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Last active February 18, 2022 12:21
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%% -*- erlang -*-
%% force distributed erlang to only run on localhost
{inet_dist_use_interface, {127,0,0,1}}
{suppress_supervisor_start_stop, true},
{log_root, "/var/log/miner"},
{crash_log, "crash.log"},
{colored, true},
{metadata_whitelist, [poc_id]},
{lager_file_backend, [{file, "console.log"}, {level, info},
{formatter, lager_default_formatter},
{formatter_config, [date, " ", time, " ", {pterm, ospid, <<"NOPID">>},
" [",severity,"] ",
pid, "@", module, ":", function, ":", line, " ",
message, "\n"]}]},
{lager_file_backend, [{file, "error.log"}, {level, error}]}
{use_dns_for_seeds, true},
{seed_dns_cname, ""},
{seed_config_dns_name, ""},
{similarity_time_diff_mins, 30},
{random_peer_pred, fun miner_util:random_val_predicate/1},
{ip_confirmation_host, ""},
{"/p2p/112qB3YaH5bZkCnKA5uRH7tBtGNv2Y5B4smv1jsmvGUzgKT71QpE", "/ip4/"},
{"/p2p/112ewJNEUfSg3Jvo276tMjzFC2JzmmZcJJ32CWz2fzYqbyCMMTe1", "/ip4/"},
{"/p2p/1124CJ9yJaHq4D6ugyPCDnSBzQik61C1BqD9VMh1vsUmjwt16HNB", "/ip4/"},
{"/p2p/11263KvqW3GZPAvag5sQYtBJSjb25azSTSwoi5Tza9kboaLRxcsv", "/ip4/"},
{"/p2p/11w77YQLhgUt8HUJrMtntGGr97RyXmot1ofs5Ct2ELTmbFoYsQa", "/ip4/"},
{"/p2p/11afuQSrmk52mgxLu91AdtDXbJ9wmqWBUxC3hvjejoXkxEZfPvY", "/ip4/"}
{snap_source_base_url, ""},
{fetch_latest_from_snap_source, true},
{honor_quick_sync, true},
{quick_sync_mode, blessed_snapshot},
{blessed_snapshot_block_height, 1160641},
{listen_addresses, ["/ip4/"]},
{key, {ecc, [{key_slot, 0}, {onboarding_key_slot, 15}, {bus, "i2c-0"}, {address, 16#60}]}}, %% don't make this the last line in the stanza because sed and keep it on one line
{base_dir, "/var/data"},
{onboarding_dir, "/mnt/uboot"},
{num_consensus_members, 16},
{seed_nodes, "/ip4/,/ip4/,/ip4/,/ip4/,/ip4/,/ip4/,/ip4/,/ip4/"},
{peerbook_update_interval, 180000},
{max_inbound_connections, 200},
{outbound_gossip_connections, 50},
{gossip_version, 2},
{peerbook_allow_rfc1918, false},
{metadata_fun, fun miner_util:metadata_fun/0},
{relay_limit, 50},
{disable_gateway_cache, true},
{gw_cache_retention_limit, 0},
{gw_context_cache_max_size, 0}
[{total_threads, 4},
{max_background_jobs, 2},
{max_background_compactions, 2}
%% {max_background_flushes, 2}, % not sure if needed
{defer_count_threshold, 30},
{defer_time_threshold, 1000}
{max_open_files, 128},
{compaction_style, universal},
{memtable_memory_budget, 8388608}, % 8MB
{arena_block_size, 262144}, % 256kB
{write_buffer_size, 262144}, % 256kB
{db_write_buffer_size, 8388608}, % 8MB
{max_write_buffer_number, 10},
{keep_log_file_num, 5},
{max_log_file_size, 1048576}, %% keep log files 1mb or less
{log_file_time_to_roll, 86400} %% rotate logs once a day
{denylist_keys, ["1SbEYKju337P6aYsRd9DT2k4qgK5ZK62kXbSvnJgqeaxK3hqQrYURZjL"]},
{denylist_type, github_release},
{denylist_url, ""},
{jsonrpc_ip, {127,0,0,1}}, %% bind JSONRPC to localhost only
{jsonrpc_port, 4467},
{mode, gateway},
{use_ebus, true},
{batch_size, 2500},
{curve, 'SS512'},
{block_time, 60000},
{late_block_timeout_seconds, 3600},
{hotfix_dir, "/opt/miner/hotfix"},
{update_dir, "/opt/miner/update"},
{api_base_url, ""},
{election_interval, 30},
{radio_device, { {127,0,0,1}, 1680,
{127,0,0,1}, 31341} },
{default_routers, ["/p2p/11w77YQLhgUt8HUJrMtntGGr97RyXmot1ofs5Ct2ELTmbFoYsQa","/p2p/11afuQSrmk52mgxLu91AdtDXbJ9wmqWBUxC3hvjejoXkxEZfPvY"]},
{mark_mods, [miner_hbbft_handler]},
{stabilization_period, 50000},
{reg_domains_file, "countries_reg_domains.csv"},
{frequency_data, #{'US915' => [903.9, 904.1, 904.3, 904.5, 904.7, 904.9, 905.1, 905.3],
'EU868' => [867.1, 867.3, 867.5, 867.7, 867.9, 868.1, 868.3, 868.5],
'EU433' => [433.175, 433.375, 433.575],
'CN470' => [486.3, 486.5, 486.7, 486.9, 487.1, 487.3, 487.5, 487.7 ],
'CN779' => [779.5, 779.7, 779.9],
'AU915' => [916.8, 917.0, 917.2, 917.4, 917.6, 917.8, 918.0, 918.2],
'AS923_1' => [923.2, 923.4, 923.6, 923.8, 924.0, 924.2, 924.4, 924.6],
'AS923_2' => [921.4, 921.6, 921.8, 922.0, 922.2, 922.4, 922.6, 922.8],
'AS923_3' => [916.6, 916.8, 917.0, 917.2, 917.4, 917.6, 917.8, 918.0],
'AS923_4' => [917.3, 917.5, 917.7, 917.9, 918.1, 918.3, 918.5, 918.7],
'KR920' => [922.1, 922.3, 922.5, 922.7, 922.9, 923.1, 923.3],
'IN865' => [865.0625, 865.4025, 865.985],
'RU864' => [864.1, 864.3, 864.5, 864.7, 864.9, 868.9, 869.1]}
{grpcbox, [
{servers, [
grpc_opts => #{
service_protos => [gateway_pb],
services => #{'helium.gateway' => helium_gateway_service}
transport_opts => #{ssl => false},
listen_opts => #{
port => 8080,
ip => {0, 0, 0, 0}
pool_opts => #{size => 100},
server_opts => #{
header_table_size => 4096,
enable_push => 1,
max_concurrent_streams => unlimited,
initial_window_size => 65535,
max_frame_size => 16384,
max_header_list_size => unlimited
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