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Created May 13, 2020 17:50
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RegionGetColor - AutoHotkey script c.2008 that uses a raw x86 machine code accelerated kernel to sum the rgb components of a pixel buffer in order to find the average color of a portion of the screen
regionGetColor(x, y, w, h, hwnd=0) {
; created by Infogulch - thanks to Titan for much of this
; x, y, w, h ~ coordinates of the region to average
; hwnd ~ handle to the window that coords refers to
DllCall("QueryPerformanceCounter", "Int64 *", Start1)
regionGetBmp(bmp, dc, obj, x, y, w, h, hwnd)
retval := Format(AvgBitmap(bmp, w, h), "Integer", "Hex")
regionCleanBmp(bmp, dc, obj)
DllCall("QueryPerformanceCounter", "Int64 *", End1), DllCall("QueryPerformanceFrequency", "Int64 *", f)
return retval, ErrorLevel := (End1-Start1)/f
regionGetBmp(ByRef membmp, ByRef memdc, ByRef memobj, x, y, w, h, hwnd=0) {
; created by Infogulch
; x, y, w, h ~ coordinates of the region to get
; hwnd ~ handle to the window that coords refers to (omit for screen-relative)
If !hwnd, hdc := GetDC( hwnd )
hcdc := hdc
WinGetPos, , , hwndW, hwndH, ahk_id %hwnd%
hcdc := CreateCompatibleDC( hdc )
, hbmp := CreateCompatibleBitmap( hdc, hwndW, hwndH )
, hobj := SelectObject( hcdc, hbmp )
, PrintWindow( hwnd, hcdc, 0 )
memdc := CreateCompatibleDC( hdc )
, membmp := CreateCompatibleBitmap( hdc, w, h )
, memobj := SelectObject( memdc, membmp )
, BitBlt( memdc, 0, 0, w, h, hcdc, x, y, 0xCC0020 )
If hbmp
DeleteObject(hbmp), SelectObject(hcdc, hobj), DeleteDC(hcdc)
ReleaseDC(hwnd, hdc)
regionCleanBmp(bmp, dc, obj) {
DeleteObject(bmp), SelectObject(dc, obj), DeleteDC(dc)
AvgBitmap(hbmp, w, h) {
; by Infogulch
; hbmp ~ handle to an existing bitmap
; pc ~ size of the bitmap, should be w * h
pc := w*h, DllCall("GetBitmapBits", "UInt", hbmp, "UInt", VarSetCapacity(bits, pc*4, 0), "UInt", &bits)
SumIntBytes(bits, pc, ca, cr, cg, cb)
return ((Round(cr/pc) & 0xff) << 16) | ((Round(cg/pc) & 0xff) << 8) | (Round(cb/pc) & 0xff)
Histogram(hbmp, w, h) {
pc := w*h, DllCall("GetBitmapBits", "UInt", hbmp, "UInt", VarSetCapacity(bits, pc*4, 0), "UInt", &bits)
SumIntBytes(bits, pc, ca, cr, cg, cb)
avglum := LumR(cr/pc)+LumG(cg/pc)+LumB(cb/pc)
i := pc
while i-- > 0
NumPut(lum(NumGet(bits,i*4)) > avglum ? 0xffffff : 0, bits, i*4)
DllCall("SetBitmapBits", "UInt", hbmp, "UInt", pc*4, "UInt", &bits)
return avglum
SumIntBytes( ByRef arr, len, ByRef a, ByRef r, ByRef g, ByRef b ) {
; by infogulch
; 32 bit: 16,843,009 px || 4,104 x 4,104 px screen
; 64 bit: 72,340,172,838,076,673 px || 268,961,285 x 268,961,285 px screen
static f, i
if !i
t =
(LTrim Join
VarSetCapacity(f, tl := StrLen(t)/2), i := 0
While i < tl
NumPut("0x" SubStr(t, i*2+1, 2), f, i++, "UChar")
VarSetCapacity(a, 8, 0), VarSetCapacity(r, 8, 0)
, VarSetCapacity(g, 8, 0), VarSetCapacity(b, 8, 0)
, DllCall( &f, "UInt", &arr, "UInt", len
, "UInt", &a, "UInt", &r, "UInt", &g, "UInt", &b
, "CDecl")
, a := NumGet(a, 0, "UInt64"), r := NumGet(r, 0, "UInt64")
, g := NumGet(g, 0, "UInt64"), b := NumGet(b, 0, "UInt64")
regionWaitColor(color, X, Y, W, H, hwnd=0, interval=100, timeout=5000, a="", b="", c="") {
CompareColor := (color != "" ? color : regionGetColor(X, Y, W, H, hwnd))
Start := A_TickCount
while !(color ? retVal : !retVal) && !(timeout > 0 ? A_TickCount-Start > timeout : 0)
retVal := regionCompareColor( CompareColor, x, y, w, h, hwnd, a, b, c)
If interval
Sleep interval
ErrorLevel := A_TickCount-Start
Return (color ? retVal : !retVal)
regionCompareColor(color, x, y, w, h, hwnd=0, a="", b="", c="") {
return withinVariation(regionGetColor(x, y, w, h, hwnd), color, a, b, c)
;general color functions
withinVariation( x, y, a, b="", c="") {
; return wether x is within �A �B �C of y
; if a is blank return wether x = y
; if b or c is blank, they are set equal to a
If (a = "")
return (x = y)
v := Variation(x, y)
return v >> 16 & 0xFF <= a
&& v >> 8 & 0xFF <= (b+0 ? b : a)
&& v & 0xFF <= (c+0 ? c : a)
Variation( x, y ) {
return Abs((x & 0xFF0000) - (y & 0xFF0000))
| Abs((x & 0x00FF00) - (y & 0x00FF00))
| Abs((x & 0x0000FF) - (y & 0x0000FF))
Color_Invert(x, a = "") {
; by Infogulch
; inverts the rgb/bgr hex color passed
; x: color to be inverted
; a: true to invert alpha as well
return ~x & (a ? 0xFFFFFFFF : 0xFFFFFF)
Lum(color) {
return 0.2126*(color >> 16 & 0xff) + 0.7152*(color >> 8 & 0xff) + 0.0722*(color & 0xff)
LumR(r) {
return 0.2126*r ;255*(r/255)**2.2
LumG(g) {
return 0.7152*g ;255*(g/255)**2.2
LumB(b) {
return 0.0722*b ;255*(b/255)**2.2
Color_FromRGB(r, g, b) {
return ((round(r)&0xff)<<16) | ((round(g)&0xff)<<8) | (round(b)&0xff)
Color_ToRGB(c, ByRef r, ByRef g, ByRef b) {
r := c >> 16 & 0xff, g := c >> 8 & 0xff, b := c & 0xff
Format(x, type, format) {
; this ought to be built-in. instead i have to have this ugly wrapper function.
ofmt := A_Format%type%
SetFormat, %type%, %format%
x += 0
SetFormat, %type%, %ofmt%
return x
;required mfc wrapper not included in GDIP:
CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdc, w, h) {
return DllCall("CreateCompatibleBitmap", "UInt", hdc, "Int", w, "Int", h)
#include <math.h>
typedef unsigned long uint;
typedef unsigned long long uint64;
// function SumIntBytes
// individually sums the bytes from each element in x and returns the results in
// a, b, c, and d
// Parameters:
// x: pointer to an array of 32-bit uint
// l: length of array x
// a: [out, retval] sum of first byte of all uint in x
// b: [out, retval] sum of second byte of all uint in x
// c: [out, retval] sum of third byte of all uint in x
// d: [out, retval] sum of fourth byte of all uint in x
__declspec(dllexport) void SumIntBytes( uint* x, uint l, uint64* a, uint64* b, uint64* c, uint64* d )
uint i;
for(i = 0; i < l; i = i + 1)
//return *a;
//return x[i] >> 8 & 0xff;
*a = *a + (x[i] >> 24);
*b = *b + (x[i] >> 16 & 0xff);
*c = *c + (x[i] >> 8 & 0xff);
*d = *d + (x[i] & 0xff);
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