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Created October 21, 2018 10:45
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MSP Queue
package mailbox
import (
// MSQueue provides an efficient implementation of a multi-producer, single-consumer lock-free queue.
// The Push function is safe to call from multiple goroutines. The Pop and Empty APIs must only be
// called from a single, consumer goroutine.
// This implementation is based on
type MSPQueue struct {
head, tail *node
// NewMSPQueue returns a new instance of MSPQueue.
func NewMSPQueue() *MSPQueue {
q := &MSPQueue{}
stub := &node{}
q.head = stub
q.tail = stub
return q
// Push adds x to the back of the queue.
// Push can be safely called from multiple goroutines
func (q *MSPQueue) Push(x actorkit.Envelope) error {
n := &node{value: x}
// current producer acquires head node
prev := (*node)(atomic.SwapPointer((*unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(&q.head)), unsafe.Pointer(n)))
// release node to consumer = n
return nil
// UnPop adds x back into the head of the queue.
// UnPop can be safely called from multiple goroutines
func (q *MSPQueue) UnPop(x actorkit.Envelope) {
n := &node{value: x, next: (*node)(atomic.LoadPointer((*unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(&}
// current producer acquires head node
_ = (*node)(atomic.SwapPointer((*unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(&, unsafe.Pointer(n)))
// ensure node points to previous.
// = prev
// Pop removes the item from the front of the queue or nil if the queue is empty
// Pop must be called from a single, consumer goroutine
func (q *MSPQueue) Pop() actorkit.Envelope {
tail := q.tail
next := (*node)(atomic.LoadPointer((*unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(& // acquire
if next != nil {
q.tail = next
v := next.value
next.value = nil
return v
return nil
// Empty returns true if the queue is empty
// Empty must be called from a single, consumer goroutine
func (q *MSPQueue) Empty() bool {
tail := q.tail
next := (*node)(atomic.LoadPointer((*unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(&
return next == nil
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