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Test file for: node_modules/@cypress/webpack-preprocessor/dist/index.js
"use strict";
var typescript_overrides_1 = require("./lib/typescript-overrides");
var Promise = require("bluebird");
var _ = require("lodash");
var webpack = require("webpack");
var deferred_1 = require("./deferred");
var path = require('path');
var debug = require('debug')('cypress:webpack');
var debugStats = require('debug')('cypress:webpack:stats');
// bundle promises from input spec filename to output bundled file paths
var bundles = {};
// we don't automatically load the rules, so that the babel dependencies are
// not required if a user passes in their own configuration
var getDefaultWebpackOptions = function () {
debug('load default options');
return {
mode: 'development',
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.jsx?$/,
exclude: [/node_modules/],
use: [
loader: 'babel-loader',
options: {
presets: ['@babel/preset-env'],
var replaceErrMessage = function (err, partToReplace, replaceWith) {
if (replaceWith === void 0) { replaceWith = ''; }
err.message = _.trim(err.message.replace(partToReplace, replaceWith));
if (err.stack) {
err.stack = _.trim(err.stack.replace(partToReplace, replaceWith));
return err;
var cleanModuleNotFoundError = function (err) {
var message = err.message;
if (!message.includes('Module not found'))
return err;
var startIndex = message.lastIndexOf('resolve ');
var endIndex = message.lastIndexOf("doesn't exist") + "doesn't exist".length;
var partToReplace = message.substring(startIndex, endIndex);
var newMessagePart = "Looked for and couldn't find the file at the following paths:";
return replaceErrMessage(err, partToReplace, newMessagePart);
var cleanMultiNonsense = function (err) {
var message = err.message;
var startIndex = message.indexOf('@ multi');
if (startIndex < 0)
return err;
var partToReplace = message.substring(startIndex);
return replaceErrMessage(err, partToReplace);
var quietErrorMessage = function (err) {
if (!err || !err.message)
return err;
err = cleanModuleNotFoundError(err);
err = cleanMultiNonsense(err);
return err;
* Webpack preprocessor configuration function. Takes configuration object
* and returns file preprocessor.
* @example
on('file:preprocessor', webpackPreprocessor(options))
// @ts-ignore
var preprocessor = function (options) {
if (options === void 0) { options = {}; }
debug('user options: %o', options);
// we return function that accepts the arguments provided by
// the event 'file:preprocessor'
// this function will get called for the support file when a project is loaded
// (if the support file is not disabled)
// it will also get called for a spec file when that spec is requested by
// the Cypress runner
// when running in the GUI, it will likely get called multiple times
// with the same filePath, as the user could re-run the tests, causing
// the supported file and spec file to be requested again
return function (file) {
var filePath = file.filePath;
debug('get', filePath);
// since this function can get called multiple times with the same
// filePath, we return the cached bundle promise if we already have one
// since we don't want or need to re-initiate webpack for it
if (bundles[filePath]) {
debug("already have bundle for " + filePath);
return bundles[filePath].promise;
var defaultWebpackOptions = getDefaultWebpackOptions();
// we're provided a default output path that lives alongside Cypress's
// app data files so we don't have to worry about where to put the bundled
// file on disk
var outputPath = path.extname(file.outputPath) === '.js'
? file.outputPath
: file.outputPath + ".js";
var entry = [filePath].concat(options.additionalEntries || []);
var watchOptions = options.watchOptions || {};
// user can override the default options
var webpackOptions = _
mode: defaultWebpackOptions.mode,
// we need to set entry and output
entry: entry,
output: {
path: path.dirname(outputPath),
filename: path.basename(outputPath),
.tap(function (opts) {
if (opts.devtool === false) {
// disable any overrides if we've explictly turned off sourcemaps
typescript_overrides_1.overrideSourceMaps(false, options.typescript);
debug('setting devtool to inline-source-map');
opts.devtool = 'inline-source-map';
// override typescript to always generate proper source maps
typescript_overrides_1.overrideSourceMaps(true, options.typescript);
debug('webpackOptions: %o', webpackOptions);
debug('watchOptions: %o', watchOptions);
if (options.typescript)
debug('typescript: %s', options.typescript);
debug("input: " + filePath);
debug("output: " + outputPath);
var compiler = webpack(webpackOptions);
var firstBundle = deferred_1.createDeferred();
// cache the bundle promise, so it can be returned if this function
// is invoked again with the same filePath
bundles[filePath] = {
promise: firstBundle.promise,
// we will resolve all reject everything in this array when a compile completes in the `handle` function
deferreds: [firstBundle],
initial: true,
var rejectWithErr = function (err) {
err = quietErrorMessage(err);
// @ts-ignore
err.filePath = filePath;
debug("errored bundling " + outputPath, err.message);
bundles[filePath].deferreds.forEach(function (deferred) {
bundles[filePath].deferreds.length = 0;
// this function is called when bundling is finished, once at the start
// and, if watching, each time watching triggers a re-bundle
var handle = function (err, stats) {
if (err) {
debug('handle - had error', err.message);
return rejectWithErr(err);
var jsonStats = stats.toJson();
if (stats.hasErrors()) {
err = new Error('Webpack Compilation Error');
var errorsToAppend = jsonStats.errors
// remove stack trace lines since they're useless for debugging
// multiple errors separated by newline
err.message += "\n" + errorsToAppend;
debug('stats had error(s)');
return rejectWithErr(err);
// these stats are really only useful for debugging
if (jsonStats.warnings.length > 0) {
debug("warnings for " + outputPath);
debug('finished bundling', outputPath);
if (debugStats.enabled) {
/* eslint-disable-next-line no-console */
console.error(stats.toString({ colors: true }));
// resolve with the outputPath so Cypress knows where to serve
// the file from
// Seems to be a race condition where changing file before next tick
// does not cause build to rerun
Promise.delay(0).then(function () {
bundles[filePath].deferreds.forEach(function (deferred) {
bundles[filePath].deferreds.length = 0;
// this event is triggered when watching and a file is saved
var plugin = { name: 'CypressWebpackPreprocessor' };
var onCompile = function () {
debug('compile', filePath);
var nextBundle = deferred_1.createDeferred();
bundles[filePath].promise = nextBundle.promise;
bundles[filePath].promise.finally(function () {
debug('- compile finished for %s, initial? %s', filePath, bundles[filePath].initial);
// when the bundling is finished, emit 'rerun' to let Cypress
// know to rerun the spec, but NOT when it is the initial
// bundling of the file
if (!bundles[filePath].initial) {
bundles[filePath].initial = false;
// we suppress unhandled rejections so they don't bubble up to the
// unhandledRejection handler and crash the process. Cypress will
// eventually take care of the rejection when the file is requested.
// note that this does not work if attached to latestBundle.promise
// for some reason. it only works when attached after .finally ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
// when we should watch, we hook into the 'compile' hook so we know when
// to rerun the tests
if (file.shouldWatch) {
if (compiler.hooks) {
// TODO compile.tap takes "string | Tap"
// so seems we just need to pass
// @ts-ignore
compiler.hooks.compile.tap(plugin, onCompile);
else {
compiler.plugin('compile', onCompile);
var bundler = file.shouldWatch ?, handle) :;
// when the spec or project is closed, we need to clean up the cached
// bundle promise and stop the watcher via `bundler.close()`
file.on('close', function (cb) {
if (cb === void 0) { cb = function () { }; }
debug('close', filePath);
delete bundles[filePath];
if (file.shouldWatch) {
// in this case the bundler is webpack.Compiler.Watching
// return the promise, which will resolve with the outputPath or reject
// with any error encountered
return bundles[filePath].promise;
// provide a clone of the default options
Object.defineProperty(preprocessor, 'defaultOptions', {
get: function () {
debug('get default options');
return {
webpackOptions: getDefaultWebpackOptions(),
watchOptions: {},
// for testing purposes, but do not add this to the typescript interface
// @ts-ignore
preprocessor.__reset = function () {
bundles = {};
function cleanseError(err) {
return err.replace(/\n\s*at.*/g, '').replace(/From previous event:\n?/g, '');
module.exports = preprocessor;
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