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Created January 18, 2019 19:54
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  • Save inhumantsar/e1bb3119a0413fe0e559100805abfe3e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save inhumantsar/e1bb3119a0413fe0e559100805abfe3e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
github-create: create github repos from the command line, supports 2FA.
# github-create
# this function will create a new GitHub repo using credentials, including 2FA codes, supplied by the user.
# you can copy this entire file into your `~/.bashrc` or similar, or you can copy everything between the outermost
# curly braces into its own script and save that somewhere on your PATH.
# to use it, simply run `github-create` from within a local git repo.
github-create() {
HELP="""Creates a GitHub repo, sets it as the remote 'origin' for the local git repo, pushes.
Will init and do an initial commit if necessary. Repo name is necessary if description is provided.
WARNING: Storing tokens and passwords with this is insecure, use a token with only the 'repo' scope and rotate frequently.
$0 -h|--help - Shows this message
$0 'repo-name' 'Some quoted desc' - Creates a new GitHub repo with that name & (optional) description.
$0 - Creates a new GitHub repo using dir name for the repo name.
# show help and exit if necessary
([ "${1}" == "-h" ] || [ "${1}" == "--help" ]) && echo -e "${HELP}" && return 0
# init if necessary
if [ "$(git log --sparse --oneline -n 1 2> /dev/null || echo '')" == "" ]; then
git init && git add . && git commit -am 'initial commit'
# get/store github username
GH_USER=$(git config github.user)
GH_TOKEN=$(git config github.token)
while [ "${GH_USER}" == "" ] || [ "${GH_TOKEN}" == "" ]; do
read -p "GitHub username: " GH_USER
read -s -p "GitHub pass/token: " GH_TOKEN
echo "" # reads which mask input don't leave a newline at the end.
read -p "Store globally for all repos? [Y|n]" YN
if [[ $YN =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then
git config --global github.user "${GH_USER}"
git config --global github.token "${GH_TOKEN}"
# get 2FA code
read -p "2FA token (blank to skip): " GH_TFA
# get repo name & description
if [ "${1}" != "" ]; then
REPONAME="$(basename `pwd`)"
# create repo
R=$(curl --silent --write-out "HTTPCODE:%{http_code}" -i -u "${GH_USER}:${GH_TOKEN}" -H "X-GitHub-OTP: ${GH_TFA}" \ \
-d "{\
\"name\": \"${REPONAME}\", \
\"description\": \"${DESCRIPTION}\", \
\"private\": false, \
\"has_issues\": true, \
\"has_downloads\": true, \
\"has_wiki\": false \
R_BODY=$(echo $R | sed -E 's/HTTPCODE\:[0-9]{3}$//')
R_CODE=$(echo $R | tr -d '\n' | sed -E 's/.*HTTPCODE:([0-9]{3})$/\1/')
# bail out if we get a bad HTTP status code back
[[ $R_CODE -gt 299 ]] && echo -e "\nERROR! Unable to create repository. See output below for details.\n\n$R_BODY" && return 1
git remote add origin "${GH_USER}/${REPONAME}.git"
git push -u origin master
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