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Last active August 29, 2015 14:11
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Kjango's squirrels
<Kjango> The hardest thing to train a flying squirrel to do is to not bite the living crap out of you
<Kjango> I used to build a small fire in the yard...........................
<Kjango> then I would take the squirrel in a gloved hand & put him in a sock............................
<Kjango> I'd throw green boughs on the fire & the rapidly twirl the squirrel in the sock in the smoke..........................
<Kjango> then I would take the squirrel out of the sock & hold him in my ungloved hand & feed him life savers........................
<Kjango> he be too fucked up to bite me......................
<Kjango> & turns out they like life savers...................
<Kjango> couple sock sessions & you have a tame flying squirrel
<Kjango> I've often wondered over the years if this would work with women
<Kjango> another interesting flying squirrel factoid :
<Kjango> when you take a flying squirrel out of a can put it in your coat pocket & they immediatly roll up in a ball & go to sleep
<Kjango> some kind of flying squirrel defence mechanism
<Kjango> You have to be very careful removing them though because they will run up your sleeve biting the shit out of you all the way up your arm
<Kjango> I know this from personal experience.
<ingmar_> what prompted this unwarranted tale of your squirrel expertise?
<Kjango> I know a lot of people think I don't know anything......but I am a living repository of useless information .
<Kjango> I don't know
<Kjango> just popped into my memory
<Kjango> I made money as a child selling tame flying squirrels to pet stores
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