with_type: Try (4): Client init fail. rc = -2
01-22 04:21:14.447 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 665): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_notifier_init
01-22 04:21:14.447 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 665): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_services = 0
01-22 04:21:14.447 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 665): sprint_client_init: wait for server to come up.
01-22 04:21:14.547 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 702): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_entries = 0 num_services = 0
01-22 04:21:14.547 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 702): qmi_motext_sprint_client_init_with_type: Try (4): Client init fail. rc = -2
01-22 04:21:14.547 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 702): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_notifier_init
01-22 04:21:14.547 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 702): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_services = 0
01-22 04:21:14.548 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 702): sprint_client_init: wait for server to come up.
01-22 04:21:14.750 D/TelephonyManager( 414): /proc/cmdline=sched_enable_hmp=1 console=null androidboot.hardware=qcom user_debug=30 msm_rtb.filter=0x237 ehci-hcd.park=3 androidboot.bootdevice=7824900.sdhci lpm_levels.sleep_disabled=1 vmalloc=350M buildvariant=eng androidboot.emmc=true androidboot.serialno=ZY3222S9BD androidboot.baseband=msm androidboot.mode=normal androidboot.device=cedric androidboot.hwrev=0x8500 androidboot.powerup_reason=0x00004000 androidboot.bootreason=reboot msm_poweroff.download_mode=0 androidboot.fsg-id= androidboot.wifimacaddr=80:58:F8:D2:32:CF,80:58:F8:D2:32:D0 androidboot.btmacaddr=80:58:F8:D2:32:CE mdss_mdp.panel=1:dsi:0:qcom,mdss_dsi_mot_tianma_497_1080p_video_v0 androidboot.bootloader=0xB809 androidboot.carrier=retgb androidboot.poweroff_alarm=0 androidboot.build_vars=NA androidboot.hardware.sku=XT1675 androidboot.secure_hardware=1 androidboot.bl_state=2 androidboot.cid=0x32 androidboot.uid=5EF2BC0300000000000000000000 androidboot.write_protect=0 androidboot.verifiedbootstate=orange androidboot.veritymode=enforcing androidboot.dualsim=false
01-22 04:21:15.447 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 665): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_services = 0
01-22 04:21:15.447 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 665): sprint_client_init: wait for server to come up.
01-22 04:21:15.548 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 702): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_services = 0
01-22 04:21:15.548 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 702): sprint_client_init: wait for server to come up.
01-22 04:21:16.447 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 665): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_services = 0
01-22 04:21:16.447 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 665): sprint_client_init: wait for server to come up.
01-22 04:21:16.548 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 702): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_services = 0
01-22 04:21:16.548 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 702): sprint_client_init: wait for server to come up.
01-22 04:21:17.447 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 665): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_services = 0
01-22 04:21:17.448 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 665): sprint_client_init: wait for server to come up.
01-22 04:21:17.548 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 702): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_services = 0
01-22 04:21:17.548 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 702): sprint_client_init: wait for server to come up.
01-22 04:21:17.938 I/RILQ ( 534): (1/534):RIL[1][main] qcril_qmi_init_core_client_handles: Client init failed, details: QMI Voice
01-22 04:21:18.282 I/RILQ ( 554): (0/554):RIL[0][main] qcril_qmi_init_core_client_handles: Client init failed, details: QMI Voice
01-22 04:21:18.448 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 665): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_services = 0
01-22 04:21:18.448 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 665): sprint_client_init: wait for server to come up.
01-22 04:21:18.548 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 702): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_services = 0
01-22 04:21:18.548 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 702): sprint_client_init: wait for server to come up.
01-22 04:21:19.448 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 665): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_entries = 0 num_services = 0
01-22 04:21:19.448 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 665): qmi_motext_sprint_client_init_with_type: Try (5): Client init fail. rc = -2
01-22 04:21:19.448 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 665): qmi_motext_sprint_client_init: NAS Client Init rc: -2
01-22 04:21:19.448 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 665): main:qmi_motext_sprint_client_init failed = -2
01-22 04:21:19.450 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 534): Read failed with errno 0
01-22 04:21:19.450 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 534): CommThread Waiting for ril request
01-22 04:21:19.450 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 534): Read failed with errno 0
01-22 04:21:19.450 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 534): CommThread Waiting for ril request
01-22 04:21:19.450 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 534): Read failed with errno 0
01-22 04:21:19.450 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 534): CommThread Waiting for ril request
01-22 04:21:19.450 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 534): Read failed with errno 0
01-22 04:21:19.450 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 534): CommThread Waiting for ril request
01-22 04:21:19.450 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 534): Read failed with errno 0
01-22 04:21:19.450 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 534): CommThread Waiting for ril request
01-22 04:21:19.450 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 534): Read failed with errno 0
01-22 04:21:19.450 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 534): Continuous errors in readData, exiting
01-22 04:21:19.450 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 534): reapedChildPid=665 is reaped; exitStatus=0
01-22 04:21:19.451 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 534): Exiting Communication Thread
01-22 04:21:19.549 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 702): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_entries = 0 num_services = 0
01-22 04:21:19.549 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 702): qmi_motext_sprint_client_init_with_type: Try (5): Client init fail. rc = -2
01-22 04:21:19.549 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 702): qmi_motext_sprint_client_init: NAS Client Init rc: -2
01-22 04:21:19.549 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 702): main:qmi_motext_sprint_client_init failed = -2
01-22 04:21:19.551 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 554): Read failed with errno 0
01-22 04:21:19.551 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 554): CommThread Waiting for ril request
01-22 04:21:19.551 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 554): Read failed with errno 0
01-22 04:21:19.551 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 554): CommThread Waiting for ril request
01-22 04:21:19.551 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 554): Read failed with errno 0
01-22 04:21:19.551 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 554): CommThread Waiting for ril request
01-22 04:21:19.551 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 554): Read failed with errno 0
01-22 04:21:19.551 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 554): CommThread Waiting for ril request
01-22 04:21:19.551 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 554): Read failed with errno 0
01-22 04:21:19.551 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 554): CommThread Waiting for ril request
01-22 04:21:19.551 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 554): Read failed with errno 0
01-22 04:21:19.551 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 554): Continuous errors in readData, exiting
01-22 04:21:19.551 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 554): reapedChildPid=702 is reaped; exitStatus=0
01-22 04:21:19.551 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 554): Exiting Communication Thread
01-22 04:21:22.938 W/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][core_init] qcril_setup_timed_callback: Immediate call back
01-22 04:21:22.939 W/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][core_init] qcril_setup_timed_callback: Set timer with ID 4
01-22 04:21:22.939 W/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][main] qmi_ril_get_property_value_helper: ret value 1
01-22 04:21:22.939 E/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][main] qmi_ril_peripheral_mng_vote: modem connect failed -1
01-22 04:21:22.939 E/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][main] qcril_qmi_vote_for_modem_up_using_pm: Could not vote for modem modem
01-22 04:21:22.939 W/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][main] qcril_qmi_client_init: Client connecting to QMI FW
01-22 04:21:23.282 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][core_init] qcril_setup_timed_callback: Immediate call back
01-22 04:21:23.282 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][core_init] qcril_setup_timed_callback: Set timer with ID 4
01-22 04:21:23.283 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][main] qmi_ril_get_property_value_helper: ret value 1
01-22 04:21:23.283 E/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][main] qmi_ril_peripheral_mng_vote: modem connect failed -1
01-22 04:21:23.283 E/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][main] qcril_qmi_vote_for_modem_up_using_pm: Could not vote for modem modem
01-22 04:21:23.283 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][main] qcril_qmi_client_init: Client connecting to QMI FW
01-22 04:21:31.982 I/RILQ ( 534): (1/534):RIL[1][main] qcril_qmi_init_core_client_handles: Client init failed, details: QMI Voice
01-22 04:21:32.325 I/RILQ ( 554): (0/554):RIL[0][main] qcril_qmi_init_core_client_handles: Client init failed, details: QMI Voice
01-22 04:21:36.982 W/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][core_init] qcril_setup_timed_callback: Immediate call back
01-22 04:21:36.982 W/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][core_init] qcril_setup_timed_callback: Set timer with ID 5
01-22 04:21:36.983 W/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][main] qmi_ril_get_property_value_helper: ret value 1
01-22 04:21:36.983 E/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][main] qmi_ril_peripheral_mng_vote: modem connect failed -1
01-22 04:21:36.983 E/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][main] qcril_qmi_vote_for_modem_up_using_pm: Could not vote for modem modem
01-22 04:21:36.983 W/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][main] qcril_qmi_client_init: Client connecting to QMI FW
01-22 04:21:37.135 D/TelephonyRegistry( 785): listen oscl: hasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback
01-22 04:21:37.150 D/TelephonyRegistry( 785): listen oscl: hasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback
01-22 04:21:37.201 D/TelephonyRegistry( 785): listen oscl: hasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback
01-22 04:21:37.326 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][core_init] qcril_setup_timed_callback: Immediate call back
01-22 04:21:37.326 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][core_init] qcril_setup_timed_callback: Set timer with ID 5
01-22 04:21:37.326 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][main] qmi_ril_get_property_value_helper: ret value 1
01-22 04:21:37.327 E/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][main] qmi_ril_peripheral_mng_vote: modem connect failed -1
01-22 04:21:37.327 E/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][main] qcril_qmi_vote_for_modem_up_using_pm: Could not vote for modem modem
01-22 04:21:37.327 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][main] qcril_qmi_client_init: Client connecting to QMI FW
01-22 04:21:37.411 D/TelephonyRegistry( 785): systemRunning register for intents
01-22 04:21:38.062 D/TelephonyRegistry( 785): listen oscl: hasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback
01-22 04:21:38.355 D/TDC ( 1218): updateOrInsert: inserting: Modem { uuid=modem, state=0, rilModel=0, rat={}, maxActiveVoiceCall=1, maxActiveDataCall=1, maxStandby=1 }
01-22 04:21:38.355 D/TDC ( 1218): updateOrInsert: inserting: Sim { uuid=sim, modemUuid=modem, state=0 }
01-22 04:21:38.375 D/CdmaSSM ( 1218): subscriptionSource from settings: 0
01-22 04:21:38.375 I/PhoneFactory( 1218): Cdma Subscription set to 0
01-22 04:21:38.378 I/PhoneFactory( 1218): ImsResolver: defaultImsPackage: org.codeaurora.ims
01-22 04:21:38.411 I/PhoneFactory( 1218): Network Mode set to 10
01-22 04:21:38.467 D/RILJ ( 1218): RIL: init preferredNetworkType=10 cdmaSubscription=0)
01-22 04:21:38.539 D/RILC ( 554): setResponseFunctions
01-22 04:21:38.553 D/RILC ( 554): rilConnectedInd
01-22 04:21:38.553 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] currentState: currentState() -> Radio Unavailable(1)
01-22 04:21:38.553 D/RILC ( 554): radioStateChangedInd: radioState 1
01-22 04:21:38.553 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_setup_timed_callback: Immediate call back
01-22 04:21:38.553 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_setup_timed_callback: Set timer with ID 6
01-22 04:21:38.553 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] getVersion: version Qualcomm RIL 1.0
01-22 04:21:38.553 I/RILC ( 554): RIL Daemon version: Qualcomm RIL 1.0
01-22 04:21:38.559 D/RILJ ( 1218): Unsol response received; Sending ack to ril.cpp [SUB0]
01-22 04:21:38.559 D/RILJ ( 1218): [UNSL]< UNSOL_RIL_CONNECTED [SUB0]
01-22 04:21:38.573 D/RILJ ( 1218): [3649]> GET_HARDWARE_CONFIG [SUB0]
01-22 04:21:38.574 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: UI --- RIL_REQUEST_GET_HARDWARE_CONFIG (124) ---> RIL [RID 0, token id 1, data len 0]
01-22 04:21:38.574 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: data stream received from telephony
01-22 04:21:38.574 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: android request id 124
01-22 04:21:38.574 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: handling caps 81200001 hex
01-22 04:21:38.574 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_create_android_live_params_copy: a-r-id 124, a-data 0x0, a-data-len 0
01-22 04:21:38.574 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: method 3, datalen 0
01-22 04:21:38.574 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: clean family 0
01-22 04:21:38.574 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: already waiting for exec 0
01-22 04:21:38.574 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: android_request_param_holder 42c73b28 hex
01-22 04:21:38.574 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: pending req kind 0x0 hex, awaitingexec req kind 0x0 hex
01-22 04:21:38.574 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: token under exec 1
01-22 04:21:38.574 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: pre-exec token id 1, a-r-id 124, audit 0, nrender 0
01-22 04:21:38.574 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_android_request_render_execution: rendering exec for token id 1
01-22 04:21:38.574 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_android_request_render_execution: called the function
01-22 04:21:38.574 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_send_request_response: Debug : qcril_send_request_response invoked
01-22 04:21:38.575 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_send_request_response: UI <--- RIL_REQUEST_GET_HARDWARE_CONFIG (124) Complete --- RIL [RID 0, Token id 1, Request Not Supported, Len 0 ]
01-22 04:21:38.575 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: flow control decision - 17
01-22 04:21:38.575 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: main trd 406d24f0, cur trd 43fad9a8
01-22 04:21:38.575 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: eq 0, under mn thrd 0
01-22 04:21:38.575 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: need protection 1
01-22 04:21:38.575 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: in protected zone
01-22 04:21:38.575 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: token under exec 1, completion token id 1
01-22 04:21:38.575 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: resp token-id 1, req-id 124(124)
01-22 04:21:38.575 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: invalid_token_execution - 0
01-22 04:21:38.576 D/RILJ ( 1218): [3650]> RADIO_POWER on = false [SUB0]
01-22 04:21:38.577 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: do_flow_control_follow_up
01-22 04:21:38.577 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: left zone
01-22 04:21:38.577 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: dispatch outcome = 6
01-22 04:21:38.577 D/RILC ( 554): setRadioPower: serial 2 on 0
01-22 04:21:38.577 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: UI --- RIL_REQUEST_RADIO_POWER (23) ---> RIL [RID 0, token id 2, data len 4]
01-22 04:21:38.578 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: data stream received from telephony
01-22 04:21:38.578 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: android request id 23
01-22 04:21:38.578 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: handling caps 40000010 hex
01-22 04:21:38.578 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_create_android_live_params_copy: a-r-id 23, a-data 0x42c2d1e8, a-data-len 4
01-22 04:21:38.578 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: method 2, datalen 4
01-22 04:21:38.578 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: clean family 0
01-22 04:21:38.578 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: already waiting for exec 0
01-22 04:21:38.578 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: android_request_param_holder 42c53080 hex
01-22 04:21:38.578 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: pending req kind 0x0 hex, awaitingexec req kind 0x0 hex
01-22 04:21:38.578 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: token under exec 2
01-22 04:21:38.578 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: pre-exec token id 2, a-r-id 23, audit 0, nrender 0
01-22 04:21:38.578 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_android_request_render_execution: rendering exec for token id 2
01-22 04:21:38.578 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_create_android_live_params_copy: a-r-id 23, a-data 0x42c2d1e8, a-data-len 4
01-22 04:21:38.578 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_execute_event: Successfully routed to dedicated thrd, status 0
01-22 04:21:38.578 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_android_request_render_execution: called the function
01-22 04:21:38.578 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: dispatch outcome = 0
01-22 04:21:38.580 I/PhoneFactory( 1218): Creating SubscriptionController
01-22 04:21:38.581 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-23(744)] qcril_reqlist_print_all: [RID 0] ReqList entries :
01-22 04:21:38.581 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-23(744)] qcril_reqlist_print_all: RIL_REQUEST_RADIO_POWER (23), token id 2 followed 0x0 following 0x0
01-22 04:21:38.581 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-23(744)] qcril_reqlist_print_all: [RID 0] ReqList entries :
01-22 04:21:38.581 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-23(744)] qcril_reqlist_print_all: RIL_REQUEST_RADIO_POWER (23), token id 2 followed 0x0 following 0x0
01-22 04:21:38.581 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-23(744)] qcril_qmi_nas_log_radio_power_process_state: telephony LPM | ril NONE | card UNKNOWN | modem ONLINE
01-22 04:21:38.581 D/RILJ ( 1218): [3651]> RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SET_SUBSCRIPTION_SOURCE cdmaSubscription = 0 [SUB0]
01-22 04:21:38.582 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: UI --- RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SET_SUBSCRIPTION_SOURCE (77) ---> RIL [RID 0, token id 3, data len 4]
01-22 04:21:38.582 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: data stream received from telephony
01-22 04:21:38.582 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: android request id 77
01-22 04:21:38.582 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: handling caps 81200001 hex
01-22 04:21:38.582 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_create_android_live_params_copy: a-r-id 77, a-data 0x42c2d1e8, a-data-len 4
01-22 04:21:38.582 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: method 2, datalen 4
01-22 04:21:38.582 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: clean family 0
01-22 04:21:38.582 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: already waiting for exec 0
01-22 04:21:38.582 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: android_request_param_holder 42c730e0 hex
01-22 04:21:38.582 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: pending req kind 0x0 hex, awaitingexec req kind 0x0 hex
01-22 04:21:38.582 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: token under exec 3
01-22 04:21:38.582 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: pre-exec token id 3, a-r-id 77, audit 0, nrender 0
01-22 04:21:38.582 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_android_request_render_execution: rendering exec for token id 3
01-22 04:21:38.582 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_create_android_live_params_copy: a-r-id 77, a-data 0x42c2d1e8, a-data-len 4
01-22 04:21:38.583 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_execute_event: Successfully routed to dedicated thrd, status 0
01-22 04:21:38.583 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_android_request_render_execution: called the function
01-22 04:21:38.583 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: dispatch outcome = 0
01-22 04:21:38.583 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-23(744)] qcril_qmi_nas_log_radio_power_process_state: telephony LPM | ril INITIALIZED | card UNKNOWN | modem ONLINE
01-22 04:21:38.586 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-77(288)] qcril_send_request_response: Debug : qcril_send_request_response invoked
01-22 04:21:38.586 D/RILJ ( 1218): [3652]> RIL_REQUEST_SET_CELL_INFO_LIST_RATE rateInMillis = 2147483647 [SUB0]
01-22 04:21:38.586 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-77(288)] qcril_send_request_response: UI <--- RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SET_SUBSCRIPTION_SOURCE (77) Complete --- RIL [RID 0, Token id 3, unknown, Len 0 ]
01-22 04:21:38.586 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-77(288)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: flow control decision - 124
01-22 04:21:38.586 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-77(288)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: main trd 406d24f0, cur trd 3f02e4f0
01-22 04:21:38.586 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-77(288)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: eq 0, under mn thrd 0
01-22 04:21:38.586 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-77(288)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: need protection 1
01-22 04:21:38.586 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-77(288)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: in protected zone
01-22 04:21:38.586 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-77(288)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: token under exec 3, completion token id 3
01-22 04:21:38.586 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-77(288)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: resp token-id 3, req-id 77(77)
01-22 04:21:38.586 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-77(288)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: invalid_token_execution - 0
01-22 04:21:38.587 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: UI --- RIL_REQUEST_SET_UNSOL_CELL_INFO_LIST_RATE (110) ---> RIL [RID 0, token id 4, data len 4]
01-22 04:21:38.587 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: data stream received from telephony
01-22 04:21:38.589 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-77(288)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: do_flow_control_follow_up
01-22 04:21:38.589 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-77(288)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: left zone
01-22 04:21:38.589 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: android request id 110
01-22 04:21:38.590 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: handling caps 81200001 hex
01-22 04:21:38.590 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_create_android_live_params_copy: a-r-id 110, a-data 0x42c2d1e8, a-data-len 4
01-22 04:21:38.590 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: method 1, datalen 4
01-22 04:21:38.590 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: clean family 0
01-22 04:21:38.590 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: already waiting for exec 0
01-22 04:21:38.590 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: android_request_param_holder 42c73818 hex
01-22 04:21:38.591 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: pending req kind 0x0 hex, awaitingexec req kind 0x0 hex
01-22 04:21:38.591 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: token under exec 4
01-22 04:21:38.591 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: pre-exec token id 4, a-r-id 110, audit 0, nrender 0
01-22 04:21:38.591 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_android_request_render_execution: rendering exec for token id 4
01-22 04:21:38.591 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-23(744)] qcril_qmi_nas_log_radio_power_process_state: telephony LPM | ril DONE | card UNKNOWN | modem ONLINE
01-22 04:21:38.591 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-23(744)] qcril_send_request_response: Debug : qcril_send_request_response invoked
01-22 04:21:38.591 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-23(744)] qcril_send_request_response: UI <--- RIL_REQUEST_RADIO_POWER (23) Complete --- RIL [RID 0, Token id 2, unknown, Len 0 ]
01-22 04:21:38.591 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-23(744)] qcril_reqlist_print_all: [RID 0] ReqList entries : Empty
01-22 04:21:38.591 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-23(744)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: flow control decision - 0
01-22 04:21:38.591 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-23(744)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: main trd 406d24f0, cur trd 403da4f0
01-22 04:21:38.591 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-23(744)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: eq 0, under mn thrd 0
01-22 04:21:38.592 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-23(744)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: need protection 1
01-22 04:21:38.592 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-23(744)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: in protected zone
01-22 04:21:38.592 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-23(744)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: token under exec 2, completion token id 2
01-22 04:21:38.592 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-23(744)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: resp token-id 2, req-id 23(23)
01-22 04:21:38.592 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-23(744)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: invalid_token_execution - 0
01-22 04:21:38.592 D/RILC ( 554): setRadioPowerResponse: serial 2
01-22 04:21:38.592 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-23(744)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: do_flow_control_follow_up
01-22 04:21:38.592 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-23(744)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: regarded_same 0
01-22 04:21:38.592 I/chatty ( 554): uid=1001(radio) /vendor/bin/hw/rild identical 14 lines
01-22 04:21:38.592 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-23(744)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: regarded_same 0
01-22 04:21:38.592 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-23(744)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: left zone
01-22 04:21:38.592 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_qmi_nas_cell_info_schedule_polling_cl: Current rate set to INT_MAX. Not polling
01-22 04:21:38.593 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_send_request_response: Debug : qcril_send_request_response invoked
01-22 04:21:38.593 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_send_request_response: UI <--- RIL_REQUEST_SET_UNSOL_CELL_INFO_LIST_RATE (110) Complete --- RIL [RID 0, Token id 4, Success, Len 0 ]
01-22 04:21:38.593 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: flow control decision - 0
01-22 04:21:38.593 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: main trd 406d24f0, cur trd 43fad9a8
01-22 04:21:38.593 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: eq 0, under mn thrd 0
01-22 04:21:38.593 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: need protection 1
01-22 04:21:38.593 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: in protected zone
01-22 04:21:38.593 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: token under exec 4, completion token id 4
01-22 04:21:38.593 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: resp token-id 4, req-id 110(110)
01-22 04:21:38.593 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: invalid_token_execution - 0
01-22 04:21:38.593 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: do_flow_control_follow_up
01-22 04:21:38.593 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: left zone
01-22 04:21:38.593 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_android_request_render_execution: called the function
01-22 04:21:38.593 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: dispatch outcome = 0
01-22 04:21:38.598 D/RILJ ( 1218): [3649]< GET_HARDWARE_CONFIG error 6 [SUB0]
01-22 04:21:38.603 D/RilRequest( 1218): [3649]< GET_HARDWARE_CONFIG error: REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED ret=
01-22 04:21:38.606 D/SubscriptionController( 1218): [SubscriptionController] init by Context
01-22 04:21:38.608 D/RILJ ( 1218): Unsol response received; Sending ack to ril.cpp [SUB0]
01-22 04:21:38.609 D/RILJ ( 1218): [UNSL]< UNSOL_RESPONSE_RADIO_STATE_CHANGED radioStateChanged: RADIO_UNAVAILABLE [SUB0]
01-22 04:21:38.609 D/RILJ ( 1218): [3651]< RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SET_SUBSCRIPTION_SOURCE error 39 [SUB0]
01-22 04:21:38.609 D/RilRequest( 1218): [3651]< RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SET_SUBSCRIPTION_SOURCE error: SYSTEM_ERR ret=
01-22 04:21:38.610 D/RILJ ( 1218): [3650]< RADIO_POWER error 39 [SUB0]
01-22 04:21:38.611 D/RilRequest( 1218): [3650]< RADIO_POWER error: SYSTEM_ERR ret=
01-22 04:21:38.612 D/RILJ ( 1218): [3652]< RIL_REQUEST_SET_CELL_INFO_LIST_RATE [SUB0]
01-22 04:21:38.628 D/UiccController( 1218): Creating UiccController
01-22 04:21:38.672 D/TelephonyTester( 1218): register for intent
01-22 04:21:38.672 D/TelephonyTester( 1218): register for intent
01-22 04:21:38.682 D/Phone ( 1218): mDoesRilSendMultipleCallRing=false
01-22 04:21:38.683 D/Phone ( 1218): mCallRingDelay=3000
01-22 04:21:38.719 D/RILJ ( 1218): [3654]> RIL_REQUEST_START_LCE reportIntervalMs = 200 pullMode = true [SUB0]
01-22 04:21:38.720 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: UI --- RIL_REQUEST_START_LCE (132) ---> RIL [RID 0, token id 6, data len 8]
01-22 04:21:38.720 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: data stream received from telephony
01-22 04:21:38.720 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: android request id 132
01-22 04:21:38.720 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: handling caps 20000000 hex
01-22 04:21:38.720 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: pre-exec token id 6, a-r-id 132, audit 0, nrender 0
01-22 04:21:38.720 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_android_request_render_execution: rendering exec for token id 6
01-22 04:21:38.722 E/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_data_lqe_start: LQE not inited
01-22 04:21:38.722 E/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_data_lqe_start: respond to QCRIL as generic failure
01-22 04:21:38.722 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_send_request_response: Debug : qcril_send_request_response invoked
01-22 04:21:38.722 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_send_request_response: UI <--- RIL_REQUEST_START_LCE (132) Complete --- RIL [RID 0, Token id 6, unknown, Len 8 ]
01-22 04:21:38.723 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: flow control decision - 0
01-22 04:21:38.723 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: main trd 406d24f0, cur trd 43fad9a8
01-22 04:21:38.723 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: eq 0, under mn thrd 0
01-22 04:21:38.723 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: need protection 1
01-22 04:21:38.723 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: in protected zone
01-22 04:21:38.723 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: resp token-id 6, req-id 132(132)
01-22 04:21:38.723 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: invalid_token_execution - 0
01-22 04:21:38.723 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: left zone
01-22 04:21:38.723 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_android_request_render_execution: called the function
01-22 04:21:38.723 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: dispatch outcome = 0
01-22 04:21:38.723 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: cmd 132, t_id 6 exec not performed,int_adt 0
01-22 04:21:38.725 D/RILJ ( 1218): [3654]< RIL_REQUEST_START_LCE error 38 [SUB0]
01-22 04:21:38.725 D/RilRequest( 1218): [3654]< RIL_REQUEST_START_LCE error: INTERNAL_ERR ret=[0, 0]
01-22 04:21:38.770 E/RIL_ImsSms( 1218): getFormat should never be called from here!
01-22 04:21:38.770 D/SMSDispatcher( 1218): SMSDispatcher: ctor mSmsCapable=true format=unknown mSmsSendDisabled=false
01-22 04:21:38.770 D/RIL_ImsSms( 1218): ImsSMSDispatcher created
01-22 04:21:38.778 D/SMSDispatcher( 1218): SMSDispatcher: ctor mSmsCapable=true format=3gpp2 mSmsSendDisabled=false
01-22 04:21:38.778 D/CdmaSMSDispatcher( 1218): CdmaSMSDispatcher created
01-22 04:21:38.827 D/GsmInboundSmsHandler( 1218): created InboundSmsHandler
01-22 04:21:38.831 D/GsmInboundSmsHandler( 1218): entering Startup state
01-22 04:21:38.852 D/CdmaInboundSmsHandler( 1218): created InboundSmsHandler
01-22 04:21:38.861 D/CdmaInboundSmsHandler( 1218): entering Startup state
01-22 04:21:38.869 D/SMSDispatcher( 1218): SMSDispatcher: ctor mSmsCapable=true format=3gpp mSmsSendDisabled=false
01-22 04:21:38.869 D/GsmSMSDispatcher( 1218): GsmSMSDispatcher created
01-22 04:21:38.877 D/GsmInboundSmsHandler( 1218): StartupState.processMessage:6
01-22 04:21:38.877 D/CdmaInboundSmsHandler( 1218): StartupState.processMessage:6
01-22 04:21:38.877 D/GsmInboundSmsHandler( 1218): entering Idle state
01-22 04:21:38.878 D/CdmaInboundSmsHandler( 1218): entering Idle state
01-22 04:21:38.878 D/GsmInboundSmsHandler( 1218): IdleState.processMessage:5
01-22 04:21:38.878 D/CdmaInboundSmsHandler( 1218): IdleState.processMessage:5
01-22 04:21:38.878 D/GsmInboundSmsHandler( 1218): Idle state processing message type 5
01-22 04:21:38.878 D/CdmaInboundSmsHandler( 1218): Idle state processing message type 5
01-22 04:21:38.881 D/CdmaInboundSmsHandler( 1218): mWakeLock released
01-22 04:21:38.883 D/GsmInboundSmsHandler( 1218): mWakeLock released
01-22 04:21:38.891 D/IccCardProxy( 1218): ctor: phoneId=0
01-22 04:21:38.892 D/CdmaSSM ( 1218): subscriptionSource from settings: 0
01-22 04:21:38.892 D/CdmaSSM ( 1218): cdmaSSM constructor: 0
01-22 04:21:38.892 D/IccCardProxy( 1218): update icc_operator_numeric=
01-22 04:21:38.893 D/TelephonyManager( 1218): setTelephonyProperty: success phoneId=0 property=gsm.sim.operator.numeric value: propVal=
01-22 04:21:38.894 D/TelephonyManager( 1218): setTelephonyProperty: success phoneId=0 property=gsm.sim.operator.iso-country value: propVal=
01-22 04:21:38.895 D/TelephonyManager( 1218): setTelephonyProperty: success phoneId=0 property=gsm.sim.operator.alpha value: propVal=
01-22 04:21:38.918 D/RILJ ( 1218): setPhoneType=1 old value=0 [SUB0]
01-22 04:21:38.919 D/TelephonyManager( 1218): setTelephonyProperty: success phoneId=0 value: 1 propVal=1
01-22 04:21:38.924 D/IccCardProxy( 1218): Setting radio tech UMTS
01-22 04:21:38.924 D/TelephonyManager( 1218): getLteOnCdmaMode=0 curVal=-1 product_type='' lteOnCdmaProductType=''
01-22 04:21:38.924 D/IccCardProxy( 1218): updateQuietMode: 3GPP subscription -> newQuietMode=false
01-22 04:21:38.924 D/IccCardProxy( 1218): updateQuietMode: no changes don't setExternalState
01-22 04:21:38.925 D/IccCardProxy( 1218): updateQuietMode: QuietMode is false (app_type=1 isLteOnCdmaMode=false cdmaSource=-1)
01-22 04:21:38.931 D/CarrierActionAgent( 1218): [0]Creating CarrierActionAgent
01-22 04:21:38.940 W/CarrierConfigManager( 1218): Error getting config for subId -1 ICarrierConfigLoader is null
01-22 04:21:39.000 W/CarrierConfigManager( 1218): Error getting config for subId -1 ICarrierConfigLoader is null
01-22 04:21:39.003 D/TelephonyRegistry( 785): listen oscl: hasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback
01-22 04:21:39.221 D/TelephonyRegistry( 785): notifyCellLocationForSubscriber: subId=0 cellLocation=Bundle[{cid=-1, lac=-1, psc=-1}]
01-22 04:21:39.223 D/SubscriptionController( 1218): [getPhoneId]- no sims, returning default phoneId=2147483647
01-22 04:21:39.300 D/TelephonyManager( 1218): setTelephonyProperty: success phoneId=0 value: Unknown propVal=Unknown
01-22 04:21:39.305 D/RILJ ( 1218): [3655]> SIGNAL_STRENGTH [SUB0]
01-22 04:21:39.306 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: UI --- RIL_REQUEST_SIGNAL_STRENGTH (19) ---> RIL [RID 0, token id 7, data len 0]
01-22 04:21:39.306 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: data stream received from telephony
01-22 04:21:39.306 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: android request id 19
01-22 04:21:39.306 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: handling caps 41200010 hex
01-22 04:21:39.306 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_create_android_live_params_copy: a-r-id 19, a-data 0x0, a-data-len 0
01-22 04:21:39.306 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: method 3, datalen 0
01-22 04:21:39.306 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: clean family 0
01-22 04:21:39.306 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: already waiting for exec 0
01-22 04:21:39.306 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: android_request_param_holder 42c52a80 hex
01-22 04:21:39.306 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: pending req kind 0x0 hex, awaitingexec req kind 0x0 hex
01-22 04:21:39.306 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: token under exec 7
01-22 04:21:39.306 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: pre-exec token id 7, a-r-id 19, audit 0, nrender 0
01-22 04:21:39.306 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_android_request_render_execution: rendering exec for token id 7
01-22 04:21:39.306 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_create_android_live_params_copy: a-r-id 19, a-data 0x0, a-data-len 0
01-22 04:21:39.306 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_execute_event: Successfully routed to dedicated thrd, status 0
01-22 04:21:39.306 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_android_request_render_execution: called the function
01-22 04:21:39.306 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: dispatch outcome = 0
01-22 04:21:39.307 D/SST ( 1218): notifyDataRegStateRilRadioTechnologyChanged: drs=1 rat=0
01-22 04:21:39.308 D/TelephonyManager( 1218): setTelephonyProperty: success phoneId=0 value: Unknown propVal=Unknown
01-22 04:21:39.313 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-19(744)] qcril_send_request_response: Debug : qcril_send_request_response invoked
01-22 04:21:39.314 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-19(744)] qcril_send_request_response: UI <--- RIL_REQUEST_SIGNAL_STRENGTH (19) Complete --- RIL [RID 0, Token id 7, Success, Len 56 ]
01-22 04:21:39.314 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-19(744)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: flow control decision - 0
01-22 04:21:39.314 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-19(744)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: main trd 406d24f0, cur trd 403da4f0
01-22 04:21:39.314 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-19(744)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: eq 0, under mn thrd 0
01-22 04:21:39.314 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-19(744)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: need protection 1
01-22 04:21:39.314 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-19(744)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: in protected zone
01-22 04:21:39.314 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-19(744)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: token under exec 7, completion token id 7
01-22 04:21:39.314 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-19(744)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: resp token-id 7, req-id 19(19)
01-22 04:21:39.314 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-19(744)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: invalid_token_execution - 0
01-22 04:21:39.314 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-19(744)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: do_flow_control_follow_up
01-22 04:21:39.314 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-19(744)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: regarded_same 0
01-22 04:21:39.314 I/chatty ( 554): uid=1001(radio) /vendor/bin/hw/rild identical 14 lines
01-22 04:21:39.314 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-19(744)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: regarded_same 0
01-22 04:21:39.314 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-19(744)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: left zone
01-22 04:21:39.319 D/RILJ ( 1218): [3655]< SIGNAL_STRENGTH SignalStrength: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 cdma [SUB0]
01-22 04:21:39.349 D/DCT ( 1218): [0]DCT.constructor
01-22 04:21:39.359 D/TelephonyRegistry( 785): listen oscl: hasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback
01-22 04:21:39.365 D/Dcc ( 1218): E ctor
01-22 04:21:39.365 D/Dcc ( 1218): X ctor
01-22 04:21:39.370 D/SubscriptionController( 1218): [getPhoneId] asked for default subId=-1
01-22 04:21:39.376 D/DcTesterDeacativateAll( 1218): register for intent
01-22 04:21:39.376 D/DcTesterDeacativateAll( 1218): register for intent
01-22 04:21:39.379 D/Dcc ( 1218): DccDefaultState: msg.what=EVENT_RIL_CONNECTED mRilVersion=15
01-22 04:21:39.382 D/DcTesterFailBrinupAll( 1218): register for intent
01-22 04:21:39.382 D/DcTesterFailBrinupAll( 1218): register for intent
01-22 04:21:39.382 D/DcTesterFailBrinupAll( 1218): register for intent
01-22 04:21:39.386 D/SST ( 1218): notifyDataRegStateRilRadioTechnologyChanged: drs=1 rat=0
01-22 04:21:39.387 D/TelephonyManager( 1218): setTelephonyProperty: success phoneId=0 value: Unknown propVal=Unknown
01-22 04:21:39.388 D/DCT ( 1218): [0]update sub = -2
01-22 04:21:39.388 D/DCT ( 1218): [0]update(): Active DDS, register for all events now!
01-22 04:21:39.391 D/GsmCdmaPhone( 1218): [GsmCdmaPhone] updateCurrentCarrierInProvider: mSubId = -2 currentDds = -1 operatorNumeric = null
01-22 04:21:39.395 D/DCT ( 1218): [0]initApnContexts: E
01-22 04:21:39.396 D/DCT ( 1218): [0]initApnContexts: skipping unknown type=1
01-22 04:21:39.402 D/DCT ( 1218): [0]initApnContexts: apnContext={mApnType=default mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mApnSetting={null} mReason=dataEnabled mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true}
01-22 04:21:39.402 D/DCT ( 1218): [0]initApnContexts: apnContext={mApnType=mms mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mApnSetting={null} mReason=dataEnabled mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true}
01-22 04:21:39.403 D/DCT ( 1218): [0]initApnContexts: apnContext={mApnType=supl mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mApnSetting={null} mReason=dataEnabled mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true}
01-22 04:21:39.403 D/DCT ( 1218): [0]initApnContexts: apnContext={mApnType=dun mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mApnSetting={null} mReason=dataEnabled mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true}
01-22 04:21:39.404 D/DCT ( 1218): [0]initApnContexts: apnContext={mApnType=hipri mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mApnSetting={null} mReason=dataEnabled mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true}
01-22 04:21:39.404 D/DCT ( 1218): [0]initApnContexts: apnContext={mApnType=fota mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mApnSetting={null} mReason=dataEnabled mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true}
01-22 04:21:39.405 D/DCT ( 1218): [0]initApnContexts: apnContext={mApnType=ims mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mApnSetting={null} mReason=dataEnabled mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true}
01-22 04:21:39.405 D/DCT ( 1218): [0]initApnContexts: apnContext={mApnType=cbs mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mApnSetting={null} mReason=dataEnabled mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true}
01-22 04:21:39.406 D/DCT ( 1218): [0]initApnContexts: skipping unknown type=13
01-22 04:21:39.406 D/DCT ( 1218): [0]initApnContexts: apnContext={mApnType=ia mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mApnSetting={null} mReason=dataEnabled mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true}
01-22 04:21:39.406 D/DCT ( 1218): [0]initApnContexts: apnContext={mApnType=emergency mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mApnSetting={null} mReason=dataEnabled mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true}
01-22 04:21:39.484 D/GsmCdmaPhone( 1218): [GsmCdmaPhone] GsmCdmaPhone: constructor: sub = 0
01-22 04:21:39.484 I/PhoneFactory( 1218): Creating Phone with type = 1 sub = 0
01-22 04:21:39.506 I/PhoneFactory( 1218): defaultSmsApplication: NONE
01-22 04:21:39.514 I/PhoneFactory( 1218): Creating SubInfoRecordUpdater
01-22 04:21:39.527 D/SubscriptionInfoUpdater( 1218): Constructor invoked
01-22 04:21:39.722 D/TelephonyRegistry( 785): listen oscl: hasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback
01-22 04:21:39.730 D/SubscriptionController( 1218): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready
01-22 04:21:39.763 D/SubscriptionController( 1218): [getPhoneId] asked for default subId=-1
01-22 04:21:39.823 I/ImsManager( 1218): Creating ImsService using ImsResolver
01-22 04:21:39.826 W/ImsManager( 1218): getServiceProxy: b is null! Phone Id: 0
01-22 04:21:39.829 D/Phone ( 1218): updateImsPhone mImsServiceReady=true
01-22 04:21:39.844 D/TelephonyTester( 1218): register for intent
01-22 04:21:39.844 D/TelephonyTester( 1218): register for intent
01-22 04:21:39.844 D/TelephonyTester( 1218): register for intent
01-22 04:21:39.849 D/Phone ( 1218): mDoesRilSendMultipleCallRing=false
01-22 04:21:39.849 D/Phone ( 1218): mCallRingDelay=3000
01-22 04:21:39.880 W/CarrierConfigManager( 1218): Error getting config for subId -2 ICarrierConfigLoader is null
01-22 04:21:39.880 E/ImsPhoneCallTracker( 1218): [ImsPhoneCallTracker] cacheCarrierConfiguration: Empty carrier config.
01-22 04:21:39.897 D/SST ( 1218): notifyDataRegStateRilRadioTechnologyChanged: drs=1 rat=0
01-22 04:21:39.898 D/TelephonyManager( 1218): setTelephonyProperty: success phoneId=0 value: Unknown propVal=Unknown
01-22 04:21:39.899 D/ImsPhone( 1218): updateDataServiceState: defSs = {mVoiceRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mDataRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mVoiceRoamingType=home, mDataRoamingType=home, mVoiceOperatorAlphaLong=null, mVoiceOperatorAlphaShort=null, mDataOperatorAlphaLong=null, mDataOperatorAlphaShort=null, isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), mRilVoiceRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mRilDataRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=0, mSystemId=0, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=0, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=0, mIsEmergencyOnly=false, mIsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false, mIsUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mLteEarfcnRsrpBoost=0} imsSs = {mVoiceRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mDataRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mVoiceRoamingType=home, mDataRoamingType=home, mVoiceOperatorAlphaLong=null, mVoiceOperatorAlphaShort=null, mDataOperatorAlphaLong=null, mDataOperatorAlphaShort=null, isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), mRilVoiceRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mRilDataRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=-1, mSystemId=-1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, mIsEmergencyOnly=false, mIsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false, mIsUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mLteEarfcnRsrpBoost=0}
01-22 04:21:39.900 D/DefaultPhoneNotifier( 1218): nofityServiceState:$Stub$Proxy@5ec5073 ss={mVoiceRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mDataRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mVoiceRoamingType=home, mDataRoamingType=home, mVoiceOperatorAlphaLong=null, mVoiceOperatorAlphaShort=null, mDataOperatorAlphaLong=null, mDataOperatorAlphaShort=null, isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), mRilVoiceRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mRilDataRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=0, mSystemId=0, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=0, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=0, mIsEmergencyOnly=false, mIsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false, mIsUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mLteEarfcnRsrpBoost=0} sender=Handler ( {2137b30} phondId=0 subId=-2
01-22 04:21:39.909 D/SubscriptionController( 1218): [getSlotIndex]- subId invalid
01-22 04:21:39.917 D/CallManager( 1218): registerPhone(ImsPhone Handler ( {86fb6c4})
01-22 04:21:39.926 D/TelephonyRegistry( 785): listen oscl: hasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback
01-22 04:21:39.934 D/TelephonyRegistry( 785): listen oscl: hasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback
01-22 04:21:39.943 D/PhoneSwitcher( 1218): PhoneSwitcher started
01-22 04:21:39.952 D/ProxyController( 1218): Constructor - Enter
01-22 04:21:39.959 D/ProxyController( 1218): clearTransaction
01-22 04:21:39.960 D/ProxyController( 1218): clearTransaction: phoneId=0 status=IDLE
01-22 04:21:39.960 D/ProxyController( 1218): Constructor - Exit
01-22 04:21:40.003 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1218): Registering NetworkFactory
01-22 04:21:40.016 D/CallManager( 1218): registerPhone(GSM Handler ( {2137b30})
01-22 04:21:40.028 D/TelephonyRegistry( 785): listen oscl: hasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback
01-22 04:21:40.113 D/TelephonyRegistry( 785): listen oscl: hasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback
01-22 04:21:40.120 D/CallManager( 1218): registerForMmiComplete
01-22 04:21:40.155 D/RILJ ( 1218): [3656]> RIL_REQUEST_SET_TTY_MODE ttyMode = 0 [SUB0]
01-22 04:21:40.155 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: UI --- RIL_REQUEST_SET_TTY_MODE (80) ---> RIL [RID 0, token id 8, data len 4]
01-22 04:21:40.155 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: data stream received from telephony
01-22 04:21:40.156 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: android request id 80
01-22 04:21:40.156 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: handling caps 81200001 hex
01-22 04:21:40.156 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_create_android_live_params_copy: a-r-id 80, a-data 0x42c2d1e8, a-data-len 4
01-22 04:21:40.156 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: method 2, datalen 4
01-22 04:21:40.156 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: clean family 0
01-22 04:21:40.156 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: already waiting for exec 0
01-22 04:21:40.156 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: android_request_param_holder 42c73188 hex
01-22 04:21:40.156 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: pending req kind 0x0 hex, awaitingexec req kind 0x0 hex
01-22 04:21:40.156 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: token under exec 8
01-22 04:21:40.156 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: pre-exec token id 8, a-r-id 80, audit 0, nrender 0
01-22 04:21:40.156 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_android_request_render_execution: rendering exec for token id 8
01-22 04:21:40.156 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_create_android_live_params_copy: a-r-id 80, a-data 0x42c2d1e8, a-data-len 4
01-22 04:21:40.156 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_execute_event: Successfully routed to dedicated thrd, status 0
01-22 04:21:40.156 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_android_request_render_execution: called the function
01-22 04:21:40.156 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: dispatch outcome = 0
01-22 04:21:40.156 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-80(744)] qcril_send_request_response: Debug : qcril_send_request_response invoked
01-22 04:21:40.156 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-80(744)] qcril_send_request_response: UI <--- RIL_REQUEST_SET_TTY_MODE (80) Complete --- RIL [RID 0, Token id 8, Generic Failure, Len 0 ]
01-22 04:21:40.156 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-80(744)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: flow control decision - 124
01-22 04:21:40.156 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-80(744)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: main trd 406d24f0, cur trd 403da4f0
01-22 04:21:40.156 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-80(744)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: eq 0, under mn thrd 0
01-22 04:21:40.157 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-80(744)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: need protection 1
01-22 04:21:40.157 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-80(744)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: in protected zone
01-22 04:21:40.157 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-80(744)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: token under exec 8, completion token id 8
01-22 04:21:40.157 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-80(744)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: resp token-id 8, req-id 80(80)
01-22 04:21:40.157 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-80(744)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: invalid_token_execution - 0
01-22 04:21:40.157 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-80(744)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: do_flow_control_follow_up
01-22 04:21:40.157 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-80(744)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: left zone
01-22 04:21:40.158 D/RILJ ( 1218): [3656]< RIL_REQUEST_SET_TTY_MODE error 2 [SUB0]
01-22 04:21:40.158 D/RilRequest( 1218): [3656]< RIL_REQUEST_SET_TTY_MODE error: GENERIC_FAILURE ret=
01-22 04:21:40.160 D/ImsPhone( 1218): sendErrorResponse
01-22 04:21:40.167 D/TelephonyRegistry( 785): listen oscl: hasNotifySubscriptionInfoChangedOccurred==false no callback
01-22 04:21:40.170 D/SubscriptionController( 1218): [getPhoneId] asked for default subId=-1
01-22 04:21:40.212 D/SubscriptionController( 1218): [getSlotIndex]- subId invalid
01-22 04:21:40.242 D/UiccController( 1218): EVENT_RADIO_UNAVAILABLE, dispose card
01-22 04:21:40.244 D/Phone ( 1218): config LCE service failed: INTERNAL_ERR
01-22 04:21:40.248 D/RILJ ( 1218): [3657]> GET_CURRENT_CALLS [SUB0]
01-22 04:21:40.249 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: UI --- RIL_REQUEST_GET_CURRENT_CALLS (9) ---> RIL [RID 0, token id 9, data len 0]
01-22 04:21:40.249 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: data stream received from telephony
01-22 04:21:40.249 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: android request id 9
01-22 04:21:40.249 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: handling caps 81200001 hex
01-22 04:21:40.249 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_create_android_live_params_copy: a-r-id 9, a-data 0x0, a-data-len 0
01-22 04:21:40.249 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: method 3, datalen 0
01-22 04:21:40.249 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: clean family 0
01-22 04:21:40.249 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: already waiting for exec 0
01-22 04:21:40.249 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: android_request_param_holder 42c72200 hex
01-22 04:21:40.249 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: pending req kind 0x0 hex, awaitingexec req kind 0x0 hex
01-22 04:21:40.249 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: token under exec 9
01-22 04:21:40.249 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: pre-exec token id 9, a-r-id 9, audit 0, nrender 0
01-22 04:21:40.249 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_android_request_render_execution: rendering exec for token id 9
01-22 04:21:40.251 D/GsmSMSDispatcher( 1218): GsmSMSDispatcher: subId = -2 slotId = 0
01-22 04:21:40.251 D/IccCardProxy( 1218): setExternalState: !override and newstate unchanged from UNKNOWN
01-22 04:21:40.252 D/IccCardProxy( 1218): setExternalState: !override and newstate unchanged from UNKNOWN
01-22 04:21:40.252 D/GsmCdmaPhone( 1218): [GsmCdmaPhone] Event EVENT_RADIO_OFF_OR_NOT_AVAILABLE Received
01-22 04:21:40.252 D/IccCardProxy( 1218): setExternalState: !override and newstate unchanged from UNKNOWN
01-22 04:21:40.252 D/SST ( 1218): mDeviceShuttingDown=false, mDesiredPowerState=true, getRadioState=RADIO_UNAVAILABLE, mPowerOffDelayNeed=true, mAlarmSwitch=false, mRadioDisabledByCarrier=false
01-22 04:21:40.253 E/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_qmi_voice_nas_control_convert_radio_tech_to_radio_tech_family: invalid radio tech = 0
01-22 04:21:40.253 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 554): qcrilUpdVoiceCallCount, called , VcCount =0
01-22 04:21:40.253 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 554): Inside UpdVoiceCallCount, voiceCall =0
01-22 04:21:40.254 D/SST ( 1218): pollState: modemTriggered=true
01-22 04:21:40.254 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_setup_timed_callback_ex_params_adv: Set timer with ID 7
01-22 04:21:40.254 I/RILQ ( 554): (0/554):RIL[0][rild] qcril_qmi_get_call_list_to_send: RILVI: calls rep: reported/skipped 0/0 calls
01-22 04:21:40.254 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_send_request_response: Debug : qcril_send_request_response invoked
01-22 04:21:40.254 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_send_request_response: UI <--- RIL_REQUEST_GET_CURRENT_CALLS (9) Complete --- RIL [RID 0, Token id 9, Success, Len 0 ]
01-22 04:21:40.254 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: flow control decision - 0
01-22 04:21:40.254 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: main trd 406d24f0, cur trd 43fad9a8
01-22 04:21:40.254 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: eq 0, under mn thrd 0
01-22 04:21:40.254 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: need protection 1
01-22 04:21:40.254 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: in protected zone
01-22 04:21:40.254 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: token under exec 9, completion token id 9
01-22 04:21:40.254 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: resp token-id 9, req-id 9(9)
01-22 04:21:40.254 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: invalid_token_execution - 0
01-22 04:21:40.254 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: do_flow_control_follow_up
01-22 04:21:40.254 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: left zone
01-22 04:21:40.254 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_android_request_render_execution: called the function
01-22 04:21:40.254 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: dispatch outcome = 0
01-22 04:21:40.255 D/SST ( 1218): Poll ServiceState done: oldSS=[{mVoiceRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mDataRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mVoiceRoamingType=home, mDataRoamingType=home, mVoiceOperatorAlphaLong=null, mVoiceOperatorAlphaShort=null, mDataOperatorAlphaLong=null, mDataOperatorAlphaShort=null, isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), mRilVoiceRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mRilDataRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=0, mSystemId=0, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=0, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=0, mIsEmergencyOnly=false, mIsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false, mIsUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mLteEarfcnRsrpBoost=0}] newSS=[{mVoiceRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mDataRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mVoiceRoamingType=home, mDataRoamingType=home, mVoiceOperatorAlphaLong=null, mVoiceOperatorAlphaShort=null, mDataOperatorAlphaLong=null, mDataOperatorAlphaShort=null, isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), mRilVoiceRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mRilDataRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=-1, mSystemId=-1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, mIsEmergencyOnly=false, mIsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false, mIsUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mLteEarfcnRsrpBoost=0}] oldMaxDataCalls=1 mNewMaxDataCalls=1 oldReasonDataDenied=-1 mNewReasonDataDenied=-1
01-22 04:21:40.255 D/SST ( 1218): pollStateDone: hasRegistered=false hasDeregistered=false hasDataAttached=false hasDataDetached=false hasDataRegStateChanged=false hasRilVoiceRadioTechnologyChanged= false hasRilDataRadioTechnologyChanged=false hasChanged=true hasVoiceRoamingOn=false hasVoiceRoamingOff=false hasDataRoamingOn=false hasDataRoamingOff=false hasLocationChanged=false has4gHandoff = false hasMultiApnSupport=false hasLostMultiApnSupport=false
01-22 04:21:40.256 D/SST ( 1218): updateSpnDisplay: radio is on but out of service, set plmn='No service'
01-22 04:21:40.258 D/RILJ ( 1218): [3657]< GET_CURRENT_CALLS {} [SUB0]
01-22 04:21:40.258 D/SST ( 1218): updateSpnDisplay: changed sending intent rule=0 showPlmn='true' plmn='No service' showSpn='false' spn='' dataSpn='' subId='-2'
01-22 04:21:40.272 D/SubscriptionController( 1218): [setPlmnSpn] No valid subscription to store info
01-22 04:21:40.272 D/SubscriptionController( 1218): notifySubscriptionInfoChanged:
01-22 04:21:40.273 D/TelephonyRegistry( 785): notifySubscriptionInfoChanged: first invocation mRecords.size=19
01-22 04:21:40.276 D/SubscriptionController( 1218): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready
01-22 04:21:40.281 D/SubscriptionController( 1218): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready
01-22 04:21:40.284 D/TelephonyManager( 1218): setTelephonyProperty: success phoneId=0 property=gsm.operator.alpha value: propVal=
01-22 04:21:40.286 D/TelephonyManager( 1218): setTelephonyProperty: success phoneId=0 property=gsm.operator.numeric value: propVal=
01-22 04:21:40.287 D/SST ( 1218): operatorNumeric null is invalid
01-22 04:21:40.287 D/TelephonyManager( 1218): setTelephonyProperty: success phoneId=0 property=gsm.operator.iso-country value: propVal=
01-22 04:21:40.288 D/TelephonyManager( 1218): setTelephonyProperty: success phoneId=0 property=gsm.operator.isroaming value: false propVal=false
01-22 04:21:40.289 D/SST ( 1218): Broadcasting ServiceState : {mVoiceRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mDataRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mVoiceRoamingType=home, mDataRoamingType=home, mVoiceOperatorAlphaLong=null, mVoiceOperatorAlphaShort=null, mDataOperatorAlphaLong=null, mDataOperatorAlphaShort=null, isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), mRilVoiceRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mRilDataRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=-1, mSystemId=-1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, mIsEmergencyOnly=false, mIsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false, mIsUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mLteEarfcnRsrpBoost=0}
01-22 04:21:40.290 D/DefaultPhoneNotifier( 1218): nofityServiceState:$Stub$Proxy@5ec5073 ss={mVoiceRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mDataRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mVoiceRoamingType=home, mDataRoamingType=home, mVoiceOperatorAlphaLong=null, mVoiceOperatorAlphaShort=null, mDataOperatorAlphaLong=null, mDataOperatorAlphaShort=null, isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), mRilVoiceRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mRilDataRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=-1, mSystemId=-1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, mIsEmergencyOnly=false, mIsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false, mIsUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mLteEarfcnRsrpBoost=0} sender=Handler ( {2137b30} phondId=0 subId=-2
01-22 04:21:40.298 D/SubscriptionController( 1218): [getSlotIndex]- subId invalid
01-22 04:21:40.341 D/SST ( 1218): mDeviceShuttingDown=false, mDesiredPowerState=true, getRadioState=RADIO_UNAVAILABLE, mPowerOffDelayNeed=true, mAlarmSwitch=false, mRadioDisabledByCarrier=false
01-22 04:21:40.343 D/SST ( 1218): pollState: modemTriggered=true
01-22 04:21:40.345 D/SST ( 1218): Poll ServiceState done: oldSS=[{mVoiceRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mDataRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mVoiceRoamingType=home, mDataRoamingType=home, mVoiceOperatorAlphaLong=null, mVoiceOperatorAlphaShort=null, mDataOperatorAlphaLong=null, mDataOperatorAlphaShort=null, isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), mRilVoiceRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mRilDataRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=-1, mSystemId=-1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, mIsEmergencyOnly=false, mIsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false, mIsUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mLteEarfcnRsrpBoost=0}] newSS=[{mVoiceRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mDataRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mVoiceRoamingType=home, mDataRoamingType=home, mVoiceOperatorAlphaLong=null, mVoiceOperatorAlphaShort=null, mDataOperatorAlphaLong=null, mDataOperatorAlphaShort=null, isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), mRilVoiceRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mRilDataRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=-1, mSystemId=-1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, mIsEmergencyOnly=false, mIsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false, mIsUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mLteEarfcnRsrpBoost=0}] oldMaxDataCalls=1 mNewMaxDataCalls=1 oldReasonDataDenied=-1 mNewReasonDataDenied=-1
01-22 04:21:40.345 D/SST ( 1218): pollStateDone: hasRegistered=false hasDeregistered=false hasDataAttached=false hasDataDetached=false hasDataRegStateChanged=false hasRilVoiceRadioTechnologyChanged= false hasRilDataRadioTechnologyChanged=false hasChanged=false hasVoiceRoamingOn=false hasVoiceRoamingOff=false hasDataRoamingOn=false hasDataRoamingOff=false hasLocationChanged=false has4gHandoff = false hasMultiApnSupport=false hasLostMultiApnSupport=false
01-22 04:21:40.348 I/CSST ( 1218): PrefNetworkNotification: sendMessage() w/values: ,false,-1,true,false
01-22 04:21:40.350 I/CSST ( 1218): canceling notifications: 1000
01-22 04:21:40.350 D/Phone ( 1218): isWifiCallingEnabled =false
01-22 04:21:40.350 D/CSST ( 1218): isPhoneRegisteredForWifiCalling: false
01-22 04:21:40.350 D/Phone ( 1218): isWifiCallingEnabled =false
01-22 04:21:40.350 I/CSST ( 1218): EmergencyNetworkNotification: sendMessage() w/values: ,false,-1,false,false
01-22 04:21:40.351 I/CSST ( 1218): canceling notifications: 1001
01-22 04:21:40.352 I/CSST ( 1218): PrefNetworkNotification: sendMessage() w/values: ,false,-1,true,false
01-22 04:21:40.352 I/CSST ( 1218): canceling notifications: 1000
01-22 04:21:40.353 D/Phone ( 1218): isWifiCallingEnabled =false
01-22 04:21:40.353 D/CSST ( 1218): isPhoneRegisteredForWifiCalling: false
01-22 04:21:40.353 D/Phone ( 1218): isWifiCallingEnabled =false
01-22 04:21:40.353 I/CSST ( 1218): EmergencyNetworkNotification: sendMessage() w/values: ,false,-1,false,false
01-22 04:21:40.354 I/CSST ( 1218): canceling notifications: 1001
01-22 04:21:40.354 D/DCT ( 1218): [0]onRadioOffOrNotAvailable: is off and clean up all connections
01-22 04:21:40.354 D/DCT ( 1218): [0]cleanUpAllConnections: tearDown=false reason=radioTurnedOff
01-22 04:21:40.355 D/GsmCdmaPhone( 1218): [GsmCdmaPhone] getDataConnectionState apnType=default ret=DISCONNECTED
01-22 04:21:40.357 D/DCT ( 1218): [0]isEmergency: result=false
01-22 04:21:40.369 D/DCT ( 1218): [0]cleanUpConnection: X tearDown=false reason=radioTurnedOff apnContext={mApnType=default mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mApnSetting={null} mReason=radioTurnedOff mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true} dcac=null
01-22 04:21:40.369 D/GsmCdmaPhone( 1218): [GsmCdmaPhone] getDataConnectionState apnType=mms ret=DISCONNECTED
01-22 04:21:40.373 D/DCT ( 1218): [0]isEmergency: result=false
01-22 04:21:40.384 D/DCT ( 1218): [0]cleanUpConnection: X tearDown=false reason=radioTurnedOff apnContext={mApnType=mms mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mApnSetting={null} mReason=radioTurnedOff mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true} dcac=null
01-22 04:21:40.384 D/GsmCdmaPhone( 1218): [GsmCdmaPhone] getDataConnectionState apnType=cbs ret=DISCONNECTED
01-22 04:21:40.386 D/DCT ( 1218): [0]isEmergency: result=false
01-22 04:21:40.393 D/DCT ( 1218): [0]cleanUpConnection: X tearDown=false reason=radioTurnedOff apnContext={mApnType=cbs mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mApnSetting={null} mReason=radioTurnedOff mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true} dcac=null
01-22 04:21:40.393 D/GsmCdmaPhone( 1218): [GsmCdmaPhone] getDataConnectionState apnType=fota ret=DISCONNECTED
01-22 04:21:40.396 D/DCT ( 1218): [0]isEmergency: result=false
01-22 04:21:40.405 D/DCT ( 1218): [0]cleanUpConnection: X tearDown=false reason=radioTurnedOff apnContext={mApnType=fota mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mApnSetting={null} mReason=radioTurnedOff mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true} dcac=null
01-22 04:21:40.405 D/GsmCdmaPhone( 1218): [GsmCdmaPhone] getDataConnectionState apnType=supl ret=DISCONNECTED
01-22 04:21:40.407 D/DCT ( 1218): [0]isEmergency: result=false
01-22 04:21:40.415 D/DCT ( 1218): [0]cleanUpConnection: X tearDown=false reason=radioTurnedOff apnContext={mApnType=supl mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mApnSetting={null} mReason=radioTurnedOff mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true} dcac=null
01-22 04:21:40.415 D/GsmCdmaPhone( 1218): [GsmCdmaPhone] getDataConnectionState apnType=ia ret=DISCONNECTED
01-22 04:21:40.417 D/DCT ( 1218): [0]isEmergency: result=false
01-22 04:21:40.425 D/DCT ( 1218): [0]cleanUpConnection: X tearDown=false reason=radioTurnedOff apnContext={mApnType=ia mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mApnSetting={null} mReason=radioTurnedOff mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true} dcac=null
01-22 04:21:40.426 D/GsmCdmaPhone( 1218): [GsmCdmaPhone] getDataConnectionState apnType=emergency ret=DISCONNECTED
01-22 04:21:40.428 D/DCT ( 1218): [0]isEmergency: result=false
01-22 04:21:40.436 D/DCT ( 1218): [0]cleanUpConnection: X tearDown=false reason=radioTurnedOff apnContext={mApnType=emergency mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mApnSetting={null} mReason=radioTurnedOff mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true} dcac=null
01-22 04:21:40.437 D/GsmCdmaPhone( 1218): [GsmCdmaPhone] getDataConnectionState apnType=dun ret=DISCONNECTED
01-22 04:21:40.438 D/DCT ( 1218): [0]isEmergency: result=false
01-22 04:21:40.447 D/DCT ( 1218): [0]cleanUpConnection: X tearDown=false reason=radioTurnedOff apnContext={mApnType=dun mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mApnSetting={null} mReason=radioTurnedOff mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true} dcac=null
01-22 04:21:40.447 D/GsmCdmaPhone( 1218): [GsmCdmaPhone] getDataConnectionState apnType=hipri ret=DISCONNECTED
01-22 04:21:40.450 D/DCT ( 1218): [0]isEmergency: result=false
01-22 04:21:40.460 D/DCT ( 1218): [0]cleanUpConnection: X tearDown=false reason=radioTurnedOff apnContext={mApnType=hipri mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mApnSetting={null} mReason=radioTurnedOff mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true} dcac=null
01-22 04:21:40.460 D/GsmCdmaPhone( 1218): [GsmCdmaPhone] getDataConnectionState apnType=ims ret=DISCONNECTED
01-22 04:21:40.462 D/DCT ( 1218): [0]isEmergency: result=false
01-22 04:21:40.471 D/DCT ( 1218): [0]cleanUpConnection: X tearDown=false reason=radioTurnedOff apnContext={mApnType=ims mState=IDLE mWaitingApns={null} mApnSetting={null} mReason=radioTurnedOff mDataEnabled=false mDependencyMet=true} dcac=null
01-22 04:21:40.472 D/DCT ( 1218): [0]stopNetStatPoll
01-22 04:21:40.473 D/DCT ( 1218): [0]cleanUpConnection: mDisconnectPendingCount = 0
01-22 04:21:40.475 D/DCT ( 1218): [0]isEmergency: result=false
01-22 04:21:40.560 I/chatty ( 1218): uid=1001(radio) identical 8 lines
01-22 04:21:40.570 D/DCT ( 1218): [0]isEmergency: result=false
01-22 04:21:40.576 D/DCT ( 1218): [0]onDataConnectionDetached: stop polling and notify detached
01-22 04:21:40.577 D/DCT ( 1218): [0]stopNetStatPoll
01-22 04:21:40.578 D/DCT ( 1218): [0]notifyDataConnection: reason=dataDetached
01-22 04:21:40.580 D/DCT ( 1218): [0]isEmergency: result=false
01-22 04:21:40.660 I/chatty ( 1218): uid=1001(radio) identical 8 lines
01-22 04:21:40.672 D/DCT ( 1218): [0]isEmergency: result=false
01-22 04:21:40.680 D/DCT ( 1218): [0]onDataRoamingOff
01-22 04:21:40.685 D/DCT ( 1218): [0]notifyDataConnection: reason=roamingOff
01-22 04:21:40.687 D/DCT ( 1218): [0]isEmergency: result=false
01-22 04:21:40.793 I/chatty ( 1218): uid=1001(radio) identical 8 lines
01-22 04:21:40.803 D/DCT ( 1218): [0]isEmergency: result=false
01-22 04:21:40.823 D/RILJ ( 1218): [3658]> RIL_REQUEST_SEND_DEVICE_STATE 1:true [SUB0]
01-22 04:21:40.823 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: UI --- RIL_REQUEST_SEND_DEVICE_STATE (138) ---> RIL [RID 0, token id 10, data len 8]
01-22 04:21:40.823 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: data stream received from telephony
01-22 04:21:40.823 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: android request id 138
01-22 04:21:40.823 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: handling caps 41200010 hex
01-22 04:21:40.823 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_create_android_live_params_copy: a-r-id 138, a-data 0x42c2d1e8, a-data-len 8
01-22 04:21:40.823 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: method 2, datalen 8
01-22 04:21:40.823 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: clean family 0
01-22 04:21:40.823 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: already waiting for exec 0
01-22 04:21:40.824 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: android_request_param_holder 42c91680 hex
01-22 04:21:40.824 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: pending req kind 0x0 hex, awaitingexec req kind 0x0 hex
01-22 04:21:40.824 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: token under exec 10
01-22 04:21:40.824 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: pre-exec token id 10, a-r-id 138, audit 0, nrender 0
01-22 04:21:40.824 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_android_request_render_execution: rendering exec for token id 10
01-22 04:21:40.824 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_send_request_response: Debug : qcril_send_request_response invoked
01-22 04:21:40.824 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_send_request_response: UI <--- RIL_REQUEST_SEND_DEVICE_STATE (138) Complete --- RIL [RID 0, Token id 10, Success, Len 0 ]
01-22 04:21:40.824 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: flow control decision - 0
01-22 04:21:40.824 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: main trd 406d24f0, cur trd 43fad9a8
01-22 04:21:40.824 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: eq 0, under mn thrd 0
01-22 04:21:40.824 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: need protection 1
01-22 04:21:40.824 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: in protected zone
01-22 04:21:40.824 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: token under exec 10, completion token id 10
01-22 04:21:40.824 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: resp token-id 10, req-id 138(138)
01-22 04:21:40.824 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: invalid_token_execution - 0
01-22 04:21:40.824 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: do_flow_control_follow_up
01-22 04:21:40.824 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: regarded_same 0
01-22 04:21:40.825 I/chatty ( 554): uid=1001(radio) /vendor/bin/hw/rild identical 14 lines
01-22 04:21:40.825 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: regarded_same 0
01-22 04:21:40.825 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: left zone
01-22 04:21:40.825 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_android_request_render_execution: called the function
01-22 04:21:40.825 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: dispatch outcome = 0
01-22 04:21:40.826 D/RILJ ( 1218): [3658]< RIL_REQUEST_SEND_DEVICE_STATE [SUB0]
01-22 04:21:40.828 D/RILJ ( 1218): [3659]> RIL_REQUEST_SEND_DEVICE_STATE 2:false [SUB0]
01-22 04:21:40.829 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: UI --- RIL_REQUEST_SEND_DEVICE_STATE (138) ---> RIL [RID 0, token id 11, data len 8]
01-22 04:21:40.829 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: data stream received from telephony
01-22 04:21:40.829 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: android request id 138
01-22 04:21:40.829 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: handling caps 41200010 hex
01-22 04:21:40.829 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_create_android_live_params_copy: a-r-id 138, a-data 0x42c2d1e8, a-data-len 8
01-22 04:21:40.829 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: method 2, datalen 8
01-22 04:21:40.829 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: clean family 0
01-22 04:21:40.829 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: already waiting for exec 0
01-22 04:21:40.829 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: android_request_param_holder 42c91680 hex
01-22 04:21:40.829 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: pending req kind 0x0 hex, awaitingexec req kind 0x0 hex
01-22 04:21:40.829 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: token under exec 11
01-22 04:21:40.829 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: pre-exec token id 11, a-r-id 138, audit 0, nrender 0
01-22 04:21:40.829 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_android_request_render_execution: rendering exec for token id 11
01-22 04:21:40.829 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 554): Oem Hook header type 0, requestCode 0x0
01-22 04:21:40.829 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 554): In startMotExtHook, instance:0
01-22 04:21:40.829 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 554): Descriptors are parentfds{13,14},childfds{15,34},rilRequestfds{38,39}, unsolfds{40,41}
01-22 04:21:40.832 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 554): In parent process
01-22 04:21:40.832 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 1325): In child process
01-22 04:21:40.832 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 554): Child Pid 1325
01-22 04:21:40.833 V/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 554): Reaper thread starting
01-22 04:21:40.833 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 554): Waiting to reap expectChildPid=1325
01-22 04:21:40.833 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 554): Inside communication thread
01-22 04:21:40.833 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 554): CommThread Waiting for ril request
01-22 04:21:40.833 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 554): start MdmCutbackHndler instance=0
01-22 04:21:40.834 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 554): Write Ril Request 59
01-22 04:21:40.834 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 554): Process request 59, len=9
01-22 04:21:40.834 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_send_request_response: Debug : qcril_send_request_response invoked
01-22 04:21:40.834 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_send_request_response: UI <--- RIL_REQUEST_SEND_DEVICE_STATE (138) Complete --- RIL [RID 0, Token id 11, Success, Len 0 ]
01-22 04:21:40.834 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: flow control decision - 0
01-22 04:21:40.834 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: main trd 406d24f0, cur trd 43fad9a8
01-22 04:21:40.834 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: eq 0, under mn thrd 0
01-22 04:21:40.834 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: need protection 1
01-22 04:21:40.834 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: in protected zone
01-22 04:21:40.834 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: token under exec 11, completion token id 11
01-22 04:21:40.834 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: resp token-id 11, req-id 138(138)
01-22 04:21:40.834 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: invalid_token_execution - 0
01-22 04:21:40.836 D/RILJ ( 1218): [3659]< RIL_REQUEST_SEND_DEVICE_STATE [SUB0]
01-22 04:21:40.837 D/RILJ ( 1218): [3660]> RIL_REQUEST_SEND_DEVICE_STATE 0:false [SUB0]
01-22 04:21:40.837 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: do_flow_control_follow_up
01-22 04:21:40.837 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: regarded_same 0
01-22 04:21:40.837 I/chatty ( 554): uid=1001(radio) /vendor/bin/hw/rild identical 14 lines
01-22 04:21:40.837 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: regarded_same 0
01-22 04:21:40.837 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: left zone
01-22 04:21:40.837 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_android_request_render_execution: called the function
01-22 04:21:40.837 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: dispatch outcome = 0
01-22 04:21:40.838 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: UI --- RIL_REQUEST_SEND_DEVICE_STATE (138) ---> RIL [RID 0, token id 12, data len 8]
01-22 04:21:40.838 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: data stream received from telephony
01-22 04:21:40.838 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: android request id 138
01-22 04:21:40.838 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: handling caps 41200010 hex
01-22 04:21:40.838 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_create_android_live_params_copy: a-r-id 138, a-data 0x42c2d1e8, a-data-len 8
01-22 04:21:40.838 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: method 2, datalen 8
01-22 04:21:40.838 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: clean family 0
01-22 04:21:40.838 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: already waiting for exec 0
01-22 04:21:40.838 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: android_request_param_holder 42c91680 hex
01-22 04:21:40.838 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: pending req kind 0x0 hex, awaitingexec req kind 0x0 hex
01-22 04:21:40.838 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: token under exec 12
01-22 04:21:40.838 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: pre-exec token id 12, a-r-id 138, audit 0, nrender 0
01-22 04:21:40.838 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_android_request_render_execution: rendering exec for token id 12
01-22 04:21:40.838 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_send_request_response: Debug : qcril_send_request_response invoked
01-22 04:21:40.838 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_send_request_response: UI <--- RIL_REQUEST_SEND_DEVICE_STATE (138) Complete --- RIL [RID 0, Token id 12, Success, Len 0 ]
01-22 04:21:40.838 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: flow control decision - 0
01-22 04:21:40.838 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: main trd 406d24f0, cur trd 43fad9a8
01-22 04:21:40.838 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: eq 0, under mn thrd 0
01-22 04:21:40.838 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: need protection 1
01-22 04:21:40.838 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: in protected zone
01-22 04:21:40.838 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: token under exec 12, completion token id 12
01-22 04:21:40.838 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: resp token-id 12, req-id 138(138)
01-22 04:21:40.838 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: invalid_token_execution - 0
01-22 04:21:40.838 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: do_flow_control_follow_up
01-22 04:21:40.838 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: regarded_same 0
01-22 04:21:40.839 I/chatty ( 554): uid=1001(radio) /vendor/bin/hw/rild identical 14 lines
01-22 04:21:40.839 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: regarded_same 0
01-22 04:21:40.839 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: left zone
01-22 04:21:40.839 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_android_request_render_execution: called the function
01-22 04:21:40.839 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: dispatch outcome = 0
01-22 04:21:40.839 D/RILJ ( 1218): [3660]< RIL_REQUEST_SEND_DEVICE_STATE [SUB0]
01-22 04:21:40.842 D/RILJ ( 1218): [3661]> RIL_REQUEST_SET_UNSOLICITED_RESPONSE_FILTER 7 [SUB0]
01-22 04:21:40.844 D/ImsPhoneCallTracker( 1218): [ImsPhoneCallTracker] handleMessage what=23
01-22 04:21:40.844 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: UI --- RIL_REQUEST_SET_UNSOLICITED_RESPONSE_FILTER (139) ---> RIL [RID 0, token id 13, data len 4]
01-22 04:21:40.844 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: data stream received from telephony
01-22 04:21:40.844 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: android request id 139
01-22 04:21:40.844 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: handling caps 41200010 hex
01-22 04:21:40.844 D/ImsPhoneCallTracker( 1218): [ImsPhoneCallTracker] onDataEnabledChanged: enabled=true, reason=0
01-22 04:21:40.844 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_create_android_live_params_copy: a-r-id 139, a-data 0x42c2d1e8, a-data-len 4
01-22 04:21:40.844 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: method 2, datalen 4
01-22 04:21:40.844 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: clean family 0
01-22 04:21:40.844 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: already waiting for exec 0
01-22 04:21:40.844 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: android_request_param_holder 42c91800 hex
01-22 04:21:40.844 I/ImsManager( 1218): Creating ImsService using ImsResolver
01-22 04:21:40.844 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: pending req kind 0x0 hex, awaitingexec req kind 0x0 hex
01-22 04:21:40.844 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: token under exec 13
01-22 04:21:40.844 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: pre-exec token id 13, a-r-id 139, audit 0, nrender 0
01-22 04:21:40.844 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_android_request_render_execution: rendering exec for token id 13
01-22 04:21:40.844 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_event_queue: Event [QCRIL_EVT_QMI_RIL_COMMON_IND_SUBSCRIBE_CONSIDER_ACTION, a004c] data was NULL
01-22 04:21:40.844 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_event_queue: RID 0 MID 0 Queued event QCRIL_EVT_QMI_RIL_COMMON_IND_SUBSCRIBE_CONSIDER_ACTION (0 bytes)(obj 0x7c42c55a40)
01-22 04:21:40.844 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_send_request_response: Debug : qcril_send_request_response invoked
01-22 04:21:40.844 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_send_request_response: UI <--- RIL_REQUEST_SET_UNSOLICITED_RESPONSE_FILTER (139) Complete --- RIL [RID 0, Token id 13, Success, Len 0 ]
01-22 04:21:40.845 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: flow control decision - 0
01-22 04:21:40.845 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: main trd 406d24f0, cur trd 43fad9a8
01-22 04:21:40.845 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: eq 0, under mn thrd 0
01-22 04:21:40.845 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: need protection 1
01-22 04:21:40.845 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: in protected zone
01-22 04:21:40.845 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: token under exec 13, completion token id 13
01-22 04:21:40.845 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: resp token-id 13, req-id 139(139)
01-22 04:21:40.845 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: invalid_token_execution - 0
01-22 04:21:40.845 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: do_flow_control_follow_up
01-22 04:21:40.845 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: regarded_same 0
01-22 04:21:40.845 I/chatty ( 554): uid=1001(radio) /vendor/bin/hw/rild identical 14 lines
01-22 04:21:40.845 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: regarded_same 0
01-22 04:21:40.845 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: left zone
01-22 04:21:40.845 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_android_request_render_execution: called the function
01-22 04:21:40.845 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: dispatch outcome = 0
01-22 04:21:40.845 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][event] qcril_event_main: 1 items on queue
01-22 04:21:40.846 D/RILJ ( 1218): [3661]< RIL_REQUEST_SET_UNSOLICITED_RESPONSE_FILTER [SUB0]
01-22 04:21:40.846 W/ImsManager( 1218): getServiceProxy: b is null! Phone Id: 0
01-22 04:21:40.846 D/ImsManager( 1218): setDataEnabled: true
01-22 04:21:40.848 D/ImsPhoneCallTracker( 1218): [ImsPhoneCallTracker] Ignore data enabled - carrier policy indicates that data is not metered for ViLTE calls.
01-22 04:21:40.849 D/ImsPhoneCallTracker( 1218): [ImsPhoneCallTracker] handleMessage what=24
01-22 04:21:40.849 D/ImsPhoneCallTracker( 1218): [ImsPhoneCallTracker] getImsService
01-22 04:21:40.849 I/ImsManager( 1218): Creating ImsService using ImsResolver
01-22 04:21:40.851 W/ImsManager( 1218): getServiceProxy: b is null! Phone Id: 0
01-22 04:21:40.852 E/ImsPhoneCallTracker( 1218): [ImsPhoneCallTracker] getImsService: Binder is not active!(106)
01-22 04:21:40.852 I/ImsManager( 1218): Creating ImsService using ImsResolver
01-22 04:21:40.854 W/ImsManager( 1218): getServiceProxy: b is null! Phone Id: 0
01-22 04:21:40.854 E/ImsPhoneCallTracker( 1218): [ImsPhoneCallTracker] getImsService: Retrying getting ImsService...
01-22 04:21:40.855 D/ImsPhone( 1218): handleMessage what=52
01-22 04:21:40.855 D/ImsPhone( 1218): EVENT_DEFAULT_PHONE_DATA_STATE_CHANGED
01-22 04:21:40.855 D/ImsPhone( 1218): updateDataServiceState: defSs = {mVoiceRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mDataRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mVoiceRoamingType=home, mDataRoamingType=home, mVoiceOperatorAlphaLong=null, mVoiceOperatorAlphaShort=null, mDataOperatorAlphaLong=null, mDataOperatorAlphaShort=null, isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), mRilVoiceRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mRilDataRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=-1, mSystemId=-1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, mIsEmergencyOnly=false, mIsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false, mIsUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mLteEarfcnRsrpBoost=0} imsSs = {mVoiceRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mDataRegState=1(OUT_OF_SERVICE), mVoiceRoamingType=home, mDataRoamingType=home, mVoiceOperatorAlphaLong=null, mVoiceOperatorAlphaShort=null, mDataOperatorAlphaLong=null, mDataOperatorAlphaShort=null, isManualNetworkSelection=false(automatic), mRilVoiceRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mRilDataRadioTechnology=0(Unknown), mCssIndicator=unsupported, mNetworkId=-1, mSystemId=-1, mCdmaRoamingIndicator=-1, mCdmaDefaultRoamingIndicator=-1, mIsEmergencyOnly=false, mIsDataRoamingFromRegistration=false, mIsUsingCarrierAggregation=false, mLteEarfcnRsrpBoost=0}
01-22 04:21:40.859 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1218): onSubIdChange -1->-2
01-22 04:21:40.860 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1218): got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=6, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] with score 0
01-22 04:21:40.861 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1218): got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=3, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] with score 0
01-22 04:21:40.861 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1218): got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=9, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] with score 0
01-22 04:21:40.862 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1218): got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] with score 0
01-22 04:21:40.863 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1218): got request NetworkRequest [ BACKGROUND_REQUEST id=2, [ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] with score 0
01-22 04:21:40.864 D/DebugService( 1218): DebugService DebugService:
01-22 04:21:40.881 D/RILJ ( 1218): [3662]> RIL_REQUEST_QUERY_TTY_MODE [SUB0]
01-22 04:21:40.883 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: UI --- RIL_REQUEST_QUERY_TTY_MODE (81) ---> RIL [RID 0, token id 14, data len 0]
01-22 04:21:40.883 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: data stream received from telephony
01-22 04:21:40.883 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: android request id 81
01-22 04:21:40.883 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: handling caps 41200010 hex
01-22 04:21:40.883 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_create_android_live_params_copy: a-r-id 81, a-data 0x0, a-data-len 0
01-22 04:21:40.883 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: method 3, datalen 0
01-22 04:21:40.883 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: clean family 0
01-22 04:21:40.883 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: already waiting for exec 0
01-22 04:21:40.883 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: android_request_param_holder 42c90300 hex
01-22 04:21:40.883 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: pending req kind 0x0 hex, awaitingexec req kind 0x0 hex
01-22 04:21:40.883 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: token under exec 14
01-22 04:21:40.883 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: pre-exec token id 14, a-r-id 81, audit 0, nrender 0
01-22 04:21:40.883 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_android_request_render_execution: rendering exec for token id 14
01-22 04:21:40.883 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_create_android_live_params_copy: a-r-id 81, a-data 0x0, a-data-len 0
01-22 04:21:40.884 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_execute_event: Successfully routed to dedicated thrd, status 0
01-22 04:21:40.884 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_android_request_render_execution: called the function
01-22 04:21:40.884 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: dispatch outcome = 0
01-22 04:21:40.884 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-81(424)] qcril_send_request_response: Debug : qcril_send_request_response invoked
01-22 04:21:40.884 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-81(424)] qcril_send_request_response: UI <--- RIL_REQUEST_QUERY_TTY_MODE (81) Complete --- RIL [RID 0, Token id 14, Generic Failure, Len 0 ]
01-22 04:21:40.884 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-81(424)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: flow control decision - 0
01-22 04:21:40.884 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-81(424)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: main trd 406d24f0, cur trd 3ed374f0
01-22 04:21:40.885 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-81(424)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: eq 0, under mn thrd 0
01-22 04:21:40.885 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-81(424)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: need protection 1
01-22 04:21:40.885 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-81(424)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: in protected zone
01-22 04:21:40.885 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-81(424)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: token under exec 14, completion token id 14
01-22 04:21:40.885 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-81(424)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: resp token-id 14, req-id 81(81)
01-22 04:21:40.885 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-81(424)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: invalid_token_execution - 0
01-22 04:21:40.885 E/RILC ( 554): responseInt: Invalid response
01-22 04:21:40.886 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-81(424)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: do_flow_control_follow_up
01-22 04:21:40.886 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-81(424)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: regarded_same 0
01-22 04:21:40.886 I/chatty ( 554): uid=1001(radio) /vendor/bin/hw/rild identical 14 lines
01-22 04:21:40.886 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-81(424)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: regarded_same 0
01-22 04:21:40.886 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-81(424)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: left zone
01-22 04:21:40.886 D/RILJ ( 1218): [3662]< RIL_REQUEST_QUERY_TTY_MODE error 2 [SUB0]
01-22 04:21:40.887 D/RilRequest( 1218): [3662]< RIL_REQUEST_QUERY_TTY_MODE error: GENERIC_FAILURE ret={-1}
01-22 04:21:40.902 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 1325): Starting motext_client
01-22 04:21:40.902 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 1325): readfd=13, writefd=34, writeunsolfd=41 mot_ext_instance_id=0
01-22 04:21:40.903 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 1325): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_notifier_init
01-22 04:21:40.903 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 1325): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_services = 0
01-22 04:21:40.903 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 1325): sprint_client_init: wait for server to come up.
01-22 04:21:40.957 D/SubscriptionController( 1218): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready
01-22 04:21:41.055 D/SubscriptionController( 1218): [getSlotIndex]- subId invalid
01-22 04:21:41.127 D/GsmSMSDispatcher( 1218): GsmSMSDispatcher: subId = -2 slotId = 0
01-22 04:21:41.128 D/IccCardProxy( 1218): setExternalState: !override and newstate unchanged from UNKNOWN
01-22 04:21:41.128 D/GsmCdmaCallTracker( 1218): Event EVENT_POLL_CALLS_RESULT Received
01-22 04:21:41.129 D/GsmCdmaCallTracker( 1218): [GsmCdmaCallTracker] update phone state, old=IDLE new=IDLE
01-22 04:21:41.129 D/SST ( 1218): SubscriptionListener.onSubscriptionInfoChanged
01-22 04:21:41.129 D/GsmCdmaPhone( 1218): [GsmCdmaPhone] updateVoiceMail countVoiceMessages = 0 subId -2
01-22 04:21:41.129 E/Phone ( 1218): setVoiceMessageCount in sharedPreference: invalid subId -2
01-22 04:21:41.130 D/SubscriptionController( 1218): [getSlotIndex]- subId invalid
01-22 04:21:41.131 D/DCT ( 1218): [0]SubscriptionListener.onSubscriptionInfoChanged
01-22 04:21:41.133 D/SubscriptionController( 1218): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready
01-22 04:21:41.137 D/SubscriptionController( 1218): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready
01-22 04:21:41.139 D/PhoneSwitcher( 1218): evaluating due to subChanged default 0->-1 phone[0] 0->-2
01-22 04:21:41.209 D/ImsPhone( 1218): handleMessage what=53
01-22 04:21:41.215 D/PhoneSwitcher( 1218): evaluating due to netRequest
01-22 04:21:41.218 I/chatty ( 1218): uid=1001(radio) identical 3 lines
01-22 04:21:41.219 D/PhoneSwitcher( 1218): evaluating due to netRequest
01-22 04:21:41.222 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1218): not acting - isApp=false, isAct=false NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=6, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
01-22 04:21:41.224 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1218): not acting - isApp=false, isAct=false NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=3, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
01-22 04:21:41.226 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1218): not acting - isApp=false, isAct=false NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=9, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
01-22 04:21:41.228 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1218): not acting - isApp=false, isAct=false NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=1, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
01-22 04:21:41.230 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1218): not acting - isApp=false, isAct=false NetworkRequest [ BACKGROUND_REQUEST id=2, [ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
01-22 04:21:41.230 D/DCT ( 1218): [0]Wifi state changed
01-22 04:21:41.231 D/DCT ( 1218): [0]WIFI_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: enabled=false mIsWifiConnected=false
01-22 04:21:41.232 D/SubscriptionController( 1218): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready
01-22 04:21:41.246 D/SST ( 1218): EVENT_SIM_NOT_INSERTED
01-22 04:21:41.246 D/SST ( 1218): setNotification: cancelAllNotifications
01-22 04:21:41.355 D/ImsPhoneCallTracker( 1218): [ImsPhoneCallTracker] handleMessage what=24
01-22 04:21:41.355 D/ImsPhoneCallTracker( 1218): [ImsPhoneCallTracker] getImsService
01-22 04:21:41.355 I/ImsManager( 1218): Creating ImsService using ImsResolver
01-22 04:21:41.360 D/ImsPhoneCallTracker( 1218): [ImsPhoneCallTracker] Status Changed: 0
01-22 04:21:41.809 D/GsmCellBroadcastHandler( 1218): mWakeLock released
01-22 04:21:41.846 D/CellBroadcastHandler( 1218): mWakeLock released
01-22 04:21:41.865 D/CdmaServiceCategoryProgramHandler( 1218): mWakeLock released
01-22 04:21:41.904 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 1325): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_services = 0
01-22 04:21:41.904 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 1325): sprint_client_init: wait for server to come up.
01-22 04:21:42.904 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 1325): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_services = 0
01-22 04:21:42.904 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 1325): sprint_client_init: wait for server to come up.
01-22 04:21:43.904 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 1325): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_services = 0
01-22 04:21:43.904 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 1325): sprint_client_init: wait for server to come up.
01-22 04:21:43.988 D/SubscriptionController( 1218): [getSlotIndex]- subId invalid
01-22 04:21:44.904 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 1325): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_services = 0
01-22 04:21:44.905 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 1325): sprint_client_init: wait for server to come up.
01-22 04:21:45.310 D/SubscriptionController( 1218): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready
01-22 04:21:45.905 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 1325): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_entries = 0 num_services = 0
01-22 04:21:45.905 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 1325): qmi_motext_sprint_client_init_with_type: Try (1): Client init fail. rc = -2
01-22 04:21:45.905 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 1325): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_notifier_init
01-22 04:21:45.905 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 1325): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_services = 0
01-22 04:21:45.905 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 1325): sprint_client_init: wait for server to come up.
01-22 04:21:46.028 I/RILQ ( 534): (1/534):RIL[1][main] qcril_qmi_init_core_client_handles: Client init failed, details: QMI Voice
01-22 04:21:46.159 D/DCT ( 1218): [0]Wifi state changed
01-22 04:21:46.159 D/DCT ( 1218): [0]WIFI_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: enabled=false mIsWifiConnected=false
01-22 04:21:46.372 I/RILQ ( 554): (0/554):RIL[0][main] qcril_qmi_init_core_client_handles: Client init failed, details: QMI Voice
01-22 04:21:46.372 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][event] qcril_event_main: RID 0 MID 0 De-queued event QCRIL_EVT_QMI_RIL_COMMON_IND_SUBSCRIBE_CONSIDER_ACTION (655436)(obj 0x7c42c55a40)
01-22 04:21:46.372 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][event] qcril_process_event: RIL <--- QCRIL_EVT_QMI_RIL_COMMON_IND_SUBSCRIBE_CONSIDER_ACTION(655436), RID 0, MID 0 --- AMSS
01-22 04:21:46.372 E/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][event] qcril_event_main: Error processing event! (2)
01-22 04:21:46.372 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][event] qcril_event_main: Waiting...
01-22 04:21:46.376 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][main] qcril_qmi_nas_fetch_mode_pref: mode preference unavailable
01-22 04:21:46.376 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][main] qcril_qmi_get_pref_data_tech: is_current 0
01-22 04:21:46.380 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][main] qcril_qmi_get_pref_data_tech: before translation : pref_data_tech UNKNOWN
01-22 04:21:46.380 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][main] qcril_qmi_get_pref_data_tech: after translation : pref_data_tech UNKNOWN technology 0
01-22 04:21:46.380 E/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][main] qcril_qmi_voice_nas_control_convert_radio_tech_to_radio_tech_family: invalid radio tech = 0
01-22 04:21:46.380 E/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][main] qcril_qmi_voice_nas_control_convert_radio_tech_to_radio_tech_family: invalid radio tech = 0
01-22 04:21:46.905 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 1325): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_services = 0
01-22 04:21:46.905 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 1325): sprint_client_init: wait for server to come up.
01-22 04:21:47.905 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 1325): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_services = 0
01-22 04:21:47.905 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 1325): sprint_client_init: wait for server to come up.
01-22 04:21:48.906 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 1325): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_services = 0
01-22 04:21:48.906 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 1325): sprint_client_init: wait for server to come up.
01-22 04:21:49.906 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 1325): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_services = 0
01-22 04:21:49.906 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 1325): sprint_client_init: wait for server to come up.
01-22 04:21:50.906 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 1325): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_entries = 0 num_services = 0
01-22 04:21:50.906 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 1325): qmi_motext_sprint_client_init_with_type: Try (2): Client init fail. rc = -2
01-22 04:21:50.906 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 1325): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_notifier_init
01-22 04:21:50.906 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 1325): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_services = 0
01-22 04:21:50.906 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 1325): sprint_client_init: wait for server to come up.
01-22 04:21:51.029 W/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][core_init] qcril_setup_timed_callback: Immediate call back
01-22 04:21:51.029 W/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][core_init] qcril_setup_timed_callback: Set timer with ID 6
01-22 04:21:51.029 W/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][main] qmi_ril_get_property_value_helper: ret value 1
01-22 04:21:51.030 E/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][main] qmi_ril_peripheral_mng_vote: modem connect failed -1
01-22 04:21:51.030 E/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][main] qcril_qmi_vote_for_modem_up_using_pm: Could not vote for modem modem
01-22 04:21:51.030 W/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][main] qcril_qmi_client_init: Client connecting to QMI FW
01-22 04:21:51.372 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][core_init] qcril_setup_timed_callback: Immediate call back
01-22 04:21:51.372 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][core_init] qcril_setup_timed_callback: Set timer with ID 8
01-22 04:21:51.372 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][main] qmi_ril_get_property_value_helper: ret value 1
01-22 04:21:51.373 E/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][main] qmi_ril_peripheral_mng_vote: modem connect failed -1
01-22 04:21:51.373 E/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][main] qcril_qmi_vote_for_modem_up_using_pm: Could not vote for modem modem
01-22 04:21:51.373 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][main] qcril_qmi_client_init: Client connecting to QMI FW
01-22 04:21:51.417 D/DCT ( 1218): [0]Wifi state changed
01-22 04:21:51.417 D/DCT ( 1218): [0]WIFI_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: enabled=false mIsWifiConnected=false
01-22 04:21:51.427 D/RILJ ( 1218): [3663]> RIL_REQUEST_GET_ACTIVITY_INFO [SUB0]
01-22 04:21:51.428 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: UI --- RIL_REQUEST_GET_ACTIVITY_INFO (135) ---> RIL [RID 0, token id 15, data len 0]
01-22 04:21:51.428 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: data stream received from telephony
01-22 04:21:51.428 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: android request id 135
01-22 04:21:51.428 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: handling caps 41200010 hex
01-22 04:21:51.428 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_create_android_live_params_copy: a-r-id 135, a-data 0x0, a-data-len 0
01-22 04:21:51.428 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: method 3, datalen 0
01-22 04:21:51.428 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: clean family 0
01-22 04:21:51.428 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: already waiting for exec 0
01-22 04:21:51.428 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: android_request_param_holder 42c91500 hex
01-22 04:21:51.428 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: pending req kind 0x0 hex, awaitingexec req kind 0x0 hex
01-22 04:21:51.429 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: token under exec 15
01-22 04:21:51.429 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: pre-exec token id 15, a-r-id 135, audit 0, nrender 0
01-22 04:21:51.429 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_android_request_render_execution: rendering exec for token id 15
01-22 04:21:51.429 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_reqlist_print_all: [RID 0] ReqList entries :
01-22 04:21:51.429 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_reqlist_print_all: RIL_REQUEST_GET_ACTIVITY_INFO (135), token id 15 followed 0x0 following 0x0
01-22 04:21:51.429 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_reqlist_print_all: [RID 0] ReqList entries :
01-22 04:21:51.429 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_reqlist_print_all: RIL_REQUEST_GET_ACTIVITY_INFO (135), token id 15 followed 0x0 following 0x0
01-22 04:21:51.429 E/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_qmi_nas_dms_get_activity_info: Get activity info failed 39
01-22 04:21:51.429 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_send_request_response: Debug : qcril_send_request_response invoked
01-22 04:21:51.429 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_send_request_response: UI <--- RIL_REQUEST_GET_ACTIVITY_INFO (135) Complete --- RIL [RID 0, Token id 15, unknown, Len 0 ]
01-22 04:21:51.429 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_reqlist_print_all: [RID 0] ReqList entries : Empty
01-22 04:21:51.429 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: flow control decision - -1158671180
01-22 04:21:51.429 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: main trd 406d24f0, cur trd 43fad9a8
01-22 04:21:51.429 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: eq 0, under mn thrd 0
01-22 04:21:51.429 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: need protection 1
01-22 04:21:51.429 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: in protected zone
01-22 04:21:51.429 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: token under exec 15, completion token id 15
01-22 04:21:51.430 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: resp token-id 15, req-id 135(135)
01-22 04:21:51.430 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: invalid_token_execution - 0
01-22 04:21:51.430 E/RILC ( 554): getModemActivityInfoResponse Invalid response: NULL
01-22 04:21:51.430 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: do_flow_control_follow_up
01-22 04:21:51.430 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: regarded_same 0
01-22 04:21:51.430 I/chatty ( 554): uid=1001(radio) /vendor/bin/hw/rild identical 14 lines
01-22 04:21:51.430 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: regarded_same 0
01-22 04:21:51.430 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: left zone
01-22 04:21:51.430 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_android_request_render_execution: called the function
01-22 04:21:51.430 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: dispatch outcome = 0
01-22 04:21:51.433 D/RILJ ( 1218): [3663]< RIL_REQUEST_GET_ACTIVITY_INFO ModemActivityInfo{ mTimestamp=0 mSleepTimeMs=0 mIdleTimeMs=0 mTxTimeMs[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0] mRxTimeMs=0 mEnergyUsed=0} [SUB0]
01-22 04:21:51.907 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 1325): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_services = 0
01-22 04:21:51.907 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 1325): sprint_client_init: wait for server to come up.
01-22 04:21:52.907 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 1325): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_services = 0
01-22 04:21:52.907 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 1325): sprint_client_init: wait for server to come up.
01-22 04:21:52.995 D/WAP PUSH( 1218): Received broadcast android.intent.action.USER_UNLOCKED
01-22 04:21:52.997 D/WAP PUSH( 1218): Received broadcast android.intent.action.USER_UNLOCKED
01-22 04:21:53.000 D/SmsBroadcastUndelivered( 1218): Received broadcast android.intent.action.USER_UNLOCKED
01-22 04:21:53.005 D/SmsBroadcastUndelivered( 1218): scanning raw table for undelivered messages
01-22 04:21:53.181 D/SmsBroadcastUndelivered( 1218): finished scanning raw table in 175 ms
01-22 04:21:53.907 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 1325): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_services = 0
01-22 04:21:53.907 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 1325): sprint_client_init: wait for server to come up.
01-22 04:21:54.149 D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK( 1202): Starting QcrilMsgTunnel Service
01-22 04:21:54.231 D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK( 1202): Attempt to bind service returned with: true
01-22 04:21:54.382 D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK( 1202): Registering for intent ACTION_UNSOL_RESPONSE_OEM_HOOK_RAW
01-22 04:21:54.407 D/use-Rlog/RLOG-QC_RIL_OEM_HOOK( 1202): QcrilMsgTunnelService Connected Successfully (onServiceConnected)
01-22 04:21:54.908 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 1325): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_services = 0
01-22 04:21:54.908 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 1325): sprint_client_init: wait for server to come up.
01-22 04:21:55.908 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 1325): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_entries = 0 num_services = 0
01-22 04:21:55.908 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 1325): qmi_motext_sprint_client_init_with_type: Try (3): Client init fail. rc = -2
01-22 04:21:55.908 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 1325): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_notifier_init
01-22 04:21:55.908 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 1325): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_services = 0
01-22 04:21:55.908 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 1325): sprint_client_init: wait for server to come up.
01-22 04:21:56.680 D/DCT ( 1218): [0]Wifi state changed
01-22 04:21:56.680 D/DCT ( 1218): [0]WIFI_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: enabled=false mIsWifiConnected=false
01-22 04:21:56.908 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 1325): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_services = 0
01-22 04:21:56.908 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 1325): sprint_client_init: wait for server to come up.
01-22 04:21:57.908 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 1325): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_services = 0
01-22 04:21:57.908 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 1325): sprint_client_init: wait for server to come up.
01-22 04:21:58.612 D/SubscriptionController( 1218): [getSubId]- invalid slotIndex=-1
01-22 04:21:58.909 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 1325): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_services = 0
01-22 04:21:58.909 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 1325): sprint_client_init: wait for server to come up.
01-22 04:21:59.098 D/SubscriptionController( 1218): [getPhoneId] asked for default subId=-1
01-22 04:21:59.556 D/SipService( 1218): SipService: started!
01-22 04:21:59.569 D/SipService( 1218): start:
01-22 04:21:59.909 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 1325): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_services = 0
01-22 04:21:59.909 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 1325): sprint_client_init: wait for server to come up.
01-22 04:22:00.073 I/RILQ ( 534): (1/534):RIL[1][main] qcril_qmi_init_core_client_handles: Client init failed, details: QMI Voice
01-22 04:22:00.385 D/SubscriptionController( 1218): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready
01-22 04:22:00.401 D/RILJ ( 1218): [3664]> RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SET_BROADCAST_CONFIG with 1 configs : [SUB0]
01-22 04:22:00.402 D/RILJ ( 1218): {.serviceCategory = 4096, .language = 1, .selected = true} [SUB0]
01-22 04:22:00.403 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: UI --- RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SET_BROADCAST_SMS_CONFIG (93) ---> RIL [RID 0, token id 16, data len 8]
01-22 04:22:00.403 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: data stream received from telephony
01-22 04:22:00.403 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: android request id 93
01-22 04:22:00.403 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: handling caps 81200001 hex
01-22 04:22:00.403 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_create_android_live_params_copy: a-r-id 93, a-data 0xf53a56a0, a-data-len 8
01-22 04:22:00.403 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: method 2, datalen 8
01-22 04:22:00.403 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: clean family 0
01-22 04:22:00.403 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: already waiting for exec 0
01-22 04:22:00.403 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: android_request_param_holder 42c73460 hex
01-22 04:22:00.403 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: pending req kind 0x0 hex, awaitingexec req kind 0x0 hex
01-22 04:22:00.403 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: token under exec 16
01-22 04:22:00.403 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: pre-exec token id 16, a-r-id 93, audit 0, nrender 0
01-22 04:22:00.403 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_android_request_render_execution: rendering exec for token id 16
01-22 04:22:00.405 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_reqlist_print_all: [RID 0] ReqList entries :
01-22 04:22:00.405 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_reqlist_print_all: RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SET_BROADCAST_SMS_CONFIG (93), token id 16 followed 0x0 following 0x0
01-22 04:22:00.405 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_reqlist_print_all: [RID 0] ReqList entries :
01-22 04:22:00.405 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_reqlist_print_all: RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SET_BROADCAST_SMS_CONFIG (93), token id 16 followed 0x0 following 0x0
01-22 04:22:00.405 E/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_sms_request_cdma_set_broadcast_sms_config: Failed to get the response of setting cdma broadcast sms config from qmi.
01-22 04:22:00.405 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_send_request_response: Debug : qcril_send_request_response invoked
01-22 04:22:00.405 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_send_request_response: UI <--- RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SET_BROADCAST_SMS_CONFIG (93) Complete --- RIL [RID 0, Token id 16, unknown, Len 0 ]
01-22 04:22:00.405 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_reqlist_print_all: [RID 0] ReqList entries : Empty
01-22 04:22:00.405 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: flow control decision - 127
01-22 04:22:00.405 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: main trd 406d24f0, cur trd 43fad9a8
01-22 04:22:00.405 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: eq 0, under mn thrd 0
01-22 04:22:00.405 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: need protection 1
01-22 04:22:00.405 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: in protected zone
01-22 04:22:00.405 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: token under exec 16, completion token id 16
01-22 04:22:00.405 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: resp token-id 16, req-id 93(93)
01-22 04:22:00.405 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: invalid_token_execution - 0
01-22 04:22:00.405 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: do_flow_control_follow_up
01-22 04:22:00.405 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: left zone
01-22 04:22:00.405 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_android_request_render_execution: called the function
01-22 04:22:00.405 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: dispatch outcome = 0
01-22 04:22:00.406 D/RILJ ( 1218): [3664]< RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SET_BROADCAST_CONFIG error 39 [SUB0]
01-22 04:22:00.406 D/RilRequest( 1218): [3664]< RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SET_BROADCAST_CONFIG error: SYSTEM_ERR ret=
01-22 04:22:00.413 D/SubscriptionController( 1218): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready
01-22 04:22:00.416 I/RILQ ( 554): (0/554):RIL[0][main] qcril_qmi_init_core_client_handles: Client init failed, details: QMI Voice
01-22 04:22:00.420 D/RILJ ( 1218): [3665]> RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SET_BROADCAST_CONFIG with 1 configs : [SUB0]
01-22 04:22:00.420 D/RILJ ( 1218): {.serviceCategory = 4097, .language = 1, .selected = true} [SUB0]
01-22 04:22:00.421 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: UI --- RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SET_BROADCAST_SMS_CONFIG (93) ---> RIL [RID 0, token id 17, data len 8]
01-22 04:22:00.421 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: data stream received from telephony
01-22 04:22:00.421 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: android request id 93
01-22 04:22:00.421 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: handling caps 81200001 hex
01-22 04:22:00.421 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_create_android_live_params_copy: a-r-id 93, a-data 0xf53a56a0, a-data-len 8
01-22 04:22:00.421 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: method 2, datalen 8
01-22 04:22:00.421 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: clean family 0
01-22 04:22:00.421 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: already waiting for exec 0
01-22 04:22:00.421 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: android_request_param_holder 42c73460 hex
01-22 04:22:00.421 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: pending req kind 0x0 hex, awaitingexec req kind 0x0 hex
01-22 04:22:00.421 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: token under exec 17
01-22 04:22:00.421 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: pre-exec token id 17, a-r-id 93, audit 0, nrender 0
01-22 04:22:00.421 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_android_request_render_execution: rendering exec for token id 17
01-22 04:22:00.421 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_android_request_render_execution: called the function
01-22 04:22:00.421 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_send_request_response: Debug : qcril_send_request_response invoked
01-22 04:22:00.421 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_send_request_response: UI <--- RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SET_BROADCAST_SMS_CONFIG (93) Complete --- RIL [RID 0, Token id 17, Radio Not Available, Len 0 ]
01-22 04:22:00.421 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: flow control decision - 17
01-22 04:22:00.421 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: main trd 406d24f0, cur trd 43fad9a8
01-22 04:22:00.421 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: eq 0, under mn thrd 0
01-22 04:22:00.421 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: need protection 1
01-22 04:22:00.421 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: in protected zone
01-22 04:22:00.421 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: token under exec 17, completion token id 17
01-22 04:22:00.421 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: resp token-id 17, req-id 93(93)
01-22 04:22:00.421 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: invalid_token_execution - 0
01-22 04:22:00.421 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: do_flow_control_follow_up
01-22 04:22:00.421 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: left zone
01-22 04:22:00.421 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: dispatch outcome = 1
01-22 04:22:00.422 D/RILJ ( 1218): [3665]< RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SET_BROADCAST_CONFIG error 1 [SUB0]
01-22 04:22:00.422 D/RilRequest( 1218): [3665]< RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SET_BROADCAST_CONFIG error: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE ret=
01-22 04:22:00.426 D/SubscriptionController( 1218): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready
01-22 04:22:00.442 D/RILJ ( 1218): [3666]> RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SET_BROADCAST_CONFIG with 1 configs : [SUB0]
01-22 04:22:00.442 D/RILJ ( 1218): {.serviceCategory = 4098, .language = 1, .selected = true} [SUB0]
01-22 04:22:00.443 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: UI --- RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SET_BROADCAST_SMS_CONFIG (93) ---> RIL [RID 0, token id 18, data len 8]
01-22 04:22:00.443 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: data stream received from telephony
01-22 04:22:00.443 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: android request id 93
01-22 04:22:00.443 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: handling caps 81200001 hex
01-22 04:22:00.443 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_create_android_live_params_copy: a-r-id 93, a-data 0xf53a56a0, a-data-len 8
01-22 04:22:00.443 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: method 2, datalen 8
01-22 04:22:00.443 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: clean family 0
01-22 04:22:00.443 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: already waiting for exec 0
01-22 04:22:00.443 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: android_request_param_holder 42c73460 hex
01-22 04:22:00.443 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: pending req kind 0x0 hex, awaitingexec req kind 0x0 hex
01-22 04:22:00.443 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: token under exec 18
01-22 04:22:00.443 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: pre-exec token id 18, a-r-id 93, audit 0, nrender 0
01-22 04:22:00.443 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_android_request_render_execution: rendering exec for token id 18
01-22 04:22:00.443 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_android_request_render_execution: called the function
01-22 04:22:00.443 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_send_request_response: Debug : qcril_send_request_response invoked
01-22 04:22:00.443 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_send_request_response: UI <--- RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SET_BROADCAST_SMS_CONFIG (93) Complete --- RIL [RID 0, Token id 18, Radio Not Available, Len 0 ]
01-22 04:22:00.443 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: flow control decision - 17
01-22 04:22:00.443 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: main trd 406d24f0, cur trd 43fad9a8
01-22 04:22:00.444 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: eq 0, under mn thrd 0
01-22 04:22:00.444 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: need protection 1
01-22 04:22:00.444 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: in protected zone
01-22 04:22:00.444 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: token under exec 18, completion token id 18
01-22 04:22:00.444 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: resp token-id 18, req-id 93(93)
01-22 04:22:00.444 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: invalid_token_execution - 0
01-22 04:22:00.444 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: do_flow_control_follow_up
01-22 04:22:00.444 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: left zone
01-22 04:22:00.444 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: dispatch outcome = 1
01-22 04:22:00.444 D/RILJ ( 1218): [3666]< RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SET_BROADCAST_CONFIG error 1 [SUB0]
01-22 04:22:00.444 D/RilRequest( 1218): [3666]< RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SET_BROADCAST_CONFIG error: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE ret=
01-22 04:22:00.449 D/SubscriptionController( 1218): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready
01-22 04:22:00.456 D/RILJ ( 1218): [3667]> RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SET_BROADCAST_CONFIG with 1 configs : [SUB0]
01-22 04:22:00.456 D/RILJ ( 1218): {.serviceCategory = 4099, .language = 1, .selected = true} [SUB0]
01-22 04:22:00.457 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: UI --- RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SET_BROADCAST_SMS_CONFIG (93) ---> RIL [RID 0, token id 19, data len 8]
01-22 04:22:00.457 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: data stream received from telephony
01-22 04:22:00.457 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: android request id 93
01-22 04:22:00.457 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: handling caps 81200001 hex
01-22 04:22:00.457 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_create_android_live_params_copy: a-r-id 93, a-data 0xf53a56a0, a-data-len 8
01-22 04:22:00.457 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: method 2, datalen 8
01-22 04:22:00.457 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: clean family 0
01-22 04:22:00.457 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: already waiting for exec 0
01-22 04:22:00.457 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: android_request_param_holder 42c73460 hex
01-22 04:22:00.457 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: pending req kind 0x0 hex, awaitingexec req kind 0x0 hex
01-22 04:22:00.457 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: token under exec 19
01-22 04:22:00.457 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: pre-exec token id 19, a-r-id 93, audit 0, nrender 0
01-22 04:22:00.457 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_android_request_render_execution: rendering exec for token id 19
01-22 04:22:00.457 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_android_request_render_execution: called the function
01-22 04:22:00.457 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_send_request_response: Debug : qcril_send_request_response invoked
01-22 04:22:00.457 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_send_request_response: UI <--- RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SET_BROADCAST_SMS_CONFIG (93) Complete --- RIL [RID 0, Token id 19, Radio Not Available, Len 0 ]
01-22 04:22:00.457 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: flow control decision - 17
01-22 04:22:00.457 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: main trd 406d24f0, cur trd 43fad9a8
01-22 04:22:00.457 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: eq 0, under mn thrd 0
01-22 04:22:00.457 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: need protection 1
01-22 04:22:00.457 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: in protected zone
01-22 04:22:00.457 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: token under exec 19, completion token id 19
01-22 04:22:00.457 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: resp token-id 19, req-id 93(93)
01-22 04:22:00.457 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: invalid_token_execution - 0
01-22 04:22:00.457 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: do_flow_control_follow_up
01-22 04:22:00.458 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: left zone
01-22 04:22:00.458 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: dispatch outcome = 1
01-22 04:22:00.458 D/RILJ ( 1218): [3667]< RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SET_BROADCAST_CONFIG error 1 [SUB0]
01-22 04:22:00.458 D/RilRequest( 1218): [3667]< RIL_REQUEST_CDMA_SET_BROADCAST_CONFIG error: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE ret=
01-22 04:22:00.463 D/SubscriptionController( 1218): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready
01-22 04:22:00.471 D/SubscriptionController( 1218): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready
01-22 04:22:00.479 D/RILJ ( 1218): [3668]> RIL_REQUEST_GSM_SET_BROADCAST_CONFIG with 1 configs : [SUB0]
01-22 04:22:00.479 D/RILJ ( 1218): SmsBroadcastConfigInfo: Id [4352,4354] Code [0,255] ENABLED [SUB0]
01-22 04:22:00.480 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: UI --- RIL_REQUEST_GSM_SET_BROADCAST_SMS_CONFIG (90) ---> RIL [RID 0, token id 20, data len 8]
01-22 04:22:00.480 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: data stream received from telephony
01-22 04:22:00.480 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: android request id 90
01-22 04:22:00.480 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: handling caps 81200001 hex
01-22 04:22:00.480 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_create_android_live_params_copy: a-r-id 90, a-data 0xf53a5690, a-data-len 8
01-22 04:22:00.480 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: method 2, datalen 8
01-22 04:22:00.480 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: clean family 0
01-22 04:22:00.480 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: already waiting for exec 0
01-22 04:22:00.480 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: android_request_param_holder 42c733b8 hex
01-22 04:22:00.480 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: pending req kind 0x0 hex, awaitingexec req kind 0x0 hex
01-22 04:22:00.480 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: token under exec 20
01-22 04:22:00.480 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: pre-exec token id 20, a-r-id 90, audit 0, nrender 0
01-22 04:22:00.480 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_android_request_render_execution: rendering exec for token id 20
01-22 04:22:00.480 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_android_request_render_execution: called the function
01-22 04:22:00.480 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_send_request_response: Debug : qcril_send_request_response invoked
01-22 04:22:00.481 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_send_request_response: UI <--- RIL_REQUEST_GSM_SET_BROADCAST_SMS_CONFIG (90) Complete --- RIL [RID 0, Token id 20, Radio Not Available, Len 0 ]
01-22 04:22:00.481 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: flow control decision - 17
01-22 04:22:00.481 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: main trd 406d24f0, cur trd 43fad9a8
01-22 04:22:00.481 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: eq 0, under mn thrd 0
01-22 04:22:00.481 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: need protection 1
01-22 04:22:00.481 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: in protected zone
01-22 04:22:00.481 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: token under exec 20, completion token id 20
01-22 04:22:00.481 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: resp token-id 20, req-id 90(90)
01-22 04:22:00.481 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: invalid_token_execution - 0
01-22 04:22:00.481 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: do_flow_control_follow_up
01-22 04:22:00.481 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: left zone
01-22 04:22:00.481 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: dispatch outcome = 1
01-22 04:22:00.481 D/RILJ ( 1218): [3668]< RIL_REQUEST_GSM_SET_BROADCAST_CONFIG error 1 [SUB0]
01-22 04:22:00.482 D/RilRequest( 1218): [3668]< RIL_REQUEST_GSM_SET_BROADCAST_CONFIG error: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE ret=
01-22 04:22:00.487 D/SubscriptionController( 1218): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready
01-22 04:22:00.495 D/RILJ ( 1218): [3669]> RIL_REQUEST_GSM_SET_BROADCAST_CONFIG with 1 configs : [SUB0]
01-22 04:22:00.496 D/RILJ ( 1218): SmsBroadcastConfigInfo: Id [4356,4356] Code [0,255] ENABLED [SUB0]
01-22 04:22:00.497 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: UI --- RIL_REQUEST_GSM_SET_BROADCAST_SMS_CONFIG (90) ---> RIL [RID 0, token id 21, data len 8]
01-22 04:22:00.497 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: data stream received from telephony
01-22 04:22:00.497 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: android request id 90
01-22 04:22:00.497 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: handling caps 81200001 hex
01-22 04:22:00.497 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_create_android_live_params_copy: a-r-id 90, a-data 0xf53a5690, a-data-len 8
01-22 04:22:00.497 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: method 2, datalen 8
01-22 04:22:00.497 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: clean family 0
01-22 04:22:00.497 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: already waiting for exec 0
01-22 04:22:00.497 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: android_request_param_holder 42c733b8 hex
01-22 04:22:00.497 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: pending req kind 0x0 hex, awaitingexec req kind 0x0 hex
01-22 04:22:00.497 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: token under exec 21
01-22 04:22:00.497 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: pre-exec token id 21, a-r-id 90, audit 0, nrender 0
01-22 04:22:00.497 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_android_request_render_execution: rendering exec for token id 21
01-22 04:22:00.497 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_android_request_render_execution: called the function
01-22 04:22:00.497 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_send_request_response: Debug : qcril_send_request_response invoked
01-22 04:22:00.497 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_send_request_response: UI <--- RIL_REQUEST_GSM_SET_BROADCAST_SMS_CONFIG (90) Complete --- RIL [RID 0, Token id 21, Radio Not Available, Len 0 ]
01-22 04:22:00.497 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: flow control decision - 17
01-22 04:22:00.497 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: main trd 406d24f0, cur trd 43fad9a8
01-22 04:22:00.497 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: eq 0, under mn thrd 0
01-22 04:22:00.497 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: need protection 1
01-22 04:22:00.497 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: in protected zone
01-22 04:22:00.497 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: token under exec 21, completion token id 21
01-22 04:22:00.497 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: resp token-id 21, req-id 90(90)
01-22 04:22:00.497 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: invalid_token_execution - 0
01-22 04:22:00.497 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: do_flow_control_follow_up
01-22 04:22:00.497 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: left zone
01-22 04:22:00.497 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: dispatch outcome = 1
01-22 04:22:00.500 D/RILJ ( 1218): [3669]< RIL_REQUEST_GSM_SET_BROADCAST_CONFIG error 1 [SUB0]
01-22 04:22:00.500 D/RilRequest( 1218): [3669]< RIL_REQUEST_GSM_SET_BROADCAST_CONFIG error: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE ret=
01-22 04:22:00.511 D/SubscriptionController( 1218): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready
01-22 04:22:00.520 D/SubscriptionController( 1218): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready
01-22 04:22:00.527 D/RILJ ( 1218): [3670]> RIL_REQUEST_GSM_SET_BROADCAST_CONFIG with 1 configs : [SUB0]
01-22 04:22:00.527 D/RILJ ( 1218): SmsBroadcastConfigInfo: Id [4370,4370] Code [0,255] ENABLED [SUB0]
01-22 04:22:00.528 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: UI --- RIL_REQUEST_GSM_SET_BROADCAST_SMS_CONFIG (90) ---> RIL [RID 0, token id 22, data len 8]
01-22 04:22:00.528 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: data stream received from telephony
01-22 04:22:00.528 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: android request id 90
01-22 04:22:00.528 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: handling caps 81200001 hex
01-22 04:22:00.528 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_create_android_live_params_copy: a-r-id 90, a-data 0xf53a5690, a-data-len 8
01-22 04:22:00.528 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: method 2, datalen 8
01-22 04:22:00.528 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: clean family 0
01-22 04:22:00.528 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: already waiting for exec 0
01-22 04:22:00.528 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: android_request_param_holder 42c733b8 hex
01-22 04:22:00.528 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: pending req kind 0x0 hex, awaitingexec req kind 0x0 hex
01-22 04:22:00.528 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: token under exec 22
01-22 04:22:00.528 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: pre-exec token id 22, a-r-id 90, audit 0, nrender 0
01-22 04:22:00.528 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_android_request_render_execution: rendering exec for token id 22
01-22 04:22:00.529 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_android_request_render_execution: called the function
01-22 04:22:00.529 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_send_request_response: Debug : qcril_send_request_response invoked
01-22 04:22:00.529 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_send_request_response: UI <--- RIL_REQUEST_GSM_SET_BROADCAST_SMS_CONFIG (90) Complete --- RIL [RID 0, Token id 22, Radio Not Available, Len 0 ]
01-22 04:22:00.529 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: flow control decision - 17
01-22 04:22:00.529 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: main trd 406d24f0, cur trd 43fad9a8
01-22 04:22:00.529 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: eq 0, under mn thrd 0
01-22 04:22:00.529 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: need protection 1
01-22 04:22:00.529 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: in protected zone
01-22 04:22:00.529 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: token under exec 22, completion token id 22
01-22 04:22:00.529 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: resp token-id 22, req-id 90(90)
01-22 04:22:00.529 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: invalid_token_execution - 0
01-22 04:22:00.530 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: do_flow_control_follow_up
01-22 04:22:00.530 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: left zone
01-22 04:22:00.530 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: dispatch outcome = 1
01-22 04:22:00.530 D/RILJ ( 1218): [3670]< RIL_REQUEST_GSM_SET_BROADCAST_CONFIG error 1 [SUB0]
01-22 04:22:00.530 D/RilRequest( 1218): [3670]< RIL_REQUEST_GSM_SET_BROADCAST_CONFIG error: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE ret=
01-22 04:22:00.536 D/SubscriptionController( 1218): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready
01-22 04:22:00.546 D/RILJ ( 1218): [3671]> RIL_REQUEST_GSM_SET_BROADCAST_CONFIG with 1 configs : [SUB0]
01-22 04:22:00.546 D/RILJ ( 1218): SmsBroadcastConfigInfo: Id [4371,4372] Code [0,255] ENABLED [SUB0]
01-22 04:22:00.549 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: UI --- RIL_REQUEST_GSM_SET_BROADCAST_SMS_CONFIG (90) ---> RIL [RID 0, token id 23, data len 8]
01-22 04:22:00.549 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: data stream received from telephony
01-22 04:22:00.549 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: android request id 90
01-22 04:22:00.549 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: handling caps 81200001 hex
01-22 04:22:00.550 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_create_android_live_params_copy: a-r-id 90, a-data 0xf53a5690, a-data-len 8
01-22 04:22:00.550 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: method 2, datalen 8
01-22 04:22:00.550 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: clean family 0
01-22 04:22:00.550 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: already waiting for exec 0
01-22 04:22:00.550 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: android_request_param_holder 42c733b8 hex
01-22 04:22:00.550 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: pending req kind 0x0 hex, awaitingexec req kind 0x0 hex
01-22 04:22:00.550 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: token under exec 23
01-22 04:22:00.550 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: pre-exec token id 23, a-r-id 90, audit 0, nrender 0
01-22 04:22:00.550 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_android_request_render_execution: rendering exec for token id 23
01-22 04:22:00.550 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_android_request_render_execution: called the function
01-22 04:22:00.550 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_send_request_response: Debug : qcril_send_request_response invoked
01-22 04:22:00.550 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_send_request_response: UI <--- RIL_REQUEST_GSM_SET_BROADCAST_SMS_CONFIG (90) Complete --- RIL [RID 0, Token id 23, Radio Not Available, Len 0 ]
01-22 04:22:00.550 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: flow control decision - 17
01-22 04:22:00.550 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: main trd 406d24f0, cur trd 43fad9a8
01-22 04:22:00.550 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: eq 0, under mn thrd 0
01-22 04:22:00.550 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: need protection 1
01-22 04:22:00.550 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: in protected zone
01-22 04:22:00.550 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: token under exec 23, completion token id 23
01-22 04:22:00.550 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: resp token-id 23, req-id 90(90)
01-22 04:22:00.550 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: invalid_token_execution - 0
01-22 04:22:00.551 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: do_flow_control_follow_up
01-22 04:22:00.551 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: left zone
01-22 04:22:00.551 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: dispatch outcome = 1
01-22 04:22:00.551 D/RILJ ( 1218): [3671]< RIL_REQUEST_GSM_SET_BROADCAST_CONFIG error 1 [SUB0]
01-22 04:22:00.551 D/RilRequest( 1218): [3671]< RIL_REQUEST_GSM_SET_BROADCAST_CONFIG error: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE ret=
01-22 04:22:00.565 D/SubscriptionController( 1218): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready
01-22 04:22:00.573 D/RILJ ( 1218): [3672]> RIL_REQUEST_GSM_SET_BROADCAST_CONFIG with 1 configs : [SUB0]
01-22 04:22:00.573 D/RILJ ( 1218): SmsBroadcastConfigInfo: Id [4373,4378] Code [0,255] ENABLED [SUB0]
01-22 04:22:00.574 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: UI --- RIL_REQUEST_GSM_SET_BROADCAST_SMS_CONFIG (90) ---> RIL [RID 0, token id 24, data len 8]
01-22 04:22:00.574 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: data stream received from telephony
01-22 04:22:00.574 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: android request id 90
01-22 04:22:00.574 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: handling caps 81200001 hex
01-22 04:22:00.574 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_create_android_live_params_copy: a-r-id 90, a-data 0xf53a5690, a-data-len 8
01-22 04:22:00.574 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: method 2, datalen 8
01-22 04:22:00.574 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: clean family 0
01-22 04:22:00.574 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: already waiting for exec 0
01-22 04:22:00.574 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: android_request_param_holder 42c733b8 hex
01-22 04:22:00.574 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: pending req kind 0x0 hex, awaitingexec req kind 0x0 hex
01-22 04:22:00.574 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: token under exec 24
01-22 04:22:00.574 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: pre-exec token id 24, a-r-id 90, audit 0, nrender 0
01-22 04:22:00.574 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_android_request_render_execution: rendering exec for token id 24
01-22 04:22:00.574 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_android_request_render_execution: called the function
01-22 04:22:00.574 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_send_request_response: Debug : qcril_send_request_response invoked
01-22 04:22:00.574 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_send_request_response: UI <--- RIL_REQUEST_GSM_SET_BROADCAST_SMS_CONFIG (90) Complete --- RIL [RID 0, Token id 24, Radio Not Available, Len 0 ]
01-22 04:22:00.574 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: flow control decision - 17
01-22 04:22:00.574 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: main trd 406d24f0, cur trd 43fad9a8
01-22 04:22:00.574 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: eq 0, under mn thrd 0
01-22 04:22:00.575 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: need protection 1
01-22 04:22:00.575 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: in protected zone
01-22 04:22:00.575 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: token under exec 24, completion token id 24
01-22 04:22:00.575 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: resp token-id 24, req-id 90(90)
01-22 04:22:00.575 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: invalid_token_execution - 0
01-22 04:22:00.575 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: do_flow_control_follow_up
01-22 04:22:00.575 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: left zone
01-22 04:22:00.575 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: dispatch outcome = 1
01-22 04:22:00.575 D/RILJ ( 1218): [3672]< RIL_REQUEST_GSM_SET_BROADCAST_CONFIG error 1 [SUB0]
01-22 04:22:00.576 D/RilRequest( 1218): [3672]< RIL_REQUEST_GSM_SET_BROADCAST_CONFIG error: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE ret=
01-22 04:22:00.581 D/SubscriptionController( 1218): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready
01-22 04:22:00.587 D/RILJ ( 1218): [3673]> RIL_REQUEST_GSM_SET_BROADCAST_CONFIG with 1 configs : [SUB0]
01-22 04:22:00.587 D/RILJ ( 1218): SmsBroadcastConfigInfo: Id [4379,4379] Code [0,255] ENABLED [SUB0]
01-22 04:22:00.588 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: UI --- RIL_REQUEST_GSM_SET_BROADCAST_SMS_CONFIG (90) ---> RIL [RID 0, token id 25, data len 8]
01-22 04:22:00.588 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: data stream received from telephony
01-22 04:22:00.588 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: android request id 90
01-22 04:22:00.588 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: handling caps 81200001 hex
01-22 04:22:00.588 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_create_android_live_params_copy: a-r-id 90, a-data 0xf53a5690, a-data-len 8
01-22 04:22:00.588 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: method 2, datalen 8
01-22 04:22:00.588 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: clean family 0
01-22 04:22:00.588 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: already waiting for exec 0
01-22 04:22:00.588 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: android_request_param_holder 42c733b8 hex
01-22 04:22:00.588 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: pending req kind 0x0 hex, awaitingexec req kind 0x0 hex
01-22 04:22:00.588 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: token under exec 25
01-22 04:22:00.588 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: pre-exec token id 25, a-r-id 90, audit 0, nrender 0
01-22 04:22:00.588 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_android_request_render_execution: rendering exec for token id 25
01-22 04:22:00.588 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_android_request_render_execution: called the function
01-22 04:22:00.588 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_send_request_response: Debug : qcril_send_request_response invoked
01-22 04:22:00.589 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_send_request_response: UI <--- RIL_REQUEST_GSM_SET_BROADCAST_SMS_CONFIG (90) Complete --- RIL [RID 0, Token id 25, Radio Not Available, Len 0 ]
01-22 04:22:00.589 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: flow control decision - 17
01-22 04:22:00.589 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: main trd 406d24f0, cur trd 43fad9a8
01-22 04:22:00.589 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: eq 0, under mn thrd 0
01-22 04:22:00.589 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: need protection 1
01-22 04:22:00.589 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: in protected zone
01-22 04:22:00.589 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: token under exec 25, completion token id 25
01-22 04:22:00.589 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: resp token-id 25, req-id 90(90)
01-22 04:22:00.589 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: invalid_token_execution - 0
01-22 04:22:00.589 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: do_flow_control_follow_up
01-22 04:22:00.589 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: left zone
01-22 04:22:00.589 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: dispatch outcome = 1
01-22 04:22:00.589 D/RILJ ( 1218): [3673]< RIL_REQUEST_GSM_SET_BROADCAST_CONFIG error 1 [SUB0]
01-22 04:22:00.589 D/RilRequest( 1218): [3673]< RIL_REQUEST_GSM_SET_BROADCAST_CONFIG error: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE ret=
01-22 04:22:00.594 D/SubscriptionController( 1218): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready
01-22 04:22:00.610 D/SubscriptionController( 1218): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready
01-22 04:22:00.622 D/RILJ ( 1218): [3674]> RIL_REQUEST_GSM_SET_BROADCAST_CONFIG with 1 configs : [SUB0]
01-22 04:22:00.622 D/RILJ ( 1218): SmsBroadcastConfigInfo: Id [4383,4383] Code [0,255] ENABLED [SUB0]
01-22 04:22:00.623 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: UI --- RIL_REQUEST_GSM_SET_BROADCAST_SMS_CONFIG (90) ---> RIL [RID 0, token id 26, data len 8]
01-22 04:22:00.623 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: data stream received from telephony
01-22 04:22:00.623 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: android request id 90
01-22 04:22:00.623 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: handling caps 81200001 hex
01-22 04:22:00.623 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_create_android_live_params_copy: a-r-id 90, a-data 0xf53a5690, a-data-len 8
01-22 04:22:00.623 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: method 2, datalen 8
01-22 04:22:00.623 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: clean family 0
01-22 04:22:00.623 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: already waiting for exec 0
01-22 04:22:00.623 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: android_request_param_holder 42c733b8 hex
01-22 04:22:00.623 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: pending req kind 0x0 hex, awaitingexec req kind 0x0 hex
01-22 04:22:00.623 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: token under exec 26
01-22 04:22:00.623 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: pre-exec token id 26, a-r-id 90, audit 0, nrender 0
01-22 04:22:00.623 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_android_request_render_execution: rendering exec for token id 26
01-22 04:22:00.623 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_android_request_render_execution: called the function
01-22 04:22:00.623 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_send_request_response: Debug : qcril_send_request_response invoked
01-22 04:22:00.623 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_send_request_response: UI <--- RIL_REQUEST_GSM_SET_BROADCAST_SMS_CONFIG (90) Complete --- RIL [RID 0, Token id 26, Radio Not Available, Len 0 ]
01-22 04:22:00.623 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: flow control decision - 17
01-22 04:22:00.623 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: main trd 406d24f0, cur trd 43fad9a8
01-22 04:22:00.623 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: eq 0, under mn thrd 0
01-22 04:22:00.623 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: need protection 1
01-22 04:22:00.623 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: in protected zone
01-22 04:22:00.623 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: token under exec 26, completion token id 26
01-22 04:22:00.623 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: resp token-id 26, req-id 90(90)
01-22 04:22:00.623 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: invalid_token_execution - 0
01-22 04:22:00.623 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: do_flow_control_follow_up
01-22 04:22:00.624 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: left zone
01-22 04:22:00.624 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: dispatch outcome = 1
01-22 04:22:00.624 D/RILJ ( 1218): [3674]< RIL_REQUEST_GSM_SET_BROADCAST_CONFIG error 1 [SUB0]
01-22 04:22:00.624 D/RilRequest( 1218): [3674]< RIL_REQUEST_GSM_SET_BROADCAST_CONFIG error: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE ret=
01-22 04:22:00.632 D/SubscriptionController( 1218): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready
01-22 04:22:00.642 D/RILJ ( 1218): [3675]> RIL_REQUEST_GSM_SET_BROADCAST_CONFIG with 1 configs : [SUB0]
01-22 04:22:00.642 D/RILJ ( 1218): SmsBroadcastConfigInfo: Id [4384,4385] Code [0,255] ENABLED [SUB0]
01-22 04:22:00.643 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: UI --- RIL_REQUEST_GSM_SET_BROADCAST_SMS_CONFIG (90) ---> RIL [RID 0, token id 27, data len 8]
01-22 04:22:00.643 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: data stream received from telephony
01-22 04:22:00.643 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: android request id 90
01-22 04:22:00.643 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: handling caps 81200001 hex
01-22 04:22:00.643 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_create_android_live_params_copy: a-r-id 90, a-data 0xf53a5690, a-data-len 8
01-22 04:22:00.643 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: method 2, datalen 8
01-22 04:22:00.643 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: clean family 0
01-22 04:22:00.643 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: already waiting for exec 0
01-22 04:22:00.643 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: android_request_param_holder 42c733b8 hex
01-22 04:22:00.643 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: pending req kind 0x0 hex, awaitingexec req kind 0x0 hex
01-22 04:22:00.643 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: token under exec 27
01-22 04:22:00.643 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: pre-exec token id 27, a-r-id 90, audit 0, nrender 0
01-22 04:22:00.643 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_android_request_render_execution: rendering exec for token id 27
01-22 04:22:00.643 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_android_request_render_execution: called the function
01-22 04:22:00.643 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_send_request_response: Debug : qcril_send_request_response invoked
01-22 04:22:00.643 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_send_request_response: UI <--- RIL_REQUEST_GSM_SET_BROADCAST_SMS_CONFIG (90) Complete --- RIL [RID 0, Token id 27, Radio Not Available, Len 0 ]
01-22 04:22:00.643 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: flow control decision - 17
01-22 04:22:00.643 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: main trd 406d24f0, cur trd 43fad9a8
01-22 04:22:00.643 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: eq 0, under mn thrd 0
01-22 04:22:00.643 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: need protection 1
01-22 04:22:00.643 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: in protected zone
01-22 04:22:00.643 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: token under exec 27, completion token id 27
01-22 04:22:00.643 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: resp token-id 27, req-id 90(90)
01-22 04:22:00.643 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: invalid_token_execution - 0
01-22 04:22:00.643 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: do_flow_control_follow_up
01-22 04:22:00.644 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: left zone
01-22 04:22:00.644 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: dispatch outcome = 1
01-22 04:22:00.644 D/RILJ ( 1218): [3675]< RIL_REQUEST_GSM_SET_BROADCAST_CONFIG error 1 [SUB0]
01-22 04:22:00.644 D/RilRequest( 1218): [3675]< RIL_REQUEST_GSM_SET_BROADCAST_CONFIG error: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE ret=
01-22 04:22:00.650 D/SubscriptionController( 1218): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready
01-22 04:22:00.658 D/RILJ ( 1218): [3676]> RIL_REQUEST_GSM_SET_BROADCAST_CONFIG with 1 configs : [SUB0]
01-22 04:22:00.658 D/RILJ ( 1218): SmsBroadcastConfigInfo: Id [4386,4391] Code [0,255] ENABLED [SUB0]
01-22 04:22:00.659 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: UI --- RIL_REQUEST_GSM_SET_BROADCAST_SMS_CONFIG (90) ---> RIL [RID 0, token id 28, data len 8]
01-22 04:22:00.659 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: data stream received from telephony
01-22 04:22:00.659 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: android request id 90
01-22 04:22:00.659 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: handling caps 81200001 hex
01-22 04:22:00.659 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_create_android_live_params_copy: a-r-id 90, a-data 0xf53a5690, a-data-len 8
01-22 04:22:00.659 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: method 2, datalen 8
01-22 04:22:00.659 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: clean family 0
01-22 04:22:00.659 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: already waiting for exec 0
01-22 04:22:00.659 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: android_request_param_holder 42c733b8 hex
01-22 04:22:00.659 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: pending req kind 0x0 hex, awaitingexec req kind 0x0 hex
01-22 04:22:00.659 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: token under exec 28
01-22 04:22:00.659 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: pre-exec token id 28, a-r-id 90, audit 0, nrender 0
01-22 04:22:00.659 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_android_request_render_execution: rendering exec for token id 28
01-22 04:22:00.659 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_android_request_render_execution: called the function
01-22 04:22:00.659 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_send_request_response: Debug : qcril_send_request_response invoked
01-22 04:22:00.659 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_send_request_response: UI <--- RIL_REQUEST_GSM_SET_BROADCAST_SMS_CONFIG (90) Complete --- RIL [RID 0, Token id 28, Radio Not Available, Len 0 ]
01-22 04:22:00.659 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: flow control decision - 17
01-22 04:22:00.659 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: main trd 406d24f0, cur trd 43fad9a8
01-22 04:22:00.659 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: eq 0, under mn thrd 0
01-22 04:22:00.659 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: need protection 1
01-22 04:22:00.659 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: in protected zone
01-22 04:22:00.659 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: token under exec 28, completion token id 28
01-22 04:22:00.659 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: resp token-id 28, req-id 90(90)
01-22 04:22:00.659 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: invalid_token_execution - 0
01-22 04:22:00.659 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: do_flow_control_follow_up
01-22 04:22:00.659 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: left zone
01-22 04:22:00.660 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: dispatch outcome = 1
01-22 04:22:00.660 D/RILJ ( 1218): [3676]< RIL_REQUEST_GSM_SET_BROADCAST_CONFIG error 1 [SUB0]
01-22 04:22:00.660 D/RilRequest( 1218): [3676]< RIL_REQUEST_GSM_SET_BROADCAST_CONFIG error: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE ret=
01-22 04:22:00.666 D/SubscriptionController( 1218): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready
01-22 04:22:00.676 D/RILJ ( 1218): [3677]> RIL_REQUEST_GSM_SET_BROADCAST_CONFIG with 1 configs : [SUB0]
01-22 04:22:00.676 D/RILJ ( 1218): SmsBroadcastConfigInfo: Id [4392,4392] Code [0,255] ENABLED [SUB0]
01-22 04:22:00.677 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: UI --- RIL_REQUEST_GSM_SET_BROADCAST_SMS_CONFIG (90) ---> RIL [RID 0, token id 29, data len 8]
01-22 04:22:00.677 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: data stream received from telephony
01-22 04:22:00.677 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: android request id 90
01-22 04:22:00.677 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: handling caps 81200001 hex
01-22 04:22:00.677 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_create_android_live_params_copy: a-r-id 90, a-data 0xf53a5690, a-data-len 8
01-22 04:22:00.677 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: method 2, datalen 8
01-22 04:22:00.677 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: clean family 0
01-22 04:22:00.677 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: already waiting for exec 0
01-22 04:22:00.677 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: android_request_param_holder 42c733b8 hex
01-22 04:22:00.677 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: pending req kind 0x0 hex, awaitingexec req kind 0x0 hex
01-22 04:22:00.677 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: token under exec 29
01-22 04:22:00.677 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: pre-exec token id 29, a-r-id 90, audit 0, nrender 0
01-22 04:22:00.677 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_android_request_render_execution: rendering exec for token id 29
01-22 04:22:00.677 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_android_request_render_execution: called the function
01-22 04:22:00.677 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_send_request_response: Debug : qcril_send_request_response invoked
01-22 04:22:00.677 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_send_request_response: UI <--- RIL_REQUEST_GSM_SET_BROADCAST_SMS_CONFIG (90) Complete --- RIL [RID 0, Token id 29, Radio Not Available, Len 0 ]
01-22 04:22:00.677 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: flow control decision - 17
01-22 04:22:00.677 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: main trd 406d24f0, cur trd 43fad9a8
01-22 04:22:00.677 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: eq 0, under mn thrd 0
01-22 04:22:00.677 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: need protection 1
01-22 04:22:00.678 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: in protected zone
01-22 04:22:00.678 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: token under exec 29, completion token id 29
01-22 04:22:00.678 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: resp token-id 29, req-id 90(90)
01-22 04:22:00.678 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: invalid_token_execution - 0
01-22 04:22:00.678 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: do_flow_control_follow_up
01-22 04:22:00.678 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: left zone
01-22 04:22:00.678 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: dispatch outcome = 1
01-22 04:22:00.678 D/RILJ ( 1218): [3677]< RIL_REQUEST_GSM_SET_BROADCAST_CONFIG error 1 [SUB0]
01-22 04:22:00.679 D/RilRequest( 1218): [3677]< RIL_REQUEST_GSM_SET_BROADCAST_CONFIG error: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE ret=
01-22 04:22:00.683 D/SubscriptionController( 1218): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready
01-22 04:22:00.854 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 554): select timedout
01-22 04:22:00.854 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 554): Read or write from client proces failed
01-22 04:22:00.854 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 554): CallRequestComplete buf size=0
01-22 04:22:00.854 E/RILC ( 554): RIL_onRequestComplete: invalid RIL_Token
01-22 04:22:00.854 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 554): Finished processing onRequestComplete
01-22 04:22:00.854 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 554): CommThread Waiting for ril request
01-22 04:22:00.909 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 1325): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_entries = 0 num_services = 0
01-22 04:22:00.909 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 1325): qmi_motext_sprint_client_init_with_type: Try (4): Client init fail. rc = -2
01-22 04:22:00.909 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 1325): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_notifier_init
01-22 04:22:00.909 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 1325): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_services = 0
01-22 04:22:00.909 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 1325): sprint_client_init: wait for server to come up.
01-22 04:22:01.910 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 1325): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_services = 0
01-22 04:22:01.910 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 1325): sprint_client_init: wait for server to come up.
01-22 04:22:01.943 D/DCT ( 1218): [0]Wifi state changed
01-22 04:22:01.944 D/DCT ( 1218): [0]WIFI_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: enabled=false mIsWifiConnected=false
01-22 04:22:02.550 D/SubscriptionController( 1218): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready
01-22 04:22:02.571 D/SubscriptionController( 1218): [getPhoneId] asked for default subId=-1
01-22 04:22:02.590 D/SubscriptionController( 1218): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready
01-22 04:22:02.607 I/chatty ( 1218): uid=1001(radio) Binder:1218_2 identical 1 line
01-22 04:22:02.699 D/SubscriptionController( 1218): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready
01-22 04:22:02.910 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 1325): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_services = 0
01-22 04:22:02.910 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 1325): sprint_client_init: wait for server to come up.
01-22 04:22:03.046 D/CAT ( 1218): [ACTION_BOOT_COMPLETED]
01-22 04:22:03.061 D/CAT ( 1218): onCreate()+
01-22 04:22:03.061 D/CAT ( 1218): simCount: 1
01-22 04:22:03.097 D/CAT ( 1218): slotId: 0
01-22 04:22:03.107 D/CAT ( 1218): onStart sim id: 0, op: 5, *****
01-22 04:22:03.107 D/CAT ( 1218): mStkService is: -1
01-22 04:22:03.133 D/CAT ( 1218): StkAppInstaller: [setAppState]+
01-22 04:22:03.134 D/CAT ( 1218): StkAppInstaller: Need not change app state!!
01-22 04:22:03.134 D/CAT ( 1218): StkAppInstaller: [setAppState]-
01-22 04:22:03.135 D/CAT ( 1218): onDestroy()
01-22 04:22:03.243 D/SubscriptionController( 1218): [getPhoneId] asked for default subId=-1
01-22 04:22:03.910 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 1325): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_services = 0
01-22 04:22:03.910 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 1325): sprint_client_init: wait for server to come up.
01-22 04:22:04.075 D/DCT ( 1218): [0]screen on
01-22 04:22:04.075 D/DCT ( 1218): [0]stopNetStatPoll
01-22 04:22:04.911 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 1325): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_services = 0
01-22 04:22:04.911 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 1325): sprint_client_init: wait for server to come up.
01-22 04:22:05.074 W/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][core_init] qcril_setup_timed_callback: Immediate call back
01-22 04:22:05.074 W/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][core_init] qcril_setup_timed_callback: Set timer with ID 7
01-22 04:22:05.074 W/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][main] qmi_ril_get_property_value_helper: ret value 1
01-22 04:22:05.075 E/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][main] qmi_ril_peripheral_mng_vote: modem connect failed -1
01-22 04:22:05.075 E/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][main] qcril_qmi_vote_for_modem_up_using_pm: Could not vote for modem modem
01-22 04:22:05.075 W/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][main] qcril_qmi_client_init: Client connecting to QMI FW
01-22 04:22:05.417 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][core_init] qcril_setup_timed_callback: Immediate call back
01-22 04:22:05.417 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][core_init] qcril_setup_timed_callback: Set timer with ID 9
01-22 04:22:05.417 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][main] qmi_ril_get_property_value_helper: ret value 1
01-22 04:22:05.418 E/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][main] qmi_ril_peripheral_mng_vote: modem connect failed -1
01-22 04:22:05.418 E/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][main] qcril_qmi_vote_for_modem_up_using_pm: Could not vote for modem modem
01-22 04:22:05.418 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][main] qcril_qmi_client_init: Client connecting to QMI FW
01-22 04:22:05.911 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 1325): sprint_client_init: qmi_client_get_service_list() returned -2 num_entries = 0 num_services = 0
01-22 04:22:05.911 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 1325): qmi_motext_sprint_client_init_with_type: Try (5): Client init fail. rc = -2
01-22 04:22:05.911 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 1325): qmi_motext_sprint_client_init: NAS Client Init rc: -2
01-22 04:22:05.911 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 1325): main:qmi_motext_sprint_client_init failed = -2
01-22 04:22:05.913 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 554): Read failed with errno 0
01-22 04:22:05.913 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 554): Continuous errors in readData, exiting
01-22 04:22:05.913 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 554): Exiting Communication Thread
01-22 04:22:05.913 E/use-Rlog/RLOG-RIL-MOTEXT( 554): reapedChildPid=1325 is reaped; exitStatus=0
01-22 04:22:07.219 D/DCT ( 1218): [0]Wifi state changed
01-22 04:22:07.219 D/DCT ( 1218): [0]WIFI_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION: enabled=false mIsWifiConnected=false
01-22 04:22:08.219 D/RILJ ( 1218): [3678]> RIL_REQUEST_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST [SUB0]
01-22 04:22:08.220 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: UI --- RIL_REQUEST_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST (109) ---> RIL [RID 0, token id 30, data len 0]
01-22 04:22:08.220 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: data stream received from telephony
01-22 04:22:08.220 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: android request id 109
01-22 04:22:08.220 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: handling caps 41200010 hex
01-22 04:22:08.220 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_create_android_live_params_copy: a-r-id 109, a-data 0x0, a-data-len 0
01-22 04:22:08.220 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: method 3, datalen 0
01-22 04:22:08.220 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: clean family 0
01-22 04:22:08.220 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: already waiting for exec 0
01-22 04:22:08.220 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: android_request_param_holder 42c90d80 hex
01-22 04:22:08.220 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: pending req kind 0x0 hex, awaitingexec req kind 0x0 hex
01-22 04:22:08.220 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: token under exec 30
01-22 04:22:08.220 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: pre-exec token id 30, a-r-id 109, audit 0, nrender 0
01-22 04:22:08.220 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_android_request_render_execution: rendering exec for token id 30
01-22 04:22:08.220 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_create_android_live_params_copy: a-r-id 109, a-data 0x0, a-data-len 0
01-22 04:22:08.220 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_execute_event: Successfully routed to dedicated thrd, status 0
01-22 04:22:08.220 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_android_request_render_execution: called the function
01-22 04:22:08.221 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: dispatch outcome = 0
01-22 04:22:08.221 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-109(744)] qcril_send_request_response: Debug : qcril_send_request_response invoked
01-22 04:22:08.221 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-109(744)] qcril_send_request_response: UI <--- RIL_REQUEST_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST (109) Complete --- RIL [RID 0, Token id 30, unknown, Len 0 ]
01-22 04:22:08.221 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-109(744)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: flow control decision - 0
01-22 04:22:08.221 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-109(744)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: main trd 406d24f0, cur trd 403da4f0
01-22 04:22:08.221 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-109(744)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: eq 0, under mn thrd 0
01-22 04:22:08.221 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-109(744)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: need protection 1
01-22 04:22:08.221 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-109(744)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: in protected zone
01-22 04:22:08.221 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-109(744)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: token under exec 30, completion token id 30
01-22 04:22:08.221 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-109(744)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: resp token-id 30, req-id 109(109)
01-22 04:22:08.221 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-109(744)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: invalid_token_execution - 0
01-22 04:22:08.221 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-109(744)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: do_flow_control_follow_up
01-22 04:22:08.221 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-109(744)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: regarded_same 0
01-22 04:22:08.221 I/chatty ( 554): uid=1001(radio) /vendor/bin/hw/rild identical 14 lines
01-22 04:22:08.221 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-109(744)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: regarded_same 0
01-22 04:22:08.221 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-109(744)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: left zone
01-22 04:22:08.224 D/RILJ ( 1218): [3678]< RIL_REQUEST_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST error 39 [SUB0]
01-22 04:22:08.225 D/RilRequest( 1218): [3678]< RIL_REQUEST_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST error: SYSTEM_ERR ret=[]
01-22 04:22:08.225 D/SST ( 1218): EVENT_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST: error ret null, SYSTEM_ERR
01-22 04:22:08.225 D/SST ( 1218): SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
01-22 04:22:08.386 D/DCT ( 1218): [0]screen off
01-22 04:22:08.386 D/DCT ( 1218): [0]stopNetStatPoll
01-22 04:22:10.910 D/PhoneSwitcher( 1218): evaluating due to netReleased
01-22 04:22:10.912 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1218): not releasing - isApp=false, isAct=false NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=9, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
01-22 04:22:11.175 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1218): got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=13, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] with score 0
01-22 04:22:11.178 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1218): not acting - isApp=false, isAct=false NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=13, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
01-22 04:22:11.179 D/PhoneSwitcher( 1218): evaluating due to netRequest
01-22 04:22:11.534 D/PhoneSwitcher( 1218): evaluating due to netReleased
01-22 04:22:11.536 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1218): not releasing - isApp=false, isAct=false NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=13, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
01-22 04:22:11.814 D/SubscriptionController( 1218): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready
01-22 04:22:11.826 D/PhoneSwitcher( 1218): evaluating due to netRequest
01-22 04:22:11.828 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1218): got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=16, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] with score 0
01-22 04:22:11.830 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1218): not acting - isApp=false, isAct=false NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=16, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
01-22 04:22:12.105 D/PhoneSwitcher( 1218): evaluating due to netReleased
01-22 04:22:12.109 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1218): not releasing - isApp=false, isAct=false NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=16, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
01-22 04:22:12.418 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1218): got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=19, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] with score 0
01-22 04:22:12.418 D/PhoneSwitcher( 1218): evaluating due to netRequest
01-22 04:22:12.422 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1218): not acting - isApp=false, isAct=false NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=19, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
01-22 04:22:12.708 D/PhoneSwitcher( 1218): evaluating due to netReleased
01-22 04:22:12.710 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1218): not releasing - isApp=false, isAct=false NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=19, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
01-22 04:22:12.964 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1218): got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=22, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] with score 0
01-22 04:22:12.966 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1218): not acting - isApp=false, isAct=false NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=22, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
01-22 04:22:12.967 D/PhoneSwitcher( 1218): evaluating due to netRequest
01-22 04:22:13.164 D/PhoneSwitcher( 1218): evaluating due to netReleased
01-22 04:22:13.167 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1218): not releasing - isApp=false, isAct=false NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=22, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
01-22 04:22:13.438 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1218): got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=25, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] with score 0
01-22 04:22:13.439 D/PhoneSwitcher( 1218): evaluating due to netRequest
01-22 04:22:13.442 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1218): not acting - isApp=false, isAct=false NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=25, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
01-22 04:22:13.767 D/PhoneSwitcher( 1218): evaluating due to netReleased
01-22 04:22:13.769 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1218): not releasing - isApp=false, isAct=false NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=25, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
01-22 04:22:14.043 D/PhoneSwitcher( 1218): evaluating due to netRequest
01-22 04:22:14.045 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1218): got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=28, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] with score 0
01-22 04:22:14.047 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1218): not acting - isApp=false, isAct=false NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=28, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
01-22 04:22:14.119 I/RILQ ( 534): (1/534):RIL[1][main] qcril_qmi_init_core_client_handles: Client init failed, details: QMI Voice
01-22 04:22:14.414 D/PhoneSwitcher( 1218): evaluating due to netReleased
01-22 04:22:14.417 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1218): not releasing - isApp=false, isAct=false NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=28, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
01-22 04:22:14.463 I/RILQ ( 554): (0/554):RIL[0][main] qcril_qmi_init_core_client_handles: Client init failed, details: QMI Voice
01-22 04:22:14.697 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1218): got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=31, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] with score 0
01-22 04:22:14.697 D/PhoneSwitcher( 1218): evaluating due to netRequest
01-22 04:22:14.700 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1218): not acting - isApp=false, isAct=false NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=31, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
01-22 04:22:14.931 D/PhoneSwitcher( 1218): evaluating due to netReleased
01-22 04:22:14.933 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1218): not releasing - isApp=false, isAct=false NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=31, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
01-22 04:22:15.386 D/PhoneSwitcher( 1218): evaluating due to netRequest
01-22 04:22:15.387 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1218): got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=34, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] with score 0
01-22 04:22:15.389 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1218): not acting - isApp=false, isAct=false NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=34, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
01-22 04:22:15.810 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1218): not releasing - isApp=false, isAct=false NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=34, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
01-22 04:22:15.811 D/PhoneSwitcher( 1218): evaluating due to netReleased
01-22 04:22:16.131 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1218): got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=37, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] with score 0
01-22 04:22:16.132 D/PhoneSwitcher( 1218): evaluating due to netRequest
01-22 04:22:16.135 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1218): not acting - isApp=false, isAct=false NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=37, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
01-22 04:22:16.572 D/PhoneSwitcher( 1218): evaluating due to netReleased
01-22 04:22:16.574 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1218): not releasing - isApp=false, isAct=false NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=37, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
01-22 04:22:16.770 D/SubscriptionController( 1218): [getActiveSubInfoList] Sub Controller not ready
01-22 04:22:16.784 D/SubscriptionController( 1218): [getSlotIndex]- subId invalid
01-22 04:22:16.916 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1218): got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=40, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] with score 0
01-22 04:22:16.917 D/PhoneSwitcher( 1218): evaluating due to netRequest
01-22 04:22:16.919 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1218): not acting - isApp=false, isAct=false NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=40, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
01-22 04:22:17.324 D/PhoneSwitcher( 1218): evaluating due to netReleased
01-22 04:22:17.326 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1218): not releasing - isApp=false, isAct=false NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=40, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
01-22 04:22:17.651 D/PhoneSwitcher( 1218): evaluating due to netRequest
01-22 04:22:17.652 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1218): got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=43, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] with score 0
01-22 04:22:17.654 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1218): not acting - isApp=false, isAct=false NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=43, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
01-22 04:22:17.922 D/SubscriptionController( 1218): [getSlotIndex]- subId invalid
01-22 04:22:17.925 D/PhoneSwitcher( 1218): evaluating due to netReleased
01-22 04:22:17.927 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1218): not releasing - isApp=false, isAct=false NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=43, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
01-22 04:22:17.960 D/TelephonyManager( 1626): getCellLocation returning null due to NullPointerException java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean android.os.Bundle.isEmpty()' on a null object reference
01-22 04:22:17.972 D/RILJ ( 1218): [3679]> RIL_REQUEST_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST [SUB0]
01-22 04:22:17.973 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: UI --- RIL_REQUEST_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST (109) ---> RIL [RID 0, token id 31, data len 0]
01-22 04:22:17.973 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: data stream received from telephony
01-22 04:22:17.973 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: android request id 109
01-22 04:22:17.973 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: handling caps 41200010 hex
01-22 04:22:17.973 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_create_android_live_params_copy: a-r-id 109, a-data 0x0, a-data-len 0
01-22 04:22:17.973 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: method 3, datalen 0
01-22 04:22:17.973 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: clean family 0
01-22 04:22:17.973 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: already waiting for exec 0
01-22 04:22:17.973 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: android_request_param_holder 42c90d80 hex
01-22 04:22:17.973 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: pending req kind 0x0 hex, awaitingexec req kind 0x0 hex
01-22 04:22:17.973 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: token under exec 31
01-22 04:22:17.973 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: pre-exec token id 31, a-r-id 109, audit 0, nrender 0
01-22 04:22:17.973 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_android_request_render_execution: rendering exec for token id 31
01-22 04:22:17.974 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_create_android_live_params_copy: a-r-id 109, a-data 0x0, a-data-len 0
01-22 04:22:17.974 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qcril_execute_event: Successfully routed to dedicated thrd, status 0
01-22 04:22:17.974 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] qmi_ril_fw_android_request_render_execution: called the function
01-22 04:22:17.974 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][rild] onRequest: dispatch outcome = 0
01-22 04:22:17.974 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-109(424)] qcril_send_request_response: Debug : qcril_send_request_response invoked
01-22 04:22:17.974 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-109(424)] qcril_send_request_response: UI <--- RIL_REQUEST_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST (109) Complete --- RIL [RID 0, Token id 31, Radio Not Available, Len 0 ]
01-22 04:22:17.974 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-109(424)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: flow control decision - 0
01-22 04:22:17.974 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-109(424)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: main trd 406d24f0, cur trd 3ed374f0
01-22 04:22:17.974 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-109(424)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: eq 0, under mn thrd 0
01-22 04:22:17.974 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-109(424)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: need protection 1
01-22 04:22:17.974 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-109(424)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: in protected zone
01-22 04:22:17.974 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-109(424)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: token under exec 31, completion token id 31
01-22 04:22:17.974 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-109(424)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: resp token-id 31, req-id 109(109)
01-22 04:22:17.974 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-109(424)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: invalid_token_execution - 0
01-22 04:22:17.974 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-109(424)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: do_flow_control_follow_up
01-22 04:22:17.974 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-109(424)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: regarded_same 0
01-22 04:22:17.975 I/chatty ( 554): uid=1001(radio) /vendor/bin/hw/rild identical 14 lines
01-22 04:22:17.975 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-109(424)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: regarded_same 0
01-22 04:22:17.975 W/RILQ ( 554): (0/554): RIL[0][cmd-109(424)] qmi_ril_fw_send_request_response_epilog: left zone
01-22 04:22:17.975 D/RILJ ( 1218): [3679]< RIL_REQUEST_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST error 1 [SUB0]
01-22 04:22:17.976 D/RilRequest( 1218): [3679]< RIL_REQUEST_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST error: RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE ret=[]
01-22 04:22:17.976 D/SST ( 1218): EVENT_GET_CELL_INFO_LIST: error ret null, RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE
01-22 04:22:17.978 D/SST ( 1218): SST.getAllCellInfo(): X size=0 list=null
01-22 04:22:18.171 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1218): got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=46, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] with score 0
01-22 04:22:18.172 D/PhoneSwitcher( 1218): evaluating due to netRequest
01-22 04:22:18.174 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1218): not acting - isApp=false, isAct=false NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=46, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
01-22 04:22:18.416 D/PhoneSwitcher( 1218): evaluating due to netReleased
01-22 04:22:18.420 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1218): not releasing - isApp=false, isAct=false NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=46, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
01-22 04:22:18.707 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1218): got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=49, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] with score 0
01-22 04:22:18.707 D/PhoneSwitcher( 1218): evaluating due to netRequest
01-22 04:22:18.709 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1218): not acting - isApp=false, isAct=false NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=49, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
01-22 04:22:18.938 D/PhoneSwitcher( 1218): evaluating due to netReleased
01-22 04:22:18.940 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1218): not releasing - isApp=false, isAct=false NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=49, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
01-22 04:22:19.120 W/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][core_init] qcril_setup_timed_callback: Immediate call back
01-22 04:22:19.120 W/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][core_init] qcril_setup_timed_callback: Set timer with ID 8
01-22 04:22:19.120 W/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][main] qmi_ril_get_property_value_helper: ret value 1
01-22 04:22:19.121 E/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][main] qmi_ril_peripheral_mng_vote: modem connect failed -1
01-22 04:22:19.121 E/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][main] qcril_qmi_vote_for_modem_up_using_pm: Could not vote for modem modem
01-22 04:22:19.121 W/RILQ ( 534): (1/534): RIL[1][main] qcril_qmi_client_init: Client connecting to QMI FW
01-22 04:22:19.189 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1218): got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=52, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] with score 0
01-22 04:22:19.192 D/TelephonyNetworkFactory[0]( 1218): not acting - isApp=false, isAct=false NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=52, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
01-22 04:22:19.192 D/PhoneSwitcher( 1218): evaluating due to netRequest
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