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Created September 14, 2017 21:29
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directly simulate N(t) for a renewal process
Include dead time effect
from random import expovariate,uniform
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from tqdm import tqdm
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
import multiprocessing
def Nalt_runner(i):
print i
pc = Nalt()
return pc
def Nalt(t_obs = 0.001, lam=1.0e9, taud = 100e-7, sigd=10e-7):
last_photon_time = 0
last_count_time = -np.inf
photon_count = 0
while last_photon_time <= t_obs:
last_photon_time = last_photon_time+expovariate(lam)
fuzzy_dead_time = uniform(taud-np.sqrt(3)*sigd, taud+np.sqrt(3)*sigd)
if last_photon_time >= last_count_time+fuzzy_dead_time:
last_count_time = last_photon_time
photon_count += 1
return photon_count
def N(t_obs=0.001, lam=1.0e9, taud=100e-7, sigd=10e-7):
Nt = 0
t_cur = 0.0
t_cur += expovariate(lam) + uniform(taud-np.sqrt(3)*sigd,taud+np.sqrt(3)*sigd)
Nt += 1
return Nt
if __name__=='__main__':
Nsim = 1000
# Method 1
Nt_nounc = np.zeros(Nsim)
for i in tqdm(range(Nsim)):
Nt_nounc[i] = N()
# Method 2
Nalt_nounc = np.array( Parallel(n_jobs=35)(delayed(Nalt_runner)(i) for i in range(Nsim)) )
print np.mean(Nt_nounc), np.mean(Nalt_nounc)
print np.std(Nt_nounc), np.std(Nalt_nounc)
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