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Created May 16, 2021 10:15
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Exploring capabilities.
(:use "COMMON-LISP"))
;;; Conditions
(define-condition capability-access-error (error)
((capability :initarg :capability :reader capability-access-error-capability)
(operation :initarg :operation :reader capability-access-error-operation))
(:report (lambda (condition stream)
(format stream "The operation ~S is not accessible with the capability ~S"
(capability-access-error-operation condition)
(capability-access-error-capability condition)))))
;;; Capability
(defclass capability ()
((object :initarg :object :reader capability-object)
(operations :initarg :operations :reader capability-operations)
(meta-operations :initarg :meta-operations :reader capability-meta-operations)))
(defmethod print-object ((capability capability) stream)
(print-unreadable-object (capability stream :type t :identity t)
(format stream ":object ~S :operations ~S :meta-operations ~S"
(capability-object capability)
(capability-operations capability)
(capability-meta-operations capability)))
(defgeneric operate (capability operation &rest arguments))
(defmethod operate ((capability capability) (operation symbol) &rest arguments)
((member operation (capability-meta-operations capability))
(apply operation capability arguments))
((member operation (capability-operations capability))
(apply operation (capability-object capability) arguments))
(error 'capability-access-error
:capability capability
:operation operation))))
(defgeneric profiles (object)
(:documentation "An a-list mapping a profile name to a list of operations.
The first profile must be the default profile for the creator/owner of the object."))
(defgeneric profile-operations (object profile-name)
(:method (object (profile-name (eql :default)))
(cdr (first (profiles object))))
(:method (object profile-name)
(cdr (assoc profile-name (profiles object)))))
(defgeneric capability-with-profile (capability new-profile)
(:method ((capability capability) new-profile)
(make-instance (class-of capability)
:object (capability-object capability)
:operations (profile-operations (capability-object capability) new-profile)
:meta-operations (remove 'capability-with-profile
(capability-meta-operations capability)))))
(defgeneric capability-terminate (capabilty)
(:method ((capability capability))
(setf (slot-value capability 'object) nil
(slot-value capability 'operations) nil
(slot-value capability 'meta-operations) nil)))
;;; Manager = a creator of capability.
(defclass manager ()
(defgeneric create-object (manager object-class &optional profile &rest arguments)
(:method ((manager manager) object-class &optional (profile :default) &rest arguments)
(let ((object (apply (function make-instance) object-class arguments)))
(make-instance 'capability
:object object
:operations (profile-operations object profile)
:meta-operations '(capability-with-profile
(defmethod profiles ((manager manager))
'((creator . (create-object))))
(defparameter *manager*
(let ((object (make-instance 'manager)))
(make-instance 'capability
:object object
:operations (profile-operations object :default)
:meta-operations '(capability-terminate))))
(defun cap (object-class &optional (profile :default) &rest arguments)
(apply (function operate) *manager* 'create-object object-class profile arguments))
;;; Directory
(defclass directory ()
((entries :initform (make-hash-table))))
(defgeneric directory-entry-count (directory))
(defgeneric directory-entry-names (directory))
(defgeneric directory-get-entry (directory name))
(defgeneric directory-put-entry (directory name capability))
(defmethod directory-entry-count ((directory directory))
(hash-table-count (slot-value directory 'entries)))
(defmethod directory-entry-names ((directory directory))
(let ((names '()))
(maphash (lambda (name capability)
(declare (ignore capability))
(push name names))
(slot-value directory 'entries))
(defmethod directory-get-entry ((directory directory) name)
(gethash name (slot-value directory 'entries)))
(defmethod directory-put-entry ((directory directory) name capability)
(setf (gethash name (slot-value directory 'entries)) capability))
(defmethod profiles ((object directory))
'((read-write . (directory-entry-count
(read-only . (directory-entry-count
(defclass account ()
((owner :initarg :owner :reader account-owner)
(number :initarg :number :reader account-number)
(balance :initform 0 :reader account-balance)))
(defgeneric deposit (account amount)
(:method ((account account) (amount real))
(unless (plusp amount)
(error "Account ~S: Deposit amount must be positive, not ~A"
(account-number account) amount))
(incf (slot-value account 'balance) amount)
(defgeneric withdraw (account amount)
(:method ((account account) (amount real))
(unless (plusp amount)
(error "Account ~S: Withdraw amount must be positive, not ~A"
(account-number account) amount))
(unless (<= amount (account-balance account))
(error "Account ~S: Withdraw amount is to big."
(account-number account)))
(decf (slot-value account 'balance) amount)
(defmethod profiles ((account account))
'((owner . (account-owner account-number account-balance withdraw deposit))
(employer . (account-owner account-number deposit))
(visitor . (account-owner account-number account-balance))))
(defparameter *dir*
(let ((account-dir (cap 'directory)))
;; Owner opens an account and deposits some amount:
(let ((account (cap 'account 'owner :owner "John" :number "10092001")))
(operate account-dir 'directory-put-entry 'owner account)
(format t "~@(~A~) deposits on account ~A:~%"
(operate account 'account-owner)
(operate account 'account-number))
(operate account 'deposit 1000.00)
(flet ((process (who account)
(operate account-dir 'directory-put-entry who account)
(format t "~@(~A~) trying to see how rich ~A is:~%"
who (operate account 'account-owner))
(format t "Account balance is: ")
(princ (operate account 'account-balance)))
(error (err)
(princ err)))
(format t "~@(~A~) paying a salary to ~A:~%"
who (operate account 'account-owner))
(princ (operate account 'deposit 5000.00))
(error (err)
(princ err)))
(format t "~@(~A~) trying to take money from ~A:~%"
who (operate account 'account-owner))
(princ (operate account 'withdraw 2000.00))
(error (err)
(princ err)))
(process 'visitor (operate account 'capability-with-profile 'visitor))
(process 'employer (operate account 'capability-with-profile 'employer))))
(operate account-dir 'capability-with-profile 'read-only)))
;; John deposits on account 10092001:
;; Visitor trying to see how rich John is:
;; Account balance is: 1000.0
;; Visitor paying a salary to John:
;; The operation deposit is not accessible with the capability #<capability :object #<account #x302007EBED3D> :operations (account-owner account-number account-balance) :meta-operations (capability-terminate) #x302007EBEA1D>
;; Visitor trying to take money from John:
;; The operation withdraw is not accessible with the capability #<capability :object #<account #x302007EBED3D> :operations (account-owner account-number account-balance) :meta-operations (capability-terminate) #x302007EBEA1D>
;; Employer trying to see how rich John is:
;; Account balance is: The operation account-balance is not accessible with the capability #<capability :object #<account #x302007EBED3D> :operations (account-owner account-number deposit) :meta-operations (capability-terminate) #x302007EBBFAD>
;; Employer paying a salary to John:
;; nil
;; Employer trying to take money from John:
;; The operation withdraw is not accessible with the capability #<capability :object #<account #x302007EBED3D> :operations (account-owner account-number deposit) :meta-operations (capability-terminate) #x302007EBBFAD>
;; *dir*
(list (operate *dir* 'directory-entry-count)
(operate *dir* 'directory-entry-names))
;; --> (3 (owner visitor employer))
(list (operate (operate *dir* 'directory-get-entry 'owner)
'withdraw 200)
(operate (operate *dir* 'directory-get-entry 'owner)
;; --> (nil 5800.0)
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