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Created December 18, 2011 06:04
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use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More import => ['!pass'];
use t::lib::TestApp;
use Dancer ':syntax';
use Dancer::Test;
eval { require DBD::SQLite };
if ($@) {
plan skip_all => 'DBD::SQLite required to run these tests';
plan tests => 26;
my $dsn = "dbi:SQLite:dbname=:memory:";
setting plugins => { Database => { dsn => $dsn, } };
response_status_is [ GET => '/prepare_db' ], 200, 'db is created';
response_status_is [ GET => '/' ], 200, "GET / is found";
response_content_is [ GET => '/' ], qr/3/,
"content looks good for / (3 users afiter DB initialisation)";
response_status_is [ GET => '/user/1' ], 200, 'GET /user/1 is found';
response_content_is [ GET => '/user/1' ], qr/sukria/,
'content looks good for /user/1';
response_content_is [ GET => '/user/2' ], qr/bigpresh/,
"content looks good for /user/2";
response_status_is [ DELETE => '/user/3' ], 200, 'DELETE /user/3 is ok';
response_content_is [ GET => '/' ], qr/2/,
'content looks good for / (2 users after deleting one)';
# Exercise the extended features (quick_update et al)
response_status_is [ GET => '/quick_insert/42/Bob' ], 200,
"quick_insert returned OK status";
response_content_is [ GET => '/user/42' ], qr/Bob/,
"quick_insert created a record successfully";
response_content_is [ GET => '/quick_select/42' ], qr/Bob/,
"quick_select returned the record created by quick_insert";
response_content_isnt [ GET => '/quick_select/69' ], qr/Bob/,
"quick_select doesn't return non-matching record";
response_content_is [ GET => '/quick_select/1/category' ], qr/admin/,
'content looks good for /quick_select/1/category';
response_content_is [ GET => '/quick_select/2/name' ], qr/bigpresh/,
'content looks good for /quick_select/2/name';
response_content_is [ GET => '/quick_lookup/bigpresh' ], qr/2/,
'content looks good for /quick_lookup/bigpresh';
response_content_is [ GET => '/complex_where/42' ], qr/Bob/,
"Complex where clause succeeded";
response_content_is [ GET => '/complex_not/42' ], qr/sukria/,
"Complex not where clause succeeded";
response_content_is [ GET => '/set_op/2' ], qr/bigpresh/,
"set operation where clause succeeded";
response_content_is [ GET => '/quick_select_many' ],
qr/\b bigpresh,sukria \b/x,
"quick_select returns multiple records in list context";
response_status_is [ GET => '/quick_update/42/Billy' ], 200,
"quick_update returned OK status";
response_content_is [ GET => '/user/42' ], qr/Billy/,
"quick_update updated a record successfully";
response_status_is [ GET => '/quick_delete/42' ], 200,
"quick_delete returned OK status";
response_content_is [ GET => '/user/42' ], qr/No such user/,
"quick_delete deleted a record successfully";
# Test that runtime configuration gives us a handle, too:
response_status_is [ GET => '/runtime_config' ], 200,
"runtime_config returned OK status";
response_content_is [ GET => '/runtime_config' ], qr/ok/,
"runtime_config got a usable database handle";
# Test that we get the same handle each time we call the database() keyword
# (i.e., that handles are cached appropriately)
response_content_is [ GET => '/handles_cached' ], qr/Same handle returned/;
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