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Created June 24, 2013 10:31
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i3 log
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - Enabling debug logging
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - i3 4.5.1 (2013-03-18, branch "tags/4.5.1") starting
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - main.c:main:527 - root_depth = 24, visual_id = 0x00000021.
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - Parsing configfile /home/punchy/.i3/config
deciding for version 4 due to this line: # i3 config file (v4)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 1): # i3 config file (v4)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 2): #
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 3): # Please see for a complete reference!
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 4): #
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 5): # This config file uses keycodes (bindsym) and was written for the QWERTY
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 6): # layout.
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 7): #
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 8): # To get a config file with the same key positions, but for your current
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 9): # layout, use the i3-config-wizard
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 10): #
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 11):
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 12): # Font for window titles. Will also be used by the bar unless a different font
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 13): # is used in the bar {} block below. ISO 10646 = Unicode
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 14): font -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--13-120-75-75-C-70-iso10646-1
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 15): # The font above is very space-efficient, that is, it looks good, sharp and
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 16): # clear in small sizes. However, if you need a lot of unicode glyphs or
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 17): # right-to-left text rendering, you should instead use pango for rendering and
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 18): # chose a FreeType font, such as:
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 19): # font pango:DejaVu Sans Mono 10
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 20):
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 21): # use Mouse+Mod1 to drag floating windows to their wanted position
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 22): floating_modifier Mod1
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 23):
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 24): # start a terminal
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 25): #bindsym Mod1+Return exec i3-sensible-terminal
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 26): bindsym Mod1+Return exec urxvt
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 27):
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 28): # kill focused window
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 29): bindsym Mod1+Shift+q kill
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 30):
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 31): # start dmenu (a program launcher)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 32): bindsym Mod1+d exec dmenu_run
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 33): # There also is the (new) i3-dmenu-desktop which only displays applications
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 34): # shipping a .desktop file. It is a wrapper around dmenu, so you need that
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 35): # installed.
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 36): # bindsym Mod1+d exec --no-startup-id i3-dmenu-desktop
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 37):
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 38): # change focus
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 39): bindsym Mod1+j focus left
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 40): bindsym Mod1+k focus down
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 41): bindsym Mod1+l focus up
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 42): bindsym Mod1+semicolon focus right
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 43):
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 44): # alternatively, you can use the cursor keys:
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 45): bindsym Mod1+Left focus left
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 46): bindsym Mod1+Down focus down
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 47): bindsym Mod1+Up focus up
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 48): bindsym Mod1+Right focus right
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 49):
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 50): # move focused window
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 51): bindsym Mod1+Shift+j move left
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 52): bindsym Mod1+Shift+k move down
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 53): bindsym Mod1+Shift+l move up
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 54): bindsym Mod1+Shift+semicolon move right
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 55):
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 56): # alternatively, you can use the cursor keys:
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 57): bindsym Mod1+Shift+Left move left
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 58): bindsym Mod1+Shift+Down move down
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 59): bindsym Mod1+Shift+Up move up
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 60): bindsym Mod1+Shift+Right move right
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 61):
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 62): # split in horizontal orientation
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 63): bindsym Mod1+h split h
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 64):
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 65): # split in vertical orientation
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 66): bindsym Mod1+v split v
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 67):
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 68): # enter fullscreen mode for the focused container
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 69): bindsym Mod1+f fullscreen
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 70):
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 71): # change container layout (stacked, tabbed, toggle split)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 72): bindsym Mod1+s layout stacking
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 73): bindsym Mod1+w layout tabbed
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 74): bindsym Mod1+e layout toggle split
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 75):
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 76): # toggle tiling / floating
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 77): bindsym Mod1+Shift+space floating toggle
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 78):
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 79): # change focus between tiling / floating windows
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 80): bindsym Mod1+space focus mode_toggle
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 81):
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 82): # focus the parent container
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 83): bindsym Mod1+a focus parent
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 84):
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 85): # focus the child container
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 86): #bindsym Mod1+d focus child
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 87):
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 88): # switch to workspace
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 89): bindsym Mod1+1 workspace 1
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 90): bindsym Mod1+2 workspace 2
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 91): bindsym Mod1+3 workspace 3
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 92): bindsym Mod1+4 workspace 4
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 93): bindsym Mod1+5 workspace 5
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 94): bindsym Mod1+6 workspace 6
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 95): bindsym Mod1+7 workspace 7
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 96): bindsym Mod1+8 workspace 8
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 97): bindsym Mod1+9 workspace 9
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 98): bindsym Mod1+0 workspace 10
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 99):
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 100):
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 101): # mov workspace
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 102): bindsym Mod1+Tab focus right
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 103): bindsym Mod1+Shift+Tab focus left
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 104): #bindsym $mod+Tab workspace back_and_forth #focused container to workspace
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 105):
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 106):
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 107): bindsym Mod1+Shift+1 move container to workspace 1
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 108): bindsym Mod1+Shift+2 move container to workspace 2
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 109): bindsym Mod1+Shift+4 move container to workspace 4
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 110): bindsym Mod1+Shift+3 move container to workspace 3
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 111): bindsym Mod1+Shift+5 move container to workspace 5
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 112): bindsym Mod1+Shift+6 move container to workspace 6
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 113): bindsym Mod1+Shift+7 move container to workspace 7
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 114): bindsym Mod1+Shift+8 move container to workspace 8
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 115): bindsym Mod1+Shift+9 move container to workspace 9
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 116): bindsym Mod1+Shift+0 move container to workspace 10
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 117):
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 118):
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 119):
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 120):
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 121): #switch to workspace (f1-f4)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 122): bindsym F1 workspace 1
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 123): bindsym F2 workspace 2
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 124): bindsym F3 workspace 3
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 125): bindsym F4 workspace 4
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 126): bindsym Mod1+F1 workspace 5
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 127): bindsym Mod1+F2 workspace 6
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 128): bindsym Mod1+F3 workspace 7
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 129): bindsym Mod1+F4 workspace 8a
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 130):
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 131): # reload the configuration file
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 132): bindsym Mod1+Shift+c reload
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 133): # restart i3 inplace (preserves your layout/session, can be used to upgrade i3)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 134): bindsym Mod1+Shift+r restart
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 135): # exit i3 (logs you out of your X session)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 136): bindsym Mod1+Shift+e exec "i3-nagbar -t warning -m 'You pressed the exit shortcut. Do you really want to exit i3? This will end your X session.' -b 'Yes, exit i3' 'i3-msg exit'"
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 137):
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 138): # resize window (you can also use the mouse for that)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 139): mode "resize" {
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 140): # These bindings trigger as soon as you enter the resize mode
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 141):
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 142): # Pressing left will shrink the window’s width.
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 143): # Pressing right will grow the window’s width.
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 144): # Pressing up will shrink the window’s height.
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 145): # Pressing down will grow the window’s height.
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 146): bindsym j resize shrink width 10 px or 10 ppt
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 147): bindsym k resize grow height 10 px or 10 ppt
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 148): bindsym l resize shrink height 10 px or 10 ppt
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 149): bindsym semicolon resize grow width 10 px or 10 ppt
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 150):
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 151): # same bindings, but for the arrow keys
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 152): bindsym Left resize shrink width 10 px or 10 ppt
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 153): bindsym Down resize grow height 10 px or 10 ppt
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 154): bindsym Up resize shrink height 10 px or 10 ppt
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 155): bindsym Right resize grow width 10 px or 10 ppt
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 156):
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 157): # back to normal: Enter or Escape
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 158): bindsym Return mode "default"
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 159): bindsym Escape mode "default"
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 160): }
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 161):
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 162): bindsym Mod1+r mode "resize"
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 163):
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 164): # Start i3bar to display a workspace bar (plus the system information i3status
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 165): # finds out, if available)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 166): bar {
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 167): status_command i3status
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 168): }
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 169):
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 170): #######################################################################
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 171): # automatically start i3-config-wizard to offer the user to create a
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 172): # keysym-based config which used his favorite modifier (alt or windows)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 173): #
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 174): # i3-config-wizard will not launch if there already is a config file
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 175): # in ~/.i3/config.
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 176): #
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 177): # Please remove the following exec line:
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 178): #######################################################################
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 179): exec i3-config-wizard
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - [libi3] libi3/font.c Using X font -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--13-120-75-75-C-70-iso10646-1
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key Return, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, key q, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key d, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key j, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key k, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key l, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key semicolon, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key Left, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key Down, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key Up, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key Right, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, key j, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, key k, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, key l, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, key semicolon, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, key Left, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, key Down, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, key Up, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, key Right, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key h, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key v, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key f, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key s, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key w, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key e, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, key space, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key space, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key a, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key 1, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key 2, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key 3, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key 4, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key 5, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key 6, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key 7, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key 8, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key 9, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key 0, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key Tab, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, key Tab, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, key 1, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, key 2, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, key 4, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, key 3, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, key 5, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, key 6, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, key 7, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, key 8, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, key 9, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, key 0, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), key F1, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), key F2, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), key F3, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), key F4, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key F1, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key F2, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key F3, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key F4, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, key c, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, key r, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, key e, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_enter_mode:231 - now in mode resize
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_mode_binding:209 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), key j, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_mode_binding:209 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), key k, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_mode_binding:209 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), key l, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_mode_binding:209 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), key semicolon, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_mode_binding:209 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), key Left, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_mode_binding:209 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), key Down, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_mode_binding:209 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), key Up, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_mode_binding:209 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), key Right, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_mode_binding:209 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), key Return, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_mode_binding:209 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), key Escape, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key r, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_bar_finish:550 - new bar configuration finished, saving.
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:35:22 AM - main.c:main:555 - root geometry reply: (0, 0) 1280 x 800
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Return" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "q" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "d" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "j" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "k" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "l" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "semicolon" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Left" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Down" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Up" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Right" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "j" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "k" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "l" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "semicolon" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Left" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Down" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Up" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Right" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "h" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "v" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "f" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "s" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "w" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "e" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "space" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "space" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "a" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "1" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "2" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "3" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "4" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "5" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "6" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "7" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "8" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "9" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "0" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Tab" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Tab" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "1" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "2" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "4" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "3" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "5" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "6" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "7" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "8" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "9" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "0" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F1" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F2" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F3" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F4" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F1" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F2" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F3" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F4" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "c" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "r" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "e" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "r" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 36 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 24 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 40 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 44 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 45 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 46 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 47 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 113 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 116 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 111 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 114 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 44 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 45 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 46 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 47 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 113 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 116 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 111 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 114 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 43 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 55 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 41 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 39 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 25 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 26 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 65 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 65 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 38 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 10 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 11 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 12 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 13 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 14 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 15 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 16 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 17 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 18 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 19 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 23 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 23 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 10 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 11 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 13 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 12 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 14 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 15 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 16 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 17 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 18 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 19 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 67 with modifiers 0 (with mod_mask_lock 2)
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 68 with modifiers 0 (with mod_mask_lock 2)
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 69 with modifiers 0 (with mod_mask_lock 2)
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 70 with modifiers 0 (with mod_mask_lock 2)
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 67 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 68 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 69 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 70 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 54 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 27 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 26 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 27 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - con.c:con_new:60 - opening window 0
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - con.c:con_new:63 - color #ff0000
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - x.c:x_con_init:151 - adding new state for window id 0x00800002
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - con.c:con_new:60 - opening window 1
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - con.c:con_new:63 - color #00FF00
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - x.c:x_con_init:151 - adding new state for window id 0x00800003
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - tree.c:_create___i3:41 - adding main content container
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - con.c:con_new:60 - opening window 2
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - con.c:con_new:63 - color #0000FF
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - x.c:x_con_init:151 - adding new state for window id 0x00800004
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - con.c:con_new:60 - opening window 3
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - con.c:con_new:63 - color #ff00ff
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - x.c:x_con_init:151 - adding new state for window id 0x00800005
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - con.c:con_attach:105 - it's a workspace. num = -1
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - main.c:main:662 - Checking for XRandR...
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - randr.c:randr_query_outputs:588 - primary output is 0000024c
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - randr.c:handle_output:509 - found output with name DVI-I-0
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - randr.c:handle_output:509 - found output with name LVDS-0
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - randr.c:handle_output:545 - mode: 1280x800+0+0
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - randr.c:handle_output:509 - found output with name DVI-I-1
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - randr.c:randr_query_outputs:620 - output 0x2007700 / LVDS-0, position (0, 0), checking for clones
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - randr.c:randr_query_outputs:659 - Need to initialize a Con for output LVDS-0
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - randr.c:output_init_con:231 - init_con for output LVDS-0
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - con.c:con_new:60 - opening window 4
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - con.c:con_new:63 - color #00ffff
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - x.c:x_con_init:151 - adding new state for window id 0x00800006
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - con.c:con_attach:170 - Inserting con = 0x20077a0 after last focused tiling con 0x2007130
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - randr.c:output_init_con:266 - Changing layout, adding top/bottom dockarea
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - con.c:con_new:60 - opening window 5
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - con.c:con_new:63 - color #ffff00
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - x.c:x_con_init:151 - adding new state for window id 0x00800007
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - randr.c:output_init_con:283 - attaching
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - randr.c:output_init_con:288 - adding main content container
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - con.c:con_new:60 - opening window 6
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - con.c:con_new:63 - color #aa0000
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - x.c:x_con_init:151 - adding new state for window id 0x00800008
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - con.c:con_new:60 - opening window 7
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - con.c:con_new:63 - color #00aa00
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - x.c:x_con_init:151 - adding new state for window id 0x00800009
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - randr.c:output_init_con:317 - attaching
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - randr.c:randr_query_outputs:770 - Should add ws for output LVDS-0
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - randr.c:init_ws_for_output:427 - Now adding a workspace
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - con.c:con_new:60 - opening window 8
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - con.c:con_new:63 - color #0000aa
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - x.c:x_con_init:151 - adding new state for window id 0x0080000a
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command exec urxvt
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command kill
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command exec dmenu_run
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command focus left
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command focus down
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command focus up
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command focus right
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command focus left
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command focus down
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command focus up
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command focus right
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command move left
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command move down
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command move up
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command move right
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command move left
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command move down
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command move up
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command move right
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command split h
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command split v
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command fullscreen
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command layout stacking
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command layout tabbed
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command layout toggle split
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command floating toggle
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command focus mode_toggle
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command focus parent
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command workspace 1
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:129 - relevant command = workspace 1
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:150 - trying name *1*
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - Used number 1 for workspace with name 1
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - con.c:con_attach:105 - it's a workspace. num = 1
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_apply_default_orientation:35 - Auto orientation. Workspace size set to (1280,800), setting layout to 6.
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x20080c0
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x2007c10
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x20077a0
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - tree.c:tree_render:500 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x2006f20 / root / layout 6 / children 2
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x2007130 / __i3 / layout 4 / children 1
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x20077a0 / LVDS-0 / layout 4 / children 3
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - render.c:render_l_output:112 - child at (0, 0) with (1280 x 0)
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x20079b0 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - render.c:render_l_output:112 - child at (0, 0) with (1280 x 800)
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x2007c10 / content / layout 6 / children 1
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x20080c0 / 1 / layout 6 / children 0
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - render.c:render_l_output:112 - child at (0, 800) with (1280 x 0)
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x2007e60 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 0
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - render.c:render_con:257 - Rendering floating windows:
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:857 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:910 - PUSHING CHANGES
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - x.c:x_push_node:609 - pushing name [i3 con] output LVDS-0 for con 0x20077a0
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - x.c:x_push_node:609 - pushing name [i3 con] content LVDS-0 for con 0x2007c10
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - x.c:x_push_node:609 - pushing name [i3 con] workspace 1 for con 0x20080c0
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - x.c:x_push_node:609 - pushing name [i3 con] top dockarea LVDS-0 for con 0x20079b0
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - x.c:x_push_node:609 - pushing name [i3 con] bottom dockarea LVDS-0 for con 0x2007e60
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - x.c:x_push_node:609 - pushing name [i3 con] pseudo-output __i3 for con 0x2007130
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - x.c:x_push_node:609 - pushing name [i3 con] content __i3 for con 0x1ff9f00
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - x.c:x_push_node:609 - pushing name [i3 con] workspace __i3_scratch for con 0x1ffa110
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:949 - Not updating focus (to 0x20080c0 / 1), focused window is not mapped.
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:986 - Still no window focused, better set focus to the root window
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:992 - ENDING CHANGES
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - tree.c:tree_render:509 - -- END RENDERING --
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - scratchpad.c:scratchpad_fix_resolution:232 - Current resolution: (0, 0) 1280 x 1024
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - scratchpad.c:scratchpad_fix_resolution:241 - output LVDS-0's resolution: (0, 0) 1280 x 800
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - scratchpad.c:scratchpad_fix_resolution:254 - new width = 1280, new height = 800
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - scratchpad.c:scratchpad_fix_resolution:265 - Fixing coordinates of scratchpad windows
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - main.c:main:673 - Pointer at 639, 399
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=639 y=399 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x20080c0
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x2007c10
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x20077a0
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - tree.c:tree_render:500 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x2006f20 / root / layout 6 / children 2
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x2007130 / __i3 / layout 4 / children 1
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x20077a0 / LVDS-0 / layout 4 / children 3
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - render.c:render_l_output:112 - child at (0, 0) with (1280 x 0)
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x20079b0 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - render.c:render_l_output:112 - child at (0, 0) with (1280 x 800)
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x2007c10 / content / layout 6 / children 1
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x20080c0 / 1 / layout 6 / children 0
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - render.c:render_l_output:112 - child at (0, 800) with (1280 x 0)
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x2007e60 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 0
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - render.c:render_con:257 - Rendering floating windows:
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:857 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:910 - PUSHING CHANGES
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:949 - Not updating focus (to 0x20080c0 / 1), focused window is not mapped.
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:986 - Still no window focused, better set focus to the root window
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:992 - ENDING CHANGES
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - tree.c:tree_render:509 - -- END RENDERING --
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - ipc.c:ipc_create_socket:897 - Creating IPC-socket at /run/user/1000/i3/ipc-socket.662
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - main.c:main:704 - socket activation: no sockets passed
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - auto-starting i3-config-wizard
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - startup id = i3/i3-config-wizard/662-0-MONSTERBOX_TIME0
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - executing: i3-config-wizard
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - Starting bar process: i3bar --bar_id=bar-nvhjih --socket="/run/user/1000/i3/ipc-socket.662"
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - executing: i3bar --bar_id=bar-nvhjih --socket="/run/user/1000/i3/ipc-socket.662"
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - handlers.c:handle_destroy_notify_event:507 - destroy notify for 0x0080000b, 0x0080000b
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:440 - UnmapNotify for 0x0080000b (received from 0x0080000b), serial 380
06/24/2013 01:35:23 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
06/24/2013 01:35:33 AM - click.c:handle_button_press:315 - Button 0 pressed on window 0x00000254
06/24/2013 01:35:33 AM - click.c:handle_button_press:321 - floating_mod = 0, detail = 5
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - handlers.c:handle_mapping_notify:255 - Received mapping_notify for keyboard or modifier mapping, re-grabbing keys
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:ungrab_all_keys:29 - Ungrabbing all keys
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Return" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "q" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "d" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "j" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "k" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "l" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "semicolon" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Left" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Down" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Up" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Right" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "j" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "k" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "l" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "semicolon" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Left" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Down" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Up" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Right" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "h" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "v" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "f" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "s" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "w" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "e" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "space" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "space" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "a" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "1" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "2" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "3" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "4" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "5" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "6" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "7" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "8" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "9" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "0" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Tab" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Tab" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "1" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "2" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "4" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "3" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "5" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "6" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "7" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "8" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "9" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "0" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F1" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F2" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F3" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F4" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F1" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F2" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F3" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F4" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "c" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "r" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "e" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "r" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 36 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 24 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 40 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 44 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 45 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 46 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 47 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 113 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 116 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 111 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 114 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 44 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 45 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 46 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 47 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 113 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 116 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 111 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 114 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 43 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 55 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 41 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 39 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 25 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 26 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 65 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 65 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 38 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 10 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 11 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 12 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 13 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 14 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 15 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 16 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 17 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 18 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 19 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 23 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 23 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 10 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 11 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 13 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 12 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 14 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 15 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 16 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 17 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 18 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 19 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 67 with modifiers 0 (with mod_mask_lock 2)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 68 with modifiers 0 (with mod_mask_lock 2)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 69 with modifiers 0 (with mod_mask_lock 2)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 70 with modifiers 0 (with mod_mask_lock 2)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 67 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 68 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 69 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 70 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 54 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 27 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 26 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 27 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - handlers.c:handle_mapping_notify:255 - Received mapping_notify for keyboard or modifier mapping, re-grabbing keys
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:ungrab_all_keys:29 - Ungrabbing all keys
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Return" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "q" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "d" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "j" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "k" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "l" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "semicolon" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Left" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Down" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Up" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Right" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "j" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "k" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "l" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "semicolon" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Left" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Down" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Up" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Right" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "h" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "v" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "f" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "s" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "w" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "e" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "space" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "space" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "a" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "1" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "2" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "3" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "4" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "5" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "6" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "7" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "8" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "9" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "0" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Tab" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Tab" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "1" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "2" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "4" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "3" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "5" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "6" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "7" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "8" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "9" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "0" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F1" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F2" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F3" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F4" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F1" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F2" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F3" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F4" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "c" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "r" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "e" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "r" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 36 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 24 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 40 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 44 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 45 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 46 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 47 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 113 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 116 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 111 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 114 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 44 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 45 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 46 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 47 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 113 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 116 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 111 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 114 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 43 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 55 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 41 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 39 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 25 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 26 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 65 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 65 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 38 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 10 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 11 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 12 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 13 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 14 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 15 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 16 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 17 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 18 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 19 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 23 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 23 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 10 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 11 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 13 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 12 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 14 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 15 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 16 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 17 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 18 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 19 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 67 with modifiers 0 (with mod_mask_lock 2)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 68 with modifiers 0 (with mod_mask_lock 2)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 69 with modifiers 0 (with mod_mask_lock 2)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 70 with modifiers 0 (with mod_mask_lock 2)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 67 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 68 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 69 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 70 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 54 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 27 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 26 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 27 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - main.c:xkb_got_event:149 - Handling XKB event
06/24/2013 01:35:42 AM - main.c:xkb_got_event:149 - Handling XKB event
06/24/2013 01:35:43 AM - main.c:xkb_got_event:149 - Handling XKB event
06/24/2013 01:35:43 AM - main.c:xkb_got_event:149 - Handling XKB event
06/24/2013 01:35:44 AM - main.c:xkb_got_event:149 - Handling XKB event
06/24/2013 01:35:44 AM - main.c:xkb_got_event:149 - Handling XKB event
06/24/2013 01:35:45 AM - main.c:xkb_got_event:149 - Handling XKB event
06/24/2013 01:35:45 AM - main.c:xkb_got_event:149 - Handling XKB event
06/24/2013 01:35:45 AM - main.c:xkb_got_event:149 - Handling XKB event
06/24/2013 01:35:45 AM - main.c:xkb_got_event:149 - Handling XKB event
06/24/2013 01:35:45 AM - main.c:xkb_got_event:149 - Handling XKB event
06/24/2013 01:35:46 AM - main.c:xkb_got_event:149 - Handling XKB event
06/24/2013 01:35:46 AM - main.c:xkb_got_event:149 - Handling XKB event
06/24/2013 01:35:46 AM - main.c:xkb_got_event:149 - Handling XKB event
06/24/2013 01:35:46 AM - main.c:xkb_got_event:149 - Handling XKB event
06/24/2013 01:35:47 AM - main.c:xkb_got_event:149 - Handling XKB event
06/24/2013 01:35:48 AM - main.c:xkb_got_event:149 - Handling XKB event
06/24/2013 01:35:48 AM - main.c:xkb_got_event:149 - Handling XKB event
06/24/2013 01:35:48 AM - main.c:xkb_got_event:149 - Handling XKB event
06/24/2013 01:35:49 AM - main.c:xkb_got_event:149 - Handling XKB event
06/24/2013 01:35:49 AM - main.c:xkb_got_event:149 - Handling XKB event
06/24/2013 01:35:49 AM - main.c:xkb_got_event:149 - Handling XKB event
06/24/2013 01:35:51 AM - main.c:xkb_got_event:149 - Handling XKB event
06/24/2013 01:35:51 AM - main.c:xkb_got_event:149 - Handling XKB event
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - Enabling debug logging
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - i3 4.5.1 (2013-03-18, branch "tags/4.5.1") starting
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - main.c:main:527 - root_depth = 24, visual_id = 0x00000021.
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - Parsing configfile /home/punchy/.i3/config
deciding for version 4 due to this line: # i3 config file (v4)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 1): # i3 config file (v4)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 2): #
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 3): # Please see for a complete reference!
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 4): #
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 5): # This config file uses keycodes (bindsym) and was written for the QWERTY
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 6): # layout.
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 7): #
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 8): # To get a config file with the same key positions, but for your current
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 9): # layout, use the i3-config-wizard
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 10): #
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 11):
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 12): # Font for window titles. Will also be used by the bar unless a different font
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 13): # is used in the bar {} block below. ISO 10646 = Unicode
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 14): font -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--13-120-75-75-C-70-iso10646-1
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 15): # The font above is very space-efficient, that is, it looks good, sharp and
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 16): # clear in small sizes. However, if you need a lot of unicode glyphs or
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 17): # right-to-left text rendering, you should instead use pango for rendering and
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 18): # chose a FreeType font, such as:
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 19): # font pango:DejaVu Sans Mono 10
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 20):
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 21): # use Mouse+Mod1 to drag floating windows to their wanted position
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 22): floating_modifier Mod1
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 23):
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 24): # start a terminal
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 25): #bindsym Mod1+Return exec i3-sensible-terminal
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 26): bindsym Mod1+Return exec urxvt
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 27):
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 28): # kill focused window
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 29): bindsym Mod1+Shift+q kill
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 30):
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 31): # start dmenu (a program launcher)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 32): bindsym Mod1+d exec dmenu_run
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 33): # There also is the (new) i3-dmenu-desktop which only displays applications
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 34): # shipping a .desktop file. It is a wrapper around dmenu, so you need that
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 35): # installed.
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 36): # bindsym Mod1+d exec --no-startup-id i3-dmenu-desktop
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 37):
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 38): # change focus
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 39): bindsym Mod1+j focus left
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 40): bindsym Mod1+k focus down
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 41): bindsym Mod1+l focus up
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 42): bindsym Mod1+semicolon focus right
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 43):
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 44): # alternatively, you can use the cursor keys:
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 45): bindsym Mod1+Left focus left
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 46): bindsym Mod1+Down focus down
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 47): bindsym Mod1+Up focus up
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 48): bindsym Mod1+Right focus right
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 49):
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 50): # move focused window
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 51): bindsym Mod1+Shift+j move left
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 52): bindsym Mod1+Shift+k move down
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 53): bindsym Mod1+Shift+l move up
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 54): bindsym Mod1+Shift+semicolon move right
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 55):
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 56): # alternatively, you can use the cursor keys:
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 57): bindsym Mod1+Shift+Left move left
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 58): bindsym Mod1+Shift+Down move down
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 59): bindsym Mod1+Shift+Up move up
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 60): bindsym Mod1+Shift+Right move right
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 61):
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 62): # split in horizontal orientation
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 63): bindsym Mod1+h split h
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 64):
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 65): # split in vertical orientation
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 66): bindsym Mod1+v split v
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 67):
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 68): # enter fullscreen mode for the focused container
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 69): bindsym Mod1+f fullscreen
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 70):
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 71): # change container layout (stacked, tabbed, toggle split)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 72): bindsym Mod1+s layout stacking
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 73): bindsym Mod1+w layout tabbed
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 74): bindsym Mod1+e layout toggle split
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 75):
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 76): # toggle tiling / floating
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 77): bindsym Mod1+Shift+space floating toggle
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 78):
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 79): # change focus between tiling / floating windows
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 80): bindsym Mod1+space focus mode_toggle
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 81):
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 82): # focus the parent container
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 83): bindsym Mod1+a focus parent
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 84):
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 85): # focus the child container
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 86): #bindsym Mod1+d focus child
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 87):
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 88): # switch to workspace
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 89): bindsym Mod1+1 workspace 1
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 90): bindsym Mod1+2 workspace 2
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 91): bindsym Mod1+3 workspace 3
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 92): bindsym Mod1+4 workspace 4
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 93): bindsym Mod1+5 workspace 5
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 94): bindsym Mod1+6 workspace 6
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 95): bindsym Mod1+7 workspace 7
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 96): bindsym Mod1+8 workspace 8
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 97): bindsym Mod1+9 workspace 9
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 98): bindsym Mod1+0 workspace 10
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 99):
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 100):
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 101): # mov workspace
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 102): bindsym Mod1+Tab focus right
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 103): bindsym Mod1+Shift+Tab focus left
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 104): #bindsym $mod+Tab workspace back_and_forth #focused container to workspace
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 105):
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 106):
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 107): bindsym Mod1+Shift+1 move container to workspace 1
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 108): bindsym Mod1+Shift+2 move container to workspace 2
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 109): bindsym Mod1+Shift+4 move container to workspace 4
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 110): bindsym Mod1+Shift+3 move container to workspace 3
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 111): bindsym Mod1+Shift+5 move container to workspace 5
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 112): bindsym Mod1+Shift+6 move container to workspace 6
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 113): bindsym Mod1+Shift+7 move container to workspace 7
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 114): bindsym Mod1+Shift+8 move container to workspace 8
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 115): bindsym Mod1+Shift+9 move container to workspace 9
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 116): bindsym Mod1+Shift+0 move container to workspace 10
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 117):
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 118):
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 119):
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 120):
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 121): #switch to workspace (f1-f4)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 122): bindsym F1 workspace 1
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 123): bindsym F2 workspace 2
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 124): bindsym F3 workspace 3
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 125): bindsym F4 workspace 4
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 126): bindsym Mod1+F1 workspace 5
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 127): bindsym Mod1+F2 workspace 6
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 128): bindsym Mod1+F3 workspace 7
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 129): bindsym Mod1+F4 workspace 8a
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 130):
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 131): # reload the configuration file
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 132): bindsym Mod1+Shift+c reload
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 133): # restart i3 inplace (preserves your layout/session, can be used to upgrade i3)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 134): bindsym Mod1+Shift+r restart
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 135): # exit i3 (logs you out of your X session)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 136): bindsym Mod1+Shift+e exec "i3-nagbar -t warning -m 'You pressed the exit shortcut. Do you really want to exit i3? This will end your X session.' -b 'Yes, exit i3' 'i3-msg exit'"
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 137):
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 138): # resize window (you can also use the mouse for that)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 139): mode "resize" {
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 140): # These bindings trigger as soon as you enter the resize mode
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 141):
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 142): # Pressing left will shrink the window’s width.
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 143): # Pressing right will grow the window’s width.
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 144): # Pressing up will shrink the window’s height.
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 145): # Pressing down will grow the window’s height.
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 146): bindsym j resize shrink width 10 px or 10 ppt
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 147): bindsym k resize grow height 10 px or 10 ppt
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 148): bindsym l resize shrink height 10 px or 10 ppt
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 149): bindsym semicolon resize grow width 10 px or 10 ppt
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 150):
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 151): # same bindings, but for the arrow keys
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 152): bindsym Left resize shrink width 10 px or 10 ppt
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 153): bindsym Down resize grow height 10 px or 10 ppt
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 154): bindsym Up resize shrink height 10 px or 10 ppt
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 155): bindsym Right resize grow width 10 px or 10 ppt
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 156):
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 157): # back to normal: Enter or Escape
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 158): bindsym Return mode "default"
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 159): bindsym Escape mode "default"
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 160): }
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 161):
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 162): bindsym Mod1+r mode "resize"
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 163):
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 164): # Start i3bar to display a workspace bar (plus the system information i3status
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 165): # finds out, if available)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 166): bar {
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 167): status_command i3status
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 168): }
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 169):
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 170): #######################################################################
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 171): # automatically start i3-config-wizard to offer the user to create a
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 172): # keysym-based config which used his favorite modifier (alt or windows)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 173): #
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 174): # i3-config-wizard will not launch if there already is a config file
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 175): # in ~/.i3/config.
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 176): #
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 177): # Please remove the following exec line:
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 178): #######################################################################
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 179): exec i3-config-wizard
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - [libi3] libi3/font.c Using X font -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--13-120-75-75-C-70-iso10646-1
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key Return, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, key q, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key d, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key j, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key k, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key l, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key semicolon, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key Left, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key Down, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key Up, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key Right, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, key j, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, key k, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, key l, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, key semicolon, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, key Left, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, key Down, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, key Up, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, key Right, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key h, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key v, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key f, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key s, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key w, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key e, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, key space, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key space, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key a, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key 1, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key 2, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key 3, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key 4, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key 5, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key 6, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key 7, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key 8, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key 9, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key 0, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key Tab, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, key Tab, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, key 1, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, key 2, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, key 4, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, key 3, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, key 5, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, key 6, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, key 7, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, key 8, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, key 9, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, key 0, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), key F1, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), key F2, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), key F3, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), key F4, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key F1, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key F2, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key F3, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key F4, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, key c, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, key r, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, key e, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_enter_mode:231 - now in mode resize
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_mode_binding:209 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), key j, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_mode_binding:209 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), key k, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_mode_binding:209 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), key l, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_mode_binding:209 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), key semicolon, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_mode_binding:209 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), key Left, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_mode_binding:209 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), key Down, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_mode_binding:209 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), key Up, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_mode_binding:209 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), key Right, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_mode_binding:209 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), key Return, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_mode_binding:209 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), key Escape, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key r, release (null)
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_bar_finish:550 - new bar configuration finished, saving.
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 01:41:18 AM - main.c:main:555 - root geometry reply: (0, 0) 1280 x 800
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Return" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "q" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "d" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "j" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "k" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "l" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "semicolon" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Left" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Down" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Up" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Right" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "j" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "k" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "l" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "semicolon" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Left" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Down" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Up" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Right" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "h" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "v" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "f" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "s" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "w" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "e" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "space" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "space" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "a" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "1" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "2" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "3" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "4" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "5" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "6" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "7" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "8" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "9" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "0" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Tab" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Tab" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "1" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "2" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "4" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "3" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "5" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "6" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "7" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "8" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "9" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "0" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F1" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F2" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F3" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F4" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F1" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F2" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F3" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F4" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "c" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "r" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "e" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "r" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 36 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 24 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 40 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 44 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 45 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 46 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 47 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 113 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 116 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 111 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 114 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 44 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 45 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 46 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 47 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 113 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 116 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 111 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 114 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 43 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 55 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 41 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 39 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 25 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 26 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 65 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 65 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 38 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 10 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 11 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 12 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 13 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 14 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 15 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 16 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 17 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 18 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 19 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 23 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 23 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 10 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 11 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 13 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 12 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 14 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 15 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 16 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 17 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 18 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 19 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 67 with modifiers 0 (with mod_mask_lock 2)
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 68 with modifiers 0 (with mod_mask_lock 2)
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 69 with modifiers 0 (with mod_mask_lock 2)
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 70 with modifiers 0 (with mod_mask_lock 2)
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 67 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 68 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 69 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 70 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 54 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 27 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 26 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 27 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - con.c:con_new:60 - opening window 0
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - con.c:con_new:63 - color #ff0000
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - x.c:x_con_init:151 - adding new state for window id 0x00800002
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - con.c:con_new:60 - opening window 1
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - con.c:con_new:63 - color #00FF00
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - x.c:x_con_init:151 - adding new state for window id 0x00800003
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - tree.c:_create___i3:41 - adding main content container
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - con.c:con_new:60 - opening window 2
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - con.c:con_new:63 - color #0000FF
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - x.c:x_con_init:151 - adding new state for window id 0x00800004
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - con.c:con_new:60 - opening window 3
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - con.c:con_new:63 - color #ff00ff
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - x.c:x_con_init:151 - adding new state for window id 0x00800005
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - con.c:con_attach:105 - it's a workspace. num = -1
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - main.c:main:662 - Checking for XRandR...
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - randr.c:randr_query_outputs:588 - primary output is 0000024c
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - randr.c:handle_output:509 - found output with name DVI-I-0
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - randr.c:handle_output:509 - found output with name LVDS-0
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - randr.c:handle_output:545 - mode: 1280x800+0+0
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - randr.c:handle_output:509 - found output with name DVI-I-1
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - randr.c:randr_query_outputs:620 - output 0x11ab700 / LVDS-0, position (0, 0), checking for clones
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - randr.c:randr_query_outputs:659 - Need to initialize a Con for output LVDS-0
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - randr.c:output_init_con:231 - init_con for output LVDS-0
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - con.c:con_new:60 - opening window 4
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - con.c:con_new:63 - color #00ffff
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - x.c:x_con_init:151 - adding new state for window id 0x00800006
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - con.c:con_attach:170 - Inserting con = 0x11ab7a0 after last focused tiling con 0x11ab130
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - randr.c:output_init_con:266 - Changing layout, adding top/bottom dockarea
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - con.c:con_new:60 - opening window 5
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - con.c:con_new:63 - color #ffff00
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - x.c:x_con_init:151 - adding new state for window id 0x00800007
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - randr.c:output_init_con:283 - attaching
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - randr.c:output_init_con:288 - adding main content container
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - con.c:con_new:60 - opening window 6
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - con.c:con_new:63 - color #aa0000
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - x.c:x_con_init:151 - adding new state for window id 0x00800008
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - con.c:con_new:60 - opening window 7
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - con.c:con_new:63 - color #00aa00
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - x.c:x_con_init:151 - adding new state for window id 0x00800009
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - randr.c:output_init_con:317 - attaching
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - randr.c:randr_query_outputs:770 - Should add ws for output LVDS-0
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - randr.c:init_ws_for_output:427 - Now adding a workspace
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - con.c:con_new:60 - opening window 8
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - con.c:con_new:63 - color #0000aa
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - x.c:x_con_init:151 - adding new state for window id 0x0080000a
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command exec urxvt
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command kill
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command exec dmenu_run
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command focus left
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command focus down
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command focus up
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command focus right
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command focus left
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command focus down
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command focus up
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command focus right
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command move left
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command move down
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command move up
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command move right
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command move left
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command move down
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command move up
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command move right
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command split h
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command split v
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command fullscreen
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command layout stacking
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command layout tabbed
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command layout toggle split
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command floating toggle
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command focus mode_toggle
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command focus parent
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command workspace 1
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:129 - relevant command = workspace 1
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:150 - trying name *1*
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - Used number 1 for workspace with name 1
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - con.c:con_attach:105 - it's a workspace. num = 1
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_apply_default_orientation:35 - Auto orientation. Workspace size set to (1280,800), setting layout to 6.
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x11ac0c0
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x11abc10
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x11ab7a0
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - tree.c:tree_render:500 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x11aaf20 / root / layout 6 / children 2
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x11ab130 / __i3 / layout 4 / children 1
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x11ab7a0 / LVDS-0 / layout 4 / children 3
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - render.c:render_l_output:112 - child at (0, 0) with (1280 x 0)
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x11ab9b0 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - render.c:render_l_output:112 - child at (0, 0) with (1280 x 800)
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x11abc10 / content / layout 6 / children 1
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x11ac0c0 / 1 / layout 6 / children 0
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - render.c:render_l_output:112 - child at (0, 800) with (1280 x 0)
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x11abe60 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 0
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - render.c:render_con:257 - Rendering floating windows:
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:857 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:910 - PUSHING CHANGES
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - x.c:x_push_node:609 - pushing name [i3 con] output LVDS-0 for con 0x11ab7a0
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - x.c:x_push_node:609 - pushing name [i3 con] content LVDS-0 for con 0x11abc10
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - x.c:x_push_node:609 - pushing name [i3 con] workspace 1 for con 0x11ac0c0
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - x.c:x_push_node:609 - pushing name [i3 con] top dockarea LVDS-0 for con 0x11ab9b0
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - x.c:x_push_node:609 - pushing name [i3 con] bottom dockarea LVDS-0 for con 0x11abe60
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - x.c:x_push_node:609 - pushing name [i3 con] pseudo-output __i3 for con 0x11ab130
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - x.c:x_push_node:609 - pushing name [i3 con] content __i3 for con 0x119df00
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - x.c:x_push_node:609 - pushing name [i3 con] workspace __i3_scratch for con 0x119e110
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:949 - Not updating focus (to 0x11ac0c0 / 1), focused window is not mapped.
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:986 - Still no window focused, better set focus to the root window
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:992 - ENDING CHANGES
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - tree.c:tree_render:509 - -- END RENDERING --
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - scratchpad.c:scratchpad_fix_resolution:232 - Current resolution: (0, 0) 1280 x 1024
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - scratchpad.c:scratchpad_fix_resolution:241 - output LVDS-0's resolution: (0, 0) 1280 x 800
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - scratchpad.c:scratchpad_fix_resolution:254 - new width = 1280, new height = 800
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - scratchpad.c:scratchpad_fix_resolution:265 - Fixing coordinates of scratchpad windows
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - main.c:main:673 - Pointer at 639, 399
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=639 y=399 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x11ac0c0
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x11abc10
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x11ab7a0
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - tree.c:tree_render:500 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x11aaf20 / root / layout 6 / children 2
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x11ab130 / __i3 / layout 4 / children 1
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x11ab7a0 / LVDS-0 / layout 4 / children 3
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - render.c:render_l_output:112 - child at (0, 0) with (1280 x 0)
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x11ab9b0 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - render.c:render_l_output:112 - child at (0, 0) with (1280 x 800)
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x11abc10 / content / layout 6 / children 1
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x11ac0c0 / 1 / layout 6 / children 0
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - render.c:render_l_output:112 - child at (0, 800) with (1280 x 0)
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x11abe60 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 0
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - render.c:render_con:257 - Rendering floating windows:
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:857 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:910 - PUSHING CHANGES
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:949 - Not updating focus (to 0x11ac0c0 / 1), focused window is not mapped.
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:986 - Still no window focused, better set focus to the root window
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:992 - ENDING CHANGES
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - tree.c:tree_render:509 - -- END RENDERING --
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - ipc.c:ipc_create_socket:897 - Creating IPC-socket at /run/user/1000/i3/ipc-socket.310
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - main.c:main:704 - socket activation: no sockets passed
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - auto-starting i3-config-wizard
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - startup id = i3/i3-config-wizard/310-0-MONSTERBOX_TIME0
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - executing: i3-config-wizard
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - Starting bar process: i3bar --bar_id=bar-eaydsn --socket="/run/user/1000/i3/ipc-socket.310"
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - executing: i3bar --bar_id=bar-eaydsn --socket="/run/user/1000/i3/ipc-socket.310"
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - handlers.c:handle_destroy_notify_event:507 - destroy notify for 0x0080000b, 0x0080000b
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:440 - UnmapNotify for 0x0080000b (received from 0x0080000b), serial 380
06/24/2013 01:41:19 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - handlers.c:handle_mapping_notify:255 - Received mapping_notify for keyboard or modifier mapping, re-grabbing keys
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:ungrab_all_keys:29 - Ungrabbing all keys
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Return" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "q" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "d" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "j" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "k" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "l" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "semicolon" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Left" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Down" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Up" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Right" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "j" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "k" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "l" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "semicolon" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Left" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Down" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Up" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Right" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "h" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "v" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "f" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "s" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "w" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "e" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "space" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "space" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "a" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "1" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "2" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "3" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "4" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "5" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "6" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "7" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "8" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "9" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "0" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Tab" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Tab" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "1" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "2" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "4" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "3" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "5" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "6" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "7" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "8" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "9" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "0" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F1" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F2" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F3" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F4" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F1" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F2" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F3" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F4" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "c" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "r" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "e" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "r" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 36 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 24 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 40 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 44 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 45 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 46 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 47 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 113 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 116 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 111 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 114 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 44 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 45 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 46 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 47 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 113 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 116 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 111 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 114 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 43 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 55 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 41 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 39 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 25 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 26 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 65 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 65 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 38 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 10 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 11 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 12 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 13 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 14 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 15 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 16 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 17 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 18 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 19 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 23 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 23 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 10 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 11 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 13 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 12 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 14 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 15 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 16 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 17 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 18 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 19 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 67 with modifiers 0 (with mod_mask_lock 2)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 68 with modifiers 0 (with mod_mask_lock 2)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 69 with modifiers 0 (with mod_mask_lock 2)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 70 with modifiers 0 (with mod_mask_lock 2)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 67 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 68 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 69 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 70 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 54 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 27 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 26 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 27 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - handlers.c:handle_mapping_notify:255 - Received mapping_notify for keyboard or modifier mapping, re-grabbing keys
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:ungrab_all_keys:29 - Ungrabbing all keys
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Return" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "q" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "d" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "j" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "k" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "l" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "semicolon" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Left" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Down" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Up" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Right" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "j" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "k" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "l" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "semicolon" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Left" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Down" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Up" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Right" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "h" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "v" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "f" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "s" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "w" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "e" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "space" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "space" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "a" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "1" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "2" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "3" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "4" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "5" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "6" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "7" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "8" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "9" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "0" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Tab" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Tab" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "1" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "2" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "4" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "3" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "5" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "6" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "7" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "8" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "9" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "0" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F1" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F2" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F3" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F4" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F1" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F2" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F3" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F4" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "c" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "r" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "e" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "r" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 36 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 24 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 40 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 44 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 45 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 46 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 47 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 113 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 116 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 111 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 114 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 44 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 45 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 46 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 47 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 113 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 116 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 111 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 114 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 43 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 55 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 41 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 39 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 25 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 26 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 65 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 65 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 38 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 10 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 11 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 12 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 13 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 14 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 15 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 16 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 17 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 18 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 19 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 23 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 23 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 10 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 11 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 13 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 12 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 14 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 15 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 16 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 17 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 18 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 19 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 67 with modifiers 0 (with mod_mask_lock 2)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 68 with modifiers 0 (with mod_mask_lock 2)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 69 with modifiers 0 (with mod_mask_lock 2)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 70 with modifiers 0 (with mod_mask_lock 2)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 67 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 68 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 69 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 70 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 54 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 27 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 26 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:42:17 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 27 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:42:18 AM - startup.c:startup_timeout:36 - Timeout for startup sequence i3/i3-config-wizard/310-0-MONSTERBOX_TIME0
06/24/2013 01:42:18 AM - startup.c:startup_monitor_event:244 - startup sequence i3/i3-config-wizard/310-0-MONSTERBOX_TIME0 completed
06/24/2013 01:42:18 AM - startup.c:startup_monitor_event:250 - Will delete startup sequence i3/i3-config-wizard/310-0-MONSTERBOX_TIME0 at timestamp 1372034568
06/24/2013 01:42:18 AM - startup.c:startup_monitor_event:253 - No more startup sequences running, changing root window cursor to default pointer.
06/24/2013 01:42:18 AM - handlers.c:handle_destroy_notify_event:507 - destroy notify for 0x0080000c, 0x0080000c
06/24/2013 01:42:18 AM - handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:440 - UnmapNotify for 0x0080000c (received from 0x0080000c), serial 886
06/24/2013 01:42:18 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
06/24/2013 01:42:21 AM - main.c:xkb_got_event:149 - Handling XKB event
06/24/2013 01:42:21 AM - key_press.c:handle_key_press:78 - KeyPress 36, state raw = 8
06/24/2013 01:42:21 AM - key_press.c:handle_key_press:82 - (removed numlock, state = 8)
06/24/2013 01:42:21 AM - key_press.c:handle_key_press:86 - (removed upper 8 bits, state = 8)
06/24/2013 01:42:21 AM - key_press.c:handle_key_press:91 - (checked mode_switch, state 8)
06/24/2013 01:42:21 AM - commands_parser.c:parse_command:209 - COMMAND: *exec urxvt*
06/24/2013 01:42:21 AM - commands.c:cmd_criteria_init:239 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x648100
06/24/2013 01:42:21 AM - commands.c:cmd_exec:1297 - should execute urxvt, no_startup_id = 0
06/24/2013 01:42:21 AM - startup id = i3/urxvt/310-1-MONSTERBOX_TIME352609
06/24/2013 01:42:21 AM - executing: urxvt
06/24/2013 01:42:21 AM - commands.c:cmd_criteria_init:239 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x648100
06/24/2013 01:42:21 AM - key_press.c:json_boolean:25 - Got bool: 1, parse_error_key 0, nesting_level 1
06/24/2013 01:42:21 AM - handlers.c:handle_destroy_notify_event:507 - destroy notify for 0x0080000d, 0x0080000d
06/24/2013 01:42:21 AM - handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:440 - UnmapNotify for 0x0080000d (received from 0x0080000d), serial 893
06/24/2013 01:42:21 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
06/24/2013 01:42:21 AM - key_press.c:handle_key_press:78 - KeyRelease 36, state raw = 8
06/24/2013 01:42:21 AM - key_press.c:handle_key_press:82 - (removed numlock, state = 8)
06/24/2013 01:42:21 AM - key_press.c:handle_key_press:86 - (removed upper 8 bits, state = 8)
06/24/2013 01:42:21 AM - key_press.c:handle_key_press:91 - (checked mode_switch, state 8)
06/24/2013 01:42:21 AM - key_press.c:handle_key_press:102 - no match, new state_filtered = 8
06/24/2013 01:42:21 AM - key_press.c:handle_key_press:110 - Could not lookup key binding (modifiers 8, keycode 36)
06/24/2013 01:42:22 AM - main.c:xkb_got_event:149 - Handling XKB event
06/24/2013 01:42:34 AM - main.c:xkb_got_event:149 - Handling XKB event
06/24/2013 01:42:35 AM - key_press.c:handle_key_press:78 - KeyPress 11, state raw = 8
06/24/2013 01:42:35 AM - key_press.c:handle_key_press:82 - (removed numlock, state = 8)
06/24/2013 01:42:35 AM - key_press.c:handle_key_press:86 - (removed upper 8 bits, state = 8)
06/24/2013 01:42:35 AM - key_press.c:handle_key_press:91 - (checked mode_switch, state 8)
06/24/2013 01:42:35 AM - commands_parser.c:parse_command:209 - COMMAND: *workspace 2*
06/24/2013 01:42:35 AM - commands.c:cmd_criteria_init:239 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x648100
06/24/2013 01:42:35 AM - commands.c:cmd_workspace_name:978 - should switch to workspace 2
06/24/2013 01:42:35 AM - Creating new workspace "2"
06/24/2013 01:42:35 AM - got output 0x11ab7a0 with content 0x11abc10
06/24/2013 01:42:35 AM - con.c:con_new:60 - opening window 9
06/24/2013 01:42:35 AM - con.c:con_new:63 - color #aa00aa
06/24/2013 01:42:35 AM - x.c:x_con_init:151 - adding new state for window id 0x0080000e
06/24/2013 01:42:35 AM - num = 2
06/24/2013 01:42:35 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_apply_default_orientation:35 - Auto orientation. Workspace size set to (1280,800), setting layout to 6.
06/24/2013 01:42:35 AM - con.c:con_attach:105 - it's a workspace. num = 2
06/24/2013 01:42:35 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:404 - Setting previous_workspace_name = 1
06/24/2013 01:42:35 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:410 - switching to 0x11cc330 / 2
06/24/2013 01:42:35 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x11cc330
06/24/2013 01:42:35 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x11abc10
06/24/2013 01:42:35 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x11ab7a0
06/24/2013 01:42:35 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:447 - old = 0x11ac0c0 / 1
06/24/2013 01:42:35 AM - workspace visible? fs = 0x11cc330, ws = 0x11ac0c0
06/24/2013 01:42:35 AM - Closing old workspace (0x11ac0c0 / 1), it is empty
06/24/2013 01:42:35 AM - con.c:con_next_focused:899 - Using first entry 0x11cc330
06/24/2013 01:42:35 AM - tree.c:tree_close:212 - next = 0x11cc330, focused = 0x11cc330
06/24/2013 01:42:35 AM - tree.c:tree_close:214 - closing 0x11ac0c0, kill_window = 0
06/24/2013 01:42:35 AM - con.c:con_is_floating:403 - checking if con 0x11ac0c0 is floating
06/24/2013 01:42:35 AM - tree.c:tree_render:500 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
06/24/2013 01:42:35 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x11aaf20 / root / layout 6 / children 2
06/24/2013 01:42:35 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x11ab130 / __i3 / layout 4 / children 1
06/24/2013 01:42:35 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x11ab7a0 / LVDS-0 / layout 4 / children 3
06/24/2013 01:42:35 AM - render.c:render_l_output:112 - child at (0, 0) with (1280 x 0)
06/24/2013 01:42:35 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x11ab9b0 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0
06/24/2013 01:42:35 AM - render.c:render_l_output:112 - child at (0, 0) with (1280 x 800)
06/24/2013 01:42:35 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x11abc10 / content / layout 6 / children 1
06/24/2013 01:42:35 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x11cc330 / 2 / layout 6 / children 0
06/24/2013 01:42:35 AM - render.c:render_l_output:112 - child at (0, 800) with (1280 x 0)
06/24/2013 01:42:35 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x11abe60 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 0
06/24/2013 01:42:35 AM - render.c:render_con:257 - Rendering floating windows:
06/24/2013 01:42:35 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:857 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
06/24/2013 01:42:35 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:910 - PUSHING CHANGES
06/24/2013 01:42:35 AM - x.c:x_push_node:609 - pushing name [i3 con] workspace 2 for con 0x11cc330
06/24/2013 01:42:35 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:949 - Not updating focus (to 0x11cc330 / 2), focused window is not mapped.
06/24/2013 01:42:35 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:986 - Still no window focused, better set focus to the root window
06/24/2013 01:42:35 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:992 - ENDING CHANGES
06/24/2013 01:42:35 AM - tree.c:tree_render:509 - -- END RENDERING --
06/24/2013 01:42:35 AM - con.c:con_is_floating:403 - checking if con 0x11ac0c0 is floating
06/24/2013 01:42:35 AM - tree.c:tree_close:341 - not focusing, was not mapped
06/24/2013 01:42:35 AM - con.c:con_on_remove_child:1336 - on_remove_child
06/24/2013 01:42:35 AM - focused now = 0x11cc330 / 2
06/24/2013 01:42:35 AM - commands.c:cmd_criteria_init:239 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x648100
06/24/2013 01:42:35 AM - tree.c:tree_render:500 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
06/24/2013 01:42:35 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x11aaf20 / root / layout 6 / children 2
06/24/2013 01:42:35 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x11ab130 / __i3 / layout 4 / children 1
06/24/2013 01:42:35 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x11ab7a0 / LVDS-0 / layout 4 / children 3
06/24/2013 01:42:35 AM - render.c:render_l_output:112 - child at (0, 0) with (1280 x 0)
06/24/2013 01:42:35 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x11ab9b0 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0
06/24/2013 01:42:35 AM - render.c:render_l_output:112 - child at (0, 0) with (1280 x 800)
06/24/2013 01:42:35 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x11abc10 / content / layout 6 / children 1
06/24/2013 01:42:35 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x11cc330 / 2 / layout 6 / children 0
06/24/2013 01:42:35 AM - render.c:render_l_output:112 - child at (0, 800) with (1280 x 0)
06/24/2013 01:42:35 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x11abe60 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 0
06/24/2013 01:42:35 AM - render.c:render_con:257 - Rendering floating windows:
06/24/2013 01:42:35 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:857 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
06/24/2013 01:42:35 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:910 - PUSHING CHANGES
06/24/2013 01:42:35 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:949 - Not updating focus (to 0x11cc330 / 2), focused window is not mapped.
06/24/2013 01:42:35 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:986 - Still no window focused, better set focus to the root window
06/24/2013 01:42:35 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:992 - ENDING CHANGES
06/24/2013 01:42:35 AM - tree.c:tree_render:509 - -- END RENDERING --
06/24/2013 01:42:35 AM - key_press.c:json_boolean:25 - Got bool: 1, parse_error_key 0, nesting_level 1
06/24/2013 01:42:35 AM - handlers.c:handle_destroy_notify_event:507 - destroy notify for 0x0080000a, 0x0080000a
06/24/2013 01:42:35 AM - handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:440 - UnmapNotify for 0x0080000a (received from 0x0080000a), serial 904
06/24/2013 01:42:35 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
06/24/2013 01:42:35 AM - main.c:xcb_check_cb:127 - X11 Error received (probably harmless)! sequence 0x389, error_code = 4
06/24/2013 01:42:35 AM - main.c:xcb_check_cb:127 - X11 Error received (probably harmless)! sequence 0x38a, error_code = 13
06/24/2013 01:42:35 AM - key_press.c:handle_key_press:78 - KeyRelease 11, state raw = 8
06/24/2013 01:42:35 AM - key_press.c:handle_key_press:82 - (removed numlock, state = 8)
06/24/2013 01:42:35 AM - key_press.c:handle_key_press:86 - (removed upper 8 bits, state = 8)
06/24/2013 01:42:35 AM - key_press.c:handle_key_press:91 - (checked mode_switch, state 8)
06/24/2013 01:42:35 AM - key_press.c:handle_key_press:102 - no match, new state_filtered = 8
06/24/2013 01:42:35 AM - key_press.c:handle_key_press:110 - Could not lookup key binding (modifiers 8, keycode 11)
06/24/2013 01:42:36 AM - key_press.c:handle_key_press:78 - KeyPress 12, state raw = 8
06/24/2013 01:42:36 AM - key_press.c:handle_key_press:82 - (removed numlock, state = 8)
06/24/2013 01:42:36 AM - key_press.c:handle_key_press:86 - (removed upper 8 bits, state = 8)
06/24/2013 01:42:36 AM - key_press.c:handle_key_press:91 - (checked mode_switch, state 8)
06/24/2013 01:42:36 AM - commands_parser.c:parse_command:209 - COMMAND: *workspace 3*
06/24/2013 01:42:36 AM - commands.c:cmd_criteria_init:239 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x648100
06/24/2013 01:42:36 AM - commands.c:cmd_workspace_name:978 - should switch to workspace 3
06/24/2013 01:42:36 AM - Creating new workspace "3"
06/24/2013 01:42:36 AM - got output 0x11ab7a0 with content 0x11abc10
06/24/2013 01:42:36 AM - con.c:con_new:60 - opening window 0
06/24/2013 01:42:36 AM - con.c:con_new:63 - color #ff0000
06/24/2013 01:42:36 AM - x.c:x_con_init:151 - adding new state for window id 0x0080000f
06/24/2013 01:42:36 AM - num = 3
06/24/2013 01:42:36 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_apply_default_orientation:35 - Auto orientation. Workspace size set to (1280,800), setting layout to 6.
06/24/2013 01:42:36 AM - con.c:con_attach:105 - it's a workspace. num = 3
06/24/2013 01:42:36 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:404 - Setting previous_workspace_name = 2
06/24/2013 01:42:36 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:410 - switching to 0x11ac050 / 3
06/24/2013 01:42:36 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x11ac050
06/24/2013 01:42:36 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x11abc10
06/24/2013 01:42:36 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x11ab7a0
06/24/2013 01:42:36 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:447 - old = 0x11cc330 / 2
06/24/2013 01:42:36 AM - workspace visible? fs = 0x11ac050, ws = 0x11cc330
06/24/2013 01:42:36 AM - Closing old workspace (0x11cc330 / 2), it is empty
06/24/2013 01:42:36 AM - con.c:con_next_focused:899 - Using first entry 0x11ac050
06/24/2013 01:42:36 AM - tree.c:tree_close:212 - next = 0x11ac050, focused = 0x11ac050
06/24/2013 01:42:36 AM - tree.c:tree_close:214 - closing 0x11cc330, kill_window = 0
06/24/2013 01:42:36 AM - con.c:con_is_floating:403 - checking if con 0x11cc330 is floating
06/24/2013 01:42:36 AM - tree.c:tree_render:500 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
06/24/2013 01:42:36 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x11aaf20 / root / layout 6 / children 2
06/24/2013 01:42:36 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x11ab130 / __i3 / layout 4 / children 1
06/24/2013 01:42:36 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x11ab7a0 / LVDS-0 / layout 4 / children 3
06/24/2013 01:42:36 AM - render.c:render_l_output:112 - child at (0, 0) with (1280 x 0)
06/24/2013 01:42:36 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x11ab9b0 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0
06/24/2013 01:42:36 AM - render.c:render_l_output:112 - child at (0, 0) with (1280 x 800)
06/24/2013 01:42:36 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x11abc10 / content / layout 6 / children 1
06/24/2013 01:42:36 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x11ac050 / 3 / layout 6 / children 0
06/24/2013 01:42:36 AM - render.c:render_l_output:112 - child at (0, 800) with (1280 x 0)
06/24/2013 01:42:36 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x11abe60 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 0
06/24/2013 01:42:36 AM - render.c:render_con:257 - Rendering floating windows:
06/24/2013 01:42:36 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:857 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
06/24/2013 01:42:36 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:910 - PUSHING CHANGES
06/24/2013 01:42:36 AM - x.c:x_push_node:609 - pushing name [i3 con] workspace 3 for con 0x11ac050
06/24/2013 01:42:36 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:949 - Not updating focus (to 0x11ac050 / 3), focused window is not mapped.
06/24/2013 01:42:36 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:986 - Still no window focused, better set focus to the root window
06/24/2013 01:42:36 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:992 - ENDING CHANGES
06/24/2013 01:42:36 AM - tree.c:tree_render:509 - -- END RENDERING --
06/24/2013 01:42:36 AM - con.c:con_is_floating:403 - checking if con 0x11cc330 is floating
06/24/2013 01:42:36 AM - tree.c:tree_close:341 - not focusing, was not mapped
06/24/2013 01:42:36 AM - con.c:con_on_remove_child:1336 - on_remove_child
06/24/2013 01:42:36 AM - focused now = 0x11ac050 / 3
06/24/2013 01:42:36 AM - commands.c:cmd_criteria_init:239 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x648100
06/24/2013 01:42:36 AM - tree.c:tree_render:500 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
06/24/2013 01:42:36 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x11aaf20 / root / layout 6 / children 2
06/24/2013 01:42:36 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x11ab130 / __i3 / layout 4 / children 1
06/24/2013 01:42:36 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x11ab7a0 / LVDS-0 / layout 4 / children 3
06/24/2013 01:42:36 AM - render.c:render_l_output:112 - child at (0, 0) with (1280 x 0)
06/24/2013 01:42:36 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x11ab9b0 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0
06/24/2013 01:42:36 AM - render.c:render_l_output:112 - child at (0, 0) with (1280 x 800)
06/24/2013 01:42:36 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x11abc10 / content / layout 6 / children 1
06/24/2013 01:42:36 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x11ac050 / 3 / layout 6 / children 0
06/24/2013 01:42:36 AM - render.c:render_l_output:112 - child at (0, 800) with (1280 x 0)
06/24/2013 01:42:36 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x11abe60 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 0
06/24/2013 01:42:36 AM - render.c:render_con:257 - Rendering floating windows:
06/24/2013 01:42:36 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:857 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
06/24/2013 01:42:36 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:910 - PUSHING CHANGES
06/24/2013 01:42:36 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:949 - Not updating focus (to 0x11ac050 / 3), focused window is not mapped.
06/24/2013 01:42:36 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:986 - Still no window focused, better set focus to the root window
06/24/2013 01:42:36 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:992 - ENDING CHANGES
06/24/2013 01:42:36 AM - tree.c:tree_render:509 - -- END RENDERING --
06/24/2013 01:42:36 AM - key_press.c:json_boolean:25 - Got bool: 1, parse_error_key 0, nesting_level 1
06/24/2013 01:42:36 AM - handlers.c:handle_destroy_notify_event:507 - destroy notify for 0x0080000e, 0x0080000e
06/24/2013 01:42:36 AM - handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:440 - UnmapNotify for 0x0080000e (received from 0x0080000e), serial 919
06/24/2013 01:42:36 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
06/24/2013 01:42:36 AM - main.c:xcb_check_cb:127 - X11 Error received (probably harmless)! sequence 0x398, error_code = 4
06/24/2013 01:42:36 AM - main.c:xcb_check_cb:127 - X11 Error received (probably harmless)! sequence 0x399, error_code = 13
06/24/2013 01:42:36 AM - key_press.c:handle_key_press:78 - KeyRelease 12, state raw = 8
06/24/2013 01:42:36 AM - key_press.c:handle_key_press:82 - (removed numlock, state = 8)
06/24/2013 01:42:36 AM - key_press.c:handle_key_press:86 - (removed upper 8 bits, state = 8)
06/24/2013 01:42:36 AM - key_press.c:handle_key_press:91 - (checked mode_switch, state 8)
06/24/2013 01:42:36 AM - key_press.c:handle_key_press:102 - no match, new state_filtered = 8
06/24/2013 01:42:36 AM - key_press.c:handle_key_press:110 - Could not lookup key binding (modifiers 8, keycode 12)
06/24/2013 01:42:37 AM - main.c:xkb_got_event:149 - Handling XKB event
06/24/2013 01:42:37 AM - main.c:xkb_got_event:149 - Handling XKB event
06/24/2013 01:42:37 AM - main.c:xkb_got_event:149 - Handling XKB event
06/24/2013 01:42:37 AM - main.c:xkb_got_event:149 - Handling XKB event
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - main.c:xkb_got_event:149 - Handling XKB event
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - main.c:xkb_got_event:149 - Handling XKB event
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - key_press.c:handle_key_press:78 - KeyPress 10, state raw = 8
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - key_press.c:handle_key_press:82 - (removed numlock, state = 8)
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - key_press.c:handle_key_press:86 - (removed upper 8 bits, state = 8)
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - key_press.c:handle_key_press:91 - (checked mode_switch, state 8)
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - commands_parser.c:parse_command:209 - COMMAND: *workspace 1*
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - commands.c:cmd_criteria_init:239 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x648100
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - commands.c:cmd_workspace_name:978 - should switch to workspace 1
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - Creating new workspace "1"
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - got output 0x11ab7a0 with content 0x11abc10
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - con.c:con_new:60 - opening window 1
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - con.c:con_new:63 - color #00FF00
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - x.c:x_con_init:151 - adding new state for window id 0x00800010
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - num = 1
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_apply_default_orientation:35 - Auto orientation. Workspace size set to (1280,800), setting layout to 6.
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - con.c:con_attach:105 - it's a workspace. num = 1
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:404 - Setting previous_workspace_name = 3
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:410 - switching to 0x11cc330 / 1
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x11cc330
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x11abc10
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x11ab7a0
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:447 - old = 0x11ac050 / 3
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - workspace visible? fs = 0x11cc330, ws = 0x11ac050
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - Closing old workspace (0x11ac050 / 3), it is empty
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - con.c:con_next_focused:899 - Using first entry 0x11cc330
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - tree.c:tree_close:212 - next = 0x11cc330, focused = 0x11cc330
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - tree.c:tree_close:214 - closing 0x11ac050, kill_window = 0
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - con.c:con_is_floating:403 - checking if con 0x11ac050 is floating
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - tree.c:tree_render:500 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x11aaf20 / root / layout 6 / children 2
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x11ab130 / __i3 / layout 4 / children 1
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x11ab7a0 / LVDS-0 / layout 4 / children 3
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - render.c:render_l_output:112 - child at (0, 0) with (1280 x 0)
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x11ab9b0 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - render.c:render_l_output:112 - child at (0, 0) with (1280 x 800)
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x11abc10 / content / layout 6 / children 1
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x11cc330 / 1 / layout 6 / children 0
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - render.c:render_l_output:112 - child at (0, 800) with (1280 x 0)
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x11abe60 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 0
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - render.c:render_con:257 - Rendering floating windows:
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:857 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:910 - PUSHING CHANGES
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - x.c:x_push_node:609 - pushing name [i3 con] workspace 1 for con 0x11cc330
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:949 - Not updating focus (to 0x11cc330 / 1), focused window is not mapped.
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:986 - Still no window focused, better set focus to the root window
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:992 - ENDING CHANGES
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - tree.c:tree_render:509 - -- END RENDERING --
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - con.c:con_is_floating:403 - checking if con 0x11ac050 is floating
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - tree.c:tree_close:341 - not focusing, was not mapped
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - con.c:con_on_remove_child:1336 - on_remove_child
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - focused now = 0x11cc330 / 1
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - commands.c:cmd_criteria_init:239 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x648100
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - tree.c:tree_render:500 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x11aaf20 / root / layout 6 / children 2
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x11ab130 / __i3 / layout 4 / children 1
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x11ab7a0 / LVDS-0 / layout 4 / children 3
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - render.c:render_l_output:112 - child at (0, 0) with (1280 x 0)
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x11ab9b0 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - render.c:render_l_output:112 - child at (0, 0) with (1280 x 800)
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x11abc10 / content / layout 6 / children 1
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x11cc330 / 1 / layout 6 / children 0
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - render.c:render_l_output:112 - child at (0, 800) with (1280 x 0)
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x11abe60 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 0
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - render.c:render_con:257 - Rendering floating windows:
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:857 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:910 - PUSHING CHANGES
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:949 - Not updating focus (to 0x11cc330 / 1), focused window is not mapped.
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:986 - Still no window focused, better set focus to the root window
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:992 - ENDING CHANGES
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - tree.c:tree_render:509 - -- END RENDERING --
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - key_press.c:json_boolean:25 - Got bool: 1, parse_error_key 0, nesting_level 1
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - handlers.c:handle_destroy_notify_event:507 - destroy notify for 0x0080000f, 0x0080000f
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:440 - UnmapNotify for 0x0080000f (received from 0x0080000f), serial 934
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - main.c:xcb_check_cb:127 - X11 Error received (probably harmless)! sequence 0x3a7, error_code = 4
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - main.c:xcb_check_cb:127 - X11 Error received (probably harmless)! sequence 0x3a8, error_code = 13
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - key_press.c:handle_key_press:78 - KeyRelease 10, state raw = 8
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - key_press.c:handle_key_press:82 - (removed numlock, state = 8)
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - key_press.c:handle_key_press:86 - (removed upper 8 bits, state = 8)
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - key_press.c:handle_key_press:91 - (checked mode_switch, state 8)
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - key_press.c:handle_key_press:102 - no match, new state_filtered = 8
06/24/2013 01:42:38 AM - key_press.c:handle_key_press:110 - Could not lookup key binding (modifiers 8, keycode 10)
06/24/2013 01:42:39 AM - main.c:xkb_got_event:149 - Handling XKB event
06/24/2013 01:42:39 AM - main.c:xkb_got_event:149 - Handling XKB event
06/24/2013 01:42:39 AM - key_press.c:handle_key_press:78 - KeyPress 36, state raw = 8
06/24/2013 01:42:39 AM - key_press.c:handle_key_press:82 - (removed numlock, state = 8)
06/24/2013 01:42:39 AM - key_press.c:handle_key_press:86 - (removed upper 8 bits, state = 8)
06/24/2013 01:42:39 AM - key_press.c:handle_key_press:91 - (checked mode_switch, state 8)
06/24/2013 01:42:39 AM - commands_parser.c:parse_command:209 - COMMAND: *exec urxvt*
06/24/2013 01:42:39 AM - commands.c:cmd_criteria_init:239 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x648100
06/24/2013 01:42:39 AM - commands.c:cmd_exec:1297 - should execute urxvt, no_startup_id = 0
06/24/2013 01:42:39 AM - startup id = i3/urxvt/310-2-MONSTERBOX_TIME370713
06/24/2013 01:42:39 AM - executing: urxvt
06/24/2013 01:42:39 AM - commands.c:cmd_criteria_init:239 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x648100
06/24/2013 01:42:39 AM - key_press.c:json_boolean:25 - Got bool: 1, parse_error_key 0, nesting_level 1
06/24/2013 01:42:39 AM - handlers.c:handle_destroy_notify_event:507 - destroy notify for 0x00800011, 0x00800011
06/24/2013 01:42:39 AM - handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:440 - UnmapNotify for 0x00800011 (received from 0x00800011), serial 945
06/24/2013 01:42:39 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
06/24/2013 01:42:39 AM - key_press.c:handle_key_press:78 - KeyRelease 36, state raw = 8
06/24/2013 01:42:39 AM - key_press.c:handle_key_press:82 - (removed numlock, state = 8)
06/24/2013 01:42:39 AM - key_press.c:handle_key_press:86 - (removed upper 8 bits, state = 8)
06/24/2013 01:42:39 AM - key_press.c:handle_key_press:91 - (checked mode_switch, state 8)
06/24/2013 01:42:39 AM - key_press.c:handle_key_press:102 - no match, new state_filtered = 8
06/24/2013 01:42:39 AM - key_press.c:handle_key_press:110 - Could not lookup key binding (modifiers 8, keycode 36)
06/24/2013 01:42:40 AM - main.c:xkb_got_event:149 - Handling XKB event
06/24/2013 01:42:41 AM - main.c:xkb_got_event:149 - Handling XKB event
06/24/2013 01:42:41 AM - main.c:xkb_got_event:149 - Handling XKB event
06/24/2013 01:42:51 AM - click.c:handle_button_press:315 - Button 0 pressed on window 0x00000254
06/24/2013 01:42:51 AM - click.c:handle_button_press:321 - floating_mod = 0, detail = 1
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - handlers.c:handle_mapping_notify:255 - Received mapping_notify for keyboard or modifier mapping, re-grabbing keys
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:ungrab_all_keys:29 - Ungrabbing all keys
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Return" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "q" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "d" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "j" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "k" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "l" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "semicolon" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Left" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Down" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Up" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Right" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "j" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "k" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "l" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "semicolon" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Left" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Down" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Up" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Right" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "h" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "v" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "f" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "s" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "w" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "e" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "space" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "space" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "a" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "1" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "2" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "3" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "4" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "5" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "6" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "7" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "8" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "9" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "0" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Tab" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Tab" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "1" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "2" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "4" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "3" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "5" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "6" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "7" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "8" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "9" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "0" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F1" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F2" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F3" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F4" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F1" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F2" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F3" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F4" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "c" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "r" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "e" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "r" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 36 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 24 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 40 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 44 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 45 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 46 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 47 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 113 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 116 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 111 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 114 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 44 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 45 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 46 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 47 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 113 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 116 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 111 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 114 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 43 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 55 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 41 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 39 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 25 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 26 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 65 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 65 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 38 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 10 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 11 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 12 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 13 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 14 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 15 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 16 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 17 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 18 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 19 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 23 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 23 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 10 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 11 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 13 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 12 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 14 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 15 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 16 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 17 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 18 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 19 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 67 with modifiers 0 (with mod_mask_lock 2)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 68 with modifiers 0 (with mod_mask_lock 2)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 69 with modifiers 0 (with mod_mask_lock 2)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 70 with modifiers 0 (with mod_mask_lock 2)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 67 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 68 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 69 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 70 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 54 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 27 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 26 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 27 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - handlers.c:handle_mapping_notify:255 - Received mapping_notify for keyboard or modifier mapping, re-grabbing keys
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:ungrab_all_keys:29 - Ungrabbing all keys
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Return" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "q" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "d" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "j" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "k" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "l" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "semicolon" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Left" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Down" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Up" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Right" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "j" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "k" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "l" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "semicolon" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Left" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Down" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Up" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Right" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "h" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "v" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "f" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "s" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "w" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "e" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "space" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "space" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "a" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "1" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "2" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "3" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "4" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "5" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "6" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "7" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "8" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "9" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "0" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Tab" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Tab" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "1" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "2" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "4" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "3" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "5" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "6" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "7" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "8" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "9" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "0" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F1" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F2" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F3" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F4" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F1" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F2" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F3" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F4" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "c" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "r" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "e" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "r" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 36 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 24 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 40 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 44 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 45 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 46 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 47 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 113 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 116 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 111 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 114 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 44 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 45 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 46 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 47 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 113 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 116 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 111 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 114 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 43 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 55 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 41 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 39 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 25 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 26 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 65 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 65 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 38 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 10 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 11 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 12 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 13 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 14 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 15 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 16 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 17 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 18 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 19 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 23 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 23 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 10 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 11 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 13 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 12 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 14 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 15 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 16 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 17 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 18 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 19 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 67 with modifiers 0 (with mod_mask_lock 2)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 68 with modifiers 0 (with mod_mask_lock 2)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 69 with modifiers 0 (with mod_mask_lock 2)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 70 with modifiers 0 (with mod_mask_lock 2)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 67 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 68 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 69 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 70 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 54 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 27 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 26 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 01:43:16 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 27 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - Enabling debug logging
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - i3 4.5.1 (2013-03-18, branch "tags/4.5.1") starting
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - main.c:main:527 - root_depth = 24, visual_id = 0x00000021.
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - Parsing configfile /home/punchy/.i3/config
deciding for version 4 due to this line: # i3 config file (v4)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 1): # i3 config file (v4)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 2): #
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 3): # Please see for a complete reference!
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 4): #
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 5): # This config file uses keycodes (bindsym) and was written for the QWERTY
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 6): # layout.
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 7): #
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 8): # To get a config file with the same key positions, but for your current
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 9): # layout, use the i3-config-wizard
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 10): #
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 11):
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 12): # Font for window titles. Will also be used by the bar unless a different font
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 13): # is used in the bar {} block below. ISO 10646 = Unicode
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 14): font -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--13-120-75-75-C-70-iso10646-1
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 15): # The font above is very space-efficient, that is, it looks good, sharp and
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 16): # clear in small sizes. However, if you need a lot of unicode glyphs or
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 17): # right-to-left text rendering, you should instead use pango for rendering and
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 18): # chose a FreeType font, such as:
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 19): # font pango:DejaVu Sans Mono 10
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 20):
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 21): # use Mouse+Mod1 to drag floating windows to their wanted position
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 22): floating_modifier Mod1
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 23):
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 24): # start a terminal
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 25): #bindsym Mod1+Return exec i3-sensible-terminal
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 26): bindsym Mod1+Return exec urxvt
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 27):
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 28): # kill focused window
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 29): bindsym Mod1+Shift+q kill
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 30):
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 31): # start dmenu (a program launcher)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 32): bindsym Mod1+d exec dmenu_run
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 33): # There also is the (new) i3-dmenu-desktop which only displays applications
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 34): # shipping a .desktop file. It is a wrapper around dmenu, so you need that
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 35): # installed.
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 36): # bindsym Mod1+d exec --no-startup-id i3-dmenu-desktop
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 37):
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 38): # change focus
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 39): bindsym Mod1+j focus left
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 40): bindsym Mod1+k focus down
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 41): bindsym Mod1+l focus up
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 42): bindsym Mod1+semicolon focus right
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 43):
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 44): # alternatively, you can use the cursor keys:
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 45): bindsym Mod1+Left focus left
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 46): bindsym Mod1+Down focus down
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 47): bindsym Mod1+Up focus up
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 48): bindsym Mod1+Right focus right
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 49):
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 50): # move focused window
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 51): bindsym Mod1+Shift+j move left
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 52): bindsym Mod1+Shift+k move down
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 53): bindsym Mod1+Shift+l move up
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 54): bindsym Mod1+Shift+semicolon move right
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 55):
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 56): # alternatively, you can use the cursor keys:
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 57): bindsym Mod1+Shift+Left move left
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 58): bindsym Mod1+Shift+Down move down
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 59): bindsym Mod1+Shift+Up move up
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 60): bindsym Mod1+Shift+Right move right
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 61):
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 62): # split in horizontal orientation
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 63): bindsym Mod1+h split h
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 64):
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 65): # split in vertical orientation
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 66): bindsym Mod1+v split v
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 67):
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 68): # enter fullscreen mode for the focused container
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 69): bindsym Mod1+f fullscreen
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 70):
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 71): # change container layout (stacked, tabbed, toggle split)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 72): bindsym Mod1+s layout stacking
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 73): bindsym Mod1+w layout tabbed
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 74): bindsym Mod1+e layout toggle split
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 75):
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 76): # toggle tiling / floating
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 77): bindsym Mod1+Shift+space floating toggle
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 78):
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 79): # change focus between tiling / floating windows
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 80): bindsym Mod1+space focus mode_toggle
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 81):
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 82): # focus the parent container
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 83): bindsym Mod1+a focus parent
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 84):
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 85): # focus the child container
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 86): #bindsym Mod1+d focus child
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 87):
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 88): # switch to workspace
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 89): bindsym Mod1+1 workspace 1
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 90): bindsym Mod1+2 workspace 2
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 91): bindsym Mod1+3 workspace 3
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 92): bindsym Mod1+4 workspace 4
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 93): bindsym Mod1+5 workspace 5
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 94): bindsym Mod1+6 workspace 6
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 95): bindsym Mod1+7 workspace 7
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 96): bindsym Mod1+8 workspace 8
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 97): bindsym Mod1+9 workspace 9
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 98): bindsym Mod1+0 workspace 10
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 99):
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 100):
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 101): # mov workspace
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 102): bindsym Mod1+Tab focus right
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 103): bindsym Mod1+Shift+Tab focus left
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 104): #bindsym $mod+Tab workspace back_and_forth #focused container to workspace
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 105):
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 106):
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 107): bindsym Mod1+Shift+1 move container to workspace 1
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 108): bindsym Mod1+Shift+2 move container to workspace 2
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 109): bindsym Mod1+Shift+4 move container to workspace 4
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 110): bindsym Mod1+Shift+3 move container to workspace 3
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 111): bindsym Mod1+Shift+5 move container to workspace 5
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 112): bindsym Mod1+Shift+6 move container to workspace 6
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 113): bindsym Mod1+Shift+7 move container to workspace 7
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 114): bindsym Mod1+Shift+8 move container to workspace 8
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 115): bindsym Mod1+Shift+9 move container to workspace 9
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 116): bindsym Mod1+Shift+0 move container to workspace 10
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 117):
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 118):
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 119):
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 120):
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 121): #switch to workspace (f1-f4)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 122): bindsym F1 workspace 1
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 123): bindsym F2 workspace 2
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 124): bindsym F3 workspace 3
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 125): bindsym F4 workspace 4
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 126): bindsym Mod1+F1 workspace 5
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 127): bindsym Mod1+F2 workspace 6
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 128): bindsym Mod1+F3 workspace 7
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 129): bindsym Mod1+F4 workspace 8a
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 130):
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 131): # reload the configuration file
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 132): bindsym Mod1+Shift+c reload
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 133): # restart i3 inplace (preserves your layout/session, can be used to upgrade i3)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 134): bindsym Mod1+Shift+r restart
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 135): # exit i3 (logs you out of your X session)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 136): bindsym Mod1+Shift+e exec "i3-nagbar -t warning -m 'You pressed the exit shortcut. Do you really want to exit i3? This will end your X session.' -b 'Yes, exit i3' 'i3-msg exit'"
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 137):
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 138): # resize window (you can also use the mouse for that)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 139): mode "resize" {
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 140): # These bindings trigger as soon as you enter the resize mode
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 141):
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 142): # Pressing left will shrink the window’s width.
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 143): # Pressing right will grow the window’s width.
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 144): # Pressing up will shrink the window’s height.
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 145): # Pressing down will grow the window’s height.
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 146): bindsym j resize shrink width 10 px or 10 ppt
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 147): bindsym k resize grow height 10 px or 10 ppt
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 148): bindsym l resize shrink height 10 px or 10 ppt
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 149): bindsym semicolon resize grow width 10 px or 10 ppt
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 150):
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 151): # same bindings, but for the arrow keys
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 152): bindsym Left resize shrink width 10 px or 10 ppt
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 153): bindsym Down resize grow height 10 px or 10 ppt
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 154): bindsym Up resize shrink height 10 px or 10 ppt
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 155): bindsym Right resize grow width 10 px or 10 ppt
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 156):
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 157): # back to normal: Enter or Escape
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 158): bindsym Return mode "default"
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 159): bindsym Escape mode "default"
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 160): }
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 161):
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 162): bindsym Mod1+r mode "resize"
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 163):
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 164): # Start i3bar to display a workspace bar (plus the system information i3status
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 165): # finds out, if available)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 166): bar {
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 167): status_command i3status
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 168): }
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 169):
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 170): #######################################################################
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 171): # automatically start i3-config-wizard to offer the user to create a
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 172): # keysym-based config which used his favorite modifier (alt or windows)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 173): #
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 174): # i3-config-wizard will not launch if there already is a config file
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 175): # in ~/.i3/config.
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 176): #
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 177): # Please remove the following exec line:
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 178): #######################################################################
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_parser.c:parse_config:315 - CONFIG(line 179): exec i3-config-wizard
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - [libi3] libi3/font.c Using X font -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--13-120-75-75-C-70-iso10646-1
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key Return, release (null)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, key q, release (null)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key d, release (null)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key j, release (null)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key k, release (null)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key l, release (null)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key semicolon, release (null)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key Left, release (null)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key Down, release (null)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key Up, release (null)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key Right, release (null)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, key j, release (null)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, key k, release (null)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, key l, release (null)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, key semicolon, release (null)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, key Left, release (null)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, key Down, release (null)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, key Up, release (null)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, key Right, release (null)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key h, release (null)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key v, release (null)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key f, release (null)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key s, release (null)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key w, release (null)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key e, release (null)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, key space, release (null)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key space, release (null)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key a, release (null)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key 1, release (null)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key 2, release (null)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key 3, release (null)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key 4, release (null)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key 5, release (null)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key 6, release (null)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key 7, release (null)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key 8, release (null)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key 9, release (null)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key 0, release (null)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key Tab, release (null)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, key Tab, release (null)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, key 1, release (null)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, key 2, release (null)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, key 4, release (null)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, key 3, release (null)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, key 5, release (null)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, key 6, release (null)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, key 7, release (null)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, key 8, release (null)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, key 9, release (null)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, key 0, release (null)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), key F1, release (null)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), key F2, release (null)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), key F3, release (null)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), key F4, release (null)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key F1, release (null)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key F2, release (null)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key F3, release (null)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key F4, release (null)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, key c, release (null)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, key r, release (null)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1,Shift, key e, release (null)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_enter_mode:231 - now in mode resize
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_mode_binding:209 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), key j, release (null)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_mode_binding:209 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), key k, release (null)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_mode_binding:209 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), key l, release (null)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_mode_binding:209 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), key semicolon, release (null)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_mode_binding:209 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), key Left, release (null)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_mode_binding:209 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), key Down, release (null)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_mode_binding:209 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), key Up, release (null)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_mode_binding:209 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), key Right, release (null)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_mode_binding:209 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), key Return, release (null)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_mode_binding:209 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers (null), key Escape, release (null)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_binding:183 - bindtype bindsym, modifiers Mod1, key r, release (null)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_bar_finish:550 - new bar configuration finished, saving.
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config_directives.c:cfg_criteria_init:41 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x649540, state = 65
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - main.c:main:555 - root geometry reply: (0, 0) 1280 x 800
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Return" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "q" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "d" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "j" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "k" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "l" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "semicolon" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Left" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Down" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Up" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Right" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "j" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "k" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "l" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "semicolon" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Left" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Down" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Up" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Right" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "h" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "v" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "f" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "s" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "w" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "e" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "space" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "space" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "a" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "1" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "2" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "3" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "4" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "5" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "6" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "7" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "8" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "9" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "0" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Tab" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Tab" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "1" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "2" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "4" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "3" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "5" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "6" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "7" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "8" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "9" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "0" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F1" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F2" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F3" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F4" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F1" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F2" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F3" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F4" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "c" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "r" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "e" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "r" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 36 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 24 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 40 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 44 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 45 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 46 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 47 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 113 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 116 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 111 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 114 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 44 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 45 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 46 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 47 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 113 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 116 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 111 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 114 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 43 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 55 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 41 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 39 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 25 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 26 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 65 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 65 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 38 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 10 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 11 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 12 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 13 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 14 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 15 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 16 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 17 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 18 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 19 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 23 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 23 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 10 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 11 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 13 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 12 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 14 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 15 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 16 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 17 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 18 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 19 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 67 with modifiers 0 (with mod_mask_lock 2)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 68 with modifiers 0 (with mod_mask_lock 2)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 69 with modifiers 0 (with mod_mask_lock 2)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 70 with modifiers 0 (with mod_mask_lock 2)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 67 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 68 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 69 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 70 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 54 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 27 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 26 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 27 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - con.c:con_new:60 - opening window 0
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - con.c:con_new:63 - color #ff0000
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - x.c:x_con_init:151 - adding new state for window id 0x00a00002
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - con.c:con_new:60 - opening window 1
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - con.c:con_new:63 - color #00FF00
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - x.c:x_con_init:151 - adding new state for window id 0x00a00003
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - tree.c:_create___i3:41 - adding main content container
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - con.c:con_new:60 - opening window 2
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - con.c:con_new:63 - color #0000FF
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - x.c:x_con_init:151 - adding new state for window id 0x00a00004
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - con.c:con_new:60 - opening window 3
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - con.c:con_new:63 - color #ff00ff
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - x.c:x_con_init:151 - adding new state for window id 0x00a00005
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - con.c:con_attach:105 - it's a workspace. num = -1
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - main.c:main:662 - Checking for XRandR...
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - randr.c:randr_query_outputs:588 - primary output is 0000024c
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - randr.c:handle_output:509 - found output with name DVI-I-0
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - randr.c:handle_output:509 - found output with name LVDS-0
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - randr.c:handle_output:545 - mode: 1280x800+0+0
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - randr.c:handle_output:509 - found output with name DVI-I-1
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - randr.c:randr_query_outputs:620 - output 0x16655e0 / LVDS-0, position (0, 0), checking for clones
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - randr.c:randr_query_outputs:659 - Need to initialize a Con for output LVDS-0
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - randr.c:output_init_con:231 - init_con for output LVDS-0
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - con.c:con_new:60 - opening window 4
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - con.c:con_new:63 - color #00ffff
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - x.c:x_con_init:151 - adding new state for window id 0x00a00006
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - con.c:con_attach:170 - Inserting con = 0x1665680 after last focused tiling con 0x1664ab0
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - randr.c:output_init_con:266 - Changing layout, adding top/bottom dockarea
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - con.c:con_new:60 - opening window 5
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - con.c:con_new:63 - color #ffff00
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - x.c:x_con_init:151 - adding new state for window id 0x00a00007
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - randr.c:output_init_con:283 - attaching
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - randr.c:output_init_con:288 - adding main content container
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - con.c:con_new:60 - opening window 6
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - con.c:con_new:63 - color #aa0000
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - x.c:x_con_init:151 - adding new state for window id 0x00a00008
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - con.c:con_new:60 - opening window 7
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - con.c:con_new:63 - color #00aa00
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - x.c:x_con_init:151 - adding new state for window id 0x00a00009
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - randr.c:output_init_con:317 - attaching
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - randr.c:randr_query_outputs:770 - Should add ws for output LVDS-0
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - randr.c:init_ws_for_output:427 - Now adding a workspace
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - con.c:con_new:60 - opening window 8
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - con.c:con_new:63 - color #0000aa
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - x.c:x_con_init:151 - adding new state for window id 0x00a0000a
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command exec urxvt
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command kill
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command exec dmenu_run
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command focus left
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command focus down
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command focus up
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command focus right
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command focus left
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command focus down
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command focus up
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command focus right
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command move left
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command move down
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command move up
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command move right
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command move left
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command move down
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command move up
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command move right
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command split h
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command split v
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command fullscreen
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command layout stacking
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command layout tabbed
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command layout toggle split
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command floating toggle
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command focus mode_toggle
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command focus parent
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:125 - binding with command workspace 1
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:129 - relevant command = workspace 1
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - workspace.c:create_workspace_on_output:150 - trying name *1*
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - Used number 1 for workspace with name 1
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - con.c:con_attach:105 - it's a workspace. num = 1
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_apply_default_orientation:35 - Auto orientation. Workspace size set to (1280,800), setting layout to 6.
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - tree.c:tree_render:500 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1663ca0 / root / layout 6 / children 2
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1664ab0 / __i3 / layout 4 / children 1
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1665680 / LVDS-0 / layout 4 / children 3
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - render.c:render_l_output:112 - child at (0, 0) with (1280 x 0)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1665890 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - render.c:render_l_output:112 - child at (0, 0) with (1280 x 800)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1665af0 / content / layout 6 / children 1
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x16849b0 / 1 / layout 6 / children 0
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - render.c:render_l_output:112 - child at (0, 800) with (1280 x 0)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1665d40 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 0
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - render.c:render_con:257 - Rendering floating windows:
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:857 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:910 - PUSHING CHANGES
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - x.c:x_push_node:609 - pushing name [i3 con] output LVDS-0 for con 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - x.c:x_push_node:609 - pushing name [i3 con] content LVDS-0 for con 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - x.c:x_push_node:609 - pushing name [i3 con] workspace 1 for con 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - x.c:x_push_node:609 - pushing name [i3 con] top dockarea LVDS-0 for con 0x1665890
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - x.c:x_push_node:609 - pushing name [i3 con] bottom dockarea LVDS-0 for con 0x1665d40
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - x.c:x_push_node:609 - pushing name [i3 con] pseudo-output __i3 for con 0x1664ab0
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - x.c:x_push_node:609 - pushing name [i3 con] content __i3 for con 0x1664ca0
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - x.c:x_push_node:609 - pushing name [i3 con] workspace __i3_scratch for con 0x1664ed0
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:949 - Not updating focus (to 0x16849b0 / 1), focused window is not mapped.
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:986 - Still no window focused, better set focus to the root window
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:992 - ENDING CHANGES
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - tree.c:tree_render:509 - -- END RENDERING --
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - scratchpad.c:scratchpad_fix_resolution:232 - Current resolution: (0, 0) 1280 x 1024
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - scratchpad.c:scratchpad_fix_resolution:241 - output LVDS-0's resolution: (0, 0) 1280 x 800
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - scratchpad.c:scratchpad_fix_resolution:254 - new width = 1280, new height = 800
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - scratchpad.c:scratchpad_fix_resolution:265 - Fixing coordinates of scratchpad windows
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - main.c:main:673 - Pointer at 640, 400
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=640 y=400 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - tree.c:tree_render:500 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1663ca0 / root / layout 6 / children 2
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1664ab0 / __i3 / layout 4 / children 1
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1665680 / LVDS-0 / layout 4 / children 3
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - render.c:render_l_output:112 - child at (0, 0) with (1280 x 0)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1665890 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - render.c:render_l_output:112 - child at (0, 0) with (1280 x 800)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1665af0 / content / layout 6 / children 1
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x16849b0 / 1 / layout 6 / children 0
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - render.c:render_l_output:112 - child at (0, 800) with (1280 x 0)
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1665d40 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 0
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - render.c:render_con:257 - Rendering floating windows:
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:857 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:910 - PUSHING CHANGES
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:949 - Not updating focus (to 0x16849b0 / 1), focused window is not mapped.
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:986 - Still no window focused, better set focus to the root window
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:992 - ENDING CHANGES
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - tree.c:tree_render:509 - -- END RENDERING --
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - ipc.c:ipc_create_socket:897 - Creating IPC-socket at /run/user/1000/i3/ipc-socket.363
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - main.c:main:704 - socket activation: no sockets passed
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - auto-starting i3-config-wizard
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - startup id = i3/i3-config-wizard/363-0-MONSTERBOX_TIME0
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - executing: i3-config-wizard
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - Starting bar process: i3bar --bar_id=bar-egydue --socket="/run/user/1000/i3/ipc-socket.363"
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - executing: i3bar --bar_id=bar-egydue --socket="/run/user/1000/i3/ipc-socket.363"
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - handlers.c:handle_destroy_notify_event:507 - destroy notify for 0x00a0000b, 0x00a0000b
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:440 - UnmapNotify for 0x00a0000b (received from 0x00a0000b), serial 380
06/24/2013 11:04:20 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - handlers.c:handle_configure_request:296 - window 0x01400003 wants to be at 530x340 with 220x119
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - handlers.c:handle_configure_request:301 - Configure request for unmanaged window, can do that.
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - handlers.c:handle_configure_request:296 - window 0x01400003 wants to be at 530x340 with 220x119
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - handlers.c:handle_configure_request:301 - Configure request for unmanaged window, can do that.
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - ClientMessage for window 0x01400003
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - handlers.c:handle_client_message:625 - Unknown atom in clientmessage of type 375
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - handlers.c:handle_configure_request:296 - window 0x01400003 wants to be at 530x340 with 220x119
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - handlers.c:handle_configure_request:301 - Configure request for unmanaged window, can do that.
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - handlers.c:handle_map_request:276 - window = 0x01400003, serial is 382.
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - manage.c:manage_window:197 - Managing window 0x01400003
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - WM_CLASS changed to zenity (instance), Zenity (class)
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - WM_NAME changed to "Sakis3G 0.2.0e"
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - Using legacy window title. Note that in order to get Unicode window titles in i3, the application has to set _NET_WM_NAME (UTF-8)
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Sakis3G 0.2.0e"
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - window.c:window_update_leader:138 - Client leader changed to 01400001
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - window.c:window_update_transient_for:151 - TRANSIENT_FOR not set.
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - window.c:window_update_strut_partial:175 - _NET_WM_STRUT_PARTIAL not set.
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - window.c:window_update_role:200 - WM_WINDOW_ROLE not set.
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - WM_HINTS.input changed to "1"
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - startup.c:startup_sequence_get:276 - No _NET_STARTUP_ID set on window 0x01400003
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - startup.c:startup_sequence_get:292 - Checking leader window 0x01400001
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - startup.c:startup_sequence_get:303 - No _NET_STARTUP_ID set on the leader either
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - manage.c:manage_window:232 - startup workspace = (null)
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - manage.c:manage_window:270 - Initial geometry: (530, 340, 220, 119)
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - Checking window 0x01400003 (class Zenity)
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - dock status does not match
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - Checking window 0x01400003 (class Zenity)
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - dock status does not match
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - tree.c:tree_open_con:154 - con = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - con.c:con_new:60 - opening window 9
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - con.c:con_new:63 - color #aa00aa
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - x.c:x_con_init:151 - adding new state for window id 0x00a0000c
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - manage.c:manage_window:317 - new container = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - x.c:x_reinit:168 - resetting state 0x1665350 to initial
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - manage.c:manage_window:334 - Not in fullscreen mode, focusing
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - workspace visible? fs = 0x16849b0, ws = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - This window is a dialog window, setting floating
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - manage.c:manage_window:417 - geometry = 220 x 119
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - con.c:con_is_floating:403 - checking if con 0x1685670 is floating
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - con.c:con_new:60 - opening window 0
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - con.c:con_new:63 - color #ff0000
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - x.c:x_con_init:151 - adding new state for window id 0x00a0000d
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - floating.c:floating_enable:199 - Original rect: (0, 0) with 0 x 0
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - floating.c:floating_enable:200 - Geometry = (530, 340) with 220 x 119
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - con.c:con_border_style_rect:1067 - The border width for con is set to: -1
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - con.c:con_border_style_rect:1071 - Effective border width is set to: 2
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=642 y=409 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - floating.c:floating_enable:278 - Floating rect: (530, 340) with 224 x 139
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - floating.c:floating_enable:286 - Corrected y = 322 (deco_height = 18)
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x16857f0 / #ff0000 / layout 6 / children 1
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - render.c:render_con:403 - child at (530, 340) with (224 x 121)
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1685670 / #aa00aa / layout 6 / children 0
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - con.c:con_border_style_rect:1067 - The border width for con is set to: -1
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - con.c:con_border_style_rect:1071 - Effective border width is set to: 2
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - render.c:render_con:200 - child will be at 2x0 with size 220x119
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1685670 / #aa00aa / layout 6 / children 0
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - con.c:con_border_style_rect:1067 - The border width for con is set to: -1
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - con.c:con_border_style_rect:1071 - Effective border width is set to: 2
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - render.c:render_con:200 - child will be at 2x0 with size 220x119
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=642 y=391 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - floating.c:floating_maybe_reassign_ws:396 - still the same ws
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=530 y=322 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - assignments.c:run_assignments:20 - Checking if any assignments match this window
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - workspace visible? fs = 0x16849b0, ws = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - tree.c:tree_render:500 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1663ca0 / root / layout 6 / children 2
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1664ab0 / __i3 / layout 4 / children 1
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1665680 / LVDS-0 / layout 4 / children 3
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - render.c:render_l_output:112 - child at (0, 0) with (1280 x 0)
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1665890 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - render.c:render_l_output:112 - child at (0, 0) with (1280 x 800)
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1665af0 / content / layout 6 / children 1
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x16849b0 / 1 / layout 6 / children 0
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - render.c:render_l_output:112 - child at (0, 800) with (1280 x 0)
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1665d40 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 0
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - render.c:render_con:257 - Rendering floating windows:
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - render.c:render_con:300 - floating child at (530,322) with 224 x 139
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x16857f0 / #ff0000 / layout 6 / children 1
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - render.c:render_con:403 - child at (530, 340) with (224 x 121)
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1685670 / #aa00aa / layout 6 / children 0
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - con.c:con_border_style_rect:1067 - The border width for con is set to: -1
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - con.c:con_border_style_rect:1071 - Effective border width is set to: 2
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - render.c:render_con:200 - child will be at 2x0 with size 220x119
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:857 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:910 - PUSHING CHANGES
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - x.c:x_push_node:609 - pushing name [i3 con] floatingcon around 0x1685670 for con 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - x.c:x_push_node:708 - setting rect (530, 322, 224, 18)
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - x.c:x_push_node:771 - mapping container 00a0000d (serial 421)
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - x.c:x_push_node:778 - Sending fake configure notify
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - x.c:x_push_node:609 - pushing name [i3 con] container around 0x16853c0 for con 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - con.c:con_border_style_rect:1067 - The border width for con is set to: -1
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - con.c:con_border_style_rect:1071 - Effective border width is set to: 2
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - x.c:x_push_node:708 - setting rect (530, 340, 224, 121)
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - x.c:x_push_node:727 - setting window rect (2, 0, 220, 119)
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - x.c:x_push_node:757 - mapping child window (serial 448)
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - x.c:x_push_node:771 - mapping container 00a0000c (serial 450)
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - x.c:x_push_node:778 - Sending fake configure notify
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - xcb.c:fake_absolute_configure_notify:104 - fake rect = (532, 340, 220, 119)
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:957 - Updating focus by sending WM_TAKE_FOCUS to window 0x01400003 (focused: 0x1685670 / #aa00aa)
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - xcb.c:send_take_focus:127 - Sending WM_TAKE_FOCUS to the client
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:960 - set_focus = 1
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:964 - Updating focus (focused: 0x1685670 / #aa00aa) to X11 window 0x01400003
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:992 - ENDING CHANGES
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - tree.c:tree_render:509 - -- END RENDERING --
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:857 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:910 - PUSHING CHANGES
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:992 - ENDING CHANGES
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - handlers.c:handle_expose_event:591 - window = 00a0000d
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - handlers.c:handle_expose_event:591 - window = 00a0000c
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - handlers.c:handle_expose_event:591 - window = 00a0000c
06/24/2013 11:04:25 AM - handlers.c:handle_expose_event:591 - window = 00a0000c
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - handlers.c:handle_mapping_notify:255 - Received mapping_notify for keyboard or modifier mapping, re-grabbing keys
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:ungrab_all_keys:29 - Ungrabbing all keys
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Return" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "q" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "d" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "j" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "k" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "l" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "semicolon" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Left" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Down" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Up" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Right" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "j" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "k" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "l" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "semicolon" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Left" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Down" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Up" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Right" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "h" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "v" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "f" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "s" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "w" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "e" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "space" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "space" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "a" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "1" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "2" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "3" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "4" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "5" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "6" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "7" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "8" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "9" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "0" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Tab" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Tab" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "1" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "2" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "4" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "3" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "5" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "6" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "7" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "8" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "9" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "0" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F1" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F2" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F3" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F4" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F1" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F2" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F3" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F4" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "c" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "r" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "e" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "r" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 36 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 24 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 40 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 44 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 45 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 46 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 47 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 113 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 116 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 111 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 114 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 44 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 45 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 46 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 47 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 113 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 116 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 111 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 114 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 43 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 55 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 41 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 39 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 25 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 26 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 65 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 65 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 38 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 10 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 11 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 12 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 13 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 14 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 15 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 16 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 17 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 18 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 19 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 23 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 23 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 10 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 11 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 13 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 12 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 14 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 15 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 16 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 17 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 18 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 19 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 67 with modifiers 0 (with mod_mask_lock 2)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 68 with modifiers 0 (with mod_mask_lock 2)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 69 with modifiers 0 (with mod_mask_lock 2)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 70 with modifiers 0 (with mod_mask_lock 2)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 67 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 68 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 69 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 70 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 54 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 27 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 26 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 27 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - handlers.c:handle_mapping_notify:255 - Received mapping_notify for keyboard or modifier mapping, re-grabbing keys
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:ungrab_all_keys:29 - Ungrabbing all keys
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Return" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "q" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "d" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "j" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "k" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "l" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "semicolon" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Left" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Down" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Up" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Right" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "j" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "k" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "l" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "semicolon" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Left" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Down" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Up" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Right" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "h" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "v" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "f" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "s" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "w" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "e" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "space" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "space" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "a" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "1" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "2" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "3" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "4" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "5" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "6" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "7" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "8" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "9" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "0" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Tab" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Tab" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "1" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "2" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "4" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "3" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "5" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "6" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "7" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "8" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "9" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "0" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F1" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F2" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F3" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F4" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F1" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F2" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F3" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F4" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "c" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "r" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "e" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "r" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 36 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 24 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 40 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 44 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 45 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 46 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 47 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 113 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 116 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 111 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 114 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 44 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 45 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 46 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 47 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 113 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 116 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 111 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 114 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 43 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 55 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 41 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 39 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 25 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 26 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 65 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 65 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 38 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 10 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 11 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 12 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 13 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 14 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 15 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 16 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 17 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 18 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 19 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 23 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 23 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 10 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 11 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 13 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 12 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 14 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 15 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 16 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 17 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 18 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 19 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 67 with modifiers 0 (with mod_mask_lock 2)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 68 with modifiers 0 (with mod_mask_lock 2)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 69 with modifiers 0 (with mod_mask_lock 2)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 70 with modifiers 0 (with mod_mask_lock 2)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 67 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 68 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 69 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 70 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 54 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 27 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 26 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 27 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:34 AM - main.c:xkb_got_event:149 - Handling XKB event
06/24/2013 11:04:35 AM - key_press.c:handle_key_press:78 - KeyPress 36, state raw = 8
06/24/2013 11:04:35 AM - key_press.c:handle_key_press:82 - (removed numlock, state = 8)
06/24/2013 11:04:35 AM - key_press.c:handle_key_press:86 - (removed upper 8 bits, state = 8)
06/24/2013 11:04:35 AM - key_press.c:handle_key_press:91 - (checked mode_switch, state 8)
06/24/2013 11:04:35 AM - commands_parser.c:parse_command:209 - COMMAND: *exec urxvt*
06/24/2013 11:04:35 AM - commands.c:cmd_criteria_init:239 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x648100
06/24/2013 11:04:35 AM - commands.c:cmd_exec:1297 - should execute urxvt, no_startup_id = 0
06/24/2013 11:04:35 AM - startup id = i3/urxvt/363-1-MONSTERBOX_TIME80247
06/24/2013 11:04:35 AM - executing: urxvt
06/24/2013 11:04:35 AM - commands.c:cmd_criteria_init:239 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x648100
06/24/2013 11:04:35 AM - key_press.c:json_boolean:25 - Got bool: 1, parse_error_key 0, nesting_level 1
06/24/2013 11:04:35 AM - handlers.c:handle_destroy_notify_event:507 - destroy notify for 0x00a00012, 0x00a00012
06/24/2013 11:04:35 AM - handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:440 - UnmapNotify for 0x00a00012 (received from 0x00a00012), serial 980
06/24/2013 11:04:35 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
06/24/2013 11:04:35 AM - key_press.c:handle_key_press:78 - KeyRelease 36, state raw = 8
06/24/2013 11:04:35 AM - key_press.c:handle_key_press:82 - (removed numlock, state = 8)
06/24/2013 11:04:35 AM - key_press.c:handle_key_press:86 - (removed upper 8 bits, state = 8)
06/24/2013 11:04:35 AM - key_press.c:handle_key_press:91 - (checked mode_switch, state 8)
06/24/2013 11:04:35 AM - key_press.c:handle_key_press:102 - no match, new state_filtered = 8
06/24/2013 11:04:35 AM - key_press.c:handle_key_press:110 - Could not lookup key binding (modifiers 8, keycode 36)
06/24/2013 11:04:35 AM - handlers.c:handle_focus_in:916 - focus change in, for window 0x01400003
06/24/2013 11:04:35 AM - handlers.c:handle_focus_in:920 - That is con 0x1685670 / #aa00aa
06/24/2013 11:04:35 AM - handlers.c:handle_focus_in:924 - FocusIn event for grab/ungrab, ignoring
06/24/2013 11:04:35 AM - main.c:xkb_got_event:149 - Handling XKB event
06/24/2013 11:04:36 AM - handlers.c:handle_enter_notify:128 - enter_notify for 00000254, mode = 0, detail 2, serial 980
06/24/2013 11:04:36 AM - handlers.c:handle_enter_notify:129 - coordinates 765, 542
06/24/2013 11:04:36 AM - handlers.c:handle_enter_notify:150 - Getting screen at 765 x 542
06/24/2013 11:04:36 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=765 y=542 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:36 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:36 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:36 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:36 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:36 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:36 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:36 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:36 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=765 y=542 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:36 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:36 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:36 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:36 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:36 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:36 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:36 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:36 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=842 y=626 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:36 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:36 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:36 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:36 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:36 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:36 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:36 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:36 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=896 y=692 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:36 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:36 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:36 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:36 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:36 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:36 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:36 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:36 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=938 y=741 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:36 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:36 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:36 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:36 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:36 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:36 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:36 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:36 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=967 y=776 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:36 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:36 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:36 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:36 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:36 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:36 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:36 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:36 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=989 y=799 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:36 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:36 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:36 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:36 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:36 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:36 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=1005 y=799 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=1016 y=799 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=1023 y=799 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=1027 y=799 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=1029 y=799 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=1029 y=799 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=1025 y=797 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=1016 y=784 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=1004 y=769 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=993 y=750 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=976 y=735 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=959 y=716 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=942 y=691 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=928 y=660 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=916 y=635 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=906 y=613 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=895 y=595 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=885 y=579 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=872 y=563 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=857 y=551 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=845 y=542 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=835 y=532 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=826 y=526 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=819 y=520 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=814 y=515 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=811 y=515 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=809 y=512 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=808 y=512 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=807 y=509 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=806 y=509 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=805 y=509 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=804 y=509 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=803 y=509 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=802 y=509 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=801 y=509 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=800 y=509 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=798 y=509 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=794 y=509 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=789 y=509 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=783 y=509 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=779 y=509 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=774 y=509 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=771 y=509 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=765 y=509 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=756 y=506 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=745 y=506 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=733 y=506 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=723 y=501 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=714 y=501 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=704 y=496 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=690 y=496 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=676 y=496 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=663 y=496 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=651 y=496 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=640 y=496 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=630 y=496 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=620 y=491 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=610 y=491 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=600 y=491 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=591 y=491 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=581 y=491 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=573 y=491 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=569 y=491 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=566 y=491 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=565 y=491 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=564 y=491 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=563 y=491 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=562 y=491 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=562 y=489 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=562 y=487 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=562 y=485 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=562 y=483 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=562 y=481 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=562 y=479 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=562 y=479 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=559 y=479 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=554 y=479 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=546 y=479 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16857f0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:440 - UnmapNotify for 0x01400003 (received from 0x01400003), serial 980
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - tree.c:tree_close:212 - next = 0x16857f0, focused = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - tree.c:tree_close:214 - closing 0x1685670, kill_window = 0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_is_floating:403 - checking if con 0x1685670 is floating
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - tree.c:tree_close:266 - This is the focused container, i need to find another one to focus. I start looking at ws = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_next_focused:859 - selecting next for CT_FLOATING_CON
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_next_focused:861 - next = (nil)
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_next_focused:864 - using prev, next = (nil)
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_next_focused:869 - no more floating containers for next = 0x16849b0, restoring workspace focus
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_next_focused:873 - skipping container itself, we want the next client
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_next_focused:878 - Focus list empty, returning ws
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - tree.c:tree_close:270 - Alright, focusing 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_is_floating:403 - checking if con 0x1685670 is floating
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - tree.c:tree_close:308 - Container was floating, killing floating container
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_next_focused:859 - selecting next for CT_FLOATING_CON
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_next_focused:861 - next = (nil)
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_next_focused:864 - using prev, next = (nil)
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_next_focused:869 - no more floating containers for next = 0x16849b0, restoring workspace focus
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_next_focused:873 - skipping container itself, we want the next client
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_next_focused:878 - Focus list empty, returning ws
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - tree.c:tree_close:212 - next = 0x16849b0, focused = 0x1685670
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - tree.c:tree_close:214 - closing 0x16857f0, kill_window = 0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_is_floating:403 - checking if con 0x16857f0 is floating
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - tree.c:tree_render:500 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1663ca0 / root / layout 6 / children 2
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1664ab0 / __i3 / layout 4 / children 1
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1665680 / LVDS-0 / layout 4 / children 3
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - render.c:render_l_output:112 - child at (0, 0) with (1280 x 0)
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1665890 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - render.c:render_l_output:112 - child at (0, 0) with (1280 x 800)
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1665af0 / content / layout 6 / children 1
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x16849b0 / 1 / layout 6 / children 0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - render.c:render_l_output:112 - child at (0, 800) with (1280 x 0)
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1665d40 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - render.c:render_con:257 - Rendering floating windows:
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:857 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:910 - PUSHING CHANGES
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:986 - Still no window focused, better set focus to the root window
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:992 - ENDING CHANGES
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - tree.c:tree_render:509 - -- END RENDERING --
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_is_floating:403 - checking if con 0x16857f0 is floating
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - tree.c:tree_close:327 - focusing 0x16849b0 / 1
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_on_remove_child:1336 - on_remove_child
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace visible? fs = 0x16849b0, ws = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - tree.c:tree_close:310 - parent container killed
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - tree.c:tree_close:338 - not focusing because we're not killing anybody
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - tree.c:tree_render:500 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1663ca0 / root / layout 6 / children 2
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1664ab0 / __i3 / layout 4 / children 1
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1665680 / LVDS-0 / layout 4 / children 3
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - render.c:render_l_output:112 - child at (0, 0) with (1280 x 0)
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1665890 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - render.c:render_l_output:112 - child at (0, 0) with (1280 x 800)
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1665af0 / content / layout 6 / children 1
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x16849b0 / 1 / layout 6 / children 0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - render.c:render_l_output:112 - child at (0, 800) with (1280 x 0)
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1665d40 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - render.c:render_con:257 - Rendering floating windows:
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:857 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:910 - PUSHING CHANGES
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:949 - Not updating focus (to 0x16849b0 / 1), focused window is not mapped.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:986 - Still no window focused, better set focus to the root window
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:992 - ENDING CHANGES
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - tree.c:tree_render:509 - -- END RENDERING --
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:857 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:910 - PUSHING CHANGES
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:949 - Not updating focus (to 0x16849b0 / 1), focused window is not mapped.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:986 - Still no window focused, better set focus to the root window
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:992 - ENDING CHANGES
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:440 - UnmapNotify for 0x01400003 (received from 0x00a0000c), serial 980
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_expose_event:591 - window = 00a0000c
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - expose event for unknown window, ignoring
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_destroy_notify_event:507 - destroy notify for 0x01400003, 0x01400003
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:440 - UnmapNotify for 0x01400003 (received from 0x01400003), serial 980
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_destroy_notify_event:507 - destroy notify for 0x00a0000c, 0x01400003
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:440 - UnmapNotify for 0x01400003 (received from 0x00a0000c), serial 980
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - main.c:xcb_check_cb:123 - Expected X11 Error received for sequence 3d6
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - main.c:xcb_check_cb:123 - Expected X11 Error received for sequence 3d7
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:440 - UnmapNotify for 0x00a0000c (received from 0x00a0000c), serial 984
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_destroy_notify_event:507 - destroy notify for 0x00a0000c, 0x00a0000c
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:440 - UnmapNotify for 0x00a0000c (received from 0x00a0000c), serial 984
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:440 - UnmapNotify for 0x00a0000d (received from 0x00a0000d), serial 996
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_destroy_notify_event:507 - destroy notify for 0x00a0000d, 0x00a0000d
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:440 - UnmapNotify for 0x00a0000d (received from 0x00a0000d), serial 996
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=532 y=479 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=519 y=479 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=507 y=479 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=495 y=479 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=484 y=479 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=471 y=479 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=455 y=479 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=439 y=479 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=425 y=479 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=413 y=479 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=403 y=479 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=395 y=479 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=389 y=479 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=384 y=479 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=381 y=479 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=379 y=479 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=377 y=479 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=376 y=479 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=376 y=479 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=375 y=479 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_configure_request:296 - window 0x01400003 wants to be at 470x317 with 339x165
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_configure_request:301 - Configure request for unmanaged window, can do that.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_configure_request:296 - window 0x01400003 wants to be at 470x317 with 339x165
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_configure_request:301 - Configure request for unmanaged window, can do that.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - ClientMessage for window 0x01400003
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_client_message:625 - Unknown atom in clientmessage of type 375
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_configure_request:296 - window 0x01400003 wants to be at 470x317 with 339x165
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_configure_request:301 - Configure request for unmanaged window, can do that.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_map_request:276 - window = 0x01400003, serial is 1002.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - manage.c:manage_window:197 - Managing window 0x01400003
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - WM_CLASS changed to zenity (instance), Zenity (class)
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - WM_NAME changed to "Sakis3G 0.2.0e"
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - Using legacy window title. Note that in order to get Unicode window titles in i3, the application has to set _NET_WM_NAME (UTF-8)
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Sakis3G 0.2.0e"
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - window.c:window_update_leader:138 - Client leader changed to 01400001
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - window.c:window_update_transient_for:151 - TRANSIENT_FOR not set.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - window.c:window_update_strut_partial:175 - _NET_WM_STRUT_PARTIAL not set.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - window.c:window_update_role:200 - WM_WINDOW_ROLE not set.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - WM_HINTS.input changed to "1"
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - startup.c:startup_sequence_get:276 - No _NET_STARTUP_ID set on window 0x01400003
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - startup.c:startup_sequence_get:292 - Checking leader window 0x01400001
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - startup.c:startup_sequence_get:303 - No _NET_STARTUP_ID set on the leader either
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - manage.c:manage_window:232 - startup workspace = (null)
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - manage.c:manage_window:270 - Initial geometry: (470, 317, 339, 165)
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - Checking window 0x01400003 (class Zenity)
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - dock status does not match
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - Checking window 0x01400003 (class Zenity)
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - dock status does not match
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - tree.c:tree_open_con:154 - con = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_new:60 - opening window 1
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_new:63 - color #00FF00
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - x.c:x_con_init:151 - adding new state for window id 0x00a00013
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - manage.c:manage_window:317 - new container = 0x1685780
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - x.c:x_reinit:168 - resetting state 0x1684b30 to initial
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - manage.c:manage_window:334 - Not in fullscreen mode, focusing
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace visible? fs = 0x16849b0, ws = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685780
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - This window is a dialog window, setting floating
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - manage.c:manage_window:417 - geometry = 339 x 165
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_is_floating:403 - checking if con 0x1685780 is floating
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_new:60 - opening window 2
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_new:63 - color #0000FF
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - x.c:x_con_init:151 - adding new state for window id 0x00a00014
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - floating.c:floating_enable:199 - Original rect: (0, 0) with 0 x 0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - floating.c:floating_enable:200 - Geometry = (470, 317) with 339 x 165
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_border_style_rect:1067 - The border width for con is set to: -1
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_border_style_rect:1071 - Effective border width is set to: 2
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=641 y=409 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - floating.c:floating_enable:278 - Floating rect: (470, 317) with 343 x 185
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - floating.c:floating_enable:286 - Corrected y = 299 (deco_height = 18)
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x16b3a50 / #0000FF / layout 6 / children 1
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - render.c:render_con:403 - child at (470, 317) with (343 x 167)
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1685780 / #00FF00 / layout 6 / children 0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_border_style_rect:1067 - The border width for con is set to: -1
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_border_style_rect:1071 - Effective border width is set to: 2
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - render.c:render_con:200 - child will be at 2x0 with size 339x165
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1685780 / #00FF00 / layout 6 / children 0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_border_style_rect:1067 - The border width for con is set to: -1
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_border_style_rect:1071 - Effective border width is set to: 2
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - render.c:render_con:200 - child will be at 2x0 with size 339x165
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685780
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16b3a50
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=641 y=391 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - floating.c:floating_maybe_reassign_ws:396 - still the same ws
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=470 y=299 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - assignments.c:run_assignments:20 - Checking if any assignments match this window
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace visible? fs = 0x16849b0, ws = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - tree.c:tree_render:500 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1663ca0 / root / layout 6 / children 2
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1664ab0 / __i3 / layout 4 / children 1
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1665680 / LVDS-0 / layout 4 / children 3
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - render.c:render_l_output:112 - child at (0, 0) with (1280 x 0)
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1665890 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - render.c:render_l_output:112 - child at (0, 0) with (1280 x 800)
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1665af0 / content / layout 6 / children 1
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x16849b0 / 1 / layout 6 / children 0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - render.c:render_l_output:112 - child at (0, 800) with (1280 x 0)
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1665d40 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - render.c:render_con:257 - Rendering floating windows:
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - render.c:render_con:300 - floating child at (470,299) with 343 x 185
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x16b3a50 / #0000FF / layout 6 / children 1
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - render.c:render_con:403 - child at (470, 317) with (343 x 167)
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1685780 / #00FF00 / layout 6 / children 0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_border_style_rect:1067 - The border width for con is set to: -1
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_border_style_rect:1071 - Effective border width is set to: 2
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - render.c:render_con:200 - child will be at 2x0 with size 339x165
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:857 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:910 - PUSHING CHANGES
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - x.c:x_push_node:609 - pushing name [i3 con] floatingcon around 0x1685780 for con 0x16b3a50
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - x.c:x_push_node:708 - setting rect (470, 299, 343, 18)
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - x.c:x_push_node:771 - mapping container 00a00014 (serial 1041)
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - x.c:x_push_node:778 - Sending fake configure notify
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - x.c:x_push_node:609 - pushing name [i3 con] container around 0x16853c0 for con 0x1685780
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_border_style_rect:1067 - The border width for con is set to: -1
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_border_style_rect:1071 - Effective border width is set to: 2
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - x.c:x_push_node:708 - setting rect (470, 317, 343, 167)
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - x.c:x_push_node:727 - setting window rect (2, 0, 339, 165)
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - x.c:x_push_node:757 - mapping child window (serial 1068)
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - x.c:x_push_node:771 - mapping container 00a00013 (serial 1070)
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - x.c:x_push_node:778 - Sending fake configure notify
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - xcb.c:fake_absolute_configure_notify:104 - fake rect = (472, 317, 339, 165)
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:957 - Updating focus by sending WM_TAKE_FOCUS to window 0x01400003 (focused: 0x1685780 / #00FF00)
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - xcb.c:send_take_focus:127 - Sending WM_TAKE_FOCUS to the client
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:960 - set_focus = 1
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:964 - Updating focus (focused: 0x1685780 / #00FF00) to X11 window 0x01400003
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:992 - ENDING CHANGES
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - tree.c:tree_render:509 - -- END RENDERING --
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:857 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:910 - PUSHING CHANGES
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:992 - ENDING CHANGES
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_expose_event:591 - window = 00a00014
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_expose_event:591 - window = 00a00013
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_expose_event:591 - window = 00a00013
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_expose_event:591 - window = 00a00013
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=375 y=478 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685780
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16b3a50
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=375 y=476 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685780
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16b3a50
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:37 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=379 y=476 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685780
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16b3a50
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=386 y=476 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685780
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16b3a50
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=397 y=476 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685780
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16b3a50
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=407 y=476 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685780
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16b3a50
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=419 y=476 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685780
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16b3a50
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=434 y=476 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685780
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16b3a50
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=450 y=476 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685780
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16b3a50
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - handlers.c:handle_motion_notify:216 - MotionNotify for an unknown container, checking if it crosses screen boundaries.
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=465 y=476 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685780
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16b3a50
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - handlers.c:handle_enter_notify:128 - enter_notify for 00a00013, mode = 0, detail 1, serial 1092
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - handlers.c:handle_enter_notify:129 - coordinates 6, 159
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685780
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16b3a50
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - tree.c:tree_render:500 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1663ca0 / root / layout 6 / children 2
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1664ab0 / __i3 / layout 4 / children 1
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1665680 / LVDS-0 / layout 4 / children 3
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - render.c:render_l_output:112 - child at (0, 0) with (1280 x 0)
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1665890 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - render.c:render_l_output:112 - child at (0, 0) with (1280 x 800)
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1665af0 / content / layout 6 / children 1
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x16849b0 / 1 / layout 6 / children 0
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - render.c:render_l_output:112 - child at (0, 800) with (1280 x 0)
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1665d40 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 0
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - render.c:render_con:257 - Rendering floating windows:
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - render.c:render_con:300 - floating child at (470,299) with 343 x 185
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x16b3a50 / #0000FF / layout 6 / children 1
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - render.c:render_con:403 - child at (470, 317) with (343 x 167)
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1685780 / #00FF00 / layout 6 / children 0
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - con.c:con_border_style_rect:1067 - The border width for con is set to: -1
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - con.c:con_border_style_rect:1071 - Effective border width is set to: 2
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - render.c:render_con:200 - child will be at 2x0 with size 339x165
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:857 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:910 - PUSHING CHANGES
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:957 - Updating focus by sending WM_TAKE_FOCUS to window 0x01400003 (focused: 0x1685780 / #00FF00)
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - xcb.c:send_take_focus:127 - Sending WM_TAKE_FOCUS to the client
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:960 - set_focus = 1
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:964 - Updating focus (focused: 0x1685780 / #00FF00) to X11 window 0x01400003
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:992 - ENDING CHANGES
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - tree.c:tree_render:509 - -- END RENDERING --
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - handlers.c:handle_focus_in:916 - focus change in, for window 0x01400003
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - handlers.c:handle_focus_in:920 - That is con 0x1685780 / #00FF00
06/24/2013 11:04:38 AM - handlers.c:handle_focus_in:924 - FocusIn event for grab/ungrab, ignoring
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:440 - UnmapNotify for 0x01400003 (received from 0x01400003), serial 1103
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - tree.c:tree_close:212 - next = 0x16b3a50, focused = 0x1685780
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - tree.c:tree_close:214 - closing 0x1685780, kill_window = 0
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - con.c:con_is_floating:403 - checking if con 0x1685780 is floating
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - tree.c:tree_close:266 - This is the focused container, i need to find another one to focus. I start looking at ws = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - con.c:con_next_focused:859 - selecting next for CT_FLOATING_CON
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - con.c:con_next_focused:861 - next = (nil)
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - con.c:con_next_focused:864 - using prev, next = (nil)
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - con.c:con_next_focused:869 - no more floating containers for next = 0x16849b0, restoring workspace focus
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - con.c:con_next_focused:873 - skipping container itself, we want the next client
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - con.c:con_next_focused:878 - Focus list empty, returning ws
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - tree.c:tree_close:270 - Alright, focusing 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - con.c:con_is_floating:403 - checking if con 0x1685780 is floating
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - tree.c:tree_close:308 - Container was floating, killing floating container
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - con.c:con_next_focused:859 - selecting next for CT_FLOATING_CON
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - con.c:con_next_focused:861 - next = (nil)
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - con.c:con_next_focused:864 - using prev, next = (nil)
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - con.c:con_next_focused:869 - no more floating containers for next = 0x16849b0, restoring workspace focus
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - con.c:con_next_focused:873 - skipping container itself, we want the next client
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - con.c:con_next_focused:878 - Focus list empty, returning ws
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - tree.c:tree_close:212 - next = 0x16849b0, focused = 0x1685780
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - tree.c:tree_close:214 - closing 0x16b3a50, kill_window = 0
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - con.c:con_is_floating:403 - checking if con 0x16b3a50 is floating
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - tree.c:tree_render:500 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1663ca0 / root / layout 6 / children 2
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1664ab0 / __i3 / layout 4 / children 1
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1665680 / LVDS-0 / layout 4 / children 3
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - render.c:render_l_output:112 - child at (0, 0) with (1280 x 0)
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1665890 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - render.c:render_l_output:112 - child at (0, 0) with (1280 x 800)
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1665af0 / content / layout 6 / children 1
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x16849b0 / 1 / layout 6 / children 0
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - render.c:render_l_output:112 - child at (0, 800) with (1280 x 0)
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1665d40 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 0
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - render.c:render_con:257 - Rendering floating windows:
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:857 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:910 - PUSHING CHANGES
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:986 - Still no window focused, better set focus to the root window
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:992 - ENDING CHANGES
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - tree.c:tree_render:509 - -- END RENDERING --
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - con.c:con_is_floating:403 - checking if con 0x16b3a50 is floating
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - tree.c:tree_close:327 - focusing 0x16849b0 / 1
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - con.c:con_on_remove_child:1336 - on_remove_child
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - workspace visible? fs = 0x16849b0, ws = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - tree.c:tree_close:310 - parent container killed
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - tree.c:tree_close:338 - not focusing because we're not killing anybody
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - tree.c:tree_render:500 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1663ca0 / root / layout 6 / children 2
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1664ab0 / __i3 / layout 4 / children 1
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1665680 / LVDS-0 / layout 4 / children 3
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - render.c:render_l_output:112 - child at (0, 0) with (1280 x 0)
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1665890 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - render.c:render_l_output:112 - child at (0, 0) with (1280 x 800)
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1665af0 / content / layout 6 / children 1
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x16849b0 / 1 / layout 6 / children 0
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - render.c:render_l_output:112 - child at (0, 800) with (1280 x 0)
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1665d40 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 0
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - render.c:render_con:257 - Rendering floating windows:
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:857 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:910 - PUSHING CHANGES
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:949 - Not updating focus (to 0x16849b0 / 1), focused window is not mapped.
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:986 - Still no window focused, better set focus to the root window
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:992 - ENDING CHANGES
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - tree.c:tree_render:509 - -- END RENDERING --
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:857 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:910 - PUSHING CHANGES
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:949 - Not updating focus (to 0x16849b0 / 1), focused window is not mapped.
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:986 - Still no window focused, better set focus to the root window
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:992 - ENDING CHANGES
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:440 - UnmapNotify for 0x01400003 (received from 0x00a00013), serial 1103
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - handlers.c:handle_expose_event:591 - window = 00a00013
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - expose event for unknown window, ignoring
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - handlers.c:handle_enter_notify:128 - enter_notify for 00a00013, mode = 0, detail 2, serial 1103
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - handlers.c:handle_enter_notify:129 - coordinates 155, 156
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - handlers.c:handle_enter_notify:137 - Event ignored
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - handlers.c:handle_destroy_notify_event:507 - destroy notify for 0x01400003, 0x01400003
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:440 - UnmapNotify for 0x01400003 (received from 0x01400003), serial 1103
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - handlers.c:handle_destroy_notify_event:507 - destroy notify for 0x00a00013, 0x01400003
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:440 - UnmapNotify for 0x01400003 (received from 0x00a00013), serial 1103
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - main.c:xcb_check_cb:123 - Expected X11 Error received for sequence 451
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - main.c:xcb_check_cb:123 - Expected X11 Error received for sequence 452
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:440 - UnmapNotify for 0x00a00013 (received from 0x00a00013), serial 1107
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - handlers.c:handle_enter_notify:128 - enter_notify for 00000254, mode = 0, detail 2, serial 1107
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - handlers.c:handle_enter_notify:129 - coordinates 625, 473
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - handlers.c:handle_enter_notify:150 - Getting screen at 625 x 473
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=625 y=473 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - workspace.c:_workspace_show:390 - Not switching, already there.
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - handlers.c:handle_destroy_notify_event:507 - destroy notify for 0x00a00013, 0x00a00013
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:440 - UnmapNotify for 0x00a00013 (received from 0x00a00013), serial 1107
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:440 - UnmapNotify for 0x00a00014 (received from 0x00a00014), serial 1119
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - handlers.c:handle_destroy_notify_event:507 - destroy notify for 0x00a00014, 0x00a00014
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:440 - UnmapNotify for 0x00a00014 (received from 0x00a00014), serial 1119
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - handlers.c:handle_configure_request:296 - window 0x01400003 wants to be at 530x340 with 220x119
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - handlers.c:handle_configure_request:301 - Configure request for unmanaged window, can do that.
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - handlers.c:handle_configure_request:296 - window 0x01400003 wants to be at 530x340 with 220x119
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - handlers.c:handle_configure_request:301 - Configure request for unmanaged window, can do that.
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - ClientMessage for window 0x01400003
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - handlers.c:handle_client_message:625 - Unknown atom in clientmessage of type 375
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - handlers.c:handle_configure_request:296 - window 0x01400003 wants to be at 530x340 with 220x119
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - handlers.c:handle_configure_request:301 - Configure request for unmanaged window, can do that.
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - handlers.c:handle_map_request:276 - window = 0x01400003, serial is 1125.
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - manage.c:manage_window:197 - Managing window 0x01400003
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - WM_CLASS changed to zenity (instance), Zenity (class)
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - WM_NAME changed to "Sakis3G 0.2.0e"
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - Using legacy window title. Note that in order to get Unicode window titles in i3, the application has to set _NET_WM_NAME (UTF-8)
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - _NET_WM_NAME changed to "Sakis3G 0.2.0e"
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - window.c:window_update_leader:138 - Client leader changed to 01400001
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - window.c:window_update_transient_for:151 - TRANSIENT_FOR not set.
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - window.c:window_update_strut_partial:175 - _NET_WM_STRUT_PARTIAL not set.
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - window.c:window_update_role:200 - WM_WINDOW_ROLE not set.
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - WM_HINTS.input changed to "1"
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - startup.c:startup_sequence_get:276 - No _NET_STARTUP_ID set on window 0x01400003
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - startup.c:startup_sequence_get:292 - Checking leader window 0x01400001
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - startup.c:startup_sequence_get:303 - No _NET_STARTUP_ID set on the leader either
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - manage.c:manage_window:232 - startup workspace = (null)
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - manage.c:manage_window:270 - Initial geometry: (530, 340, 220, 119)
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - Checking window 0x01400003 (class Zenity)
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - dock status does not match
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - Checking window 0x01400003 (class Zenity)
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - dock status does not match
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - tree.c:tree_open_con:154 - con = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - con.c:con_new:60 - opening window 3
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - con.c:con_new:63 - color #ff00ff
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - x.c:x_con_init:151 - adding new state for window id 0x00a00019
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - manage.c:manage_window:317 - new container = 0x1685780
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - x.c:x_reinit:168 - resetting state 0x1665350 to initial
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - manage.c:manage_window:334 - Not in fullscreen mode, focusing
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - workspace visible? fs = 0x16849b0, ws = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685780
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - This window is a dialog window, setting floating
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - manage.c:manage_window:417 - geometry = 220 x 119
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - con.c:con_is_floating:403 - checking if con 0x1685780 is floating
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - con.c:con_new:60 - opening window 4
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - con.c:con_new:63 - color #00ffff
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - x.c:x_con_init:151 - adding new state for window id 0x00a0001a
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - floating.c:floating_enable:199 - Original rect: (0, 0) with 0 x 0
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - floating.c:floating_enable:200 - Geometry = (530, 340) with 220 x 119
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - con.c:con_border_style_rect:1067 - The border width for con is set to: -1
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - con.c:con_border_style_rect:1071 - Effective border width is set to: 2
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=642 y=409 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - floating.c:floating_enable:278 - Floating rect: (530, 340) with 224 x 139
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - floating.c:floating_enable:286 - Corrected y = 322 (deco_height = 18)
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x16b3c20 / #00ffff / layout 6 / children 1
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - render.c:render_con:403 - child at (530, 340) with (224 x 121)
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1685780 / #ff00ff / layout 6 / children 0
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - con.c:con_border_style_rect:1067 - The border width for con is set to: -1
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - con.c:con_border_style_rect:1071 - Effective border width is set to: 2
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - render.c:render_con:200 - child will be at 2x0 with size 220x119
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1685780 / #ff00ff / layout 6 / children 0
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - con.c:con_border_style_rect:1067 - The border width for con is set to: -1
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - con.c:con_border_style_rect:1071 - Effective border width is set to: 2
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - render.c:render_con:200 - child will be at 2x0 with size 220x119
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1685780
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16b3c20
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=642 y=391 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - floating.c:floating_maybe_reassign_ws:396 - still the same ws
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - randr.c:get_output_containing:86 - comparing x=530 y=322 with x=0 and y=0 width 1280 height 800
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - assignments.c:run_assignments:20 - Checking if any assignments match this window
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - workspace visible? fs = 0x16849b0, ws = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - tree.c:tree_render:500 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1663ca0 / root / layout 6 / children 2
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1664ab0 / __i3 / layout 4 / children 1
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1665680 / LVDS-0 / layout 4 / children 3
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - render.c:render_l_output:112 - child at (0, 0) with (1280 x 0)
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1665890 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - render.c:render_l_output:112 - child at (0, 0) with (1280 x 800)
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1665af0 / content / layout 6 / children 1
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x16849b0 / 1 / layout 6 / children 0
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - render.c:render_l_output:112 - child at (0, 800) with (1280 x 0)
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1665d40 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 0
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - render.c:render_con:257 - Rendering floating windows:
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - render.c:render_con:300 - floating child at (530,322) with 224 x 139
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x16b3c20 / #00ffff / layout 6 / children 1
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - render.c:render_con:403 - child at (530, 340) with (224 x 121)
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1685780 / #ff00ff / layout 6 / children 0
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - con.c:con_border_style_rect:1067 - The border width for con is set to: -1
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - con.c:con_border_style_rect:1071 - Effective border width is set to: 2
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - render.c:render_con:200 - child will be at 2x0 with size 220x119
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:857 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:910 - PUSHING CHANGES
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - x.c:x_push_node:609 - pushing name [i3 con] floatingcon around 0x1685780 for con 0x16b3c20
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - x.c:x_push_node:708 - setting rect (530, 322, 224, 18)
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - x.c:x_push_node:771 - mapping container 00a0001a (serial 1164)
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - x.c:x_push_node:778 - Sending fake configure notify
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - x.c:x_push_node:609 - pushing name [i3 con] container around 0x16853c0 for con 0x1685780
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - con.c:con_border_style_rect:1067 - The border width for con is set to: -1
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - con.c:con_border_style_rect:1071 - Effective border width is set to: 2
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - x.c:x_push_node:708 - setting rect (530, 340, 224, 121)
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - x.c:x_push_node:727 - setting window rect (2, 0, 220, 119)
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - x.c:x_push_node:757 - mapping child window (serial 1191)
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - x.c:x_push_node:771 - mapping container 00a00019 (serial 1193)
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - x.c:x_push_node:778 - Sending fake configure notify
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - xcb.c:fake_absolute_configure_notify:104 - fake rect = (532, 340, 220, 119)
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:957 - Updating focus by sending WM_TAKE_FOCUS to window 0x01400003 (focused: 0x1685780 / #ff00ff)
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - xcb.c:send_take_focus:127 - Sending WM_TAKE_FOCUS to the client
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:960 - set_focus = 1
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:964 - Updating focus (focused: 0x1685780 / #ff00ff) to X11 window 0x01400003
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:992 - ENDING CHANGES
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - tree.c:tree_render:509 - -- END RENDERING --
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:857 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:910 - PUSHING CHANGES
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:992 - ENDING CHANGES
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - handlers.c:handle_expose_event:591 - window = 00a0001a
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - handlers.c:handle_expose_event:591 - window = 00a00019
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - handlers.c:handle_expose_event:591 - window = 00a00019
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - handlers.c:handle_expose_event:591 - window = 00a00019
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:440 - UnmapNotify for 0x01400003 (received from 0x01400003), serial 1215
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - tree.c:tree_close:212 - next = 0x16b3c20, focused = 0x1685780
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - tree.c:tree_close:214 - closing 0x1685780, kill_window = 0
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - con.c:con_is_floating:403 - checking if con 0x1685780 is floating
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - tree.c:tree_close:266 - This is the focused container, i need to find another one to focus. I start looking at ws = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - con.c:con_next_focused:859 - selecting next for CT_FLOATING_CON
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - con.c:con_next_focused:861 - next = (nil)
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - con.c:con_next_focused:864 - using prev, next = (nil)
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - con.c:con_next_focused:869 - no more floating containers for next = 0x16849b0, restoring workspace focus
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - con.c:con_next_focused:873 - skipping container itself, we want the next client
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - con.c:con_next_focused:878 - Focus list empty, returning ws
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - tree.c:tree_close:270 - Alright, focusing 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - con.c:con_is_floating:403 - checking if con 0x1685780 is floating
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - tree.c:tree_close:308 - Container was floating, killing floating container
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - con.c:con_next_focused:859 - selecting next for CT_FLOATING_CON
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - con.c:con_next_focused:861 - next = (nil)
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - con.c:con_next_focused:864 - using prev, next = (nil)
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - con.c:con_next_focused:869 - no more floating containers for next = 0x16849b0, restoring workspace focus
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - con.c:con_next_focused:873 - skipping container itself, we want the next client
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - con.c:con_next_focused:878 - Focus list empty, returning ws
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - tree.c:tree_close:212 - next = 0x16849b0, focused = 0x1685780
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - tree.c:tree_close:214 - closing 0x16b3c20, kill_window = 0
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - con.c:con_is_floating:403 - checking if con 0x16b3c20 is floating
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - tree.c:tree_render:500 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1663ca0 / root / layout 6 / children 2
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1664ab0 / __i3 / layout 4 / children 1
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1665680 / LVDS-0 / layout 4 / children 3
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - render.c:render_l_output:112 - child at (0, 0) with (1280 x 0)
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1665890 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - render.c:render_l_output:112 - child at (0, 0) with (1280 x 800)
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1665af0 / content / layout 6 / children 1
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x16849b0 / 1 / layout 6 / children 0
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - render.c:render_l_output:112 - child at (0, 800) with (1280 x 0)
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1665d40 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 0
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - render.c:render_con:257 - Rendering floating windows:
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:857 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:910 - PUSHING CHANGES
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:986 - Still no window focused, better set focus to the root window
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:992 - ENDING CHANGES
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - tree.c:tree_render:509 - -- END RENDERING --
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - con.c:con_is_floating:403 - checking if con 0x16b3c20 is floating
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - tree.c:tree_close:327 - focusing 0x16849b0 / 1
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665af0
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - con.c:con_focus:205 - con_focus = 0x1665680
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - con.c:con_on_remove_child:1336 - on_remove_child
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - workspace visible? fs = 0x16849b0, ws = 0x16849b0
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - tree.c:tree_close:310 - parent container killed
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - tree.c:tree_close:338 - not focusing because we're not killing anybody
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - tree.c:tree_render:500 - -- BEGIN RENDERING --
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1663ca0 / root / layout 6 / children 2
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1664ab0 / __i3 / layout 4 / children 1
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1665680 / LVDS-0 / layout 4 / children 3
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - render.c:render_l_output:112 - child at (0, 0) with (1280 x 0)
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1665890 / topdock / layout 3 / children 0
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - render.c:render_l_output:112 - child at (0, 0) with (1280 x 800)
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1665af0 / content / layout 6 / children 1
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering fullscreen node 0x16849b0 / 1 / layout 6 / children 0
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - render.c:render_l_output:112 - child at (0, 800) with (1280 x 0)
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - render.c:render_con:130 - Rendering node 0x1665d40 / bottomdock / layout 3 / children 0
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - render.c:render_con:257 - Rendering floating windows:
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:857 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:910 - PUSHING CHANGES
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:949 - Not updating focus (to 0x16849b0 / 1), focused window is not mapped.
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:986 - Still no window focused, better set focus to the root window
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:992 - ENDING CHANGES
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - tree.c:tree_render:509 - -- END RENDERING --
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:857 - -- PUSHING WINDOW STACK --
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:910 - PUSHING CHANGES
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:949 - Not updating focus (to 0x16849b0 / 1), focused window is not mapped.
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:986 - Still no window focused, better set focus to the root window
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - x.c:x_push_changes:992 - ENDING CHANGES
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:440 - UnmapNotify for 0x01400003 (received from 0x00a00019), serial 1215
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - handlers.c:handle_expose_event:591 - window = 00a00019
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - expose event for unknown window, ignoring
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - handlers.c:handle_destroy_notify_event:507 - destroy notify for 0x01400003, 0x01400003
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:440 - UnmapNotify for 0x01400003 (received from 0x01400003), serial 1215
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - handlers.c:handle_destroy_notify_event:507 - destroy notify for 0x00a00019, 0x01400003
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:440 - UnmapNotify for 0x01400003 (received from 0x00a00019), serial 1215
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - main.c:xcb_check_cb:123 - Expected X11 Error received for sequence 4c1
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - main.c:xcb_check_cb:123 - Expected X11 Error received for sequence 4c2
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:440 - UnmapNotify for 0x00a00019 (received from 0x00a00019), serial 1219
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - handlers.c:handle_destroy_notify_event:507 - destroy notify for 0x00a00019, 0x00a00019
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:440 - UnmapNotify for 0x00a00019 (received from 0x00a00019), serial 1219
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:440 - UnmapNotify for 0x00a0001a (received from 0x00a0001a), serial 1231
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - handlers.c:handle_destroy_notify_event:507 - destroy notify for 0x00a0001a, 0x00a0001a
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:440 - UnmapNotify for 0x00a0001a (received from 0x00a0001a), serial 1231
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - main.c:xkb_got_event:149 - Handling XKB event
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - key_press.c:handle_key_press:78 - KeyPress 36, state raw = 8
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - key_press.c:handle_key_press:82 - (removed numlock, state = 8)
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - key_press.c:handle_key_press:86 - (removed upper 8 bits, state = 8)
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - key_press.c:handle_key_press:91 - (checked mode_switch, state 8)
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - commands_parser.c:parse_command:209 - COMMAND: *exec urxvt*
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - commands.c:cmd_criteria_init:239 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x648100
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - commands.c:cmd_exec:1297 - should execute urxvt, no_startup_id = 0
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - startup id = i3/urxvt/363-2-MONSTERBOX_TIME85207
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - executing: urxvt
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - commands.c:cmd_criteria_init:239 - Initializing criteria, current_match = 0x648100
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - key_press.c:json_boolean:25 - Got bool: 1, parse_error_key 0, nesting_level 1
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - handlers.c:handle_destroy_notify_event:507 - destroy notify for 0x00a0001f, 0x00a0001f
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - handlers.c:handle_unmap_notify_event:440 - UnmapNotify for 0x00a0001f (received from 0x00a0001f), serial 1242
06/24/2013 11:04:39 AM - Not a managed window, ignoring UnmapNotify event
06/24/2013 11:04:40 AM - key_press.c:handle_key_press:78 - KeyRelease 36, state raw = 8
06/24/2013 11:04:40 AM - key_press.c:handle_key_press:82 - (removed numlock, state = 8)
06/24/2013 11:04:40 AM - key_press.c:handle_key_press:86 - (removed upper 8 bits, state = 8)
06/24/2013 11:04:40 AM - key_press.c:handle_key_press:91 - (checked mode_switch, state 8)
06/24/2013 11:04:40 AM - key_press.c:handle_key_press:102 - no match, new state_filtered = 8
06/24/2013 11:04:40 AM - key_press.c:handle_key_press:110 - Could not lookup key binding (modifiers 8, keycode 36)
06/24/2013 11:04:40 AM - main.c:xkb_got_event:149 - Handling XKB event
06/24/2013 11:04:41 AM - main.c:xkb_got_event:149 - Handling XKB event
06/24/2013 11:04:42 AM - main.c:xkb_got_event:149 - Handling XKB event
06/24/2013 11:04:42 AM - main.c:xkb_got_event:149 - Handling XKB event
06/24/2013 11:04:42 AM - main.c:xkb_got_event:149 - Handling XKB event
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - handlers.c:handle_mapping_notify:255 - Received mapping_notify for keyboard or modifier mapping, re-grabbing keys
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:ungrab_all_keys:29 - Ungrabbing all keys
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Return" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "q" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "d" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "j" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "k" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "l" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "semicolon" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Left" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Down" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Up" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Right" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "j" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "k" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "l" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "semicolon" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Left" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Down" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Up" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Right" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "h" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "v" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "f" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "s" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "w" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "e" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "space" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "space" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "a" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "1" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "2" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "3" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "4" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "5" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "6" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "7" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "8" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "9" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "0" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Tab" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Tab" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "1" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "2" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "4" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "3" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "5" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "6" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "7" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "8" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "9" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "0" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F1" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F2" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F3" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F4" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F1" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F2" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F3" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F4" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "c" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "r" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "e" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "r" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 36 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 24 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 40 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 44 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 45 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 46 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 47 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 113 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 116 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 111 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 114 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 44 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 45 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 46 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 47 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 113 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 116 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 111 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 114 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 43 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 55 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 41 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 39 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 25 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 26 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 65 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 65 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 38 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 10 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 11 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 12 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 13 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 14 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 15 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 16 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 17 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 18 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 19 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 23 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 23 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 10 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 11 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 13 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 12 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 14 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 15 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 16 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 17 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 18 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 19 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 67 with modifiers 0 (with mod_mask_lock 2)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 68 with modifiers 0 (with mod_mask_lock 2)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 69 with modifiers 0 (with mod_mask_lock 2)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 70 with modifiers 0 (with mod_mask_lock 2)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 67 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 68 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 69 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 70 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 54 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 27 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 26 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 27 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - handlers.c:handle_mapping_notify:255 - Received mapping_notify for keyboard or modifier mapping, re-grabbing keys
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:ungrab_all_keys:29 - Ungrabbing all keys
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Return" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "q" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "d" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "j" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "k" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "l" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "semicolon" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Left" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Down" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Up" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Right" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "j" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "k" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "l" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "semicolon" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Left" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Down" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Up" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Right" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "h" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "v" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "f" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "s" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "w" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "e" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "space" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "space" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "a" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "1" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "2" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "3" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "4" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "5" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "6" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "7" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "8" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "9" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "0" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Tab" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "Tab" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "1" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "2" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "4" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "3" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "5" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "6" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "7" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "8" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "9" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "0" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F1" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F2" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F3" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F4" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F1" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F2" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F3" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "F4" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "c" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "r" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "e" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:translate_keysyms:156 - Translated symbol "r" to 1 keycode
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 36 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 24 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 40 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 44 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 45 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 46 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 47 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 113 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 116 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 111 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 114 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 44 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 45 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 46 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 47 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 113 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 116 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 111 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 114 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 43 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 55 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 41 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 39 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 25 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 26 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 65 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 65 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 38 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 10 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 11 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 12 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 13 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 14 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 15 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 16 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 17 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 18 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 19 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 23 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 23 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 10 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 11 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 13 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 12 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 14 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 15 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 16 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 17 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 18 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 19 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 67 with modifiers 0 (with mod_mask_lock 2)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 68 with modifiers 0 (with mod_mask_lock 2)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 69 with modifiers 0 (with mod_mask_lock 2)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 70 with modifiers 0 (with mod_mask_lock 2)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 67 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 68 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 69 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 70 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 54 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 27 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 26 with modifiers 9 (with mod_mask_lock 11)
06/24/2013 11:04:45 AM - config.c:grab_keycode_for_binding:34 - Grabbing 27 with modifiers 8 (with mod_mask_lock 10)
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