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Created May 29, 2023 14:50
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WAL crawler from "Learning Python for Forensics"
import argparse
import binascii
import csv
import logging
import os
import re
import struct
import sys
from collections import namedtuple
from tqdm import trange
__author__ = 'Preston Miller & Chapin Bryce'
__date__ = '20160401'
__version__ = 0.01
__description__ = '''This scripts processes SQLite "Write Ahead Logs" and extracts database entries that may
contain deleted records or records that have not yet been added to the main database.'''
def main(wal_file, output_dir, **kwargs):
The main function parses the header of the input file and identifies the WAL file. It then splits the file into
the appropriate frames and send them for processing. After processing, if applicable, the regular expression
modules are ran. Finally the raw data output is written to a CSV file.
:param wal_file: The filepath to the WAL file to be processed
:param output_dir: The directory to write the CSV report to.
:return: Nothing.
msg = 'Identifying and parsing file header'
print '[+]', msg
wal_attributes = {'size': os.path.getsize(wal_file), 'header': {}, 'frames': {}}
with open(wal_file, 'rb') as wal:
# Parse 32-byte WAL header.
header =
# If file is less than 32 bytes long: exit wal_crawler.
wal_attributes['header'] = dictHelper(header, '>4s7i', namedtuple('struct',
'magic format pagesize checkpoint '
'salt1 salt2 checksum1 checksum2'))
except struct.error, e:
logging.error('STRUCT ERROR:', e.message)
print '[-]', e.message + '. Exiting..'
# Do not proceed in the program if the input file is not a WAL file.
magic_hex = binascii.hexlify(wal_attributes['header']['magic'])
if magic_hex != "377f0682" and magic_hex != "377f0683":
logging.error('Magic mismatch, expected 0x377f0682 or 0x377f0683 | received {}'.format(magic_hex))
print '[-] File does not have appropriate signature for WAL file. Exiting...'
sys.exit(3)'File signature matched.')'Processing WAL file.')
# Calculate number of frames.
frames = (wal_attributes['size'] - 32) / (wal_attributes['header']['pagesize'] + 24)
print '[+] Identified', frames, 'Frames.'
# Parse frames in WAL file. Create progress bar using trange(frames) which is an alias for tqdm(xrange(frames)).
print '[+] Processing frames...'
for x in trange(frames):
# Parse 24-byte WAL frame header.
wal_attributes['frames'][x] = {}
frame_header =
wal_attributes['frames'][x]['header'] = dictHelper(frame_header, '>6i', namedtuple('struct',
'pagenumber commit salt1'
' salt2 checksum1'
' checksum2'))
# Parse pagesize WAL frame.
frame =['header']['pagesize'])
frameParser(wal_attributes, x, frame)
# Run regular expression functions.
if kwargs['m'] or kwargs['r']:
regularSearch(wal_attributes, kwargs)
# Write WAL data to CSV file.
csvWriter(wal_attributes, output_dir)
def frameParser(wal_dict, x, frame):
The frameParser function processes WAL frames.
:param wal_dict: The dictionary containing parsed WAL objects.
:param x: An integer specifying the current frame.
:param frame: The content within the frame read from the WAL file.
:return: Nothing.
# Parse 8-byte WAL page header
page_header = frame[0:8]
wal_dict['frames'][x]['page_header'] = dictHelper(page_header, '>b3hb', namedtuple('struct',
'type freeblocks cells offset'
' fragments'))
# Only want to parse 0x0D B-Tree Leaf Cells
if wal_dict['frames'][x]['page_header']['type'] != 13:'Found a non-Leaf Cell in frame {}. Popping frame from dictionary'.format(x))
# Parse offsets for "X" cells
cells = wal_dict['frames'][x]['page_header']['cells']
wal_dict['frames'][x]['cells'] = {}
print '[+] Identified', cells, 'cells in frame', x
print '[+] Processing cells...'
for y in xrange(cells):
start = 8 + (y * 2)
wal_dict['frames'][x]['cells'][y] = {}
wal_dict['frames'][x]['cells'][y] = dictHelper(frame[start: start + 2], '>h', namedtuple('struct', 'offset'))
# Parse cell content
cellParser(wal_dict, x, y, frame)
def cellParser(wal_dict, x, y, frame):
The cellParser function processes WAL cells.
:param wal_dict: The dictionary containing parsed WAL objects.
:param x: An integer specifying the current frame.
:param y: An integer specifying the current cell.
:param frame: The content within the frame read from the WAL file.
:return: Nothing.
index = 0
# Create alias to cell_root to shorten navigating the WAL dictionary structure.
cell_root = wal_dict['frames'][x]['cells'][y]
cell_offset = cell_root['offset']
# Parse the payload length and rowID Varints.
payload_len, index_a = singleVarint(frame[cell_offset:cell_offset + 9])
row_id, index_b = singleVarint(frame[cell_offset + index_a: cell_offset + index_a + 9])
except ValueError:
logging.warn('Found a potential three-byte or greater varint in cell {} from frame {}'.format(y, x))
# Update the index. Following the payload length and rowID is the 1-byte header length.
cell_root['payloadlength'] = payload_len
cell_root['rowid'] = row_id
index += index_a + index_b
cell_root['headerlength'] = struct.unpack('>b', frame[cell_offset + index: cell_offset + index + 1])[0]
# Update the index with the 1-byte header length. Next process each Varint in "headerlength" - 1 bytes.
index += 1
types, index_a = multiVarint(frame[cell_offset + index:cell_offset+index+cell_root['headerlength']-1])
except ValueError:
logging.warn('Found a potential three-byte or greater varint in cell {} from frame {}'.format(y, x))
cell_root['types'] = types
index += index_a
# Immediately following the end of the Varint headers begins the actual data described by the headers.
# Process them using the typeHelper function.
diff = cell_root['payloadlength'] - cell_root['headerlength']
cell_root['data'] = typeHelper(cell_root['types'], frame[cell_offset + index: cell_offset + index + diff])
def dictHelper(data, format, keys):
The dictHelper function creates an OrderedDictionary from a struct tuple.
:param data: The data to be processed with struct.
:param format: The struct format string.
:param keys: A string of the keys for the values in the struct tuple.
:return: An OrderedDictionary with descriptive keys of struct-parsed values.
return keys._asdict(keys._make(struct.unpack(format, data)))
def singleVarint(data, index=0):
The singleVarint function processes a Varint and returns the length of that Varint.
:param data: The data containing the Varint (maximum of 9 bytes in length as that is the maximum size of a Varint).
:param index: The current index within the data.
:return: varint, the processed varint value,
and index which is used to identify how long the Varint was.
# If the decimal value is => 128 -- then first bit is set and need to process next byte.
if ord(data[index:index+1]) >= 128:
# Check if there is a three or more byte varint
if ord(data[index + 1: index + 2]) >= 128:
raise ValueError
varint = (ord(data[index:index+1]) - 128) * 128 + ord(data[index + 1: index + 2])
index += 2
return varint, index
# If the decimal value is < 128 -- then first bit is not set and is the only byte of the Varint.
varint = ord(data[index:index+1])
index += 1
return varint, index
def multiVarint(data):
The multiVarint function is similar to the singleVarint function. The difference is that it takes a
range of data and finds all Varints within it.
:param data: The data containing the Varints.
:return: varints, a list containing the processed varint values,
and index which is used to identify how long the Varints were.
varints = []
index = 0
# Loop forever until all Varints are found by repeatedly calling singleVarint.
while len(data) != 0:
varint, index_a = singleVarint(data)
index += index_a
# Shorten data to exclude the most recent Varint.
data = data[index_a:]
return varints, index
def typeHelper(types, data):
The typeHelper function decodes the serial type of the Varints in the WAL file.
:param types: The processed values of the Varints.
:param data: The raw data in the cell that needs to be properly decoded via its varint values.
:return: cell_data, a list of the processed data.
cell_data = []
index = 0
# Value of type dictates how the data should be processed. See serial type table in chapter
# for list of possible values.
for type in types:
if type == 0:
cell_data.append('NULL (RowId?)')
elif type == 1:
cell_data.append(struct.unpack('>b', data[index:index + 1])[0])
index += 1
elif type == 2:
cell_data.append(struct.unpack('>h', data[index:index + 2])[0])
index += 2
elif type == 3:
# Struct does not support 24-bit integer
cell_data.append(int(binascii.hexlify(data[index:index + 3]), 16))
index += 3
elif type == 4:
cell_data.append(struct.unpack('>i', data[index:index + 4])[0])
index += 4
elif type == 5:
# Struct does not support 48-bit integer
cell_data.append(int(binascii.hexlify(data[index:index + 6]), 16))
index += 6
elif type == 6:
cell_data.append(struct.unpack('>q', data[index:index + 8])[0])
index += 8
elif type == 7:
cell_data.append(struct.unpack('>d', data[index:index + 8])[0])
index += 8
# Type 8 == Constant 0 and Type 9 == Constant 1. Neither of these take up space in the actual data.
elif type == 8:
elif type == 9:
# Types 10 and 11 are reserved and currently not implemented.
elif type > 12 and type % 2 == 0:
b_length = (type - 12) / 2
cell_data.append(data[index:index + b_length])
index += b_length
elif type > 13 and type % 2 == 1:
s_length = (type - 13) / 2
cell_data.append(data[index:index + s_length])
index += s_length
msg = 'Unexpected serial type: {}'.format(type)
print '[-]', msg
return cell_data
def csvWriter(data, output_dir):
The csvWriter function writes frame, cell, and data to a CSV output file.
:param data: The dictionary containing the parsed WAL file.
:param output_dir: The directory to write the CSV report to.
:return: Nothing.
headers = ['Frame', 'Salt-1', 'Salt-2', 'Frame Offset', 'Cell', 'Cell Offset', 'ROWID', 'Data']
with open(os.path.join(output_dir, 'wal_crawler.csv'), 'wb') as csvfile:
writer = csv.writer(csvfile)
for frame in data['frames']:
for cell in data['frames'][frame]['cells']:
# Only write entries for cells that have data.
if 'data' in data['frames'][frame]['cells'][cell].keys() and len(data['frames'][frame]['cells'][cell]['data']) > 0:
# Convert relative frame and cell offsets to file offsets.
frame_offset = 32 + (frame * data['header']['pagesize']) + (frame * 24)
cell_offset = frame_offset + 24 + data['frames'][frame]['cells'][cell]['offset']
# Cell identifiers include the frame #, salt-1, salt-2, frame offset,
# cell #, cell offset, and cell rowID.
cell_identifiers = [frame, data['frames'][frame]['header']['salt1'],
frame_offset, cell, cell_offset,
# Write the cell_identifiers and actual data within the cell
writer.writerow(cell_identifiers + data['frames'][frame]['cells'][cell]['data'])
def regularSearch(data, options):
The regularSearch function performs either default regular expression searches for personal information
or custom searches based on a supplied regular expression string.
:param data: The dictionary containing the parsed WAL file.
:param options: The options dictionary contains custom or pre-determined regular expression searching
:return: Nothing.
msg = 'Initializing regular expression module.'
print '\n{}\n[+]'.format('='*20), msg
if options['r'] and not options['m']:
regexp = {'Custom': options['r']}
# Default regular expression modules include: Credit card numbers, SSNs, Phone numbers, URLs,
# IP Addresses.
regexp = {'Visa Credit Card': r'^4\d{3}([\ \-]?)\d{4}\1\d{4}\1\d{4}$',
'SSN': r'^\d{3}-\d{2}-\d{4}$',
'Phone Number': r'^\d{3}([\ \. \-]?)\d{3}\1\d{4}$',
'URL': r"(http[s]?://)|(www.)(?:[a-zA-Z]|[0-9]|[$-_@.&+]|[!*\(\),]|(?:%[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]))+",
'IP Address': r'^\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}$'}
if options['r']:
regexp['Custom'] = options['r']
# Must compile each regular expression before seeing if any data "matches" it.
for exp in regexp.keys():
reg_exp = re.compile(regexp[exp])
for frame in data['frames']:
for cell in data['frames'][frame]['cells']:
for datum in xrange(len(data['frames'][frame]['cells'][cell]['data'])):
# TypeError will occur for non-string objects such as integers.
match = reg_exp.match(data['frames'][frame]['cells'][cell]['data'][datum])
except TypeError:
# Print any successful match to user.
if match:
msg = '{}: {}'.format(exp, data['frames'][frame]['cells'][cell]['data'][datum])
print '[*]', msg
print '='*20
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(version=str(__version__), description=__description__,
epilog='Developed by ' + __author__ + ' on ' + __date__)
parser.add_argument('WAL', help='SQLite WAL file')
parser.add_argument('OUTPUT_DIR', help='Output Directory')
parser.add_argument('-r', help='Custom regular expression')
parser.add_argument('-m', help='Run regular expression module', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('-l', help='File path of log file')
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.l:
if not os.path.exists(args.l):
log_path = os.path.join(args.l, 'wal_crawler.log')
log_path = 'wal_crawler.log'
logging.basicConfig(filename=log_path, level=logging.DEBUG,
format='%(asctime)s | %(levelname)s | %(message)s', filemode='a')'Starting Wal_Crawler v.' + str(__version__))
logging.debug('System ' + sys.platform)
logging.debug('Version ' + sys.version)
if not os.path.exists(args.OUTPUT_DIR):
if os.path.exists(args.WAL) and os.path.isfile(args.WAL):
main(args.WAL, args.OUTPUT_DIR, r=args.r, m=args.m)
msg = 'Supplied WAL file does not exist or is not a file'
print '[-]', msg
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