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Last active January 7, 2016 07:19
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Bar To Donut Exp2

Smooth transition from bar to donut

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<head prefix="og:">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
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<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
<!-- custom files-->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="index.css">
<script type="text/javascript" src="index.js"></script>
<body ng-app="chart" ng-controller="main"><br>
<svg id="svg" width="100%" height="400px" viewBox="0 0 800 400" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid"></svg>
<button ng-click="morph()" style="position:absolute;left:50%;top:200px;z-index:1;margin-left:-50px;font-size:24px;cursor:pointer">Change</button>
// Generated by LiveScript 1.2.0
var x$;
x$ = angular.module('chart', []);
x$.controller('main', ['$scope', '$http'].concat(function($scope, $http){
var data, newarc, sum, i$, to$, i, path, color, do1, do2;
data = [["Iceland", 14.1], ["Egypt", 30.4], ["Syria", 27.6], ["Malaysia", 17.5], ["Japan", 8.3], ["USA", 12.7], ["Taiwan", 8.5], ["India", 21.8], ["Germany", 8.1]];
newarc = function(start, end, flat){
var r1, r2, x1, xm1, y1, ym1, x2, xm2, y2, ym2, x3, xm3, y3, ym3, x4, xm4, y4, ym4, len1, len2;
flat == null && (flat = false);
r1 = 160;
r2 = 180;
x1 = xm1 = Math.cos(start) * r2;
y1 = ym1 = Math.sin(start) * r2;
x2 = xm2 = Math.cos(end) * r2;
y2 = ym2 = Math.sin(end) * r2;
x3 = xm3 = Math.cos(end) * r1;
y3 = ym3 = Math.sin(end) * r1;
x4 = xm4 = Math.cos(start) * r1;
y4 = ym4 = Math.sin(start) * r1;
len1 = Math.pow(r1, 2) / Math.sqrt(Math.pow(r1, 2) - (Math.pow(x3 - x4, 2) + Math.pow(y3 - y4, 2)) / 4);
len2 = Math.pow(r2, 2) / Math.sqrt(Math.pow(r2, 2) - (Math.pow(x1 - x2, 2) + Math.pow(y1 - y2, 2)) / 4);
len2 = (len2 - r2) * 0.2 + r2;
len1 = (len1 - r1) * 0.2 + r1;
if (!flat) {
xm1 = Math.cos((start * 2 + end) / 3) * len2;
ym1 = Math.sin((start * 2 + end) / 3) * len2;
xm2 = Math.cos((start + end * 2) / 3) * len2;
ym2 = Math.sin((start + end * 2) / 3) * len2;
xm3 = Math.cos((start + end * 2) / 3) * len1;
ym3 = Math.sin((start + end * 2) / 3) * len1;
xm4 = Math.cos((start * 2 + end) / 3) * len1;
ym4 = Math.sin((start * 2 + end) / 3) * len1;
return "M" + x1 + " " + y1 + " C" + xm1 + " " + ym1 + " " + xm2 + " " + ym2 + " " + x2 + " " + y2 + " L" + x3 + " " + y3 + " C" + xm3 + " " + ym3 + " " + xm4 + " " + ym4 + " " + x4 + " " + y4 + " Z";
sum = 0;
for (i$ = 0, to$ = data.length; i$ < to$; ++i$) {
i = i$;
sum += data[i][1];
path ="svg").selectAll("path").data(data).enter().append('path');
color = d3.scale.category20();
transform: "translate(400 200)",
d: function(d, i){
var x1, x2, y1, y2;
x1 = -300;
x2 = d[1] * 22 - 300;
y1 = i * 40 - 200;
y2 = i * 40 + 30 - 200;
return "M" + x1 + " " + y1 + " C" + x1 + " " + y1 + " " + x2 + " " + y1 + " " + x2 + " " + y1 + " L" + x2 + " " + y2 + " C" + x2 + " " + y2 + " " + x1 + " " + y2 + " " + x1 + " " + y2 + " Z";
fill: function(d, i){
return color(d[0]);
do1 = function(){
return path.transition().duration(500).attr({
transform: "translate(400 200)",
d: function(d, i){
var x1, x2, y1, y2;
x1 = -300;
x2 = d[1] * 22 - 300;
y1 = i * 40 - 200;
y2 = i * 40 + 30 - 200;
return "M" + x1 + " " + y1 + " C" + x1 + " " + y1 + " " + x2 + " " + y1 + " " + x2 + " " + y1 + " L" + x2 + " " + y2 + " C" + x2 + " " + y2 + " " + x1 + " " + y2 + " " + x1 + " " + y2 + " Z";
fill: function(d, i){
return color(d[0]);
do2 = function(){
return path.transition().duration(500).attr({
transform: "translate(400 200)",
d: function(d, i){
return newarc(6.28 * d[2] / sum, 6.28 * (d[2] + d[1]) / sum, false);
$scope.state = 1;
return $scope.morph = function(){
$scope.state = 1 - $scope.state;
if ($scope.state) {
return do2();
} else {
return do1();
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