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Created November 26, 2015 20:34
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Učitelj funkcija 2000
<div id="app" v-cloak>
<div class="container">
MAT1 pitalica
<small v-if="answered > 0">({{ correct }}/{{ answered }})</small>
<p>Kviz se sastoji od pitanja iz funkcija koje trebate znati. Tipovi pitanja su: odaberi domenu, odaberi sliku, odaberi nultočke.</p>
<question :question="currentQuestion" :solve="solve"></question>
<button class="btn" v-if="tried" @click="next">Idemo dalje</button>
<div v-if="failed">
<img src="" alt="" />
<hr />
<small>Kome se dalo ovo raditi? Mihovilu Ilakovcu i Florijanu Galiću.</small>
<script id="question" type="html/text">
<div class="question">
<h2>{{ question.question }}</h2>
<div class="options">
<div class="option" v-for="option in question.options" @click="solve(option)" :class="{'correct': option.correct && option.tried, 'false': !option.correct && option.tried }"><span v-html="option.text"></span></div>
Vue.component('question', {
template: document.getElementById("question").innerHTML,
props: {
question: {
required: true
solve: {
required: true
var vm = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: function() {
return {
functions: [{
name: "Konstanta",
domain: "R",
image: "c",
zeros: "Nema ih osim kada je c = 0"
}, {
name: "pravca",
domain: "R",
image: "R, ako a != 0",
zeros: "-b/a"
}, {
name: "Kvadratna",
domain: "R",
image: "[(4ac-b^2)/4*a, +&infin;\>, a \> 0, \<-&infin;, (4ac-b^2)/4*a]",
zeros: "x12=(-b&plusmn;sqrt(b^2-4*a*c))/2a"
}, {
name: "Kubna",
domain: "R",
image: "R",
zeros: "x=0"
}, {
name: "Polinom n-tog stupnja",
domain: "R",
image: "R",
zeros: "Ne pise nista u malom Ivici"
}, {
name: "drugog korijena",
domain: "[0, +&infin;\>",
image: "[0, +&infin;\>",
zeros: "x=0"
}, {
name: "treceg korijena",
domain: "R",
image: "R",
zeros: "x=0"
}, {
name: "Eksponencijalna",
domain: "R",
image: "\<0, +&infin;\>",
zeros: "Nema"
}, {
name: "Logaritamska",
domain: "\<0, +&infin;\>",
image: "R",
zeros: "x=1"
}, {
name: "Sinus",
domain: "R",
image: "[-1, 1]",
zeros: "k*&pi;"
}, {
name: "Kosinus",
domain: "R",
image: "[-1, 1]",
zeros: "&pi;/2 + k*&pi;"
}, {
name: "Tangens",
domain: "Unija \<-&pi;/2+k*&pi;, &pi;/2+k*&pi;\>",
image: "R",
zeros: "k*&pi;"
}, {
name: "Kotanges",
domain: "Unija \< k*&pi;, &pi;+k*&pi;\>",
image: "R",
zeros: "&pi;/2+k*&pi;"
}, {
name: "Arkus sinus",
domain: "[-1, 1]",
image: "[-&pi;/2, &pi;/2]",
zeros: "x=0"
}, {
name: "Arkus kosinus",
domain: "[-1, 1]",
image: "[0, &pi;]",
zeros: "x=1"
}, {
name: "Arkus tangens",
domain: "R",
image: "\<-&pi;/2, &pi;/2\>",
zeros: "x=0"
}, {
name: "Arkus kotangens",
domain: "R",
image: "\<0, &pi;\>",
zeros: "Nema"
}, {
name: "Sinus hiperbolicki",
domain: "R",
image: "R",
zeros: "x=0"
}, {
name: "Kosinus hiperbolicki",
domain: "R",
image: "[1, +&infin;\>",
zeros: "Nema"
}, {
name: "Tangens hiperbolicki",
domain: "R",
image: "\<-1, 1\>",
zeros: "x=0"
}, {
name: "Kotangens hiperbolicki",
domain: "R \\ {0}",
image: "\<-&infin;, -1\> unija \<1, +&infin;\>",
zeros: "Nema"
}, {
name: "Area sinus",
domain: "R",
image: "R",
zeros: "x=0"
}, {
name: "Area kosinus",
domain: "[1, +&infin;\>",
image: "[0, +&infin;\>",
zeros: "x=1"
}, {
name: "Area tangens",
domain: "\<-1, 1\>",
image: "R",
zeros: "x=0"
}, {
name: "Area kotangens",
domain: "\<-&infin;, -1\> unija \<1, +&infin;\>",
image: "R \\ {0}",
zeros: "Nema"
domains: [],
images: [],
zeros: [],
currentQuestion: {},
failed: false,
answered: 0,
correct: 0
computed: {
tried: function() {
var tried = false; this.currentQuestion.options.forEach(function(option) {
tried = tried || option.tried;
return tried;
methods: {
next: function() {
var currentQuestion = {
question: '',
options: []
var f = this.functions[_.random(0, this.functions.length - 1)];
var question_type = ([["domain", "domains", "Koja je domena"], ["image", "images", "Koja je slika"], ["zeros", "zeros", "Koje su nultočke"]])[_.random(0, 2)];
currentQuestion.question = question_type[2] + " funkcije " + + "?";
text: f[question_type[0]],
correct: true,
tried: false
var pool = _.shuffle(this[question_type[1]].filter(function (value) {
return value !== f[question_type[0]];
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++)
text: pool[i],
correct: false,
tried: false
currentQuestion.options = _.shuffle(currentQuestion.options);
this.currentQuestion = currentQuestion;
this.failed = false;
solve: function(option) {
if (!this.tried) {
option.tried = true;
this.answered += 1;
} else {
if (!option.correct) {
this.currentQuestion.options.forEach(function (option) {
if (option.correct) option.tried = true;
this.failed = true;
} else {
this.correct += 1;
ready: function () { = _.unique( (f) {
return f.domain;
this.images = _.unique( (f) {
return f.image;
this.zeros = _.unique( (f) {
return f.zeros;
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
.question {
.options {
.option {
padding: 5px;
margin: 5px 0;
background: #FFF;
border: 2px solid #CCC;
cursor: pointer;
&.false {
background: #e74c3c;
&.correct {
background: #28b362;
&.false, &.correct {
color: #FFF;
[v-cloak] {
display: none;
img {
max-width: 100%;
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
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