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Last active September 22, 2023 09:02
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Running Wasp on UBI9

We will go through the needed steps to deploy Wasp on a single UBI9 image.

The How

Building is done with the file:

  1. wasp build on the user's computer
  2. Building the client app
  3. Overriding the default Dockerfile
    • There might be a less violet way to do this (using the existing Dockerfile extensions method) but I found this to be easiest to implemnet
  4. Building the container and running it (confirming it works)

Additional step: Setting up the main.wasp to support serving the client from the Express app. We need to modify the app so we can use only a single container.

Known Issues

  1. History based routing doesn't work (Going to / will load the index.html, but going to /page won't!)
    • It's probably possible to fix this without modifying Wasp
    • ... but it's probably better for us to enable 1st party support for using a single container
# Put this at the root of the project
### Building the container
# Build the app
wasp build
# Build the web-app (we serve the backend at 8080)
cd .wasp/build/web-app && REACT_APP_API_URL=http://localhost:8080 npm run build && cd -
# Override the Dockerfile
cp Dockerfile .wasp/build
### Testing the container
# Build the container
cd .wasp/build && docker build . -t recipe-test && cd -
# Running the container to test, make sure to have a PostgreSQL instance running
docker run -p 8080:8080 -e DATABASE_URL=postgresql://postgres@host.docker.internal:5432/testx recipe-test
# Put this at the root of the project
FROM --platform=linux/amd64 AS builder
# Server the backend at port 8080
USER root
COPY . .
# 4: Copying the web-app build to the server public folder
RUN mkdir -p server/public
RUN cp -r web-app/build/* server/public
RUN cd server && npm install
COPY db/schema.prisma ./db/
RUN cd server && PRISMA_CLIENT_OUTPUT_DIR=../server/node_modules/.prisma/client/ npx prisma generate --schema='../db/schema.prisma'
RUN cd server && npm run build
WORKDIR /app/server
ENTRYPOINT ["npm", "run", "start-production"]
app recipeTest {
wasp: {
version: "^0.11.5"
title: "recipe-test",
db: {
system: PostgreSQL
// 1: This way we can override the default "/" route (to serve our client index.html)
// but it's not enough to support all static assets
server: {
middlewareConfigFn: import { getMiddleware } from "@server/middleware.js"
// 2: We need to set the middleware here as well to serve the CSS and JS properly
apiNamespace root {
path: "/",
middlewareConfigFn: import { getMiddleware } from "@server/middleware.js",
// 3: Namespace middlewares are not applied if there are no APIs (Wasp limitation atm)
api mockApi {
httpRoute: (GET, "/mock-api"),
fn: import { mockApi } from "@server/mockApi.js"
route RootRoute { path: "/", to: MainPage }
page MainPage {
component: import Main from "@client/MainPage.jsx"
query getStuff {
fn: import { getStuff } from "@server/stuff.js",
entities: [Test]
entity Test {=psl
id String @id @default(uuid())
name String
import express from "express";
import { MiddlewareConfigFn } from "@wasp/middleware/index.js";
export const getMiddleware: MiddlewareConfigFn = (config) => {
// @ts-ignore
const staticPath = new URL("../../public", import.meta.url).pathname; // We created this folder
config.set("static", express.static(staticPath));
return config;
import { MockApi } from "@wasp/apis/types";
export const mockApi: MockApi = (_req, _res, _context) => {};
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