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Last active May 19, 2024 12:10
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Spline and curve interpolation for many variants. Based upon the works of Steve H. Noskowicz.
import sequtils
import vmath
export vmath
Spline and curve interpolation for many variants.
Based upon the works of Steve H. Noskowicz.
Get the book PDF and the appendix.
CurveSegmentError* = object of Defect
CurveOrderError* = object of Defect
Curve*[T] = object
stepSize*: int
segments*: int
segmentDim*: int
current_seg*: int
matrix*: seq[seq[float]]
degree*: int
cp*: seq[T]
curmult*: seq[T]
origin*: T
ICurve*[T] = object
stepSize*: int
segmentDim*: int
matrix*: seq[seq[float]]
degree*: int
cp*: iterator: T
origin*: T
func nSegments(length: int, stepSize: int, segmentDim: int): int {.inline.} =
let lsd = length - segmentDim
if lsd < 0:
raise newException(CurveSegmentError, "Too few points in curve array")
if (lsd mod stepSize) == 0:
result = 1 + (lsd div stepSize)
raise newException(CurveSegmentError, "Incorrect number of points in curve array")
func divideMatrix(matrix: seq[seq[float]], divisor: float): seq[seq[float]] {.inline.} =
matrix.mapIt(it.mapIt(it / divisor))
func initCurve[T](
cp: seq[T] or iterator(): T, segmentDim: int, stepSize: int, degree: int,
matrix: seq[seq[float]]
): auto =
when cp is iterator: T:
var curve = ICurve[T]()
var curve = Curve[T]()
curve.cp = cp
curve.segmentDim = segmentDim
curve.stepSize = stepSize = degree
curve.matrix = matrix
when curve is Curve[T]:
curve.current_seg = -1
curve.segments = nSegments(len(curve.cp), curve.stepSize, curve.segmentDim)
return curve
func linear*[T](cp: seq[T] or iterator: T): auto =
## Linear "curve".
## Two control points define a segment.
## The curve passes through all control points.
## Number of control points in a multi segment curve is 2 + (n * 1)
cp, 2, 1, 1,
@[-1.0, 1.0],
@[ 1.0]
func simple3*[T](cp: seq[T] or iterator: T): auto =
## Simple Cubic curve. Linear segments
## Two control points define a segment.
## The curve passes through all control points.
## Number of control points in a multi segment curve is 2 + (n * 1)
cp, 2, 1, 3,
@[ 2.0, -2.0],
@[-3.0, 3.0],
@[ 0.0, 0.0],
@[ 1.0]
func simple3ESC*[T](cp: seq[T] or iterator: T, esc: float): auto =
## Simple Cubic curve with Endpoint Slope Control. Linear segments
## Two control points define a segment.
## The curve passes through all control points.
## Number of control points in a multi segment curve is 2 + (n * 1)
## esc: controls the velocity, spacing of points. It goes to the value of esc
## at the control points.
cp, 2, 1, 3,
@[ 2.0 - (2.0 * esc), (2.0 * esc) - 2.0],
@[ (3.0 * esc) - 3.0, 3.0 - (3.0 * esc)],
@[-esc, esc],
@[ 1.0]
func simple3MSC*[T](cp: seq[T] or iterator: T, msc: float): auto =
## Simple Cubic curve with Midpoint Slope Control
## Two control points define a segment.
## The curve passes through all control points.
## Number of control points in a multi segment curve is 2 + (n * 1)
## msc: controls the velocity, spacing of points. It goes to the value of msc
## at the mid point between the control points.
cp, 2, 1, 3,
@[ (4.0 * msc) - 4.0, 4.0 - (4.0 * msc)],
@[ 6.0 - (6.0 * msc), (6.0 * msc) - 6.0],
@[ (2.0 * msc) - 3.0, 3.0 - (2.0 * msc)],
@[ 1.0]
func simple3IESC*[T](cp: seq[T] or iterator: T, esc0: float, esc1: float): auto =
## Simple Cubic with Independent Endpoint Slope Control
## Two control points define a segment.
## The curve passes through all control points.
## Number of control points in a multi segment curve is 2 + (n * 1)
## esc0, esc1: control the velocity, spacing of points. It goes to the value of esc
## at the control point.
cp, 2, 1, 3,
@[ 2.0 - esc0 - esc1, esc0 + esc1 - 2.0],
@[ (2.0 * esc0) + esc1 - 3.0, 3.0 - (2.0 * esc0) - esc1],
@[-esc0, esc0],
@[ 1.0]
func bezier2*[T](cp: seq[T] or iterator: T): auto =
## Quadratic Bezier curve
## Three control points define a segment.
## The curve passes through the first and last control point of a segment.
## The curve is "attracted" to the middel control point.
## Number of control points in a multi segment curve is 3 + (n * 2)
cp, 3, 2, 2,
@[ 1.0, -2.0, 1.0],
@[-2.0, 2.0],
@[ 1.0]
func bezier2EVC*[T](cp: seq[T] or iterator: T, evc: float): auto =
## Quadratic Bezier curve with Endpoint Velocity Control
## Three control points define a segment.
## The curve passes through the first and last control point of a segment.
## The curve is "attracted" to the middel control point.
## Number of control points in a multi segment curve is 3 + (n * 2)
## evc: Changes the length of the end tangent vectors. This pushes the centre of
## the curve towards the middle control point. At evc = 0 it is a quadratic
## Bezier curve. At vec = -2 it is a simple cubic curve and at vec = 2 the
## curve goes through the middle control point.
cp, 3, 2, 2,
@[-evc, 0.0, evc],
@[ 1.0 + (2.0 * evc), -2.0 - evc, 1.0 - evc],
@[-2.0 - evc, 2.0 + evc],
@[ 1.0]
func bezier3*[T](cp: seq[T] or iterator: T): auto =
## Cubic Bezier curve
## Four control points define a segment.
## The curve passes through the first and last control point of a segment.
## The curve is "attracted" to the middel control points.
## Number of control points in a multi segment curve is 3 + (n * 3)
cp, 4, 3, 3,
@[-1.0, 3.0, -3.0, 1.0],
@[ 3.0, -6.0, 3.0],
@[-3.0, 3.0],
@[ 1.0]
func bezier3EVC*[T](cp: seq[T] or iterator: T, evc: float): auto =
## Cubic Bezier Curve with Endpoint Velocity Control
## Four control points define a segment.
## The curve passes through the first and last control point of a segment.
## The curve is "attracted" to the middel control points.
## Number of control points in a multi segment curve is 3 + (n * 3)
## evc: Changes the length of the end tangent vectors. This pushes
## the curve towards the middle control point.
cp, 4, 3, 3,
@[-1.0 - evc, 3.0 + evc, -3.0 - evc, 1.0 + evc],
@[ 3.0 + (2 * evc), -6.0 - (2 * evc), 3.0 + evc, -evc],
@[-3.0 - evc, 3.0 + evc],
@[ 1.0]
func bspline2*[T](cp: seq[T] or iterator: T): auto =
## Quadratic b-spline aka parabolic spline
## Three control points define a segment.
## The curve does not pass through any control point. It starts half way P0P1
## and ends half way P1P2.
## The curve is "attracted" to the middel control points.
## Number of control points in a multi segment curve is 3 + (n * 1)
cp, 3, 1, 2,
@[ 1.0, -2.0, 1.0],
@[-2.0, 2.0],
@[ 1.0, 1.0]
], 2.0)
func bspline3*[T](cp: seq[T] or iterator: T): auto =
## Cubic b-spline
## Four control points define a segment.
## The curve does not pass through any control point. It goes from near
## P1 to near P2
## The curve is "attracted" to the middel control points.
## Number of control points in a multi segment curve is 4 + (n * 1)
cp, 4, 1, 3,
@[-1.0, 3.0, -3.0, 1.0],
@[ 3.0, -6.0, 3.0],
@[-3.0, 0.0, 3.0],
@[ 1.0, 4.0, 1.0]
], 6.0)
func cardinal*[T](cp: seq[T] or iterator: T, tension: float): auto =
## Cardinal spline
## Four control points define a segment.
## Number of control points in a multi segment curve is 4 + (n * 1)
let t = (1.0 - tension) / 2.0
cp, 4, 1, 3,
@[-t, 2.0 - t, t - 2.0, t],
@[2.0 * t, t - 3.0, 3.0 - (2.0 * t), -t],
@[-t, 0.0, t, 0.0],
@[ 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0]
func golden_curve*[T](cp: seq[T] or iterator: T): auto =
## Golden curve, quadratic three point
## Three control points define a segment.
## The curve passes through all control point.
## At t = 0.5 it passes through the middle control point.
## Number of control points in a multi segment curve is 3 + (n * 2)
cp, 3, 2, 2,
@[ 2.0,-4.0, 2.0],
@[-3.0, 4.0,-1.0],
func four_point3_curve*[T](cp: seq[T] or iterator: T): auto =
## Cubic Four Point curve
## (identical to a quadratic Lagrange with t1 = 1/3 and t2 = 2/3)
## Four control points define a segment.
## The curve passes through all control point.
## Number of control points in a multi segment curve is 4 + (n * 3)
cp, 4, 3, 3,
@[ -9.0, 27.0,-27.0, 9.0],
@[ 18.0,-45.0, 36.0,-9.0],
@[-11.0, 18.0, -9.0, 2.0],
@[ 2.0]
], 2.0)
func hermiteC*[T](cp: seq[T] or iterator: T): auto =
## Hermite curve in conventional form
## Four control points define a segment.
## The curve passes through the first and second control point. The
## third and fourth control points are tangent vectors.
## Number of control points in a multi segment curve is 4 + (n * 3)
## Not realy suitable for piece wise interpolation.
cp, 4, 3, 3,
@[ 2.0,-2.0, 1.0, 1.0],
@[-3.0, 3.0,-2.0,-1.0],
@[ 0.0, 0.0, 1.0],
@[ 1.0]
func hermite*[T](cp: seq[T] or iterator: T, tension: float, bias: float): auto =
## Hermite curve (in Bezier form)
## Four control points define a segment.
## The curve passes through the first and last control point. The two
## middle control points are tangent vectors.
## Number of control points in a multi segment curve is 4 + (n * 3)
cp, 4, 1, 3,
@[2.0, -3.0, 0.0, 1.0],
@[-2.0, 3.0, 0.0, 0.0],
@[tension + bias, tension - bias, -tension - (2.0 * bias), bias - tension],
@[bias - tension, tension - (2.0 * bias), bias, 0.0]
func catmullrom*[T](cp: seq[T] or iterator: T): auto =
## Catmull Rom spline
## Four control points define a segment.
## The curve passes through the middle two control point.
## Number of control points in a multi segment curve is 4 + (n * 1)
cp, 4, 1, 3,
@[-1.0, 3.0,-3.0, 1.0],
@[ 2.0,-5.0, 4.0,-1.0],
@[-1.0, 0.0, 1.0],
@[ 0.0, 2.0]
], 2.0)
func lagrange2*[T](cp: seq[T] or iterator: T, t2: float): auto =
## Quadratic Lagrange curve
## Tree control points define a segment.
## The curve passes through all three control points.
## Number of control points in a multi segment curve is 3 + (n * 2)
## t2: defines at what value for t the curve goes through P2
n1 = 1.0 / t2
n2 = 1.0 / (t2 * (t2 - 1.0))
n3 = 1.0 / (1.0 - t2)
initCurve(cp, 3, 2,
@[ n1, n2, n3],
@[-n1 - 1.0, -n2, -n3 * t2],
@[ 1.0],
func beta_spline*[T](cp: seq[T] or iterator: T, tension: float, bias: float): auto =
## Beta spline, Cubic B-spline with Tension, Bias
## Four control points define a segment.
## The curve passes through none of the control points. It goes from near P1 to near P2.
## Number of control points in a multi segment curve is 4 + (n * 1)
## T: from 0 to infinity, attracts to control point P1. From 0 to -6 pushes away from P1.
## B: from 0 to 1, pushes towards P2, from 1 to infinity pushes towards P1
## B = 1 & T = 0 --> B-spline
cp, 4, 1, 3,
@[-2.0 * pow(bias, 3.0),
2.0 * (tension + pow(bias, 3.0) + pow(bias, 2.0) + bias),
-2.0 * (tension + pow(bias, 2.0) + bias + 1.0),
@[ 6.0 * pow(bias, 3.0),
-3.0 * (tension + (2.0 * pow(bias, 3.0) + (2.0 * pow(bias, 2.0)))),
3.0 * (tension + (2.0 * pow(bias, 2.0)))
@[-6.0 * pow(bias, 3.0),
6.0 * (pow(bias, 3.0) - bias),
6.0 * bias
@[ 2.0 * pow(bias, 3.0),
tension + (4.0 * (pow(bias, 2.0) + bias)),
(tension + (2.0 * pow(bias, 3.0)) + (4.0 * pow(bias,2.0)) + (4.0 * bias) + 2.0)
func tcb_spline*[T](cp: seq[T] or iterator:T, tension:float, cont:float, bias:float): auto =
## Kochanek Bartels aka TCB-spline. Tension, Continuity, Bias.
## Four control points define a segment.
## The curve passes trough P1 and P2.
## Number of control points in a multi segment curve is 4 + (n * 1)
## Tension T = +1 --> Tight, T = -1 --> Round
## Bias B = 1 --> Post Shoot, B = -1 --> Pre shoot
## Continuity C = +1 --> Inverted corners, C = -1 --> Box corners
## T = B = C --> Catmull Rom
## T = 1 --> simple cubic
## T = B = 0 & C = -1 linear interpolation
a = (1.0 - tension) * (1.0 + cont) * (1.0 + bias)
b = (1.0 - tension) * (1.0 - cont) * (1.0 - bias)
c = (1.0 - tension) * (1.0 - cont) * (1.0 + bias)
d = (1.0 - tension) * (1.0 + cont) * (1.0 - bias)
cp, 4, 1, 3,
4.0 + a - b - c,
-4.0 + b + c - d,
@[ 2.0 * a,
-6.0 - (2.0 * a) + (2.0 * b) + c,
6.0 - (2.0 * b) - c + d,
a - b,
@[0.0, 2.0]
], 2.0)
func palmer*[T](cp: seq[T] or iterator:T, t:float, b:float): auto =
## Palmer with Tension, Bias
## Three control points define a segment.
## The curve passes trough P1 and P3 and passes by P2.
## Number of control points in a multi segment curve is 3 + (n * 2)
n0 = 1.0 / b
n1 = 1.0 / (b * (1.0 - b))
n2 = 1.0 / (1.0 - b)
cp, 3, 2, 3,
@[-2.0 * t, 0.0, 2.0 * t],
@[n0 + (3.0 * t), -n1, n2 - (3.0 * t)],
@[-1.0 - n0 - t, n1, t - (n2 / n0)],
@[ 1.0]
t goes from 0 - 1. From t figure out in what segment of the curve we are.
from the segment number and t figure out what the equivalent segment time tseg is.
segments are interpolated from 0-1, using tseg.
if in a new segment, precalculate the weighting matrix values for that segment
finaly run Horner
func getPoint*[T](curve: var Curve[T], t: float): auto =
## Gets a single point from the curve, with t in range[0,1].
segment: int
tseg: float
if t < 1.0:
segment = int(floor(t * float(curve.segments)))
tseg = (t * float(curve.segments)) - float(segment)
segment = curve.segments - 1
tseg = 1.0
if segment != curve.current_seg:
curve.current_seg = segment
let current_pos = segment * curve.stepSize
curve.curmult = newSeqWith[T](len(curve.matrix), curve.origin)
for i in 0..<len(curve.matrix):
for j in 0..<len(curve.matrix[i]):
let jSegment = j + current_pos
curve.curmult[i] = curve.curmult[i] + (curve.cp[jSegment] * curve.matrix[i][j])
var F = curve.curmult[0]
for i in 1..<len(curve.curmult):
F = (F * tseg) + curve.curmult[i]
return F
func getIterVecs1[T](curmult:var seq[T], delta:seq[float]):seq[T]=
# set up vectors for forward diffences: initial speed, initial accelleration and
# accelleration change.
var iterCurves: seq[T]
#starting point of segment
##initial velocity
var d1: T
for i in 0..<len(curmult):
d1 += curmult[i] * delta[i+2]
##initial acceleration
var d2: T
for i in 0..<len(curmult)-1:
var n:float
if i == 0:
n = 6.0
elif i == 1:
n = 2.0
d2 += curmult[i] * delta[i+2] * n
#acceleration change
var d3: T
for i in 0..<len(curmult)-2:
d3 += curmult[i] * delta[i+2] * 6.0
return iterCurves
func getIterVecs2[T](curmult:var seq[T], delta:seq[float]):seq[T]=
var iterCurves: seq[T]
#starting point of segment
##initial velocity
var d1: T
for i in 0..<len(curmult):
d1 += curmult[i] * delta[i+1]
##initial acceleration
var d2: T
for i in 0..<len(curmult)-1:
var n:float
if i == 0:
n = 2.0
elif i == 1:
n = 6.0
d2 += curmult[i] * delta[i+1] * n
#acceleration change
var d3: T
for i in 0..<len(curmult)-2:
d3 += curmult[i] * delta[i+1] * 6.0
return iterCurves
func getIterVecs3[T](curmult:var seq[T], delta:seq[float]):seq[T]=
var iterCurves: seq[T]
#starting point of segment
##initial velocity
var d1: T
for i in 0..<len(curmult):
d1 += curmult[i] * delta[i]
##initial acceleration
var d2: T
for i in 0..<len(curmult)-1:
var n:float
if i == 0:
n = 6.0
elif i == 1:
n = 2.0
d2 += curmult[i] * delta[i] * n
#acceleration change
var d3: T
for i in 0..<len(curmult)-2:
d3 += curmult[i] * delta[i] * 6.0
return iterCurves
proc iterCurve*[T](curve: Curve[T] or ICurve[T], steps:int):auto=
#create an "internal" closure, if needed, to get the same interface for
#sequences and closure iterators as input to iterCurves.
when curve is Curve[T]:
func curvePoints (cps:seq[T]): auto=
return iterator(): auto=
for i in cps:
yield i
let cp = curvePoints(curve.cp)
let cp = curve.cp
let fsteps = steps.float
let delta:seq[float] = @[1/(fsteps*fsteps*fsteps), 1/(fsteps*fsteps), 1/fsteps]
var segment = newSeqWith[T](curve.segmentDim, cp())
return iterator(): auto=
while true:
#multiply the matrix coefficients by the control points
var curmult = newSeqWith[T](len(curve.matrix), curve.origin)
for i in 0..<len(curve.matrix):
curmult[i] = curve.origin
for j in 0..<len(curve.matrix[i]):
curmult[i] = curmult[i] + (segment[j] * curve.matrix[i][j])
# set up vectors for forward diffences: initial speed, initial acelleration and
# acelleration change.
var iterCurves = case
of 1: getIterVecs1(curmult, delta)
of 2: getIterVecs2(curmult, delta)
of 3: getIterVecs3(curmult, delta)
else: raise newException(CurveOrderError, "curve not of degree 1, 2 or 3")
# step interpolate through one segment, except for last point
# as it is the same as the first of the next segment
var i = 0
while i < steps:
yield iterCurves[0]
iterCurves[0] += iterCurves[1]
iterCurves[1] += iterCurves[2]
iterCurves[2] += iterCurves[3]
#get the points for the next segment
for i in 0..<curve.stepSize:
let val:T = cp()
if finished(cp):
if finished(cp):
#for the last segment, also yield its last point.
yield iterCurves[0]
when is_main_module:
import pixie
func vals(data:seq):auto=
return iterator():auto=
for i in data:
yield i
image = newImage(800, 800)
ctx = newContext(image)
v0 = @[
vec2(200, 400), vec2(200, 200), vec2(400, 200), vec2(400, 400),
vec2(400, 600), vec2(600, 600), vec2(600, 400)
resolution = 100
steps = 50
#return interpolated points based on t-value
tlin = bezier3(v0)
ip = iterCurve(tlin, steps)
itlin = bezier3(vals(v0))
itp = iterCurve(itlin, steps)
image.fill(rgba(255, 255, 255, 255))
ctx.fillStyle = rgba(255, 0, 0, 255)
for i in v0:
ctx.fillCircle(circle(i, 8))
ctx.fillStyle = rgba(0, 255, 0, 125)
for i in 0..<resolution:
var t = i / (resolution - 1)
ctx.fillCircle(circle(getPoint(tlin, t), 9))
ctx.fillStyle = rgba(255, 0, 0, 125)
while true:
let val = ip()
if finished(ip):break
ctx.fillCircle(circle(val, 6))
ctx.fillStyle = rgba(0, 0, 255, 125)
while true:
let val = itp()
if finished(itp):break
ctx.fillCircle(circle(val, 3))
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