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Created April 14, 2018 15:02
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Conda Configuration
# channel locations. These override conda defaults, i.e., conda will
# search *only* the channels listed here, in the order given. Use "defaults" to
# automatically include all default channels. Non-url channels will be
# interpreted as binstar usernames (this can be changed by modifying the
# channel_alias key; see below).
# channels:
# - <binstar_username>
# - http://some.custom/channel
# - file:///some/local/directory
# - defaults
# Alias to use for non-url channels used with the -c flag. Default is
# channel_alias: https://your.repo/
# When the channel alias is or an Anaconda Server GUI, this will
# use the binstar command line client (which can be installed with 'conda
# install binstar' to automatically add the token to the channel urls, so that
# you can see private packages). The default is True, but it is only enabled
# if the binstar command line client is installed and you are logged in
# ('binstar login').
# add_binstar_token: False
# Proxy settings: http://[username]:[password]@[server]:[port]
# proxy_servers:
# http:
# https:
# Disable ssl verification. The default is True.
# ssl_verify: False
# Directories in which environments are located. If this key is set, the root
# prefix envs dir is not used unless explicitly included. This key also
# determines where the package caches will be located. For each envs here,
# envs/.pkgs will be used as the pkgs cache, except for standard the envs
# directory in the root directory, for which the normal root_dir/pkgs is used.
# The CONDA_ENVS_PATH environment variable, which is a colon separated list,
# allows overwriting this setting here.
- /opt/anaconda3/envs
# implies always using the --yes option whenever asked to proceed
# always_yes: True
# disallow soft-linking (default is allow_softlinks: True,
# i.e. soft-link when possible)
# allow_softlinks: False
# change ps1 when using activate (default True)
# changeps1: False
# use pip when listing packages (default True)
# use_pip: False
# upload (not defined here means ask)
# binstar_upload: True
# do not upload binstar packages to the public channel (default True)
# binstar_personal: True
# when creating new environments add these packages by default
- ipykernel
# disallowed specification names
- anaconda
# show channel URLs when displaying what is going to be downloaded, and
# in conda list
# show_channel_urls: True
# enable certain features to be tracked by default
# track_features:
# - mkl
# Conda Build Options
# conda-build:
# Build output root directory. (default <CONDA_PREFIX>/conda-bld/, or
# ~/conda-bld if you do not have write permissions to
# <CONDA_PREFIX>/conda-bld) This can also be set with the CONDA_BLD_PATH
# environment variable.
# root-dir: ~/conda-builds
# Report Error
report_errors: false
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