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Created July 8, 2018 12:43
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local entity_get_prop = entity.get_prop
local entity_set_prop = entity.set_prop
local entity_get_all = entity.get_all
local entity_get_players = entity.get_players
local entity_is_enemy = entity.is_enemy
local entity_get_local_player = entity.get_local_player
local ui_get = ui.get
local ui_new_checkbox = ui.new_checkbox
local ui_new_combobox = ui.new_combobox
local ui_new_button = ui.new_button
local ui_new_slider = ui.new_slider
local ui_set_visible = ui.set_visible
local ui_new_multiselect = ui.new_multiselect
local ui_new_colorpicker = ui.new_color_picker
local cl_log = client.log
local string_format = string.format
local globals_curtime = globals.curtime
local globals_realtime = globals.realtime
local globals_absoluteframetime = globals.absoluteframetime
local globals_tickinterval = globals.tickinterval
local get_screen_size = client.screen_size
local client_userid_to_entindex = client.userid_to_entindex
local client_draw_text = client.draw_text
local client_draw_rectangle = client.draw_rectangle
local client_draw_gradient = client.draw_gradient
local client_get_latency = client.latency
local con_cmd = client.exec
local table_insert, table_remove = table.insert, table.remove
local math_min, math_abs, math_sqrt, math_floor, math_ceil = math.min, math.abs, math.sqrt, math.floor, math.ceil
local enabled_ref = ui_new_checkbox("misc", "settings", "Customize HUD")
local hudColor = ui_new_combobox("misc", "settings", "HUD Color", "Default", "White", "Aqua", "Blue", "Purple", "Red", "Orange", "Yellow", "Green", "Cyan", "Pink")
local hRadar = ui_new_checkbox("misc", "settings", "Hide radar")
local Colors = ui_new_checkbox("misc", "settings", "Draw custom HUD")
local CPicker = ui_new_colorpicker("misc", "settings", "CP", 159, 202, 43, 25)
local DrawRect = ui_new_multiselect("misc", "settings", "Draw rectangles", "Logs", "Weapons", "Indicators")
local DrawText = ui_new_multiselect("misc", "settings", "Display", "FPS", "Ping", "Kills", "Deaths", "KDR", "CLIP")
--local ResCB = ui_new_checkbox("misc", "settings", "Custom resolution")
--local x = ui_new_slider("misc", "settings", "Position X", 1, 1920, 20, true)
--local y = ui_new_slider("misc", "settings", "Position Y", 1, 1080, 400, true)
local sw, sh = get_screen_size()
local frametimes = {}
local fps_prev = 0
local last_update_time = 0
local kd = 0
local kdr = 0
local function accumulate_fps()
local rt, ft = globals_realtime(), globals_absoluteframetime()
if ft > 0 then
table_insert(frametimes, 1, ft)
local count = #frametimes
if count == 0 then
return 0
local accum = 0
local i = 0
while accum < 0.5 do
i = i + 1
accum = accum + frametimes[i]
if i >= count then
accum = accum / i
while i < count do
i = i + 1
local fps = 1 / accum
local time_since_update = rt - last_update_time
if math_abs(fps - fps_prev) > 4 or time_since_update > 1 then
fps_prev = fps
last_update_time = rt
fps = fps_prev
return math_floor(fps + 0.5)
local function round(b,c)
local d=10^(c or 0)
return math.floor(b*d+0.5)/d
local function HUDcolor()
local getcolor = ui_get(hudColor)
if getcolor == "Default" then
con_cmd("cl_hud_color 0")
cl_log("Changed HUD Color to Default")
elseif getcolor == "White" then
con_cmd("cl_hud_color 1")
cl_log("Changed HUD Color to White")
elseif getcolor == "Aqua" then
con_cmd("cl_hud_color 2")
cl_log("Changed HUD Color to Aqua")
elseif getcolor == "Blue" then
con_cmd("cl_hud_color 3")
cl_log("Changed HUD Color to Blue")
elseif getcolor == "Purple" then
con_cmd("cl_hud_color 4")
cl_log("Changed HUD Color to Purple")
elseif getcolor == "Red" then
con_cmd("cl_hud_color 5")
cl_log("Changed HUD Color to Red")
elseif getcolor == "Orange" then
con_cmd("cl_hud_color 6")
cl_log("Changed HUD Color to Orange")
elseif getcolor == "Yellow" then
con_cmd("cl_hud_color 7")
cl_log("Changed HUD Color to Yellow")
elseif getcolor == "Green" then
con_cmd("cl_hud_color 8")
cl_log("Changed HUD Color to Green")
elseif getcolor == "Cyan" then
con_cmd("cl_hud_color 9")
cl_log("Changed HUD Color to Cyan")
elseif getcolor == "Pink" then
con_cmd("cl_hud_color 10")
cl_log("Changed HUD Color to Pink")
ui.set_callback(hudColor, HUDcolor)
local function hideradar()
ui.set_callback(hRadar, hideradar)
local function scalehud()
con_cmd("hud_scaling 0.621500")
ui.set_callback(Colors, scalehud)
local function hudalpha()
con_cmd("cl_hud_background_alpha 0")
ui.set_callback(enabled_ref, hudalpha)
local function UIvisibility(this)
local g = ui_get(this)
ui_set_visible(hudColor, g)
ui_set_visible(hRadar, g)
ui_set_visible(Colors, g)
ui.set_callback(enabled_ref, UIvisibility)
local function slidersVisibility(this)
local g = ui_get(this)
ui_set_visible(CPicker, g)
ui_set_visible(DrawRect, g)
ui_set_visible(DrawText, g)
ui.set_callback(Colors, slidersVisibility)
local function handle_paint(ctx)
if not ui_get(enabled_ref) then
return end
if not ui_get(hRadar) then
if ui_get(Colors) then
getR, getG, getB, getA = ui_get(CPicker)
local fps = accumulate_fps()
local ping = math_min(999, client_get_latency() * 1000)
fps = math_min(999, fps)
local fps_text = string_format("%d", fps)
local ping_text = string_format("%d ms", ping)
local local_player = entity_get_local_player()
local hp = entity_get_prop(local_player, "m_iHealth")
local armor = entity_get_prop(local_player, "m_ArmorValue")
local cashmoney = entity_get_prop(local_player, "m_iAccount")
local playerresource = entity_get_all("CCSPlayerResource")[1]
local kills = entity_get_prop(playerresource, "m_iKills", local_player)
local deaths = entity_get_prop(playerresource, "m_iDeaths", local_player)
entity.set_prop(local_player, "m_iHideHud", 8200) -- hides default HUD
local r, g, b
if fps > 70 then
r, g, b = 159, 202, 43
r, g, b = 255, 0, 0
local fps_r, fps_g, fps_b = r, g, b
if fps < (1 / globals_tickinterval()) then
fps_r, fps_g, fps_b = 255, 0, 0
local ping_r, ping_g, ping_b = r, g, b
local max_ping = 200
if ping > max_ping then
ping_r, ping_b, ping_b = 255, 0, 0
if hp == 0 then return end
local left = sw - sw
local right = sw
local top = sh - sh
local bot = sh+5
local midw = sw/2
local midh = sh/2
local r2, g2, b2, a2 = 30, 30, 30, 255
--Main drawing--
client_draw_rectangle(ctx, left, bot-50, right, bot-50, getR, getG, getB, getA) -- main rect
client_draw_gradient(ctx, left, bot-51, right, 20, r2, g2, b2, a2, getR, getG, getB, getA, false) -- gs grad
client_draw_gradient(ctx, left, bot-52, right, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 170, false) -- thin line above gs
client_draw_text(ctx, midw+15, bot-44, 255, 255, 255, 230, "c+", 0, "game") -- g
client_draw_text(ctx, midw+85, bot-44, 149, 184, 6, 230, "c+", 0, "sense") -- s
client_draw_text(ctx, midw+50, bot-20, 255, 255, 255, 230, "c+", 0, " | ") -- Line between fps/ping (center of screen)
--if hp >= 0 and hp <= 100 then
if hp >= 0 then
client_draw_text(ctx, left+61, bot-22, 255, 255, 255, 230, nil, 0, "HP")
client_draw_text(ctx, left+30, bot-20, 159, 202, 43, 230, "c+", 0, hp)
if armor >= 100 then
client_draw_text(ctx, left+130, bot-22, 255, 255, 255, 230, nil, 0, "ARMOR")
client_draw_text(ctx, left+105, bot-20, 52, 152, 219, 230, "c+", 0, armor)
local selectedrec = ui_get(DrawRect)
for i=1, #selectedrec do
if selectedrec[i] == "Logs" then
client_draw_rectangle(ctx, left+5, top, 410, 85, getR, getG, getB, getA)
client_draw_gradient(ctx, left+5, top+83, 410, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 170, false)
client_draw_text(ctx, left+180, top+84, 255, 255, 255, 230, nil, 0, "LOGS")
elseif selectedrec[i] == "Weapons" then
client_draw_text(ctx, right-130, midh+234, 255, 255, 255, 230, nil, 0, "WEAPONS")
client_draw_gradient(ctx, right-210, midh+244, 280, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 170, false)
client_draw_rectangle(ctx, right-210, midh+245, 280, 310, getR, getG, getB, getA)
elseif selectedrec[i] == "Indicators" then
client_draw_rectangle(ctx, left+8, midh+380, 75, 115, getR, getG, getB, getA)
client_draw_gradient(ctx, left+8, midh+379, 75, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 170, false)
local selectedtext = ui_get(DrawText)
for i=1, #selectedtext do
if selectedtext[i] == "FPS" then
client_draw_text(ctx, midw-3, midh+525, fps_r, fps_g, fps_b, 230, "c+", 0, fps_text, " fps")
elseif selectedtext[i] == "Ping" then
client_draw_text(ctx, midw+102, midh+525, ping_r, ping_g, ping_b, 230, "c+", 0, ping_text)
elseif selectedtext[i] == "Kills" then
if kills >= 0 then
client_draw_text(ctx, midw+342, midh+525, 159, 202, 43, 230, nil, 0, "KILLS")
client_draw_text(ctx, midw+290, midh+514, 159, 202, 43, 230, "+", 0, kills)
elseif selectedtext[i] == "Deaths" then
if deaths >= 0 then
client_draw_text(ctx, midw+432, midh+525, 255, 0, 0, 230, nil, 0, "DEATHS")
client_draw_text(ctx, midw+380, midh+514, 255, 0, 0, 230, "+", 0, deaths)
elseif selectedtext[i] == "KDR" then
if kills >= 0 and deaths >= 0 then
kd = kills / deaths
kdr = round(kd, 2)
if deaths == 0 then
kdr = kills
client_draw_text(ctx, midw+542, midh+525, 52, 152, 219, 230, nil, 0, "KDR")
client_draw_text(ctx, midw+480, midh+514, 52, 152, 219, 230, "+", 0, kdr)
elseif selectedtext[i] == "CLIP" then
client_draw_text(ctx, right-120, bot-27, 255, 255, 255, 255, "c+", 0, "CLIP: ")
if hp == 0 then return end -- if we dead don't draw anything
client.set_event_callback("paint", handle_paint)
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