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Last active December 19, 2023 15:31
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;; Copyright 2023 Ingy dot Net
;; This code is licensed under MIT license (See License for details)
;; This is the YAMLScript standard library.
(ns ys.std
[clojure.pprint :as pp]
[clojure.string :as str])
(:refer-clojure :exclude [print]))
(defn www [& xs]
(apply yamlscript.debug/www xs))
(defn xxx [& xs]
(apply yamlscript.debug/xxx xs))
(defn yyy [& xs]
(apply yamlscript.debug/yyy xs))
(defn zzz [& xs]
(apply yamlscript.debug/zzz xs))
(defn toBoo [x] boolean x)
(defn toFlt [x] (parse-double x))
(defn toInt [x] (parse-long x))
(defn toMap
([] {})
([x] (apply hash-map x))
([k v & xs] (apply hash-map k v xs)))
(defn toStr [& xs] (apply str xs))
(defn _get [coll key]
(if (string? key)
(or (get coll (keyword key))
(get coll key))
(get coll key))
(defn _. [x & xs]
(reduce _get x xs))
(defn _+ [x & xs]
(string? x) (apply str x xs)
(vector? x) (apply concat x xs)
(map? x) (apply merge x xs)
:else (apply + x xs)))
(defn _* [x y]
(if (and (string? x) (number? y))
(apply str (repeat y x))
(if (and (string? y) (number? x))
(apply str (repeat x y))
(* x y))))
(defmacro each [bindings & body]
(doall (for [~@bindings] (do ~@body)))
(defn err [& xs]
(binding [*out* *err*]
(apply clojure.core/print xs)
(defn join
([xs] (join "" xs))
([sep & xs]
(if (= 1 (count xs))
(str/join sep (first xs))
(str/join sep xs))))
(defn out [& xs]
(apply clojure.core/print xs)
(defn pretty [o]
(pp/pprint o))))
(defn print [o]
(clojure.core/print o)
(defn rng [x y]
(if (> y x)
(range x (inc y))
(range x (dec y) -1)))
(defn say [& xs]
(apply clojure.core/println xs))
(defn warn [& xs]
(binding [*out* *err*]
(apply clojure.core/println xs)
;; ys version: 0.1.28
;; Copyright 2023 Ingy dot Net
;; This code is licensed under MIT license (See License for details)
;; This is the YAMLScript standard library.
(ns ys.std
(:require [yamlscript.debug]
(:refer-clojure :exclude [print]))
(declare print)
(defn www [& xs] (apply yamlscript.debug/www xs))
(defn xxx [& xs] (apply yamlscript.debug/xxx xs))
(defn yyy [& xs] (apply yamlscript.debug/yyy xs))
(defn zzz [& xs] (apply yamlscript.debug/zzz xs))
(defn toBoo [x] (boolean x))
(defn toFlt [x] (parse-double x))
(defn toInt [x] (parse-long x))
(defn toMap
([] {})
([x] (apply hash-map x))
([k v & xs] (apply hash-map k v xs)))
(defn toStr [& xs] (apply str xs))
(defn _get
[coll key]
(if (string? key)
(or (get coll (keyword key)) (get coll key))
(get coll key)))
(defn _. [x & xs] (reduce _get x xs))
(defn _+
[x & xs]
(cond (string? x) (apply str x xs)
(vector? x) (apply concat x xs)
(map? x) (apply merge x xs)
:else (apply + x xs)))
(defn _*
[x y]
(if (and (string? x) (number? y))
(apply str (repeat y x))
(if (and (string? y) (number? x)) (apply str (repeat x y)) (_* x y))))
(defmacro each
[bindings & body]
`(do (doall (for [~@bindings] (do ~@body))) nil))
(defn err
[& xs]
(binding [*out* *err*]
(apply clojure.core/print xs)
(defn join
([xs] (join "" xs))
([sep & xs]
(if (= 1 (count xs))
(clojure.string/join sep (first xs))
(clojure.string/join sep xs))))
(defn out [& xs] (apply clojure.core/print xs) (flush))
(defn pretty
(clojure.string/trim-newline (with-out-str (clojure.pprint/pprint o))))
(defn print [o] (clojure.core/print o) (flush))
(defn rng [x y] (if (> y x) (range x (inc y)) (range x (dec y) -1)))
(defn say [& xs] (apply clojure.core/println xs))
(defn warn
[& xs]
(binding [*out* *err*]
(apply clojure.core/println xs)
# Copyright 2023 Ingy dot Net
# This code is licensed under MIT license (See License for details)
# This is the YAMLScript standard library.
--- !yamlscript/v0
ns ys::std:
(:refer-clojure :exclude [print])
defn www(& xs):
apply: yamlscript::debug.www xs
defn xxx(& xs):
apply: xs
defn yyy(& xs):
apply: yamlscript::debug.yyy xs
defn zzz(& xs):
apply: yamlscript::debug.zzz xs
defn toBoo(x): boolean(x)
defn toFlt(x): parse-double(x)
defn toInt(x): parse-long(x)
defn toMap:
.[]: .{}
apply: hash-map x
.[k v & xs]:
apply: hash-map k v xs
defn toStr(& xs):
apply: str xs
defn _get(coll key):
if (string? key):
get: coll keyword(key)
get: coll key
get: coll key
defn _.(x & xs):
reduce: _get x xs
defn _+(x & xs):
(string? x) (apply str x xs)
(vector? x) (apply concat x xs)
(map? x) (apply merge x xs)
:else (apply + x xs))
defn _*(x y):
if (string?(x) && number?(y)):
apply: str repeat(y x)
if (string?(y) && number?(x)):
apply: str repeat(x y)
=>: x * y
defmacro each [bindings & body]:
(for [~@bindings] (do ~@body)))
defn err(& xs):
binding [*out* *err*]:
apply: clojure::core.print xs
defn join:
join: ."" xs
.[sep & xs]:
if (= 1 count(xs)):
clojure::string.join: sep first(xs)
clojure::string.join: sep xs
defn out(& xs):
apply: clojure::core.print xs
defn pretty(o):
clojure::pprint.pprint: o
defn print(o):
clojure::core.print: o
defn rng(x y):
if (y > x):
range: x inc(y)
range: x dec(y) -1
defn say(& xs):
apply: clojure::core.println xs
defn warn(& xs):
binding [*out* *err*]:
apply: clojure::core.println xs
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