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Last active February 3, 2024 20:55
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Julialang/julia #parser issue tag; Maybe those tests could be add to JuliaSyntax.jl.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
using Test
using Base.JuliaSyntax
using Base.JuliaSyntax: Diagnostic
# copy from:
function diagnostic(str; only_first=false, allow_multiple=false, rule=:all, version=v"1.6")
stream = JuliaSyntax.ParseStream(str; version=version)
JuliaSyntax.parse!(stream, rule=rule)
if allow_multiple
if !only_first
@test length(stream.diagnostics) == 1
return isempty(stream.diagnostics) ? nothing : stream.diagnostics[1]
@testset "Julialang/julia #parser issue tag" begin
@test :issues50228 == Symbol("issues50228")
@test_broken :50228 == Symbol("50228")
# Throw an error or not
@test diagnostic("issue9180() = false ? nothing : return(0)"; only_first=true) === nothing
@test diagnostic("issue9180() = false ? return(0) : nothing"; only_first=true) ==
Diagnostic(42, 41, :error, "space required before `:` in `?` expression")
@test diagnostic("issue20844 = function(); () end"; only_first=true) === nothing
@test diagnostic("issue20844 = function() () end") ==
Diagnostic(24, 25, :error, "whitespace is not allowed here")
@test diagnostic(raw":(issue31106(path) do x; end)"; only_first=true) === nothing
@test diagnostic(raw":(issue31106[path] do x; end)"; only_first=true) ==
Diagnostic(20, 24, :error, "Expected `)`")
@test diagnostic(raw":(issue31432 $ xs)"; only_first=true) === nothing
@test diagnostic(raw":(issue31432 .$ xs)"; only_first=true) ==
Diagnostic(13, 13, :error, "whitespace is not allowed here")
@test diagnostic("issue32182(@bar while i in x; end)"; only_first=true) === nothing
@test diagnostic("issue32182(@bar for i in x; end)"; only_first=true) ==
Diagnostic(31, 30, :error, "Expected `)`")
@test diagnostic("issue34560[end 1]"; only_first=true) === nothing
@test diagnostic("issue34560[1 end]"; only_first=true) ==
Diagnostic(14, 13, :error, "Expected `]`")
@test diagnostic("34457primitive type Issue 16 end"; only_first=true) === nothing
@test diagnostic("34457struct Issue end") ==
Diagnostic(6, 21, :error, "extra tokens after end of expression")
@test diagnostic("(begin; () -> 49490; end)()"; only_first=true) === nothing
@test diagnostic(" begin; () -> 49490; end()"; only_first=true) ==
Diagnostic(25, 26, :error, "extra tokens after end of expression")
@test diagnostic("Float64[ 50265 for _ in 1:3 ]"; only_first=true) === nothing
@test diagnostic(" [ begin 50265 end for _ in 1:3 ]"; only_first=true) === nothing
@test diagnostic("Float64[ begin 50265 end for _ in 1:3 ]"; only_first=true) ==
Diagnostic(22, 21, :error, "Expected `]`")
# Should throw an error
@test_broken diagnostic("begin 34457end"; only_first=true) isa Diagnostic
@test_broken diagnostic("33735issue = 0"; only_first=true) isa Diagnostic
@test_broken diagnostic("issue50415 = continue"; only_first=true) isa Diagnostic
@test_broken diagnostic("issue50415 = return"; only_first=true) isa Diagnostic
@test_broken diagnostic("issue50415 = break"; only_first=true) isa Diagnostic
@test_broken diagnostic("issue50415 = throw"; only_first=true) isa Diagnostic
@test_broken diagnostic("issue50415 = @goto"; only_first=true) isa Diagnostic
@test_broken diagnostic("function f(::T) where {T}_invalid_var; 51999; end"; only_first=true) isa Diagnostic
@test_broken diagnostic("if false println(); 52014; end"; only_first=true) isa Diagnostic
@test diagnostic("if false 1 2 true; 52014; end"; only_first=true) ==
Diagnostic(12, 26, :error, "Expected `end`")
# Better error msg
@test diagnostic(":(issue26750 ? :(@simd) : :@identity)"; only_first=true) === nothing
@test diagnostic(":(issue26750 ? :@simd : :@identity)"; only_first=true) ==
Diagnostic(26, 26, :error, "whitespace not allowed after `:` used for quoting")
@test diagnostic(" ( @async for i in 1:50446 end )"; only_first=true) === nothing
@test diagnostic("wait( @async for i in 1:50446 end )"; only_first=true) ==
Diagnostic(31, 30, :error, "Expected `)`")
@test diagnostic("wait((@async for i in 1:50446 end))"; only_first=true) ==
Diagnostic(31, 30, :error, "Expected `)`")
# Maybe: "SyntaxError: invalid syntax. Perhaps you forgot a comma?"
@test diagnostic("f(3,4 52285)"; only_first=true) ==
Diagnostic(7, 11, :error, "Expected `)`")
# Features and enhancements
@test diagnostic("issue5903=1"; only_first=true) ==
Diagnostic(10, 12, :error, "unknown unicode character '='")
@test diagnostic("export Issue14472.func"; only_first=true) ==
Diagnostic(18, 22, :error, "extra tokens after end of expression")
@test diagnostic("@issue15730(2) do x; inv(x); end"; only_first=true) === nothing
@test diagnostic("@issue15730 2 do x; inv(x); end"; only_first=true) ==
Diagnostic(16, 17, :error, "invalid `do` syntax")
@test diagnostic(".√(issue23814)"; only_first=true) === nothing
@test diagnostic("√.(issue23814)") == Diagnostic(4, 4, :error, "invalid identifier")
@test diagnostic("issue25512 !in []") ==
Diagnostic(11, 17, :error, "extra tokens after end of expression")
@test diagnostic("⟨ issue35288 ⟩"; only_first=true) ==
Diagnostic(1, 3, :error, "unknown unicode character '⟨'")
# Allow more Unicode characters: `Char.(0x2983:0x298A)`
@test diagnostic("⟦issue48885⟧ = 1"; only_first=true) ==
Diagnostic(1, 3, :error, "unknown unicode character '⟦'")
# Allow variables to begin with subscripted numbers
@test diagnostic("₂F₁ = 50519"; only_first=true) ==
Diagnostic(1, 3, :error, "unknown unicode character '₂'")
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