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Last active September 22, 2015 17:33
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Pandoc filter: convert inline math subscripts to text sbscripts.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Pandoc filter to convert inline math subscripts to text sbscripts.
Written for a very specific problem:
Bibtex entries with "CO_{2}" are rendered by the Pandoc parser as
[Str "CO",Math InlineMath "_{2}"],
which is then rendered in OOXML as an inline equation that looks like
"CO 2", with the 2 subscripted but an empty equation field between the subscript and the previous letters.
This filter solves this problem by replacing
[Math InlineMath _"{...}"]
with a text subscript:
[Subscript Str "..."],
thus removing the equation field entirely.
Use with caution -- will probably break real inline equations that start with a subscript.
To use this on bibliography entries, this filter needs to be downstream of pandoc-citeproc.
I do this by running pandoc twice: Once for pandoc-citeproc with native output, then pipe that output into the second run for this filter, e.g.
pandoc \
--bibliography biblio.bib \
--csl style.csl \
-t native \
| pandoc - \
-f native \
--filter ./ \
--reference-docx ref.docx
-o output.docx
from pandocfilters import toJSONFilter, Str, Subscript
def unmathsub(key, value, format, meta):
if (key == 'Math'
and len(value) == 2
and '_{' in (x[:2] for x in value if isinstance(x, str))
and 'InlineMath' in (x['t'] for x in value if 't' in x)):
for x in value:
if isinstance(x, str):
x = Str(x.split('_{')[1].split('}')[0])
return Subscript([x])
if __name__ == "__main__":
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