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Last active August 28, 2019 02:57
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Commands used to run profiler:

  • Event cpu

    java,svg,file=flamegraph-cpu.svg,interval=1ms,threads -cp target/classes ProfileIdle

  • Event wall

    java,svg,file=flamegraph-wall.svg,interval=1ms,event=wall,threads -cp target/classes ProfileIdle

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Display the rendered blob
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// name before it's searched, do it here before returning.
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// XXX: Workaround for JavaScript float issues (fix me)
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// Direct ancestor
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// not in current path
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// Children maybe
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// no common path
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el[i].style["display"] = "block";
el[i].style["opacity"] = "1";
// search
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var el = document.getElementsByTagName("rect");
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orig_load(el[i], "fill")
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var term = prompt("Enter a search term (regexp " +
"allowed, eg: ^ext4_)", "");
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searching = 0;["opacity"] = "0.1";
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// if nameattr href is being used
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var w = parseFloat(rect.attributes["width"].value);
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maxwidth = w;
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// highlight
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// remember matches
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matches[x] = w;
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// overwrite with parent
matches[x] = w;
searching = 1;
if (!searching)
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searchbtn.firstChild.nodeValue = "Reset Search"
// calculate percent matched, excluding vertical overlap
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var lastw = 0;
var keys = Array();
for (k in matches) {
if (matches.hasOwnProperty(k))
// sort the matched frames by their x location
// ascending, then width descending
keys.sort(function(a, b){
return a - b;
// Step through frames saving only the biggest bottom-up frames
// thanks to the sort order. This relies on the tree property
// where children are always smaller than their parents.
var fudge = 0.0001; // JavaScript floating point
for (var k in keys) {
var x = parseFloat(keys[k]);
var w = matches[keys[k]];
if (x >= lastx + lastw - fudge) {
count += w;
lastx = x;
lastw = w;
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pct = "100"
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<text x="600" y="24" text-anchor="middle" style="font-size:17px">Flame Graph</text>
<text x="10" y="245" id="details"> </text>
<text x="10" y="24" id="unzoom" onclick="unzoom()" style="opacity:0.0;cursor:pointer">Reset Zoom</text>
<text x="1090" y="24" id="search" onmouseover="searchover()" onmouseout="searchout()" onclick="search_prompt()" style="opacity:0.1;cursor:pointer">Search</text>
<text x="1090" y="245" id="matched"> </text>
<g class="func_g" onmouseover="s(this)" onmouseout="c()" onclick="zoom(this)">
<title>all (10,225 samples, 100.00%)</title><rect x="10.0" y="211.0" width="1180.0" height="15" fill="#c83232" rx="2" ry="2"/>
<text x="13.0" y="222.0">all</text>
<g class="func_g" onmouseover="s(this)" onmouseout="c()" onclick="zoom(this)">
<title>[DestroyJavaVM tid=6403] (10,158 samples, 99.34%)</title><rect x="10.0" y="195.0" width="1172.3" height="15" fill="#cf3c3c" rx="2" ry="2"/>
<text x="13.0" y="206.0">[DestroyJavaVM tid=6403]</text>
<g class="func_g" onmouseover="s(this)" onmouseout="c()" onclick="zoom(this)">
<title>ProfileIdle.main (10,138 samples, 99.15%)</title><rect x="10.7" y="179.0" width="1170.0" height="15" fill="#5ff15f" rx="2" ry="2"/>
<text x="13.7" y="190.0">ProfileIdle.main</text>
<g class="func_g" onmouseover="s(this)" onmouseout="c()" onclick="zoom(this)">
<title> (10,138 samples, 99.15%)</title><rect x="10.7" y="163.0" width="1170.0" height="15" fill="#4de14d" rx="2" ry="2"/>
<text x="13.7" y="174.0"></text>
<g class="func_g" onmouseover="s(this)" onmouseout="c()" onclick="zoom(this)">
<title>java/lang/Math.atan (9,837 samples, 96.21%)</title><rect x="26.6" y="147.0" width="1135.2" height="15" fill="#51e551" rx="2" ry="2"/>
<text x="29.6" y="158.0">java/lang/Math.atan</text>
<g class="func_g" onmouseover="s(this)" onmouseout="c()" onclick="zoom(this)">
<title>java/lang/StrictMath.atan (9,793 samples, 95.78%)</title><rect x="31.7" y="131.0" width="1130.1" height="15" fill="#3fd43f" rx="2" ry="2"/>
<text x="34.7" y="142.0">java/lang/StrictMath.atan</text>
<g class="func_g" onmouseover="s(this)" onmouseout="c()" onclick="zoom(this)">
<title>Java_java_lang_StrictMath_atan (63 samples, 0.62%)</title><rect x="233.0" y="115.0" width="7.2" height="15" fill="#ca3535" rx="2" ry="2"/>
<text x="236.0" y="126.0"></text>
<g class="func_g" onmouseover="s(this)" onmouseout="c()" onclick="zoom(this)">
<title>jatan (7,923 samples, 77.49%)</title><rect x="240.2" y="115.0" width="914.4" height="15" fill="#ed6868" rx="2" ry="2"/>
<text x="243.2" y="126.0">jatan</text>
<g class="func_g" onmouseover="s(this)" onmouseout="c()" onclick="zoom(this)">
<title>jfabs (1,792 samples, 17.53%)</title><rect x="947.8" y="99.0" width="206.8" height="15" fill="#ed6868" rx="2" ry="2"/>
<text x="950.8" y="110.0">jfabs</text>
<g class="func_g" onmouseover="s(this)" onmouseout="c()" onclick="zoom(this)">
<title>jfabs (63 samples, 0.62%)</title><rect x="1154.6" y="115.0" width="7.2" height="15" fill="#fb7c7c" rx="2" ry="2"/>
<text x="1157.6" y="126.0"></text>
<g class="func_g" onmouseover="s(this)" onmouseout="c()" onclick="zoom(this)">
<title>java/lang/StrictMath.atan (163 samples, 1.59%)</title><rect x="1161.8" y="147.0" width="18.9" height="15" fill="#49dd49" rx="2" ry="2"/>
<text x="1164.8" y="158.0"></text>
<g class="func_g" onmouseover="s(this)" onmouseout="c()" onclick="zoom(this)">
<title>sun/launcher/LauncherHelper.checkAndLoadMain (10 samples, 0.10%)</title><rect x="1180.9" y="179.0" width="1.1" height="15" fill="#51e451" rx="2" ry="2"/>
<text x="1183.9" y="190.0"></text>
<g class="func_g" onmouseover="s(this)" onmouseout="c()" onclick="zoom(this)">
<title>java/lang/ClassLoader.loadClass (10 samples, 0.10%)</title><rect x="1180.9" y="163.0" width="1.1" height="15" fill="#63f563" rx="2" ry="2"/>
<text x="1183.9" y="174.0"></text>
<g class="func_g" onmouseover="s(this)" onmouseout="c()" onclick="zoom(this)">
<title>sun/misc/Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass (10 samples, 0.10%)</title><rect x="1180.9" y="147.0" width="1.1" height="15" fill="#34c934" rx="2" ry="2"/>
<text x="1183.9" y="158.0"></text>
<g class="func_g" onmouseover="s(this)" onmouseout="c()" onclick="zoom(this)">
<title>java/lang/ClassLoader.loadClass (10 samples, 0.10%)</title><rect x="1180.9" y="131.0" width="1.1" height="15" fill="#35ca35" rx="2" ry="2"/>
<text x="1183.9" y="142.0"></text>
<g class="func_g" onmouseover="s(this)" onmouseout="c()" onclick="zoom(this)">
<title>[tid=15875] (46 samples, 0.45%)</title><rect x="1183.4" y="195.0" width="5.3" height="15" fill="#e55c5c" rx="2" ry="2"/>
<text x="1186.4" y="206.0"></text>
<g class="func_g" onmouseover="s(this)" onmouseout="c()" onclick="zoom(this)">
<title>thread_start (46 samples, 0.45%)</title><rect x="1183.4" y="179.0" width="5.3" height="15" fill="#ec6767" rx="2" ry="2"/>
<text x="1186.4" y="190.0"></text>
<g class="func_g" onmouseover="s(this)" onmouseout="c()" onclick="zoom(this)">
<title>_pthread_start (46 samples, 0.45%)</title><rect x="1183.4" y="163.0" width="5.3" height="15" fill="#c83232" rx="2" ry="2"/>
<text x="1186.4" y="174.0"></text>
<g class="func_g" onmouseover="s(this)" onmouseout="c()" onclick="zoom(this)">
<title>_pthread_body (46 samples, 0.45%)</title><rect x="1183.4" y="147.0" width="5.3" height="15" fill="#dd5050" rx="2" ry="2"/>
<text x="1186.4" y="158.0"></text>
<g class="func_g" onmouseover="s(this)" onmouseout="c()" onclick="zoom(this)">
<title>java_start(Thread*) (46 samples, 0.45%)</title><rect x="1183.4" y="131.0" width="5.3" height="15" fill="#cb3737" rx="2" ry="2"/>
<text x="1186.4" y="142.0"></text>
<g class="func_g" onmouseover="s(this)" onmouseout="c()" onclick="zoom(this)">
<title>WatcherThread::run() (46 samples, 0.45%)</title><rect x="1183.4" y="115.0" width="5.3" height="15" fill="#c5c53a" rx="2" ry="2"/>
<text x="1186.4" y="126.0"></text>
<g class="func_g" onmouseover="s(this)" onmouseout="c()" onclick="zoom(this)">
<title>WatcherThread::sleep() const (44 samples, 0.43%)</title><rect x="1183.7" y="99.0" width="5.0" height="15" fill="#d4d43f" rx="2" ry="2"/>
<text x="1186.7" y="110.0"></text>
<g class="func_g" onmouseover="s(this)" onmouseout="c()" onclick="zoom(this)">
<title>Monitor::wait(bool, long, bool) (43 samples, 0.42%)</title><rect x="1183.7" y="83.0" width="4.9" height="15" fill="#cfcf3d" rx="2" ry="2"/>
<text x="1186.7" y="94.0"></text>
<g class="func_g" onmouseover="s(this)" onmouseout="c()" onclick="zoom(this)">
<title>Monitor::IWait(Thread*, long) (40 samples, 0.39%)</title><rect x="1183.7" y="67.0" width="4.6" height="15" fill="#e2e244" rx="2" ry="2"/>
<text x="1186.7" y="78.0"></text>
<g class="func_g" onmouseover="s(this)" onmouseout="c()" onclick="zoom(this)">
<title>os::PlatformEvent::park(long) (37 samples, 0.36%)</title><rect x="1183.9" y="51.0" width="4.3" height="15" fill="#dddd42" rx="2" ry="2"/>
<text x="1186.9" y="62.0"></text>
<g class="func_g" onmouseover="s(this)" onmouseout="c()" onclick="zoom(this)">
<title>__psynch_cvwait (34 samples, 0.33%)</title><rect x="1184.1" y="35.0" width="3.9" height="15" fill="#e45c5c" rx="2" ry="2"/>
<text x="1187.1" y="46.0"></text>
Display the source blob
Display the rendered blob
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public class ProfileIdle {
static void work() {
double sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 200000000; i++) {
sum += Math.atan(i);
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
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