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Last active November 19, 2021 02:29
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template quick sort
#include <iostream>
#include <array>
// 数据结构定义
template<int ...>
struct mvector;
template<int, int _head>
struct mvector<_head, data...> {
constexpr static int head = _head;
typedef mvector<_head> head_type;
typedef mvector<data...> tail_type;
constexpr static std::array<int, 1 + sizeof...(data)> value = {_head, data...};
template<int _head>
struct mvector<_head> {
constexpr static int head = _head;
typedef mvector<_head> head_type;
typedef mvector<> tail_type;
constexpr static std::array<int, 1> value = {_head};
struct mvector<> {
constexpr static int head = -1;
typedef mvector<> head_type;
typedef mvector<> tail_type;
constexpr static std::array<int, 0> value = {};
// 在数组前增加一个元素
template<int data, typename list>
struct add_to_list;
template<int data, int ...data_list>
struct add_to_list<data, mvector<data_list...>> {
typedef mvector<data, data_list...> result_type;
// 判断,输出一个类型
template<bool, typename T, typename S>
struct m_type_if;
template<typename T, typename S>
struct m_type_if<true, T, S> {
typedef T result_type;
typedef S not_result_type;
template<typename T, typename S>
struct m_type_if<false, T, S> {
typedef S result_type;
typedef T not_result_type;
// 分堆
template<typename , typename>
struct m_diff;
template<typename _mid, int, int data_head>
struct m_diff<_mid, mvector<data_head, data...>> {
typedef _mid mid;
typedef m_diff<_mid, mvector<data...>> next_type;
typedef typename m_type_if<data_head < mid::head, typename add_to_list<data_head, typename next_type::right_type>::result_type, typename next_type::right_type>::result_type right_type;
typedef typename m_type_if<data_head >= mid::head, typename add_to_list<data_head, typename next_type::left_type>::result_type, typename next_type::left_type>::result_type left_type;
template<typename _mid>
struct m_diff<_mid, mvector<>> {
typedef _mid mid;
typedef m_diff<_mid, mvector<>> next_type;
typedef mvector<> right_type;
typedef mvector<> left_type;
// 合并
template<typename, typename, typename>
struct combine_result;
template<int ...data_S, int mid, int ...data_T>
struct combine_result<mvector<data_S...>, mvector<mid>, mvector<data_T...>> {
typedef mvector<data_S..., mid, data_T...> result_type;
// 快排
template<typename data>
struct QuickSortWork;
struct QuickSortWork<mvector<data...>> {
typedef m_diff<typename mvector<data...>::head_type, typename mvector<data...>::tail_type> diffed_type;
typedef typename QuickSortWork<typename diffed_type::right_type>::result_type right_type;
typedef typename QuickSortWork<typename diffed_type::left_type>::result_type left_type;
typedef typename combine_result<right_type, typename mvector<data...>::head_type, left_type>::result_type result_type;
struct QuickSortWork<mvector<>> {
typedef mvector<> result_type;
struct QuickSort {
typedef QuickSortWork<mvector<data...>> work_type;
constexpr static std::array<int, sizeof...(data)> result = work_type::result_type::value;
constexpr static std::array<int, 8> result = QuickSort<1, 123, 4, 31, 12, 4, 56, 8>::result;
int main() {
for (auto item : result) {
std::cout << item << ",";
std::cout << std::endl;
return 0;
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