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Last active August 29, 2015 14:14
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#!/usr/bin/env python
This script aims to make it a little easier to work with ConceptNet
relationships using the raw data available. It extracts all of the semantic
relationships for English terms, and saves the results to multiple JSON files
-- one for each letter in the alphabet.
As of Jan 2015, this will require about 9 GB of disk space:
* conceptnet5_flat_json_5.3.tar.bz2 is 644 MB compressed,
7.3 GB uncompressed.
* Using the file above, the output of this script is 747 MB uncompressed.
To run:
1. Download the 'flat json' file from
2. Extract the file, and then change to the data directory. For example:
tar xvjf conceptnet5_flat_json_5.3.tar.bz2
cd data
3. Run this script to parse the data files. The results will be saved to
a directory named 'parsed'.
ls -l parsed/
du -sh parsed/
Sample output (Jan 2015):
$ python
assertions/part_00.jsons (1065963 items)
assertions/part_01.jsons (1066531 items)
assertions/part_02.jsons (1065944 items)
assertions/part_03.jsons (1066361 items)
assertions/part_04.jsons (1066461 items)
assertions/part_05.jsons (1067644 items)
assertions/part_06.jsons (1066130 items)
assertions/part_07.jsons (1067429 items)
relationship types
0 (47110 items)
a (169995 items)
b (166081 items)
c (194629 items)
d (117090 items)
e (80352 items)
f (83671 items)
g (100831 items)
h (102779 items)
i (61977 items)
j (78533 items)
k (78580 items)
l (110009 items)
m (177304 items)
n (89463 items)
o (55490 items)
p (162473 items)
q (9865 items)
r (107025 items)
s (242414 items)
t (119849 items)
u (52904 items)
v (43502 items)
w (80200 items)
x (5250 items)
y (16658 items)
z (14671 items)
import codecs
import json
import os
import string
import sys
from collections import defaultdict
from glob import glob
def main():
except OSError:
# get statistics on the types of relationships used, in the format:
# { '/r/SomeRelationship': number_of_entries, ... }
rel_types = defaultdict(int)
# get relationship triplets for each term, in the format:
# {
# 'a': {
# 'a word': [
# (start_term, relationship, end_term),
# ...
# ],
# ...
# },
# ...
# }
rel_entries = {}
for letter in (string.lowercase + '0'):
rel_entries[letter] = defaultdict(list)
# prefix used for English terms
en_term_prefix = '/c/en/'
en_term_prefix_len = len(en_term_prefix)
print 'Reading...'
for fn in glob('assertions/*.jsons'):
sys.stdout.write(' %s ' % fn)
added = 0
with, encoding='utf-8') as fp:
# parse each line as a json object;
# only parse English terms
for line in fp:
if not en_term_prefix in line:
item = json.loads(line)
start, rel, end = item['start'], item['rel'], item['end']
if not (start.startswith(en_term_prefix) and
# remove the prefix
start = start[en_term_prefix_len:]
end = end[en_term_prefix_len:]
letter = start[0].lower()
if not letter in string.lowercase:
letter = '0'
# add the relationship
rel_types[rel] += 1
rel_entries[letter][start].append((start, rel, end))
added += 1
sys.stdout.write('(%d items)\n' % added)
print 'Writing...'
with'parsed/rel_types.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fp:
print ' relationship types'
for rel, count in sorted(rel_types.items()):
fp.write('%7d %s\n' % (count, rel))
for letter in sorted(rel_entries.keys()):
entries = rel_entries[letter]
print ' %s (%d items)' % (letter, len(entries))
with'parsed/terms_%s.json' % letter, 'w',
encoding='utf-8') as fp:
json.dump(entries, fp, indent=2)
print 'Done'
if __name__ == '__main__':
retval = main()
except KeyboardInterrupt:
retval = 1
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