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Created May 17, 2017 23:02
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<!DOCTYPE html>
<title> Hangman Solution</title>
<div id="container">
<p id="message"></p>
<img id="hangman" src=""/>
<div id="word"></div>
<button id="newgame">New Game</button>
//On the line below define four variables secretWord, guesses, misses, and images
// Set secretWord equal to null
// Set correctGuesses equal to an empty array
// Set wrongGuesses equal to an empty array
// Set images to an array contataining all of your images links as strings (in order)
var secretWord = null;
var correctGuesses = [];
var wrongGuesses = [];
var images = [
// in the prepareGame() function below
// call the drawWord() function
// call the drawHangman() function
function prepareGame() {
secretWord = ['J','A','V','A','S','C','R', 'I', 'P', 'T'];
correctGuesses = [];
wrongGuesses = [];
// in this onWin() function below
// 1. alert "You won!"
function onWin() {
// in this onLose() function below
// 1. alert "You lost!"
function onLose() {
// in this checkIfWon() function below
// 1. Declare a variable hasAll and set equal to true
// 2. For each letter in secretWord
// a. if correctGuesses does not include the letter (!) set variable hasAll to false
// 3. return hasAll
function checkIfWon() {
// in this checkIfLost() function below
// 1. declare a variable misses and set it equal to the length of wrongGuesses array
// 2. if misses is less than 6 return false else return true
function checkIfLost() {
// in the onCorrectGuess() function below
// 1. add the the letter variable to the array correctGuesses
// 2. call the drawWord function
// 3. if the checkIfWon() returns true call the onWin() function
function onCorrectGuess(letter) {
// in the onWrongGuess() function below
// 1. add the the letter variable to the array wrongGuesses
// 2. call the drawHangman function
// 3. if the checkIfLost() function returns true call the onLose() function
function onWrongGuess(letter) {
// in the judgeGuess function below
// 1. if the letter is included in secretWord, call the onCorrectGuess(letter) function
// otherwise call onWrongGuess(letter) function
function judgeGuess(letter) {
// in the drawWord function below
// 1. empty the div tag with the id "word"
// 2. For each letter in secretWord
// if correctGuesses includes letter append the letter
// othewise append and underscore
function drawWord() {
secretWord.forEach(function (letter) {
if (correctGuesses.includes(letter)) {
} else {
// in the drawHangman function below
// 1. define a variable misses equal to the length of wrongGuesses
// 2. change the src of the img tag with the id hangman
// to the correct image url based on the number of misses
function drawHangman() {
var misses = wrongGuesses.length;
$("#hangman").attr("src", images[misses]);
// in the onKeyDown function below
// 1. define a variable letter an set it equal to the correct letter
// 2. set letter equal to the upperCase of itself
// 3. call the judgeGuess function with
function onKeyDown(event) {
var letter = event.key;
letter = letter.toUpperCase();
// Call the prepare game function
// Initialize a jQuery keydown event handler
// (Keydown function should take onKeyDown function as an argument)
$(document).ready(function() {
body {
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
#container {
#word {
#message {
#newgame {
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