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Last active June 6, 2020 15:27
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  • Save initFabian/f14c663cd58d7d58f6fa9f48ad67ae2c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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//Router.swift, Fabian's entire file
struct Router: URLRouter {
static var basePath: String {
return ""
struct User: Readable, Creatable, Updatable,
hasStatuses, hasPictures, hasPosts {
var route: String = "users"
var urlParams: String!
struct Status: Readable, Creatable, Deletable,
hasComments {
var route: String = "statuses"
var urlParams: String!
struct Picture: Readable, Creatable, Deletable, Updatable,
hasComments {
var route: String = "pictures"
var urlParams: String!
struct Comment: Readable, Creatable, Deletable, Updatable,
hasUsers {
var route: String = "comments"
var urlParams: String!
struct Post: Readable, Creatable, Deletable, Updatable,
hasComments {
var route: String = "posts"
var urlParams: String!
// Would probably move this(below code) to a different file called `ChildRoute.swift`
protocol hasStatuses {}
extension hasStatuses where Self: Routable {
func status(params: String) -> Router.Status {
var child = Router.Status(params)
child.route = nestedRouteURL(parent: self, child: child)
return child
func getStatus(params: String) -> RequestConverterProtocol {
return nestedRoute(args: urlParams, child: Router.Status.get(params: params))
func createStatus(parameters: Parameters) -> RequestConverterProtocol {
return nestedRoute(args: urlParams, child: Router.Status.create(parameters: parameters))
func deleteStatus(params: String) -> RequestConverterProtocol {
return nestedRoute(args: urlParams, child: Router.Status.delete(params: params))
protocol hasComments {}
extension hasComments where Self: Routable {
func comment(params: String) -> Router.Comment {
var child = Router.Comment(params)
child.route = nestedRouteURL(parent: self, child: child)
return child
func getComment(params: String) -> RequestConverterProtocol {
let returnComment = nestedRoute(args: urlParams, child: Router.Comment.get(params: params))
return returnComment
func createComment(parameters: Parameters) -> RequestConverterProtocol {
return nestedRoute(args: urlParams, child: Router.Comment.create(parameters: parameters))
func deleteComment(params: String) -> RequestConverterProtocol {
return nestedRoute(args: urlParams, child: Router.Comment.delete(params: params))
func updateComment(params: String, parameters: Parameters) -> RequestConverterProtocol {
return nestedRoute(args: urlParams, child: Router.Comment.update(params: params, parameters: parameters))
protocol hasPictures {}
extension hasPictures where Self: Routable {
func picture(params: String) -> Router.Picture {
var child = Router.Picture(params)
child.route = nestedRouteURL(parent: self, child: child)
return child
func getPicture(params: String) -> RequestConverterProtocol {
return nestedRoute(args: urlParams, child: Router.Picture.get(params: params))
func createPicture(parameters: Parameters) -> RequestConverterProtocol {
return nestedRoute(args: urlParams, child: Router.Picture.create(parameters: parameters))
func deletePicture(params: String) -> RequestConverterProtocol {
return nestedRoute(args: urlParams, child: Router.Picture.delete(params: params))
func updatePicture(params: String, parameters: Parameters) -> RequestConverterProtocol {
return nestedRoute(args: urlParams, child: Router.Picture.update(params: params, parameters: parameters))
protocol hasUsers {}
extension hasUsers where Self: Routable {
func user(params: String) -> Router.User {
var child = Router.User(params)
child.route = nestedRouteURL(parent: self, child: child)
return child
func getUser(params: String) -> RequestConverterProtocol {
return nestedRoute(args: urlParams, child: Router.User.get(params: params))
func createUser(parameters: Parameters) -> RequestConverterProtocol {
return nestedRoute(args: urlParams, child: Router.User.create(parameters: parameters))
func updateUser(params: String, parameters: Parameters) -> RequestConverterProtocol {
return nestedRoute(args: urlParams, child: Router.User.update(params: params, parameters: parameters))
protocol hasPosts {}
extension hasPosts where Self: Routable {
func post(params: String) -> Router.Post {
var child = Router.Post(params)
child.route = nestedRouteURL(parent: self, child: child)
return child
func getPost(params: String) -> RequestConverterProtocol {
return nestedRoute(args: urlParams, child: Router.Post.get(params: params))
func createPost(parameters: Parameters) -> RequestConverterProtocol {
return nestedRoute(args: urlParams, child: Router.Post.create(parameters: parameters))
func updatePost(params: String, parameters: Parameters) -> RequestConverterProtocol {
return nestedRoute(args: urlParams, child: Router.Post.update(params: params, parameters: parameters))
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Hello! I tried to use your router. Its all right with GET requests. But i can't create any other request than GET! POST, DELETE, UPDATE not working. Its always GET! Please help!

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Holofox commented Feb 25, 2019

Hello! I tried to use your router. Its all right with GET requests. But i can't create any other request than GET! POST, DELETE, UPDATE not working. Its always GET! Please help!

In RoutersProtocol.swift -> RequestConverter -> asURLRequest() after:
let urlRequest = URLRequest(url: url.appendingPathComponent(route))
Add next line:
urlRequest.httpMethod = method.rawValue

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