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Save inhies/5069663 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Creates TWRP compatible backups over USB using ADB without any files ever touching your SD card.
# Version 1.4
# -- a TWRP compatible backup script for your computer
# Brought to you by inhies
# This script creates TWRP compatible backups over usb using adb and magikz
# By default it makes a folder in the standard TWRP date--time format (I think)
# To restore these backups, place the folder in /sdcard/TWRP/BACKUPS/<serialnumber>/
# If you can figure out a better way to run the two netcat downloads in parallel
# I would be forever grateful
# USAGE: Boot your phone in to TWRP, then run this script
# Currently only backs up /data, /system, and /boot which mactches TWRPs default.
# It will also ignore /data/media files (like TWRP does)
# This might not work so well on anything other than a Nexus 4 ¯(°_o)/¯
# Specify your boot partition below:
BOOT_PARTITION="/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/boot" #Nexus 4
BOOT_NOTE="Nexus 4" # This isn't required, it's just for logging
# You can change it if you have multiple copies of this file
# To find your boot partition, reboot in to twrp, then run
# adb shell cat /etc/recovery.fstab | grep /boot
# The last line on the right is (should be?) your boot partition
SYSTEM_START_MESSAGE="Backing up /system..."
SYSTEM_DONE_MESSAGE="/system backup complete!"
DATA_START_MESSAGE="Backing up /data..."
DATA_DONE_MESSAGE="/data backup complete!"
BOOT_START_MESSAGE="Backing up /boot for a $BOOT_NOTE from $BOOT_PARTITION..."
BOOT_DONE_MESSAGE="/boot backup complete!"
adb shell mount -r /system
FOLDER=`date '+%Y-%m-%d--%H-%M-%S'`
mkdir $FOLDER; cd $FOLDER
echo "Backup started in $FOLDER"
# Setup
adb forward tcp:5550 tcp:5550
adb shell "rm -rf /tmp/sys_fifo && mkfifo /tmp/sys_fifo && cd /system/ && tar -cz -f /tmp/sys_fifo * & nc -l -p 5550 -e cat /tmp/sys_fifo" &
adb forward tcp:5551 tcp:5551
adb shell "rm -rf /tmp/data_fifo && mkfifo /tmp/data_fifo && cd /data/ && tar -cz --exclude='media*' -f /tmp/data_fifo * & nc -l -p 5551 -e cat /tmp/data_fifo" &
adb forward tcp:5552 tcp:5552
adb shell "rm -rf /tmp/boot_fifo && mkfifo /tmp/boot_fifo && dd if=$BOOT_PARTITION of=/tmp/boot_fifo & nc -l -p 5552 -e cat /tmp/boot_fifo" &
sleep 1
# Backup /system
nc 5550 >
md5sum >
) | tee -a recovery.log &
echo $SYSTEM_START_MESSAGE | tee -a recovery.log
# Backup /data
nc 5551 >
md5sum >
) | tee -a recovery.log &
echo $DATA_START_MESSAGE | tee -a recovery.log
# Backup /boot
nc 5552 >
md5sum >
) | tee -a recovery.log &
echo $BOOT_START_MESSAGE | tee -a recovery.log
echo "Done!" | tee -a recovery.log
adb shell umount /system
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Great script. I am new to android and linux the script works perfect. Now, How to restore?

Thank you for your help

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ehcloninger commented Jul 7, 2017

@jlmonroyhdez Restore by putting files on your SD card and using the TWRP UI on device. The files must go in a folder called /TWRP/Backups//YYYY-MM-DD--HH-mm-SS. The value of serialno is what you get from typing 'adb devices'.

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